Where Do YOU Stand On The Constitution?

Constitutional Repbublic: YES or NO

  • I'm a Conservative FOR the Constitution.

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • I'm a Conservative OPPOSED to the Constitution.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Middle of the Road FOR the Constitution.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'm Middle of the Road who's ANTI-Constitution.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a Liberal FOR the Constitution.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'm a Liberal who believes the Constitution has served it's purpose. Time to go.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I believe in keeping SOME aspects of the Constitution but changing other aspects.

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • I'd like to return to the original Bill of Rights prior to any changes.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'd like to see a purely Secular version of the Constitution.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'd like to see a more religious version of the Constitution.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd like to see the Constitution do more to protect States' Rights.

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The US CEASED to be a Constitutional Republic around the early 1900's.

The US is now a bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.


so literal or liberal as per OP??

LIBERTARIAN - CLASSICAL Liberal - Constitutionalist
Libertarian= Anarchist

wrong-as usual

libertarians believe in several proper government functions

anarchists do not

so again you are wrong
Lbertarians do not know what they believe

They only want government that helps themselves...anyone else, fuck em

Parasites , on the other hand, want to fuck taxpayers and producers - they demand that the welfare state politicians feed them, clothe them, insure them and quench their thirst.

"Where Do YOU Stand On The Constitution?"

Where one 'stands' on the Constitution is irrelevant.

The only thing relevant is the fact that the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law

spoken like the true Communist you are!! Fortunately the Republicans on the court are very very concerned with what the Constitution actually says.!!
What Republicans are on the court?
so literal or liberal as per OP??

LIBERTARIAN - CLASSICAL Liberal - Constitutionalist
Libertarian= Anarchist

wrong-as usual

libertarians believe in several proper government functions

anarchists do not

so again you are wrong
Lbertarians do not know what they believe

They only want government that helps themselves...anyone else, fuck em

Parasites , on the other hand, want to fuck taxpayers and producers - they demand that the welfare state politicians feed them, clothe them, insure them and quench their thirst.

Actually, it is helping those people who need help

An idea that enrages libertarians
For some reason, conservatives think the constitution applies only to them
I stand corrected. LoneLaugher was right... at least in a few cases.
Lbertarians do not know what they believe

They only want government that helps themselves...anyone else, fuck em
And LoneLaugher scores again.:clap:

Shooting fish in a barrel can be pretty easy.

But when you shoot the same fish twice in the same way, it says more about the fish than about your shooting skill.:cuckoo:
LIBERTARIAN - CLASSICAL Liberal - Constitutionalist
Libertarian= Anarchist

wrong-as usual

libertarians believe in several proper government functions

anarchists do not

so again you are wrong
Lbertarians do not know what they believe

They only want government that helps themselves...anyone else, fuck em

Parasites , on the other hand, want to fuck taxpayers and producers - they demand that the welfare state politicians feed them, clothe them, insure them and quench their thirst.

Actually, it is helping those people who need help

An idea that enrages libertarians

your concept of help is akin to a pusher's

get people addicted so you own them
Libertarian= Anarchist

wrong-as usual

libertarians believe in several proper government functions

anarchists do not

so again you are wrong
Lbertarians do not know what they believe

They only want government that helps themselves...anyone else, fuck em

Parasites , on the other hand, want to fuck taxpayers and producers - they demand that the welfare state politicians feed them, clothe them, insure them and quench their thirst.

Actually, it is helping those people who need help

An idea that enrages libertarians

your concept of help is akin to a pusher's

get people addicted so you own them
Actually, it is a standard established by We the people

Only a libertarian can't comprehend the concept of helping those who need help
LIBERTARIAN - CLASSICAL Liberal - Constitutionalist
Libertarian= Anarchist

wrong-as usual

libertarians believe in several proper government functions

anarchists do not

so again you are wrong
Lbertarians do not know what they believe

They only want government that helps themselves...anyone else, fuck em

Parasites , on the other hand, want to fuck taxpayers and producers - they demand that the welfare state politicians feed them, clothe them, insure them and quench their thirst.

Actually, it is helping those people who need help

An idea that enrages libertarians
Of course it does, the government is NOT supposed to have the authority to steal from "A" in order to support "B".

wrong-as usual

libertarians believe in several proper government functions

anarchists do not

so again you are wrong
Lbertarians do not know what they believe

They only want government that helps themselves...anyone else, fuck em

Parasites , on the other hand, want to fuck taxpayers and producers - they demand that the welfare state politicians feed them, clothe them, insure them and quench their thirst.

Actually, it is helping those people who need help

An idea that enrages libertarians

your concept of help is akin to a pusher's

get people addicted so you own them
Actually, it is a standard established by We the people

Only a libertarian can't comprehend the concept of helping those who need help
any proof of that moronic comment?
Libertarian= Anarchist

wrong-as usual

libertarians believe in several proper government functions

anarchists do not

so again you are wrong
Lbertarians do not know what they believe

They only want government that helps themselves...anyone else, fuck em

Parasites , on the other hand, want to fuck taxpayers and producers - they demand that the welfare state politicians feed them, clothe them, insure them and quench their thirst.

Actually, it is helping those people who need help

An idea that enrages libertarians
Of course it does, the government is NOT supposed to have the authority to steal from "A" in order to support "B".

Nobody steals from A to support B

We the people elect representatives who decide how much taxes should be collected and how they should be spent
Try reading the Constitution
Lbertarians do not know what they believe

They only want government that helps themselves...anyone else, fuck em

Parasites , on the other hand, want to fuck taxpayers and producers - they demand that the welfare state politicians feed them, clothe them, insure them and quench their thirst.

Actually, it is helping those people who need help

An idea that enrages libertarians

your concept of help is akin to a pusher's

get people addicted so you own them
Actually, it is a standard established by We the people

Only a libertarian can't comprehend the concept of helping those who need help
any proof of that moronic comment?
Proof that our country helps those who need help?
wrong-as usual

libertarians believe in several proper government functions

anarchists do not

so again you are wrong
Lbertarians do not know what they believe

They only want government that helps themselves...anyone else, fuck em

Parasites , on the other hand, want to fuck taxpayers and producers - they demand that the welfare state politicians feed them, clothe them, insure them and quench their thirst.

Actually, it is helping those people who need help

An idea that enrages libertarians
Of course it does, the government is NOT supposed to have the authority to steal from "A" in order to support "B".

Nobody steals from A to support B

We the people elect representatives who decide how much taxes should be collected and how they should be spent
Try reading the Constitution

I do not want to feed you , I do not want to clothe you, I do not want to insure you and I do not want to quench your thirst. So how do we stop that? How do we stop welfare state politicians from catering to your parasitic urges in exchange for your vote?

Lbertarians do not know what they believe

They only want government that helps themselves...anyone else, fuck em

Parasites , on the other hand, want to fuck taxpayers and producers - they demand that the welfare state politicians feed them, clothe them, insure them and quench their thirst.

Actually, it is helping those people who need help

An idea that enrages libertarians
Of course it does, the government is NOT supposed to have the authority to steal from "A" in order to support "B".

Nobody steals from A to support B

We the people elect representatives who decide how much taxes should be collected and how they should be spent
Try reading the Constitution

I do not want to feed you , I do not want to clothe you, I do not want to insure you and I do not want to quench your thirst. So how do we stop that? How do we stop welfare state politicians from catering to your parasitic urges in exchange for your vote?

Then you need to elect representatives who believe as you do......don't ya?
Parasites , on the other hand, want to fuck taxpayers and producers - they demand that the welfare state politicians feed them, clothe them, insure them and quench their thirst.

Actually, it is helping those people who need help

An idea that enrages libertarians
Of course it does, the government is NOT supposed to have the authority to steal from "A" in order to support "B".

Nobody steals from A to support B

We the people elect representatives who decide how much taxes should be collected and how they should be spent
Try reading the Constitution

I do not want to feed you , I do not want to clothe you, I do not want to insure you and I do not want to quench your thirst. So how do we stop that? How do we stop welfare state politicians from catering to your parasitic urges in exchange for your vote?

Then you need to elect representatives who believe as you do......don't ya?

No politician would be elected - or considered "electable" who fails or refuses to cater to the parasitic elem which constitutes 47 to 50% of the electorate. I suspect that we will need a massive bloody revolution to stop the racket.

You may pick two choices in this poll.

The Constitution: Should America remain a Constitutional Republic with the Constitution as our basic "Rule Of Law" or would you prefer to see a completely new form of government.

Please explain why a Constitutional Republic is the superior, governmental system or why it should be replaced with some other form of government. If the latter, detail what the new government would look like and why it would be superior.
The US CEASED to be a Constitutional Republic around the early 1900's.

The US is now a bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.


Yup! When the Federal Reserve took the reins of power we went downhill rather quickly.
It has worked very well for over two hundred years so I'm good as is.

"Worked" is past tense. Will it still work when there are so many holes in it that it falls apart? Remember, each State has a Constitution as well. When a single Federal Judge is so powerful that he can completely ignore those Constitutions then what safeguards are in place to protect the Constitution of the USA?
"Where Do YOU Stand On The Constitution?"

Where one 'stands' on the Constitution is irrelevant.

The only thing relevant is the fact that the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, authorized by the doctrine of judicial review, and as codified by the Constitution in Articles III and VI.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion as to what the Constitution means, but he is not entitled to his own facts of Constitutional case law.

One is at liberty to disagree with the case law if he so desires, but he must also understand and accept the fact that Constitutional jurisprudence is the settled and accepted law of the land, binding on the states and citizens, until the Supreme Court rules otherwise.

Last, the Constitution is neither 'living' nor 'static,' it is the culmination of centuries of Anglo-American judicial tradition dating back to the Magna Carta and the Assizes of Henry II, and the doctrine of judicial review was practiced by Colonial courts for well over a century before the advent of the Foundation Era, where American citizens of the new Republic fully expected the courts to continue to review acts of Congress and the states and invalidate those offensive to the Founding Document.

You mention the Supreme Court as opposed to lower, Federal courts which should not have the power to overthrow the will of the People within the States. The founding fathers have provided us with much written documentation as to their underlying will which was a Federal government with limited power as well as a system of checks and balances. We currently have a court system than has run amok without a system currently in place to rein its Justices in. Their actions are out of line with the intent of the founding fathers and, thus, unconstitutional.
awesome...you totally dont get how our government works.....

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