Where did Roy Moore's accusers go???

They will never admit they have any doubts about Moore's guilt. They will maintain their lies to the bitter end. Otherwise, it won't work the next time they try to smear a Republican.

Accused democrats admitted their behavior, in part or in whole. Republicans on the other hand, deny everything, even the parts they already confessed to. They're like the Trump appointed ambassador:

When a Dutch journalist asked new U.S. Ambassador Pete Hoekstra why he said there are “no go” areas in the Netherlands, where radical Muslims are setting cars and politicians on fire, Hoekstra denied it, and called the claim “fake news,”
The reporter then showed Hoekstra a video clip of himself at a congressional hearing in 2015 saying exactly that.
When the reporter pressed, Hoekstra denied using the term “fake news,” which he’d uttered moments before.

What does any of that have to do with Roy Moore, dumbass? Once again, the snowflake is repeating the talking points that have been spoonfed to him even though they have nothing to do with the current discussion.
What does any of that have to do with Roy Moore, dumbass? Once again, the snowflake is repeating the talking points that have been spoonfed to him even though they have nothing to do with the current discussion.
It shows republican M.O. of lie and deny.
They do it every time, even when they don't have to.
And the liar-in-chief shows them how its done.
Now we have examples from Moore to Hoekstra doing the same reflexive denial.
What does any of that have to do with Roy Moore, dumbass? Once again, the snowflake is repeating the talking points that have been spoonfed to him even though they have nothing to do with the current discussion.
It shows republican M.O. of lie and deny.
They do it every time, even when they don't have to.
And the liar-in-chief shows them how its done.
Now we have examples from Moore to Hoekstra doing the same reflexive denial.
It does no such thing. It shows one Republican lied about two things. That's all it shows. Only a dumbass would believe you could generalize that to all Republcians.
What does any of that have to do with Roy Moore, dumbass? Once again, the snowflake is repeating the talking points that have been spoonfed to him even though they have nothing to do with the current discussion.
It shows republican M.O. of lie and deny.
They do it every time, even when they don't have to.
And the liar-in-chief shows them how its done.
Now we have examples from Moore to Hoekstra doing the same reflexive denial.

You know how democrats always like to accuse others of doing exactly what they themselves are doing.
It shows republican M.O. of lie and deny.
They do it every time, even when they don't have to.
And the liar-in-chief shows them how its done.
Now we have examples from Moore to Hoekstra doing the same reflexive denial.
It does no such thing. It shows one Republican lied about two things. That's all it shows. Only a dumbass would believe you could generalize that to all Republcians.
It shows republican after republican doing lie and deny. It's become standard republican M.O.

Even you lie and deny, that republicans lie and deny.
You know how democrats always like to accuse others of doing exactly what they themselves are doing.

Who had the biggest inauguration attendance in washington dc?
Who signed the most bills in their first year?
Who took the fewest vacations?
Who was falsely accused of being born in Kenya?
the silence is deafening

Roy Moore accuser sightings have gotten more rare than an honest reporter

What are they supposed to be doing?
Just answer the question.
They were not in sight before the election, either, except for Corfiman and Nelson, who did give television interviews.
What adds up is similar accusations from several unrelated sources, along with corroborating anecdotes from many other, unrelated sources. You really should find a new hobby besides being a human shield for old pedophiles.

They believe when trying to counter a mile of accusations, if they chip away a single foot it negates the other 5,279 feet.
So you are outraged that Bill Clinton's accusers were attacked and ridiculed?

You know how democrats always like to accuse others of doing exactly what they themselves are doing.

Who had the biggest inauguration attendance in washington dc?
Who signed the most bills in their first year?
Who took the fewest vacations?
Who was falsely accused of being born in Kenya?

Really!! You're upset over attendance.
As far as bills signed:
By the numbers: How Trump stacks up after 100 days - CNNPolitics
Vacations...who cares.
Who was falsely accused of being born in Kenya....the guy that screw up this country, but who cares.
So you are outraged that Bill Clinton's accusers were attacked and ridiculed?

FIrst there were a hell of a lot fewer of them, and half of them had their lawsuits bought and paid for by clinton hating republicans.
You know how democrats always like to accuse others of doing exactly what they themselves are doing.

Who had the biggest inauguration attendance in washington dc?
Who signed the most bills in their first year?
Who took the fewest vacations?
Who was falsely accused of being born in Kenya?

How about something a little more substantial, like.
i did not have sexual relations speech - Bing video
john edwards lie - Bing video
save 2500 on healthcare - Bing video
Who had the biggest inauguration attendance in washington dc?
Who signed the most bills in their first year?
Who took the fewest vacations?
Who was falsely accused of being born in Kenya?

Really!! You're upset over attendance.
As far as bills signed:

It's not about what Trump lies about, but that Trump lies and denies for no good reason. He lies about anything and everything, day in day out, 24/7 365. He doesnt' even take off for christmas.
So you are outraged that Bill Clinton's accusers were attacked and ridiculed?

FIrst there were a hell of a lot fewer of them, and half of them had their lawsuits bought and paid for by clinton hating republicans.
You are proving yourself to be a lying hypocrite - no surprise

All if Moore's accusers came out at the 11th hour

Every Single One

Clinton had numerous accusations throughout every stage of his public life
FIrst there were a hell of a lot fewer of them, and half of them had their lawsuits bought and paid for by clinton hating republicans.
You are proving yourself to be a lying hypocrite - no surprise

How about addressing my point of the numbers and who was paying them to file lawsuits.

Nobody sued Roy Moore, or was in a position from the statute of limitations to make a penny from filing suit. Big difference.
FIrst there were a hell of a lot fewer of them, and half of them had their lawsuits bought and paid for by clinton hating republicans.
You are proving yourself to be a lying hypocrite - no surprise

How about addressing my point of the numbers and who was paying them to file lawsuits.

Nobody sued Roy Moore, or was in a position from the statute of limitations to make a penny from filing suit. Big difference.
There was only 2 that accused Moore of real wrong doing

One was proven to be a liar

Clinton's accusers have never relented over 5 decades

Moore's accusers came out a month before an important election after he had logged over 4 decades as a high profile public figure

Clinton paid out $700,000 to an accuser, or was it $800,.000?

Are you really this stupid?

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