Where is the confession?

I've got a question for you SID. What was the PURPOSE of Jenkins' email to Jones?

I see that in addition to being unable to read and understand a graph...you also seem to be unable to read and comprehend words on a page. One need only look at the words and what they say in order to deduce the purpose of the email....

Clearly they had great fun inventing climate numbers last year as he so explicitly stated...and is seeking the same sort of fun again this coming year. Much as I might send a thank you note to a friend for a fine cook out and saying that I look forward to doing it again. He makes it clear that he believes waiting on data is a waste of time and fabricating data is both fun and an excellent time saving device. And to satisfy a member of the press who apparently also doesn't care to wait for actual numbers and isn't opposed to printing fabrications. It's all right there....the fact that you can read the words to such a straight forward statement and not grasp their meaning or feel the need to claim that they mean something other than what they so obviously state says a great deal about you and either the level of your reading comprehension or the content of your character.
Got it. So you know it's a joke but, since it's all you've got, it's all you've got it. Well, you go ahead and run with that.

Okay, anyone else? Has anyone got a confession from a climate scientist to the manipulations of which you've all been accusing them? Anyone? Surely out of those thousands of individuals, SOMEONE would have the morals to confess their crimes? Anyone?

I thought not.
Got it. So you know it's a joke but, since it's all you've got, it's all you've got it. Well, you go ahead and run with that.

Okay, anyone else? Has anyone got a confession from a climate scientist to the manipulations of which you've all been accusing them? Anyone? Surely out of those thousands of individuals, SOMEONE would have the morals to confess their crimes? Anyone?

I thought not.

So they were joking about admitting to manipulating the data...hmmmmkay
Got it. So you know it's a joke but, since it's all you've got, it's all you've got it. Well, you go ahead and run with that.

Sorry bucky...there is nothing there that would make me think it was a joke...pretending to fabricate data is not an appropriate subject for making jokes. If two cardiac surgeons emails were revealed that contained admissions of improper technique I doubt that you would think it was a joke. And when I tell my friend that I had great fun at his last cookout and look forward to doing it again...I am not joking and there is no joke there.

You seem to be borderline illiterate. There is nothing humorous there except perhaps the glee the fabricators got over getting over on dupes like you.

By the way, did you bother to read the whole quote...he said that they should have a "cunning" plan for the coming year...I guess it would be to much to expect that you would know the definition for cunning....here, allow me cunning - skill employed in a shrewd or sly manner, as in deceiving; craftiness; guile. Synonyms - sneaky, guileful, cagey, insidious, shrewd, slippery,

The only joke there is on the dupes who they know will believe anything they say and even defend them if necessary...in short you are the only joke there.
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So they were joking about admitting to manipulating the data...hmmmmkay

Not manipulating data...fabricating data...inventing data. Really makes you wonder what passes for humor among these people if they see a joke in there somewhere. Wonder what they see as the punch line? The two "scientists" clearly enjoyed fabricating data and thought that their discussion would come to light.

It is interesting to watch acolytes attempting to defend the indefensible acts of their gods.
See how NOAA is circling the wagons around releasing their own "Hide the decline" emails? That's called "Consciousness of guilt" Congress should send in the US Marshalls to liberate the emails, let's see what they're tying so desperately to hide
Got it. So you know it's a joke but, since it's all you've got, it's all you've got it. Well, you go ahead and run with that.

Okay, anyone else? Has anyone got a confession from a climate scientist to the manipulations of which you've all been accusing them? Anyone? Surely out of those thousands of individuals, SOMEONE would have the morals to confess their crimes? Anyone?

I thought not.
busted!!!! Crick and his make believe.

Along with the SSDD's fantastic post with the confession, you still haven't answered the question, why hide the data if the data isn't faked? Please, enlighten us instead of being a dumb fk every minute of the day.
See how NOAA is circling the wagons around releasing their own "Hide the decline" emails? That's called "Consciousness of guilt" Congress should send in the US Marshalls to liberate the emails, let's see what they're tying so desperately to hide
Frank, I've given him his information on confessions and he ignores me. Crick doesn't like me, cause he can't win a discussion with me. He fails in every opportunity, so like a chicken shite he ignores me. I love it. I got under his skin, his chicken little skin. I'm an irritant and I love it. he wouldn't know a fact if it hit him in the puss. he wouldn't know what a confession was if it was laid out in front of him. DOH!!!

Yeah, it was, and like the manufacturing tool he is he made up something about a joke to distract from the actual confession. But it doesn't matter, we all know and will just continue to have fun with the dumb fk.
See how NOAA is circling the wagons around releasing their own "Hide the decline" emails? That's called "Consciousness of guilt" Congress should send in the US Marshalls to liberate the emails, let's see what they're tying so desperately to hide
Frank, I've given him his information on confessions and he ignores me. Crick doesn't like me, cause he can't win a discussion with me. He fails in every opportunity, so like a chicken shite he ignores me. I love it. I got under his skin, his chicken little skin. I'm an irritant and I love it. he wouldn't know a fact if it hit him in the puss. he wouldn't know what a confession was if it was laid out in front of him. DOH!!!

Yeah, it was, and like the manufacturing tool he is he made up something about a joke to distract from the actual confession. But it doesn't matter, we all know and will just continue to have fun with the dumb fk.

There's something wrong with Crick, seriously wrong. He's a genocidal lunatic and a pathological liar
See how NOAA is circling the wagons around releasing their own "Hide the decline" emails? That's called "Consciousness of guilt" Congress should send in the US Marshalls to liberate the emails, let's see what they're tying so desperately to hide
Frank, I've given him his information on confessions and he ignores me. Crick doesn't like me, cause he can't win a discussion with me. He fails in every opportunity, so like a chicken shite he ignores me. I love it. I got under his skin, his chicken little skin. I'm an irritant and I love it. he wouldn't know a fact if it hit him in the puss. he wouldn't know what a confession was if it was laid out in front of him. DOH!!!

Yeah, it was, and like the manufacturing tool he is he made up something about a joke to distract from the actual confession. But it doesn't matter, we all know and will just continue to have fun with the dumb fk.

There's something wrong with Crick, seriously wrong. He's a genocidal lunatic and a pathological liar
You just defined the typical liberal.
Real people, when planning something bad, always talk like cartoon villains bragging about their "cunning plan".

Oh wait, real people don't actually talk like that, unless they're making a joke. That would be why all the non-retards instantly recognized it as a joke.

Now, head kook SSDD still won't show us any evidence that any part of the villainous plot was ever carried out. He knows full well he's just making crap up now, but he's sticking to his fabrications, as he's in it too deep to back down now. A joke email from 1996 proves all global warming science is a hoax, and nobody can budge him from that insane claim.

That's an example of a moral defect common to so many deniers, their pathological inability to admit any error. Mentally healthy people can say "oop, you're right, I goofed", but many deniers are incapable of that. In their paranoid narcissist minds, they themselves are perfect and incapable of error. If anyone shatters their illusion of perfection by pointing out their hilarious screwups, that critic must be some kind of evildoer who is out to get them. So, what started out as mere stupidity on their part graduates into a full-blown deranged conspiracy theory, as they keep trying to defend the indefensibly stupid.
Real people, when planning something bad, always talk like cartoon villains bragging about their "cunning plan".

Real adults say what they mean when they speak....are you claiming that they are carrying on like drunken frat boys on the government dime when they are supposed to be doing science? Do you have any particular insight into what their mood or sobriety level was when they made those clear statements? What gives you the idea that they weren't simply stating fact....what inside knowledge do you claim to have that would allow you to know some intent to the statement other than to simply communicate facts?
IPCC admitted AGW was a wealth redistribution scheme

Please excuse Frank, he is reality challenged, has no ability for critical thinking and his mind is closed to anything which challenges the Dogma of 21st Century conservatives seeking a return to the 19th Century.

Freddo, you might want to read up before chiming in on the topic

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..." - See more at: UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'
Real people, when planning something bad, always talk like cartoon villains bragging about their "cunning plan".

Oh wait, real people don't actually talk like that, unless they're making a joke. That would be why all the non-retards instantly recognized it as a joke.

Now, head kook SSDD still won't show us any evidence that any part of the villainous plot was ever carried out. He knows full well he's just making crap up now, but he's sticking to his fabrications, as he's in it too deep to back down now. A joke email from 1996 proves all global warming science is a hoax, and nobody can budge him from that insane claim.

That's an example of a moral defect common to so many deniers, their pathological inability to admit any error. Mentally healthy people can say "oop, you're right, I goofed", but many deniers are incapable of that. In their paranoid narcissist minds, they themselves are perfect and incapable of error. If anyone shatters their illusion of perfection by pointing out their hilarious screwups, that critic must be some kind of evildoer who is out to get them. So, what started out as mere stupidity on their part graduates into a full-blown deranged conspiracy theory, as they keep trying to defend the indefensibly stupid.
This is a thread about confessions that were provided. What bullshit are you spewing now dumb fk?
As Frank demonstrates, most deniers believe Dread Lord Ottmar is forcing socialism upon the entire world. And they don't understand why that looks so nuckin' futz.

So, what's the long term plan, deniers? I mean, besides endlessly repeating all the tactics that made you world laughingstocks. (Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.)

I'll tell you our long term plan. Do good science, and ridicule the cult clowns.
are you claiming that they are carrying on like drunken frat boys on the government dime when they are supposed to be doing science?

It's becoming more and more obvious that you're not only as stupid as a brick, but that you have no real life.
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As Frank demonstrates, most deniers believe Dread Lord Ottmar is forcing socialism upon the entire world. And they don't understand why that looks so nuckin' futz.

So, what's the long term plan, deniers? I mean, besides endlessly repeating all the tactics that made you world laughingstocks. (Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.)

I'll tell you our long term plan. Do good science, and ridicule the cult clowns.

Hide the decline is your good science.

Your side admitted that they're EnviroMarxist, it's really that simple
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..."

How many times are you going to repeat that quote Frank? Do you think there's anyone here who's not familiar with it? Do you think it accomplishes anything beyond confirming your simplistic nature?

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