Where Have You Gone, John F. Kennedy?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Long story short….it isn’t JFK’s Democrat Party any longer… Today’s Democrat Party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald, than to John F. Kennedy.

2.If you supported the Democrat Party of the 35th President, and you still vote Democrat….you’re a sucker.

Just as the term Liberal was co-opted by John Demey and tacked onto the Socialist Party, the current Democrat Party might as well be called the Communist Party.

No joke.

3. “Dear Moderate Democrats: Your Party Has Completely Abandoned You

4. The values I grew up in my small town were the same American values that have made this country exceptional for more than two centuries: self-reliance, hard work, and individual liberty. Yet, come Election Day, much of my family and many of my neighbors would march off to the polls and pull the lever for candidates who seemed to embrace policies that are in complete contradiction to these ideals. And the older I get, the greater the divide grows between what Democratic voters in small towns and cities across the country think they’re getting from the politicians they vote for and the actual policies being proposed and implemented by Democrats.

5. The Democratic Party long ago ceased to be the party of John F. Kennedy and has instead mutated into the party of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.” Dear Moderate Democrats: Your Party Has Completely Abandoned You

Here’s a word for you Democrat voters to look up…’euchred’

You’ve been euchred.
Judge Janinine wrote a very good book. ‘Liars, Leakers, Liberals” it pretty much sums it up!
1. There's no such thing as a "Democrat Party". Never has been. But what does the Lee Harvey Oswald reference mean? Democrats are bystanders who got patsied?

2. This just in: Blanket Generalization is still a fallacy. Always has been, always will be.

Just as, related to absolutely nothing, the term Liberal, a description of the philosophy that literally birthed this nation, was demonized by Joe McCarthy and his fellow travellers and demagoguic descendants. But this of course has nothing to do with political parties, extant or non-extant.

3. Strange. A quote with no source. :dunno:

4. Cool story sis.

5. Euchre? The card game? What, are you from Michigan?
Judge Janinine wrote a very good book. ‘Liars, Leakers, Liberals” it pretty much sums it up!

Liberals invented this country. You're welcome.

Feel free to try somewhere else non-Liberal like, say, North Korea. No one will stop you, 'cause that would be illiberal. On the other hand, try leaving North Korea. Then get back to us with a comparative study.
1. There's no such thing as a "Democrat Party". Never has been. But what does the Lee Harvey Oswald reference mean? Democrats are bystanders who got patsied?

2. This just in: Blanket Generalization is still a fallacy. Always has been, always will be.

Just as, related to absolutely nothing, the term Liberal, a description of the philosophy that literally birthed this nation, was demonized by Joe McCarthy and his fellow travellers and demagoguic descendants. But this of course has nothing to do with political parties, extant or non-extant.

3. Strange. A quote with no source. :dunno:

4. Cool story sis.

5. Euchre? The card game? What, are you from Michigan?
Thank you. You spared me writing it.
1. There's no such thing as a "Democrat Party". Never has been. But what does the Lee Harvey Oswald reference mean? Democrats are bystanders who got patsied?

2. This just in: Blanket Generalization is still a fallacy. Always has been, always will be.

Just as, related to absolutely nothing, the term Liberal, a description of the philosophy that literally birthed this nation, was demonized by Joe McCarthy and his fellow travellers and demagoguic descendants. But this of course has nothing to do with political parties, extant or non-extant.

3. Strange. A quote with no source. :dunno:

4. Cool story sis.

5. Euchre? The card game? What, are you from Michigan?
Thank you. You spared me writing it.

Stuporgirl is one of my favorite mops. She so easy.
Judge Janinine wrote a very good book. ‘Liars, Leakers, Liberals” it pretty much sums it up!

Liberals invented this country. You're welcome.

Feel free to try somewhere else non-Liberal like, say, North Korea. No one will stop you, 'cause that would be illiberal. On the other hand, try leaving North Korea. Then get back to us with a comparative study.

The classic liberals invented this country. Theyre nothing like the depraved democrat party of today.
Let’s see...

JFK supported universal healthcare, civil rights, welfare programs, the UN, foreign aid

Sounds Democratic to me
Judge Janinine wrote a very good book. ‘Liars, Leakers, Liberals” it pretty much sums it up!

Liberals invented this country. You're welcome.

Feel free to try somewhere else non-Liberal like, say, North Korea. No one will stop you, 'cause that would be illiberal. On the other hand, try leaving North Korea. Then get back to us with a comparative study.

The classic liberals invented this country. Theyre nothing like the depraved democrat party of today.

Nobody claimed "Liberals" have anything to do with political parties. Where do you get that shit?

Political parties did not exist when this nation was founded. No Democrats, no Republicans, no Whigs, no Democratic-Republicans, no Federalists, no Know Nothings, no nothing. Just Liberals. Which has never been a political party.
How Conservatives felt about JFK while he was alive

He made his brother attorney general, now if Trump made his daughter, sister, brother, son to the attorney general the libtards would shit in their sheets!
Judge Janinine wrote a very good book. ‘Liars, Leakers, Liberals” it pretty much sums it up!

Judge Jeannine has the credibility of Nancy Grace, the voice of Fran Drescher with a sore throat, and the integrity of a crack whore. Exactly what you would expect RWNJs to fap to.

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