Where is Barack, Oprah, Lebron, Colin, Jesse & AL?

We've seen the videos of blacks, many of them children, spraying police in New York and Atlanta with water. Little kids are being taught to HATE the police. These same children are growing up in impoverished, crime-ridden, drug-infested communities. Undoubtedly, an inordinate proportion of them will end up dead and in and out of prison, some of them will deal drugs and murder others. So why doesn't black leadership speak out and condemn this type of behavior? Why aren't they telling these punks and kids to change their ways? They clearly DO NOT CARE about other black people and then care even less for police and society in general.

I feel confident what you see was some locals and Fox put out videos making a big huge production of a few cops who got water on them. Boo hoo.

Did you hear about the cop who killed Eric Gardner got free.
I feel confident what you see was some locals and Fox put out videos making a big huge production of a few cops who got water on them. Boo hoo.

Did you hear about the cop who killed Eric Gardner got free.

So you don't have a problem with injustice, you have a problem with police injustice.

By your logic, the next time a poor black kid gets murdered by a white guy, one get say ''That's ok, after all, plenty of whites get murdered by blacks''.

Here's a thought, Penelope, condemn ALL injustice and bad behavior.

By the way, your characterization of Fox News is inaccurate. You don't even watch Fox News, so you are not a reliable source. Google ''water attack on Atlanta cops''. It happened there and in New York and possibly elsewhere.
i have yet to see the mayor defuckio sp? say anything about it....
He won't, because he made a complete idiot of himself after the Dallas police murders. How he is a major today, just shows how messed up the people of NYork are.
Law enforcement was only doing what was needed to end the disorderly conduct.

To be fair, the guys with the hoses are fire department, not law enforcement.
We've seen the videos of blacks, many of them children, spraying police in New York and Atlanta with water. Little kids are being taught to HATE the police. These same children are growing up in impoverished, crime-ridden, drug-infested communities. Undoubtedly, an inordinate proportion of them will end up dead and in and out of prison, some of them will deal drugs and murder others. So why doesn't black leadership speak out and condemn this type of behavior? Why aren't they telling these punks and kids to change their ways? They clearly DO NOT CARE about other black people and then care even less for police and society in general.
Those are just teens. They don’t become black until the cops respond.
i have yet to see the mayor defuckio sp? say anything about it....

The NYPD has absolutely no respect for him at all. Perhaps the greatest publicity stunt of all time was pulled on him during a speech to the police department where 90% of the offices numbering in the thousands simply turn their backs on him during the speech. It was absolutely amazing.

We've seen the videos of blacks, many of them children, spraying police in New York and Atlanta with water. Little kids are being taught to HATE the police. These same children are growing up in impoverished, crime-ridden, drug-infested communities. Undoubtedly, an inordinate proportion of them will end up dead and in and out of prison, some of them will deal drugs and murder others. So why doesn't black leadership speak out and condemn this type of behavior? Why aren't they telling these punks and kids to change their ways? They clearly DO NOT CARE about other black people and then care even less for police and society in general.

Another example of when someone black commits a crime every black person in America is responsible and should speak up, why aren't whites held to the same standard?
We've seen the videos of blacks, many of them children, spraying police in New York and Atlanta with water. Little kids are being taught to HATE the police. These same children are growing up in impoverished, crime-ridden, drug-infested communities. Undoubtedly, an inordinate proportion of them will end up dead and in and out of prison, some of them will deal drugs and murder others. So why doesn't black leadership speak out and condemn this type of behavior? Why aren't they telling these punks and kids to change their ways? They clearly DO NOT CARE about other black people and then care even less for police and society in general.

Another example of when someone black commits a crime every black person in America is responsible and should speak up, why aren't whites held to the same standard?
Last I checked the blacks are doing and saying the same things about the whites. The only thing about whites, is that they do call out other whites when they do wrong. Seen it many, many, many times. It is the way whites keep peace amongst the white community by showing each other that there are consequences for ones actions regardless of color if they do wrong.

The problem that exist in the black community, is that because of the big struggle, blacks find themselves being indoctronated to always think to themselves that whites aren't to be trusted ever, and therefore it is imperative that blacks don't speak out against other blacks no matter what, because weakness in the community can't be found or be ratted out to the whites by other blacks...... If the whites want justice against crimes committed in the black community, then whites will have to do most of the work/investigation themselves. Blacks can't be responsible for helping whites against themselves. This is a huge problem for blacks, because it gives the appearance that blacks won't speak out against criminal activity committed by other blacks in the community.

If the blacks do speak out, then you have the -let's say- gaurdians who will chastise them as being uncle Tom's, sell outs, and other such names.

It's really a shame because then you have almost a mafia style situation going on where blacks become leary of reporting on other blacks thus creating an underworld that dares them to join up with the whites in justice issues, because the whites are never to be trusted.... This then becomes the unwritten code that is lived by.
We've seen the videos of blacks, many of them children, spraying police in New York and Atlanta with water. Little kids are being taught to HATE the police. These same children are growing up in impoverished, crime-ridden, drug-infested communities. Undoubtedly, an inordinate proportion of them will end up dead and in and out of prison, some of them will deal drugs and murder others. So why doesn't black leadership speak out and condemn this type of behavior? Why aren't they telling these punks and kids to change their ways? They clearly DO NOT CARE about other black people and then care even less for police and society in general.

Are you going to bring up photos of the endless black on white attacks. Hell there are new videos practically every day or so. Its time for new thinking. New ways.
We are talking interactions with police

Conservatives used to support spraying black protestors with water

I still do if they get out of hand...white, black, yellow...no diff
i have yet to see the mayor defuckio sp? say anything about it....

The NYPD has absolutely no respect for him at all. Perhaps the greatest publicity stunt of all time was pulled on him during a speech to the police department where 90% of the offices numbering in the thousands simply turn their backs on him during the speech. It was absolutely amazing.

How did he get elected?
We've seen the videos of blacks, many of them children, spraying police in New York and Atlanta with water. Little kids are being taught to HATE the police. These same children are growing up in impoverished, crime-ridden, drug-infested communities. Undoubtedly, an inordinate proportion of them will end up dead and in and out of prison, some of them will deal drugs and murder others. So why doesn't black leadership speak out and condemn this type of behavior? Why aren't they telling these punks and kids to change their ways? They clearly DO NOT CARE about other black people and then care even less for police and society in general.

Another example of when someone black commits a crime every black person in America is responsible and should speak up, why aren't whites held to the same standard?
They are. And when they do similar acts they are appropriately referred to as white supremacists.
We've seen the videos of blacks, many of them children, spraying police in New York and Atlanta with water. Little kids are being taught to HATE the police. These same children are growing up in impoverished, crime-ridden, drug-infested communities. Undoubtedly, an inordinate proportion of them will end up dead and in and out of prison, some of them will deal drugs and murder others. So why doesn't black leadership speak out and condemn this type of behavior? Why aren't they telling these punks and kids to change their ways? They clearly DO NOT CARE about other black people and then care even less for police and society in general.
Spraying with water? Oh my, we need immediate action on this. Police killing blacks will have to wait.
No, let them go ahead.

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