Where Is the KKK?

The left needs to have racism front and center....even if they have to choreograph it themselves
to keep it relevant.. It is pathetically sad.

I also think that Jussie's crime should be considered a hate crime at sentencing.
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They are all hiding under Joe Biden's bed at night

But really the made up story by Jesse is very telling in that the Left is desperately want a KKK like story but there are none, so they have to make one up.
Ask the FBI, they run it.

donny KKK.jpg

Do you miss them??

Well, don't worry...they took off their hoods and decided wearing cheap suits and running for office is a better way to have influence....

Especially if they run in the GOP....they have lots of success running in the GOP...

It's almost as if the base voters in the GOP align with white supremacists....a lot...
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Here is a repository for Race crime Hoaxes from just the past few years--nearly 500 that were actually retracted in the press. The number of hoaxes is much higher. fakehatecrimes.org
That is because racism doesn't exist...

Except for the racism against white.....

There is a reason so many of them were chanting "Jews Will Not Replace Us"
About 15 years ago, a teenaged friend of mine was attacked and robbed in NYC by a group Blacks and when he got home, he was so upset he tried to join the KKK. He found their website and contacted them saying he wanted to join, and he was asked for his social security number, name and address. He felt weird about that and just ignored that request and gave up his plan to join a group. A week later he started getting calls from Jewish organizations asking him to discuss the holocaust and antisemitism. That says a lot about all those groups the SPLC claim exist.
Do you miss them??

Well, don't worry...they took off their hoods and decided wearing cheap suits and running for office is a better way to have influence....

Especially if they run in the GOP....they have lots of success running in the GOP...

It's almost as if the base voters in the GOP align with white supremacists....a lot...
Anyone have a reputable story of the KKK doing anything in the past decade
I think the KKK is dead, too much baggage and you can't wear white after Labor Day.

Seems most of the racism going on are Leftist hoaxes.
I don't believe that is true. In August 2017, hundreds of far-right extremists descended on Charlottesville, Virginia, ostensibly to protest the removal of a Confederate statue from a local park. Dubbed “Unite the Right,” the gathering was the largest and most violent public assembly of white supremacists in decades. It also demonstrated a resurgent and emboldened white supremacist movement with lots of anti-Semitism mixed in.
I think the KKK is dead, too much baggage and you can't wear white after Labor Day.

I don't believe that is true. In August 2017, hundreds of far-right extremists descended on Charlottesville, Virginia, ostensibly to protest the removal of a Confederate statue from a local park. Dubbed “Unite the Right,” the gathering was the largest and most violent public assembly of white supremacists in decades. It also demonstrated a resurgent and emboldened white supremacist movement with lots of anti-Semitism mixed in.
OK, I had no idea standing on the street was illegal.
If there were any white racist that had real balls you'd have thought they'd have fought back against the BLM's violence and done the reverse. But yet, none. Zero! Even if it bordered on justified at times.
If there were any white racist that had real balls you'd have thought they'd have fought back against the BLM's violence and done the reverse. But yet, none. Zero! Even if it bordered on justified at times.
Democrats were burning down black owned businesses, KKK probably just held parties watching it on TV.

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