Where is the confession?

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..."

How many times are you going to repeat that quote Frank? Do you think there's anyone here who's not familiar with it? Do you think it accomplishes anything beyond confirming your simplistic nature?

Let's see, first you said the guy who said it was a low level employee at IPCC, next he was just an economist, then just speaking his own mind. You made up a new excuse with almost every post. It's important because it's the IPCC admitting exactly what they're all about: EnviroMarxism
Hide the decline is your good science.

Your side admitted that they're EnviroMarxist, it's really that simple

You think "hide the decline" is an admission of "enviromarxism"? Please elaborate for us Frank

Hide the decline is the lengths true believers will go to in order to do their part for EnviroMarxism

As we all know, "hide the decline" was what was intended to accomplish with "Mike's Nature Trick (a technique of Mann's used in an article in Nature Magazine by which instrumented data were blended with dendrochronological proxy data that, as all dendrochronologists (and anyone with any interest in climate science) know, suffered a dramatic and significant alteration in the relationship between width and temperature in the early parts of the 20th century. It was discussed by dendrochronologists in several venues prior to its appearance in the stolen email and, having been openly published in Nature was widely known in the field.

Now, as an elaboration of your charge that this somehow supports the idea that climate scientists (at least 97% of whom would qualify as your "true believers") favor enviromarxism (a term you have yet to define), you give us NOTHING.

You are a fucking ignorant fool Frank. Do yourself a favor: get an education and use it.
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..."

How many times are you going to repeat that quote Frank? Do you think there's anyone here who's not familiar with it? Do you think it accomplishes anything beyond confirming your simplistic nature?

Let's see, first you said the guy who said it was a low level employee at IPCC, next he was just an economist, then just speaking his own mind. You made up a new excuse with almost every post. It's important because it's the IPCC admitting exactly what they're all about: EnviroMarxism

1) Ottmar is an economist, he is NOT a climate scientist
2) He was speaking his own mind. He was being interviewed about global warming and the IPCC. He is not a permanent, salaried employee of the IPCC.
3) He was explaining how the world's governments are dealing with AGW, not the IPCC's policies
4) The IPCC has NO authority to enforce ANY behavior on ANYONE. They do not set anyone's policy
5) Your stupidity seems to be completely incurable.
Hide the decline is your good science.

Your side admitted that they're EnviroMarxist, it's really that simple

You think "hide the decline" is an admission of "enviromarxism"? Please elaborate for us Frank

Hide the decline is the lengths true believers will go to in order to do their part for EnviroMarxism

As we all know, "hide the decline" was what was intended to accomplish with "Mike's Nature Trick (a technique of Mann's used in an article in Nature Magazine by which instrumented data were blended with dendrochronological proxy data that, as all dendrochronologists (and anyone with any interest in climate science) know, suffered a dramatic and significant alteration in the relationship between width and temperature in the early parts of the 20th century. It was discussed by dendrochronologists in several venues prior to its appearance in the stolen email and, having been openly published in Nature was widely known in the field.

Now, as an elaboration of your charge that this somehow supports the idea that climate scientists (at least 97% of whom would qualify as your "true believers") favor enviromarxism (a term you have yet to define), you give us NOTHING.

You are a fucking ignorant fool Frank. Do yourself a favor: get an education and use it.

Hide the decline was a tool to hide the decline in temperatures that were already evident at the time. After East Angelia was outed as a fraud, even Phil Jones admitted there's been no recent warming
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..."

How many times are you going to repeat that quote Frank? Do you think there's anyone here who's not familiar with it? Do you think it accomplishes anything beyond confirming your simplistic nature?

Let's see, first you said the guy who said it was a low level employee at IPCC, next he was just an economist, then just speaking his own mind. You made up a new excuse with almost every post. It's important because it's the IPCC admitting exactly what they're all about: EnviroMarxism

1) Ottmar is an economist, he is NOT a climate scientist
2) He was speaking his own mind. He was being interviewed about global warming and the IPCC. He is not a permanent, salaried employee of the IPCC.
3) He was explaining how the world's governments are dealing with AGW, not the IPCC's policies
4) The IPCC has NO authority to enforce ANY behavior on ANYONE. They do not set anyone's policy
5) Your stupidity seems to be completely incurable.

Have you finally settled on your "Who is Ottmar" response? Bravo

Ottmar was Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group III


^Ottmar is an economist, he is NOT a climate scientist

He was being interviewed regarding the upcoming climate summit in Cancun in 2010 in his capacity as Co-Chair of IPCC. He was clearly defining IPCC EnviroMarxism

Klimaschutz hat mit Umweltschutz kaum mehr etwas zu tun, sagt der Ökonom Ottmar Edenhofer. Der nächste Weltklimagipfel in Cancún sei eigentlich ein Wirtschaftsgipfel, bei dem es um die Verteilung der Ressourcen gehe. Interview: Bernhard Pötter: «Klimapolitik verteilt das Weltvermögen neu»

"The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.” -- President Mikhail Gorbachev, 1996
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"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..."

How many times are you going to repeat that quote Frank? Do you think there's anyone here who's not familiar with it? Do you think it accomplishes anything beyond confirming your simplistic nature?
it's just a factual statement of the left posted to remind you that you're full of shite.
Hide the decline is your good science.

Your side admitted that they're EnviroMarxist, it's really that simple

You think "hide the decline" is an admission of "enviromarxism"? Please elaborate for us Frank

Hide the decline is the lengths true believers will go to in order to do their part for EnviroMarxism

As we all know, "hide the decline" was what was intended to accomplish with "Mike's Nature Trick (a technique of Mann's used in an article in Nature Magazine by which instrumented data were blended with dendrochronological proxy data that, as all dendrochronologists (and anyone with any interest in climate science) know, suffered a dramatic and significant alteration in the relationship between width and temperature in the early parts of the 20th century. It was discussed by dendrochronologists in several venues prior to its appearance in the stolen email and, having been openly published in Nature was widely known in the field.

Now, as an elaboration of your charge that this somehow supports the idea that climate scientists (at least 97% of whom would qualify as your "true believers") favor enviromarxism (a term you have yet to define), you give us NOTHING.
You are a fucking ignorant fool Frank. Do yourself a favor: get an education and use it.
As we all know, "hide the decline" was what was intended to accomplish with "Mike's Nature Trick (a technique of Mann's used in an article in Nature Magazine by which instrumented data were blended with dendrochronological proxy data that, as all dendrochronologists"

funny, you've been asked a hundred times to explain excess heat in the oceans. What is 'excess heat'? And I suppose you're fine with hide he decline. At least you admit what Mike Mann did. combined data that wasn't the same to show a hockey stick.
As Frank demonstrates, most deniers believe Dread Lord Ottmar is forcing socialism upon the entire world. And they don't understand why that looks so nuckin' futz.

So, what's the long term plan, deniers? I mean, besides endlessly repeating all the tactics that made you world laughingstocks. (Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.)

I'll tell you our long term plan. Do good science, and ridicule the cult clowns.
hey tooth, when does the good science start. The bad political pseudo science has lost. Better get to work, the world waits.
Hide the decline was a tool to hide the decline in temperatures that were already evident at the time. After East Angelia was outed as a fraud, even Phil Jones admitted there's been no recent warming

There was no such decline in temperatures. If you think there was, show us the evidence - the data.

You're just a fucking idiot Frank. That's all there is to it.
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Let's keep in mind what dataset we're talking about here Frank. This is MBH 1998.


And read this Frank. Force yourself


are you claiming that they are carrying on like drunken frat boys on the government dime when they are supposed to be doing science?

It's becoming more and more obvious that you're not only as stupid as a brick, but that you have no real life.

What is stupid crick is attempting to defend the indefensible.....and lying when you know you are going to be caught out....got that empirical evidence that supports the claim that adding CO2 to the atmosphere will cause warming yet?.....of course not....since it doesn't exist.
are you claiming that they are carrying on like drunken frat boys on the government dime when they are supposed to be doing science?

It's becoming more and more obvious that you're not only as stupid as a brick, but that you have no real life.

What is stupid crick is attempting to defend the indefensible.....and lying when you know you are going to be caught out....got that empirical evidence that supports the claim that adding CO2 to the atmosphere will cause warming yet?.....of course not....since it doesn't exist.

Crick is a hopeless enviroweenie, but at least he understands the 2nd Law.
Being an engineer, I understand most physics. That would include the greenhouse effect, for which enormous amounts of empirical evidence exists. Being simply a normal human being, I also understand that SSDD is ignorant, antisocial and overwhelmed with issues of ego.
What is stupid crick is attempting to defend the indefensible.....and lying when you know you are going to be caught out....got that empirical evidence that supports the claim that adding CO2 to the atmosphere will cause warming yet?.....of course not....since it doesn't exist.

What is it you think is indefensible SID? MBH 98? Care to show us a published paper that refutes it's conclusions?
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Being an engineer, I understand most physics. That would include the greenhouse effect, for which enormous amounts of empirical evidence exists. Being simply a normal human being, I also understand that SSDD is ignorant, antisocial and overwhelmed with issues of ego.

That would include the greenhouse effect, for which enormous amounts of empirical evidence exists.

Yeah, I'm not sure why some foes of the warmers deny back-radiation or misinterpret the 2nd Law in order to resist the watermelon agenda.

If warmers think CO2 is the worst thing ever, they'd support nuclear power to supply our high-energy use economy, instead, they try to damage our economy by pushing unreliable, expensive "green energy".
I think it's just more proof of their real agenda, and it's not reducing CO2.

Being simply a normal human being, I also understand that SSDD is ignorant, antisocial and overwhelmed with issues of ego.

Look at that, an issue we can agree on.
Being an engineer, I understand most physics. That would include the greenhouse effect, for which enormous amounts of empirical evidence exists. Being simply a normal human being, I also understand that SSDD is ignorant, antisocial and overwhelmed with issues of ego.

You are no engineer you lying sack...you can't even read a simple graph. Every damned damned time one is presented, or you present one, you completely fail to grasp what it says...even the simple ones.

And there isn't a shred of empirical evidence that supports the claim that adding CO2 to the atmosphere causes temperatures to increase...Like you said, people who claim that evidence exists but don't present it are just talking out of their asses....clearly you are just talking out your ass you lying sack.

Interesting how you revert to name calling in lieu of presenting the non existent evidence you claim to have seen. More talking out your ass? Of course. Lying is all you are good for.

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