Where Is Mitch McConnell?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Why isn’t Mitch McConnell getting Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing going? All of the idiot trump’s problems would be solved if McConnell would simply do his job.

Now, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has decided 2 to 1 that the idiot trump’s executive order threatening to cut funding for "sanctuary cities" is unconstitutional. The court’s decision upheld a ruling by a lower court that the idiot trump’s order exceeded the power of office of the president. Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation would change all that.

With Kavanaugh joining the other conservative justices, the idiot trump will have the power of a dictator, he will be the ultimate ruler.

His mindless minions are champing at the bit to see their dream of the idiot trump as POTUS for life come true, with the idiot trump jr. to inherit the office when the time comes.

Court strikes down Trump push to cut 'sanctuary city' funds


All those faithful Nazis saluting their hero.


And Laura Ingraham, one of the righties' favorite Nazis.

.All of the idiot trump’s problems would be solved if McConnell would simply do his job.
Gotta admit that when the insufficiencies of McConnell become obvious to even a wet-wipe such as yourself, then the guy is doing real harm to his party as all RINOs do. I guess conservative thinking simply doesn't lend itself to the kind of sheep-dip mentality of the Left where every Democratic lamb knows its place and brays in party unison out of fear of independent thought.

Now, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has decided 2 to 1 that the idiot trump’s executive order threatening to cut funding for "sanctuary cities" is unconstitutional..
Isn't that the same Circuit Court that ALWAYS finds against Trump in everything and has been overruled and found wrong by the Supreme Court every time? :21:
Insane BertramN threads really should be automatically reclassed to the Rubber Room.
Hey Mitch, are you asleep somewhere? Is that senile gray manure in your old noggin that you call a brain unable to fathom what is happening at the Manafort trial? Mueller’s ducks are lining up quickly, and it isn’t looking good for the idiot trump after only a fraction of Gate’s testimony.

You’d better get that droopy old a$$ of yours in gear, and make Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation a done deal. If you don’t, you’ll soon find more than a few of the idiot trump’s boot marks tattooing that droopy old a$$ of yours.

Perhaps dementia has made you forget how many of the idiot trump’s mindless minions live in Kentucky? They greatly outnumber the conservative voters in Kentucky who will vote for you in 2020, if you fail to protect their orange-toned hero PDQ.

If you let them down and don’t get Kavanaugh installed in the Supreme Court in time to stop Mueller, you will be returning to Kentucky to live out your few remaining years... permanently. And you will be living them in seclusion, because their will be thousands of disgruntled supporters of the idiot trump walking around with guns... looking for you. (Gun control is beginning to look pretty good to you now, isn’t it?)

So, take a friendly warning and do something other than sit on that droopy old a$$, and get Kavanaugh confirmed. For your own political good.

Manafort lawyer: 'So many lies' Gates can't keep up



Why isn’t Mitch McConnell getting Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing going? All of the idiot trump’s problems would be solved if McConnell would simply do his job.

Now, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has decided 2 to 1 that the idiot trump’s executive order threatening to cut funding for "sanctuary cities" is unconstitutional. The court’s decision upheld a ruling by a lower court that the idiot trump’s order exceeded the power of office of the president. Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation would change all that.

With Kavanaugh joining the other conservative justices, the idiot trump will have the power of a dictator, he will be the ultimate ruler.

His mindless minions are champing at the bit to see their dream of the idiot trump as POTUS for life come true, with the idiot trump jr. to inherit the office when the time comes.

Court strikes down Trump push to cut 'sanctuary city' funds

View attachment 208065
All those faithful Nazis saluting their hero.

View attachment 208066

And Laura Ingraham, one of the righties' favorite Nazis.


McConnell is weak.
Hey Mitch, are you asleep somewhere? Is that senile gray manure in your old noggin that you call a brain unable to fathom what is happening at the Manafort trial? Mueller’s ducks are lining up quickly, and it isn’t looking good for the idiot trump after only a fraction of Gate’s testimony.

You’d better get that droopy old a$$ of yours in gear, and make Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation a done deal. If you don’t, you’ll soon find more than a few of the idiot trump’s boot marks tattooing that droopy old a$$ of yours.

Perhaps dementia has made you forget how many of the idiot trump’s mindless minions live in Kentucky? They greatly outnumber the conservative voters in Kentucky who will vote for you in 2020, if you fail to protect their orange-toned hero PDQ.

If you let them down and don’t get Kavanaugh installed in the Supreme Court in time to stop Mueller, you will be returning to Kentucky to live out your few remaining years... permanently. And you will be living them in seclusion, because their will be thousands of disgruntled supporters of the idiot trump walking around with guns... looking for you. (Gun control is beginning to look pretty good to you now, isn’t it?)

So, take a friendly warning and do something other than sit on that droopy old a$$, and get Kavanaugh confirmed. For your own political good.

Manafort lawyer: 'So many lies' Gates can't keep up

View attachment 209088

Earth to Mitch, are you paying attention?

One of your master's other slaves has just been convicted on eight counts of the original eighteen. Now he, Manafort, likely faces a retrial on the remaining ten counts. How can you allow this torture for your master, the idiot trump to go on?

With each member of the idiot trump's corrupt gang convicted, and that number is rising rapidly, it becomes more and more imperative to confirm the equally corrupt Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

So get off that drooping, senile a$$ of yours and get Kavanaugh on that bench. The pressure is getting to the idiot trump, and with Giuliani's public statements continually putting his feet in the idiot trump's mouth, the idiot trump will soon have a fatal meltdown. Do you want the idiot trump's death on your conscience?


Mitch, it's your fault if the idiot trump's presidency unravels completely.
Hey Mitch, are you asleep somewhere? Is that senile gray manure in your old noggin that you call a brain unable to fathom what is happening at the Manafort trial? Mueller’s ducks are lining up quickly, and it isn’t looking good for the idiot trump after only a fraction of Gate’s testimony.

You’d better get that droopy old a$$ of yours in gear, and make Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation a done deal. If you don’t, you’ll soon find more than a few of the idiot trump’s boot marks tattooing that droopy old a$$ of yours.

Perhaps dementia has made you forget how many of the idiot trump’s mindless minions live in Kentucky? They greatly outnumber the conservative voters in Kentucky who will vote for you in 2020, if you fail to protect their orange-toned hero PDQ.

If you let them down and don’t get Kavanaugh installed in the Supreme Court in time to stop Mueller, you will be returning to Kentucky to live out your few remaining years... permanently. And you will be living them in seclusion, because their will be thousands of disgruntled supporters of the idiot trump walking around with guns... looking for you. (Gun control is beginning to look pretty good to you now, isn’t it?)

So, take a friendly warning and do something other than sit on that droopy old a$$, and get Kavanaugh confirmed. For your own political good.

Manafort lawyer: 'So many lies' Gates can't keep up

View attachment 209088

Earth to Mitch, are you paying attention?

One of your master's other slaves has just been convicted on eight counts of the original eighteen. Now he, Manafort, likely faces a retrial on the remaining ten counts. How can you allow this torture for your master, the idiot trump to go on?

With each member of the idiot trump's corrupt gang convicted, and that number is rising rapidly, it becomes more and more imperative to confirm the equally corrupt Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

So get off that drooping, senile a$$ of yours and get Kavanaugh on that bench. The pressure is getting to the idiot trump, and with Giuliani's public statements continually putting his feet in the idiot trump's mouth, the idiot trump will soon have a fatal meltdown. Do you want the idiot trump's death on your conscience?

View attachment 212171
Mitch, it's your fault if the idiot trump's presidency unravels completely.

Just when you think you could not make yourself to look like you could not be any lower than whale shit, you manage to exceed all expectations.

Why isn’t Mitch McConnell getting Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing going? All of the idiot trump’s problems would be solved if McConnell would simply do his job.

Now, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has decided 2 to 1 that the idiot trump’s executive order threatening to cut funding for "sanctuary cities" is unconstitutional. The court’s decision upheld a ruling by a lower court that the idiot trump’s order exceeded the power of office of the president. Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation would change all that.

With Kavanaugh joining the other conservative justices, the idiot trump will have the power of a dictator, he will be the ultimate ruler.

His mindless minions are champing at the bit to see their dream of the idiot trump as POTUS for life come true, with the idiot trump jr. to inherit the office when the time comes.

Court strikes down Trump push to cut 'sanctuary city' funds

View attachment 208065
All those faithful Nazis saluting their hero.

View attachment 208066

And Laura Ingraham, one of the righties' favorite Nazis.


Wcausenhe is a Democrat. Like John McTumor, he needs to get a massive tumor and hurry up and die.

Why isn’t Mitch McConnell getting Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing going? All of the idiot trump’s problems would be solved if McConnell would simply do his job.

Now, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has decided 2 to 1 that the idiot trump’s executive order threatening to cut funding for "sanctuary cities" is unconstitutional. The court’s decision upheld a ruling by a lower court that the idiot trump’s order exceeded the power of office of the president. Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation would change all that.

With Kavanaugh joining the other conservative justices, the idiot trump will have the power of a dictator, he will be the ultimate ruler.

His mindless minions are champing at the bit to see their dream of the idiot trump as POTUS for life come true, with the idiot trump jr. to inherit the office when the time comes.

Court strikes down Trump push to cut 'sanctuary city' funds

View attachment 208065
All those faithful Nazis saluting their hero.

View attachment 208066

And Laura Ingraham, one of the righties' favorite Nazis.



Why isn’t Mitch McConnell getting Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing going? All of the idiot trump’s problems would be solved if McConnell would simply do his job.

Now, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has decided 2 to 1 that the idiot trump’s executive order threatening to cut funding for "sanctuary cities" is unconstitutional. The court’s decision upheld a ruling by a lower court that the idiot trump’s order exceeded the power of office of the president. Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation would change all that.

With Kavanaugh joining the other conservative justices, the idiot trump will have the power of a dictator, he will be the ultimate ruler.

His mindless minions are champing at the bit to see their dream of the idiot trump as POTUS for life come true, with the idiot trump jr. to inherit the office when the time comes.

Court strikes down Trump push to cut 'sanctuary city' funds

View attachment 208065
All those faithful Nazis saluting their hero.

View attachment 208066

And Laura Ingraham, one of the righties' favorite Nazis.

POLITICO Playbook: GOP Frets As Trump World Implodes

POLITICO Playbook: GOP frets as Trump world implodes

Given the guilty verdict of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen’s guilty plea, the Mueller investigation is humming right along.

What began as an inquiry into the idiot trump’s and his campaign team’s suspected collusion with the Russians to rig the 2016 election, has also led to the uncovering of evidence of corruption and criminal activities by a large number of the idiot trump’s cronies.

In addition to Manafort’s conviction, and Cohen’s plea deal, the Mueller team has plea deals with Michael Flynn, former national security adviser (guilty), Rick Gates, Manafort associate and business partner (guilty), Alex van der Zwaan, Manafort associate and Dutch lawyer (guilty), George Papadopoulos, former campaign adviser for the idiot trump (guilty), and Richard Pinedo, a run of the mill crooked crony of the idiot trump (also guilty).

The Mueller team has criminal charges against 13 Russian nationals/3 entities,12 Russian military intelligence officers, and Konstantin Kilimnik another Manafort associate and Russian aide.

Of course none of these convictions can change the beliefs of the idiot trump’s cultists. But, those convictions have a powerful potential to fire-up voters for the coming mid-term elections, who are fed up with this whole corrupt administration and the congressional Republicans protecting the idiot trump and his swamp rats.

All this success by Mueller makes it even more imperative that Mitch McConnell gets moving on the Kavanaugh confirmation. Do the talk show circuit and lobby the idiot trump’s voter base to call and write their senators, to get them charged up.

With the Kavanaugh confirmation, all of Mueller’s convictions can then be set aside by the High Court, Manafort can return to his criminal activities, as can Cohen, Flynn, Gates, van der Zwaan, Papadopoulos, Pinedo, and the charges against the Russian Kilimnik would fade away.

Not to mention the overwhelming corruption that has plagued the GOP for decades can be conducted openly, with a sound conservative USSC majority in place.

The U.S. democracy will become the single party system the Republicans have fought so long to create.



Kavanaugh's confirmation will save Nunes form jail time as well, so get going Mitch.


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