Where did Roy Moore's accusers go???

Sting Orchestrator James O’Keefe and Breitbart Editor Now Believe Roy Moore Accusers
Following attempts to discredit the accusers of former GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore, Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe and Breitbart editor-in-chief Alex Marlow have said they believe the women’s claims.

In an interview with CNN Money published on Wednesday, Marlow said that he was personally uncomfortable with Moore’s alleged behavior, and that he did believe the accusations from Leigh Corfman—which he claimed had “a lot of credibility.”

The following day, O’Keefe was asked by Mediaite whether he believed the accusations against Moore.

“Yes, but it’s not my subject matter,” O’Keefe told the outlet. “That’s not what my investigation was about. It wasn’t about the victims, it was about the bias in the media.”

During Alabama’s special election, both O’Keefe and Marlow worked to discredit Moore’s accusers. After the candidate was accused of sexual misconduct in a Washington Post report, Breitbart dispatched reporters to uncover damaging information about the women who made the claims. Shortly after, Project Veritas sent an undercover operative to the Post falsely alleging that Moore impregnated her as a teenager.
Breitbart’s Disgrace

Breitbart’s editor-in-chief, Alex Marlow, admitted its full-court-press in favor of Roy Moore was motivated by a desire to protect Donald Trump and that Marlow actually thought Leigh Corfman’s claims against Moore “had a lot of credibility.” Corfman, you might recall, claimed that Moore assaulted her when she was only 14 years old. So, why did Breitbart double down in support for Moore? It was protecting Donald Trump: Marlow said one of the factors in Breitbart’s coverage of the allegations against Moore is that, he believes, the news media was trying to use them to set a bar on sexual misconduct “that President Trump cannot match.” “I think they want to create a standard where President Trump either from past or future accusations, will not be able to match whatever standard is now in place for who can be a United States senator,” he said. “Based off not any sort of conviction or any sort of admission of guilt, but based off of purely allegations.” “I think that’s the playbook here,” he added. “And I think it’s part of the reason why it was so important for Breitbart to continue our coverage of the way we covered it … and for Steve in particular to hold the line the way he did for — I think part of it is because it’s not just about Judge Moore, it is not even just about establishment, anti-establishment. It’s about what’s coming next for President Trump.” I’m sorry, but this is vile. It’s one thing to test the claims of a person who publicly accuses a Senate candidate of sexual misconduct. That’s fair, and that’s something journalists should do when considering any claim of wrongdoing. It’s another thing entirely to withhold from readers the judgment that an accuser “had a lot of credibility” as part of an effort to protect an entirely different politician from the possibility of future claims.

In other words, Breitbart facilitated the continued persecution of a credible childhood assault victim for purely political purposes. It subordinated fact-finding to its political agenda. It acted not as a journalist enterprise but as a partisan opposition research firm with a quasi-journalistic platform.

Read more at: Breitbart’s Disgrace
Editor of breitbart now says he believes Corfman.

The creepy dude at Veritas now says he believes Corfman
the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter
Pray tell kind sir, what do you suggest they be doing instead of "being silent" at this time?

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the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

And why isn't Hillary locked up?

Oh, yeah, because Trump said: 'Now we don't care'

Donald Trump on 'lock her up' chant: 'Now we don't care' - CNNPolitics

"thank you" rally in Michigan, he responded, "That plays great before the election -- now we don't care, right?"
The DoJ will get her, Lynch, and Comey.

And then what will keep you entertained?
"Moore offered little in the way of defense"? Huh? Let me guess: You only get your news from leftist news sites, right? Otherwise, you'd know that Moore vigorously defended himself. He challenged the yearbook girl to let independent experts examine her yearbook. She then admitted that "part" of the alleged Moore entry is fake, but she still has not released her yearbook for independent examination. Moore's other main accuser was exposed as a chronic sex-abuse accuser who had made false accusations against a number of men, including pastors.

Moore also produced, or welcomed and presented, dozens of character witnesses who knew him during the time in question and since then.

Moore admitted it before he decided to deny it, you idiot.
No he did not, and yearbook was a forgery.

So if we disregard the yearbook, what else do you have?

The signature in the yearbook was authentic.

The signature was authentic. Your article did not say it wasn't.

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