Where in the real world are AR-15 and the like are used for good?

We're just taking the military ones, Sergeant Slaughter. 21 Funerals. Here are the first two, they were 10. Please talk to these babies about how precious your guns are to you. Look at these kids, man. How can you? Oh, I know. You're a Republican Taliban.

Clutch those pearls a little tighter, bitch.
The shame is for the dickheads that demand that we lose our Constitutional rights.

The anti gun nuts want to make firearm ownership a prividge rather than a Constitutional right and that is despicable.
Your moniker is of a group that tried to attack the USA and negate the Constitution. Major tenets of the Constitution are to provide "domestic Tranquility" and "promote the general welfare". Guns cannot override those intentions.
Have you ever read the Constitution besides the 2nd amendment. Dumbass
We're just taking the military ones, Sergeant Slaughter. 21 Funerals. Here are the first two, they were 10. Please talk to these babies about how precious your guns are to you. Look at these kids, man. How can you? Oh, I know. You're a Republican Taliban.

Who wants to bet ^^^this fascist^^^ supports sending $40 billion to Ukraine, but not a penny for school safety/protection?
Your moniker is of a group that tried to attack the USA and negate the Constitution. Major tenets of the Constitution are to provide "domestic Tranquility" and "promote the general welfare". Guns cannot override those intentions.
Have you ever read the Constitution besides the 2nd amendment. Dumbass
I post that avatar to trigger you stupid hate filled Moon Bats.

Thanks for playing.
Elmer, we should tell Ice-turd the reason the cops pussed out is because they didn't want their heads blown off by high-capacity, armor piercing bullets? Revolvers don't shoot those.

Ice-turd, you suck.
Where do these people come from?
Common sense gun laws, universal background checks, red flag laws, restrictions on certain automatic and semi-automatic weapons reduces homicides and suicides. It is proven.
The purpose is to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have them. They are not perfect but they reduce homicides and suicides.
And unless you are mentally ill or a felon you can have your guns to keep the government from coming to get you.
But if you think the government is coming to get you, you are mentally ill. Get help.

No it doesn't.

During the assault weapon ban in the 90's there were no reductions in the murder rate that could be attributed to the ban.
21 funerals. The entire world is going to expose your selfishness, cowardice, and cruelty.

21 funerals. 19 of them the babies you sorry hypocrites claim to treasure. The entire world can see you now. 19 babies, cut down, mutilated so badly their parents had to provide their DNA to ID them.

Tik, tik. How proud you must be <shaking my head at you>
You're the dumbfucks that decided NO GUNS ALLOWED signs were sufficient to protect our children.

Did I mention you're a dumbfuck? Because you are.

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