Where does Trump's support come from?

The DOW at 26.000, the GDP at 4%, record low unemployment, NK at the negotiation table for the first time since democrat icon Harry Truman left us in a state of war and unfair trade policies addressed. WTF is not to like?
On what planet?

The Dow has been flat for a year, and GDP is under 3%.
In what slum do you reside?
The deep red republican paradise of Kansas.
What are Kansas cities doing to attract companies?
If nothing, and you are unhappy, then move.
We cut taxes to the bare bones several years ago. Didn't work out so well.
Where does Trump's support come from?

Really, Princess? Then Obama and Hillary's support must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt those two buffoons were not only not bright, but Hillary obvious didn't know after 30 years in politics how elections even worked, otherwise that rubbery-legged coughing chicken wouldn't have skipped over the 40 or so deplorable states. Obama must not have known how the constitution worked because the Supreme Court had to slap him down repeatedly for violating it! :auiqs.jpg:

And Obama showed in his open mic session with the Russians that he was being very badly manipulated all of the time. Foreign leaders loved Obama for his stupidity, incompetence, and his powerful desire to be in the spotlight even if it required making himself look like a jackass by being constantly taken advantage of, losing on EVERY trade deal, losing on every UN pact, even to the point of giving one of our greatest adversaries Iran 150 billion dollars when we didn't even have to! And don't get me started on Bowe Bergdahl and a dozen other embarrassments by that floppy-eared, hapless, dope-smoking bastard.


If you knew ANYTHING, you'd know that the richest and most powerful are the Democrats. Hillary ran with MANY TIMES the money Trump had, ----- and STILL LOST. :lmao:Democrats couldn't get elected to SHOE SHINE BOY if their voters knew the first thing about their REAL intentions and the fact that there are that many people THAT STUPID is what makes the DNC so dangerous!!!
I think I know why the rich and powerful along with the GOP leadership support Trump. Trump has proven with his statements, tweets, meaningless threats, and decisions that he is not very bright. Also, he has shown that he still does not know how Washington works. Also, he knows very little about our laws and the Constitution, and he doesn't care. In fact, he doesn't much care for the Presidency. He escapes the White House every week, and enjoys his political rallies because he is with his adoring admirers who love him.

Are you insane or merely delusional?

What does all this mean? It means Trump can be manipulated. The Presidency can be manipulated. His handlers love him for his stupidity, incompetence, and his powerful desire to be in the spotlight even if it requires making himself look foolish.

While Trump makes all the headlines, his handlers are the ones running the country, and they detest the spotlight.

That's why the rich and powerful and GOP leadership support Trump so strongly. He is perfect for them.

That is what makes Trump so dangerous.
I think I know why the rich and powerful along with the GOP leadership support Trump. Trump has proven with his statements, tweets, meaningless threats, and decisions that he is not very bright. Also, he has shown that he still does not know how Washington works. Also, he knows very little about our laws and the Constitution, and he doesn't care. In fact, he doesn't much care for the Presidency. He escapes the White House every week, and enjoys his political rallies because he is with his adoring admirers who love him.

What does all this mean? It means Trump can be manipulated. The Presidency can be manipulated. His handlers love him for his stupidity, incompetence, and his powerful desire to be in the spotlight even if it requires making himself look foolish.

While Trump makes all the headlines, his handlers are the ones running the country, and they detest the spotlight.

That's why the rich and powerful and GOP leadership support Trump so strongly. He is perfect for them.

That is what makes Trump so dangerous.

Wait, what? How many times have you clowns said the rich and powerful are all liberals? Dumbass.
The DOW at 26.000, the GDP at 4%, record low unemployment, NK at the negotiation table for the first time since democrat icon Harry Truman left us in a state of war and unfair trade policies addressed. WTF is not to like?

He admitted he was a D and he parroted his daily talking point, presumably correctly. That's amazing for a D give him a break.
The DOW at 26.000, the GDP at 4%, record low unemployment, NK at the negotiation table for the first time since democrat icon Harry Truman left us in a state of war and unfair trade policies addressed. WTF is not to like?
On what planet?

The Dow has been flat for a year, and GDP is under 3%.
In what slum do you reside?
The deep red republican paradise of Kansas.
What are Kansas cities doing to attract companies?
If nothing, and you are unhappy, then move.
We cut taxes to the bare bones several years ago. Didn't work out so well.

How high should it be? Tax rate
I think I know why the rich and powerful along with the GOP leadership support Trump. Trump has proven with his statements, tweets, meaningless threats, and decisions that he is not very bright. Also, he has shown that he still does not know how Washington works. Also, he knows very little about our laws and the Constitution, and he doesn't care. In fact, he doesn't much care for the Presidency. He escapes the White House every week, and enjoys his political rallies because he is with his adoring admirers who love him.

What does all this mean? It means Trump can be manipulated. The Presidency can be manipulated. His handlers love him for his stupidity, incompetence, and his powerful desire to be in the spotlight even if it requires making himself look foolish.

While Trump makes all the headlines, his handlers are the ones running the country, and they detest the spotlight.

That's why the rich and powerful and GOP leadership support Trump so strongly. He is perfect for them.

That is what makes Trump so dangerous.
Fruit Loops for breakfast?
The DOW at 26.000, the GDP at 4%, record low unemployment, NK at the negotiation table for the first time since democrat icon Harry Truman left us in a state of war and unfair trade policies addressed. WTF is not to like?
On what planet?

The Dow has been flat for a year, and GDP is under 3%.
In what slum do you reside?
The deep red republican paradise of Kansas.
What are Kansas cities doing to attract companies?
If nothing, and you are unhappy, then move.
We cut taxes to the bare bones several years ago. Didn't work out so well.
Did you ever own a business?
Trump support comes from the higher logic men and from the logic of all white men in a landslide

That is great power

The voting of 18 yr olds compared to the 50-64 yr olds shows how learning brings a change from liberalism more at 18 to more conservatives after learning by experience the 50-64 age group which then proves conservatism is better than liberalism

Trumps voters are strongest in the most wise group

Also trump voters have the higher logic

And has the highest net worth
The obvious question is why don't the mods reclass Sandy Shanks' insane commentary to the Rubber Room? Sandy Shanks is obviously nuts and illiterate.
The obvious question is why don't the mods reclass Sandy Shanks' insane commentary to the Rubber Room? Sandy Shanks is obviously nuts and illiterate.
the proper term is innumerate as in 1+1 becomes 3 by the "reasoning" shown so far by the OP's subsequent posts
I think I know why the rich and powerful along with the GOP leadership support Trump. Trump has proven with his statements, tweets, meaningless threats, and decisions that he is not very bright. Also, he has shown that he still does not know how Washington works. Also, he knows very little about our laws and the Constitution, and he doesn't care. In fact, he doesn't much care for the Presidency. He escapes the White House every week, and enjoys his political rallies because he is with his adoring admirers who love him.

What does all this mean? It means Trump can be manipulated. The Presidency can be manipulated. His handlers love him for his stupidity, incompetence, and his powerful desire to be in the spotlight even if it requires making himself look foolish.

While Trump makes all the headlines, his handlers are the ones running the country, and they detest the spotlight.

That's why the rich and powerful and GOP leadership support Trump so strongly. He is perfect for them.

That is what makes Trump so dangerous.

Cool opinion bro.
The DOW at 26.000, the GDP at 4%, record low unemployment, NK at the negotiation table for the first time since democrat icon Harry Truman left us in a state of war and unfair trade policies addressed. WTF is not to like?

Trump has nothing to do with the economy. Kim was proud of his two summits with Trump. Trump elevated Kim's importance because the President of the United States met him ... twice. Trump did exactly what Kim wanted.

There has been no progress on denuclearization. They can't even agree on what denuclearization means.

That's what not to like.

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