Where Do YOU Stand On The Constitution?

Constitutional Repbublic: YES or NO

  • I'm a Conservative FOR the Constitution.

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • I'm a Conservative OPPOSED to the Constitution.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Middle of the Road FOR the Constitution.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'm Middle of the Road who's ANTI-Constitution.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a Liberal FOR the Constitution.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'm a Liberal who believes the Constitution has served it's purpose. Time to go.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I believe in keeping SOME aspects of the Constitution but changing other aspects.

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • I'd like to return to the original Bill of Rights prior to any changes.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'd like to see a purely Secular version of the Constitution.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'd like to see a more religious version of the Constitution.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd like to see the Constitution do more to protect States' Rights.

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You may pick two choices in this poll.

The Constitution: Should America remain a Constitutional Republic with the Constitution as our basic "Rule Of Law" or would you prefer to see a completely new form of government.

Please explain why a Constitutional Republic is the superior, governmental system or why it should be replaced with some other form of government. If the latter, detail what the new government would look like and why it would be superior.

What exactly is a "Repbublic"?


Easily amused by typos, I see. Are you in the 6th grade?
World's a different place than when the Constitution was written. There's alot of good stuff in there, but also a lot of very dated stuff. No gender equality, racial equality for starters. Modern electronics and ways wars works necessitate a modernization of things. We can fly now too.

We outta keep the best non-time dependent things, and toss out the outmoded things. Should focus on powers of the President while we're at it so Presidents can't unilaterally undertake combat operations without declaring war.

The underlying reason for the Constitution is precisely the same then as it is now. It's to protect the citizenry from despotism, dictatorship, over-sized government, and oppression in general.

As for modifying the current Constitution there are mechanisms in place for doing just that but it is purposely difficult to do so.
Since Amending the Constitution IS part of the Constitution, then your post makes no sense. I am forsupporting the Constitution as it was originally written and understood.
Excuse me? It makes perfect sense.

So you are fine with allowances for slavery, persecution of the native Americans, segregation, and list of other terrible things that the US constitution allowed as it was originally written and understood.

The reality is that the constitution you idolize is flawed, just like any other founding document. So the Supreme Court and legislature has had to gradually re-interpret and change the original meaning to correspond with the times.

When the US constitution and bill of rights was established, the founders were in disagreement over several issues, certainly it was a neutral text that didn't make out like all the rights within should be allowable to 'Negros' or women.

The founders however made a provision for changing the constitution through amendments, and allowing the Supreme Court to re-interpret or make rulings over whether something was constitutional.

The founders should be respected or appreciated, but if you support the text as originally written or understood, then you are clearly claiming that it was [meant] to be a static document, then claiming it isn't one. You can't have an 'original interpretation', as interpretation has changed over time, as the founders expected it would (especially those among the founders that hated slavery and thought the rights within should apply to everyone).

I already know the US constitution is not a static document, so your complaints over that are just 'meh' to me, since my post was acknowledging that it was amended.

I accepted the OP'ers answer, even though I disagreed. Why you want to argue semantics I have no idea, maybe you are just bored.
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Constitutional Convention would end all this Judaical activism and Federal Government over reach.
Our Congress can't even agree on the simplest of bills.....what makes you think they could agree on a new Constitution?
Whose talking about a new Constitution?
How about we use our power to reign the blotted over sized federal government back in.
Without any bloodshed a Constitutional Convention would keep that from happening.
You can do that right now by voting

Your Constitutional convention would require some ability to compromise. A skill today's legislators lack
oh another idiot that thinks his vote counts. A politicians serve those who contribute the most money the lobbyist
Thanks to democrats 1913 they gave the lobbyist more footing in the election system.
My vote counts
My vote saw how Republican leadership and doctrine had destroyed this country and voted in President Obama. Tens of millions of Americans agreed with me
63 million Americans showed how stupid they were in 2012 you stand with that crowd your fucking moron.
You may pick two choices in this poll.

The Constitution: Should America remain a Constitutional Republic with the Constitution as our basic "Rule Of Law" or would you prefer to see a completely new form of government.

Please explain why a Constitutional Republic is the superior, governmental system or why it should be replaced with some other form of government. If the latter, detail what the new government would look like and why it would be superior.

What exactly is a "Repbublic"?


Easily amused by typos, I see. Are you in the 6th grade?
Dust bunnies would amuse that one.
Our Congress can't even agree on the simplest of bills.....what makes you think they could agree on a new Constitution?
Whose talking about a new Constitution?
How about we use our power to reign the blotted over sized federal government back in.
Without any bloodshed a Constitutional Convention would keep that from happening.
You can do that right now by voting

Your Constitutional convention would require some ability to compromise. A skill today's legislators lack
oh another idiot that thinks his vote counts. A politicians serve those who contribute the most money the lobbyist
Thanks to democrats 1913 they gave the lobbyist more footing in the election system.
My vote counts
My vote saw how Republican leadership and doctrine had destroyed this country and voted in President Obama. Tens of millions of Americans agreed with me
63 million Americans showed how stupid they were in 2012 you stand with that crowd your fucking moron.
Typical response from a loser in a political race
Whose talking about a new Constitution?
How about we use our power to reign the blotted over sized federal government back in.
Without any bloodshed a Constitutional Convention would keep that from happening.
You can do that right now by voting

Your Constitutional convention would require some ability to compromise. A skill today's legislators lack
oh another idiot that thinks his vote counts. A politicians serve those who contribute the most money the lobbyist
Thanks to democrats 1913 they gave the lobbyist more footing in the election system.
My vote counts
My vote saw how Republican leadership and doctrine had destroyed this country and voted in President Obama. Tens of millions of Americans agreed with me
63 million Americans showed how stupid they were in 2012 you stand with that crowd your fucking moron.
Typical response from a loser in a political race
No an honest response to a dumb ass obama supporter.
Yeah, you had a choice of two parties. Great, democracy? Nah!
Hey... when life hands you lemons, make apple pie. ;)

The trick is to take ownership in what's available and thank your preferred Deity that you live in a here and now that includes at least some political choices and air-conditioning.

Air-conditioning Rocks! :rock:
Yeah, you had a choice of two parties. Great, democracy? Nah!
Hey... when life hands you lemons, make apple pie. ;)

The trick is to take ownership in what's available and thank your preferred Deity that you live in a here and now that includes at least some political choices and air-conditioning.

Air-conditioning Rocks! :rock:

What's the difference between a dictator who tells you what to do, and a two party system with people controlling all the puppets in the two party system?

One you think you're free, the other you know you're not. That's the difference, in perception.
Without any bloodshed a Constitutional Convention would keep that from happening.
A Constitutional Convention (ConCon) cannot change the Constitution.

All it can do is PROPOSE amendments. No different from what Congress does when it passes an amendment with a 2/3 vote of each house.

Anything Congress (or a ConCon) passes, must be ratified by 3/4 of the states. Or else it goes in the trash can.
furthermore Federal law trumps state law.
That's only true when the Constitution authorizes Congress to make that particular Federal law.

If the Fed govt makes a law to, say, require states to support Federal socialized medicine, and a state refuses and takes the Feds to court, the judge must find in favor of the states, since the Federal government has no Constitutional authority to impose a socialized medical program (such as Obamacare), on the states.

The 10th amendment states that, in such a case, the authority to implement a government medical program or insurance program rests with the states, and is forbidden to the Federal government.

The 10th amendment is, needless to say, one of the most-violated parts of the Constitution.
again all state laws can not go past any federal law on the books. They can adhere to the same standard or Level that the current law is.
I already refuted that wishful thinking, in the very post you quoted.

Read. Reading is key.
No question about where Our Kenyan President stands on The Constitution!

It's conveniently on the floor just inside the back door of the (former) White House. Where He can stand on it and wipe His feet each time He comes back from inspecting Moochelle's sharecropper garden.
furthermore Federal law trumps state law.
That's only true when the Constitution authorizes Congress to make that particular Federal law.

If the Fed govt makes a law to, say, require states to support Federal socialized medicine, and a state refuses and takes the Feds to court, the judge must find in favor of the states, since the Federal government has no Constitutional authority to impose a socialized medical program (such as Obamacare), on the states.

The 10th amendment states that, in such a case, the authority to implement a government medical program or insurance program rests with the states, and is forbidden to the Federal government.

The 10th amendment is, needless to say, one of the most-violated parts of the Constitution.
again all state laws can not go past any federal law on the books. They can adhere to the same standard or Level that the current law is.
I already refuted that wishful thinking, in the very post you quoted.

Read. Reading is key.
no you didnt
Where Do YOU Stand On The Constitution?

Unlike the RWs here, I would never EVER stand the Constitution of the US.

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