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Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

You are the kind that stands on your pillars of righteousness and look down on others and then go to your places of worship and stand there thinking you have all the wonderful attributes of your faith. In reality it is such a shallow faith you don't even understand you or the ideas of it at all
Preach on to the choir, oh Ye of little faith.

Burn in hell, shitstain.

Proverbs 19:17 - He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.

Since you don't do what the book commands of you anyway, why get upset with us pointing that out? Oh wait, I just answered my own question...

Notice, how they never tell you what they do for the poor. All while insinuating Christians never do anything for the poor.

He would not me to list the massive list of things Christian groups and Christian individuals are doing around the world for the poor and destitute.

Yet, these assholes will listen to Leonardo Di Carprio who just told us how to take of the oceans while he partied on the 5th largest yacht in the world that is owned by an oil tycoon sheikh.

Meanwhile I have asked these no good sacks of shit to list me all of the things they do for these illegals. I asked if there is any liberal that has given up one of their rooms in their private gated communities to one of these illegals. Hell, you think any of them would ever give up their house to a native that they also claim to care so much about?

No, not one of them.

Instead they attack Christianity for the hypocrites and they cannot see their own hypocrisy, while they deliberately ignore the good things being done around the world by actual faithful Christians.

Hell, you do not see any of them crying out for the vast number of Christians being murdered around the world. Obama has barely said a thing about the Christians being murdered in Egypt.

Our world is being utterly taken over by the perverted, hypocritical, godless heathens.

Ironically, just like the bible said would happen. Oh, the irony.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

A red herring and a very weak one! First Christian charities give more to the people of Latin America then any other organization. Second, your so called compassion leads to more unintended consequences. 1. It guarantees more wave will come. 2. It swells the schools, hospitals and social services, 3. Disease are brought across the border like small pox, 4. Terrorist and gang bangers are coming along with this kids, 5. A sound immigration system is necessary for every countries survival etc.

We should house, feed, give some medical care to and deport ever last one of them within 2 weeks on their 1st offense. 2nd offense 1 yr in the pen on the chain gang. 3rd offense 10 years!

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Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

I know, its sickening that they could demand that children be sent home to an uncertain future.

Easy for you to talk...you're in Australia.

You don't have to worry about the health dangers these people are bringing as well as the financial burden on American taxpayers to house and feed them.
Nor are the Beatitudes.
I highly doubt any of them know the real reason and idea behind them.

I gather Matthew isn't persuasive either:

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you? And the King wil answer them, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."

Chapter 25.


Here we go....dragging out the "Pilgrims were immigrants" schtick. A favorite of the Loony Left in Immigration debates...right up there with the race card.
LOL. Oh my. Is this a popular game with your kids? Is this how you control them......"Jesus is watching......do what is right.....blah, blah."

Poor baby. You need a new game.

Control? No, although religion can be terrific at that. And Jesus is watching according to the faithful here. What do you think his opinion would be, of those without compassion for these children? I could stand up to him all day long on many things but I wouldn't approach him with that attitude for fear he'd knock me right on my ass, and be correct in doing so...

Well, I completely agree with you there. Jesus should knock you right on your ass.
Not in the slightest. I've walked in his shoes many times. Even without faith I have no concern as to his judgment of me. For me he is not a Ticket to Heaven, but a man it was well worth my time to try and grasp even though I call no being Lord. There are a lot of people who can't understand that, he wouldn't be among them...
Try reading a little history and then come back and repeat this idiotic statement.
Who was it that brought small pox to the Native Americans and almost wiped out their population? Why did the Irish immigrate to this country?
Try to think before writing such a hateful and ridiculous argument.
It might have more credibility.
But then you can always fall back on the ideology of the right...its all about me and my money.

We have allot of compassion for them, they need to be home with their parents and we should make that happen as soon as possible.

Duh, they left home to escape hunger, poverty, and violence. You don't sound like a Christian.

Kids dont leave home to escape poverty. They were sent here so that is the problem people would like to address. Why are they being sent here from not just mexico but other central and south American countrys? Why is our government facilitating IT?

Where is you compassion for little kids here who may get sick from diseases that the US erradicated here years ago? That isnt a problem for you? They are getting bused all over the country.

Were they really screened and inoculated for diseases? So.. we're a rich country and can take care of these kids. The issue I think most people have is that its not just these kids but will be millions more. Poverty where they came from is not going anywhere. There will be more and more kids from each next generation. not to mention, they deserve to be reunited with their families right here in the US someday, RIGHT? fine then if you want to take care of millions of kids from our southern borders Then you cant discriminate, there are 400 million at least in India living in extreme poverty.We should let them in to and put them in public housing. Indonesia, Africa ...etc

What makes latin America so special? they dont have any more right to come live in the US without going through citizenship process than any other kid in the world. There is no difference so lets bring them all.

Im sure you have compassion for all the poor kids in Detroit but you are not going to invite the city of Detroit to your house for dinner are you? Its not about not having compassion.
We cant solve the fact that there is poverty in the world by bringing them all here. especially all at once when we HAVNT EVEN SOLVED OUR OWN POOR PEOPLES PROBLEMS YET.
Control? No, although religion can be terrific at that. And Jesus is watching according to the faithful here. What do you think his opinion would be, of those without compassion for these children? I could stand up to him all day long on many things but I wouldn't approach him with that attitude for fear he'd knock me right on my ass, and be correct in doing so...

Well, I completely agree with you there. Jesus should knock you right on your ass.
Not in the slightest. I've walked in his shoes many times. Even without faith I have no concern as to his judgment of me. For me he is not a Ticket to Heaven, but a man it was well worth my time to try and grasp even though I call no being Lord. There are a lot of people who can't understand that, he wouldn't be among them...

Yet, he's very useful for your corrupt agenda. Is it working for you?
I did hit the nerve and deep too. How childish of you to spew your thoughts like you do.
You really are terribly ignorant of anything except that which you choose to believe and only that which you choose.
It will take sometime for you to loose your shallow and childish mind but keep at it, you look so horribly ignorant.
Because if you go back and check all of my responses. There is nothing said against religion, fool, it is all pointed towards
the phonies like you. The ones that use it as a shield of convenience because it is causing you such undo hardships.
Get a real life ok.
Use all the expletives you can think of to make your point. ONE MORE Time.

Seems you are the one on the defensive. Strike an nerve there little man.
Take your threats and personal insults and play with the little men you who are like you.
Tout your phony christian values because that is all they are and you will never live up to anything you profess. It's all in your little mind.
Thanks for the laugh today, Joke!

You are nothing but a hypocritical hack who makes your big ten piece of liberal shit school look like an institute for lower living rather than a institute of higher education.

Want me to list all of the things Christians do with out government help for the poor and destitute?

Why don't you tell me all of things you do for the poor, or even the planet. Go ahead boliermaker. You stupid ignorant, hypocritical, socialist fuck.

Tell all of us all of things you do for the illegals or the poor. Go ahead.

You are nothing more than an hypocritical, know it all, typical hippy who stands for nothing.

You can never escape that truth. I will be waiting for you to list me all of things you do for the illegals.

Laughing out loud at you not being smart enough to know you are being used as a pawn for the democrats and you thinking you are so smart all at the same time.

So, you are not going to let us all know all of things you do for the poor as you accuse Christians for doing nothing?

You even going to attempt to tell me all of the things you for the environment? Do you drive a Prius? Do you purchase carbon credits? What is your carbon footprint?

What the fuck do you stand for.....you piece of shit Purdue dick.

Is this your fucking intelligent response to me you fucking hippy?

I am still waiting for someone there (other than peach) who would willingly let any of these illegals live in their home.

Hey, Purdue. If stupid were stink, you would be a fart passing through a day old partially digested onion.

Now, go fuck yourself.
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Well, I completely agree with you there. Jesus should knock you right on your ass.
Not in the slightest. I've walked in his shoes many times. Even without faith I have no concern as to his judgment of me. For me he is not a Ticket to Heaven, but a man it was well worth my time to try and grasp even though I call no being Lord. There are a lot of people who can't understand that, he wouldn't be among them...

Yet, he's very useful for your corrupt agenda. Is it working for you?
When my agenda and his are the same, which one of us is corrupt?
Has anyone noticed the number of replies by the right , that when a thread threatens THEIR IDEA of their religion how awfully upset and mean they become.
THIS is America, and THESE are a few concerned citizens!



That IS a gov't sign erected by YOUR GOVERNMENT!!!!
Those are Vigilantes, the least worthy of all to be called Americans.

They're patriots....who are concerned about the direction their country is going because the current President is a pandering coward!

But you go ahead and call them whatever you wish. You'll only look foolish.
THIS is America, and THESE are a few concerned citizens!



That IS a gov't sign erected by YOUR GOVERNMENT!!!!
Those are Vigilantes, the least worthy of all to be called Americans.

They're patriots....who are concerned about the direction their country is going because the current President is a pandering coward!

But you go ahead and call them whatever you wish. You'll only look foolish.

I called them what they are, people taking the law into their own hands.
Has anyone noticed the number of replies by the right , that when a thread threatens THEIR IDEA of their religion how awfully upset and mean they become.
I don't think it's so much that as not being willing to see it used by those who ordinarily despite and denigrate it, hypocritically trying (and failing) to use it against them, in a lame-ass effort to sucker the American People into taking-in more Illegal Aliens...
Has anyone noticed the number of replies by the right , that when a thread threatens THEIR IDEA of their religion how awfully upset and mean they become.
I don't think it's so much that as not being willing to see it used by those who ordinarily despite and denigrate it, hypocritically trying (and failing) to use it against them, in a lame-ass effort to sucker the American People into taking-in more Illegal Aliens...

Well us Native American Indians see it differently than the invaders of whiteness..
Those are Vigilantes, the least worthy of all to be called Americans.

They're patriots....who are concerned about the direction their country is going because the current President is a pandering coward!

But you go ahead and call them whatever you wish. You'll only look foolish.

I called them what they are, people taking the law into their own hands.

At least someone is enforcing the damn law.
Yeah, because wanting to secure your country's borders and to stem an invasion of millions of Illegal Aliens is sooooooo hateful and bigoted...


Ya! It sucks when history kicks your ass for you and you cannot stand the fact you have nothing to really defend your statements with but hatred and bigotry...
Has anyone noticed the number of replies by the right , that when a thread threatens THEIR IDEA of their religion how awfully upset and mean they become.
I don't think it's so much that as not being willing to see it used by those who ordinarily despite and denigrate it, hypocritically trying (and failing) to use it against them, in a lame-ass effort to sucker the American People into taking-in more Illegal Aliens...

Well us Native American Indians see it differently than the invaders of whiteness..
Maybe you should have won, then...

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