Where do you find good unbiased news?

Daily Show and the Colbert Report.

Why not? Most of the other networks are guaranteed to overblow a story for ratings so why not get news from a place that doesn't take themselves seriously or pretend to not be biased.

Oh and if something really big happens I'm sure it'll get a mention on these boards.
A good gauge of bias or unbias is if that source bashes either side equally or at all.

Well its actually a better gauge of identifying a SURE bias...whenever you have a source that NEVER or almost never bashes anything on a certain side...you can fairly weed them out as a proper news source.

NPR is a great source of news, information and cultural leanings.

The Daily News and The Colbert Report also give you a good sample of what is really what.

They both have politicians and cultural icons of the highest levels and more often than not challenge and defeat them all mentally. These shows have a way of showing how insane the "serious people" really are.

You can't beat that with a stick.
SNL has JUST entered that realm.

I'd say right about the time of Palin's entrance into t he national political arena.

I was MADTVite until then.

SNL's been actually funny ever since Palin.

So thank you Palin for improving the quality of American entertainment.
Patriot Radio News Hour They pointed out everything that was going wrong with the Bush Administration, Congress, Federal Reserve & Wall street years ago, and now they do the same with Obama & the somewhat new Congress. They have called most things right on. They read all the news wires, papers & watch news channels so you don't have to spend all day sifting through to see if you missed some little thing that MSM did not tell you about. They are funny & give insight no-one else does.

C-Span, CNBC Squawk Box, Bloomberg, Associated Press, Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, Fox, Christian Science Monitor
Where do you find good unbiased news? I realize that all news organizations are biased to some extent, however some clearly have an agenda. Here is what I came up with. Do you agree? If not where would you turn to get fair news coverage?

The Best:
BBC News
Christian Science Monitor
Washington Post

The Worst:
Fox News
EIB Network
Air American

What about the Internet? I have no idea. There are loads of news web sites but most have strong right or left leanings.

I pretty much agree with everything you said...
including your lists.

though not actually NEWS SHOWS, I find that the daily show and colbert report, though obviously liberal, tend to be fair to both sides when they cover the news topics of the day

if a dem behaves badly you can be sure that he/she will NOT get a free pass from either of these 2 shows
Yes, I enjoy both of those show. I find Bill Maher extremely funny, but about as far left as you can get.
I asked this a month back or so and didn't really get much feedback. I think in a few hours you'll have someone tear down all the ones you think are good. I'm not...just saying someone else might.
True, but I might get some good informations.
Where do you find good unbiased news? I realize that all news organizations are biased to some extent, however some clearly have an agenda. Here is what I came up with. Do you agree? If not where would you turn to get fair news coverage?

The Best:
BBC News
Christian Science Monitor
Washington Post

The Worst:
Fox News
EIB Network
Air American

What about the Internet? I have no idea. There are loads of news web sites but most have strong right or left leanings.

real clear poltiics
Is Politico only available on Sirius radio?
Where do you find good unbiased news? I realize that all news organizations are biased to some extent, however some clearly have an agenda. Here is what I came up with. Do you agree? If not where would you turn to get fair news coverage?

The Best:
BBC News
Christian Science Monitor
Washington Post

The Worst:
Fox News
EIB Network
Air American

What about the Internet? I have no idea. There are loads of news web sites but most have strong right or left leanings.

PBS has some great documentaries on how we came to this financial collapse. Very informing if you can catch one of them.

However, I like Greta Van Sustren on Fox News. Like tonight she had on the Arizona govenor along with others on her program that were in opposition to Arizona's new law--and she delivers a very informative program--without delivering her own personal opinion. Just straight news and interviews.

BTW--FOX is the number 1 rated cable news network today--with MSNBC and HNN the lowest.

$Leave Barack alone.jpg
Where do you find good unbiased news?

I get it right from this message board. You can't find more fair and balanced polite discourse than right here

ass kisser, i'm repping you for it too :lol:

Of course, I was only joking. But I do find a lot of stories hit this board before they are picked up by the media. Some of the stuff you get here is very good, some is just plain crap....but it does keep you informed
I like the New York Times, although I don't think it's unbiased.

Same with PBS.

Wall Street Journal and the Economist are good sources for hard news, too.

I'm of the opinion that unbiased news is basically impossible.

Simply the process of deciding what to report creates a bias.

So even doing his very best, the bias of the editor comes into play.

That is not to say that some "news" sources aren't obviously biased with a motive.

Fox for eample on the right, or Radio Pacifica on the left, both have their obvious politically biased axes to grind.

I think the best way to deal with the bias of the news is to read more history. (also bias by the way, but still useful)

Armed with a fairly good understanding of what came before, one can more easily see where the NEWS is either wrong (honestly, and that happens all the time) or biased intentionally.

We are all victims of misinformation...sometime accidental misinformation, sometimes the misinformation is by design.

And we all come at the news with our own prejudices and presuppositions, too.

So even if we got 100% unbiased news that was always 100% accurate, we'd still end up BIASING the news through our own biased filters.

GOD alone knows the truth.

The rest of us are just doing the best we can given what we've got to work with.
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All the major news networks CBS is the best then ABC then NBC or try any of the major newspapers. these are excellent sources for the brain dead liberals and democrats to get their bias!!!!
I also forgot our public schools, colleges and universities. these holes are full of bias news and thoughts.. that's why it is so important to home school your children. to bad you can't do this for college!!!

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