Where Is The “Climate Emergency”?

Here's the historical tidal gauge data for Vanuatu -- Go look it up on a map, Any other places you'd like me to CHECK for you? Be specific. Be real nasty to have your hair on fire before you check the gauges.


Who cares about tiny (and possibly anomalous) ****** "Vanuatu" when GLOBAL sea level is the issue?
AND when we know Average global seal level movement already.



Since 1994 + app 3.5"

NEXT clown please.
Maybe next issue please is more fitting at this point.

Note the two (and counting) Dislikes I got from Wetwall and SunsetTommy for absolutely Impeccable and clarifying information.
Not rebuttal of any sort (not even a misleading graph from one of Tommy's denier Blogs), just Dislikes.
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And then as the ice melted it flooded Doggerland. What's your point?
People died. I see you like humanity but care little for actual people.

There is no danger of the Antarctic ice sheet melting. The ice shelves are already floating in the water so that is a non issue as well.
Completely wrong, the danger is very real because the ice shelves already floating in the water anchor the majority of the ice which is not floating in the water .

In the 1850's it was possible to sail 300 miles further south than we can today. Amazingly enough the world changes irregardless of what tiny little us do.
Again, if you don't care how many people suffer and die I guess it is a non-issue because homo sapians will survive.
People died. I see you like humanity but care little for actual people. if you don't care how many people suffer and die I guess it is a non-issue because homo sapians will survive.

Do you support abortions? About 800,000 babies are killed every year is the US. Do you like humanity but care little for the actual people?

Screen shot 2012-09-13 at 8.16.05 PM.png
People died. I see you like humanity but care little for actual people.

Completely wrong, the danger is very real because the ice shelves already floating in the water anchor the majority of the ice which is not floating in the water .

Again, if you don't care how many people suffer and die I guess it is a non-issue because homo sapians will survive.

When Doggerland flooded it took years, so yeah, people died, but not from drowning.

Glaciers advance when they have ice build up on top. The fantasy that the shelves hold back the glaciers that would otherwise run to the ocean is not just idiotic, it is not supported by any scientific evidence.

So, yet again, you resort to hyperbole, non sequitur, and lies to support your claims.
Those prehistoric SUVs were such mighty emitters of CO2 that they caused ice ages to come and go and return!
Do you support abortions? About 800,000 babies are killed every year is the US. Do you like humanity but care little for the actual people?
Not really on topic but yes, I support a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. I don't see it as hypocritical since I don't consider a fertilized egg to be an actual person.
When Doggerland flooded it took years, so yeah, people died, but not from drowning.
So them starving to death was OK?

Glaciers advance when they have ice build up on top. The fantasy that the shelves hold back the glaciers that would otherwise run to the ocean is not just idiotic, it is not supported by any scientific evidence.

So, yet again, you resort to hyperbole, non sequitur, and lies to support your claims.
I love it when non-scientists just make up their own science based on their ideology. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: Of course they usually don't even try to validate it.

Ice shelf holding back keystone Antarctic glacier within years of failure

Not really on topic but yes, I support a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. I don't see it as hypocritical since I don't consider a fertilized egg to be an actual person.

Imbecile, my photo was not that of a fertilized egg. Better go back and trade in your brain for some fishing tackle.
But it had an aborted human being in it, not a fertilized egg.
Your photo had no context and no source. When and why was it done? I'm guessing you have no clue, you just found a horrendous picture on the internet and posted it. Was it an abortion or was the baby already dead and they were trying to save the mother? You don't know and you don't care.
Your photo had no context and no source. When and why was it done? I'm guessing you have no clue, you just found a horrendous picture on the internet and posted it. Was it an abortion or was the baby already dead and they were trying to save the mother? You don't know and you don't care.

You still can't backpedal from the fact that 800,000 babies are murdered just in the US every year.

So them starving to death was OK?

I love it when non-scientists just make up their own science based on their ideology. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: Of course they usually don't even try to validate it.

Ice shelf holding back keystone Antarctic glacier within years of failure

Hyperbole is not your friend. Makes you look like a hysterical ninny.

What makes you think they starved? Are you so arrogant that you think they couldn't leave?

I am a geologist, so your idiotic attack makes no sense at all. I follow the science.

You are the one following the science fiction for your beliefs.
What makes you think they starved? Are you so arrogant that you think they couldn't leave?
Leave how? I don't recall any evidence of boats being found but it hardly matters, where would they have gone? Rising seas meant their world was shrinking so anywhere they went, there were probably already people living there. Would a large group of people be welcomed?

I am a geologist, so your idiotic attack makes no sense at all. I follow the science.
Everyone on the internet is a expert and by coincidence, I'm a geologist too. How is it a geologist like you knows so little about Antarctic ice?

You are the one following the science fiction for your beliefs.
You only say that because you can't tell fact from fiction and seem ignorant of science. How many times have you been wrong in our short exchange here?
Leave how? I don't recall any evidence of boats being found but it hardly matters, where would they have gone? Rising seas meant their world was shrinking so anywhere they went, there were probably already people living there. Would a large group of people be welcomed?

Everyone on the internet is a expert and by coincidence, I'm a geologist too. How is it a geologist like you knows so little about Antarctic ice?

You only say that because you can't tell fact from fiction and seem ignorant of science. How many times have you been wrong in our short exchange here?

I guess you neglected the part where the flooding took years. They walked. Dummy. At that time the population of all of humanity was rather small. Pretty much anywhere they went it was open space.

There is no way you are a geologist. Read your own link. They say that it is likely it will cause a threefold increase in glacial advancement. How many inches is that.....in a year.

You rely on computer models, how can a so called geologist not understand the difference between DATA (that which is measurable) and computer derived fiction (that which is created by man)?
I guess you neglected the part where the flooding took years. They walked. Dummy. At that time the population of all of humanity was rather small. Pretty much anywhere they went it was open space.
As a fellow geologist you should know that, since Doggerland was high ground and the future English channel was lower it would inundate first. The Doggerlanders would be living on a slowly disappearing island. The population of Europe was small but the land was shrinking and hunter gatherers need lots of land to hunt and gather on.

There is no way you are a geologist.
Wrong again. :itsok:

Read your own link. They say that it is likely it will cause a threefold increase in glacial advancement. How many inches is that.....in a year.
How will those inches affect places like Bangladesh that already suffer devastating floods?

You rely on computer models, how can a so called geologist not understand the difference between DATA (that which is measurable) and computer derived fiction (that which is created by man)?
Physicists modelled the world of atoms and that led to the atom bomb. Models are a fundamental part of science.
As a fellow geologist you should know that, since Doggerland was high ground and the future English channel was lower it would inundate first. The Doggerlanders would be living on a slowly disappearing island. The population of Europe was small but the land was shrinking and hunter gatherers need lots of land to hunt and gather on.

Wrong again. :itsok:

How will those inches affect places like Bangladesh that already suffer devastating floods?

Physicists modelled the world of atoms and that led to the atom bomb. Models are a fundamental part of science.

Yes. Inundation took YEARS. You seem to think that primitive man was stupid. He wasn't. They had boats, they farmed. They actually knew how to travel long distances without getting lost. Amazingly enough, if the electricity stopped right now, primitive man would do fine, while you starved.

What devastating floods? You talking about the monsoons that happen every year? Or how about the tsunamis that occasionally wipe out vast numbers of people? You have to be more specific.

But, before you get all silly, read this... This one storm was more powerful than ALL of the storms, worldwide, last year.

California Megaflood: Lessons from a Forgotten Catastrophe​

A 43-day storm that began in December 1861 put central and southern California underwater for up to six months, and it could happen again

Yes. Inundation took YEARS. You seem to think that primitive man was stupid. He wasn't. They had boats, they farmed.
The were not stupid just didn't have a lot of technology. How do you know that they had boats and farmed?

Amazingly enough, if the electricity stopped right now, primitive man would do fine, while you starved.
I have a generator and enough money to find me a nice hotet.

What devastating floods? You talking about the monsoons that happen every year?

Or how about the tsunamis that occasionally wipe out vast numbers of people? You have to be more specific.
No, tsunamis are not tied to climate changes.

But, before you get all silly, read this... This one storm was more powerful than ALL of the storms, worldwide, last year.

California Megaflood: Lessons from a Forgotten Catastrophe​

Scary stuff.

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