Where is the outrage?

Let's see how many trips so far? I'm losing count. But he's heading to what he now calls the "Southern White House". That's another $3,000,000 in taxpayer money.

Great! He could use a relaxing/working weekend. After all, he has presidential stuff to do. Just look at North Korea, Syria and Russia, all circumstances completely fucked-up by Obama off golfing with his valet buddy.
The Hypocrisy is obvious!

"Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years."

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year - CNNPolitics.com

Trump Vs Obama Vacation Expenses Released, Numbers Are Outrageous (STATS)


"The cost of protecting President Trump's family is on track to far outstrip that of his predecessor, according to estimates.

"According to estimates by the Washington Post, the expenses of the first four weeks of Trump's presidency suggest that the U.S. government may end up spending hundreds of millions of dollars more that it did on the Obamas, largely because of extensive travel.

"According to the estimate, Trump's three trips to the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida since the inauguration cost approximately $10 million in travel, security and more."

"Guarding the Trump Tower in New York City, the current residence of the first lady Melania Trump and their son Barron, would cost the taxpayers $183 million a year. Melania and Barron are expected to move to the White House at the end of the school year.

"Additional costs also included $100,000 in hotel fees for Secret Service personnel that accompanied Eric Trump's trip to Uruguay, and another estimated $1.5 million a year to rent appropriate space for authorities in the Trump Tower, if the Pentagon decides to prepare for the commander-in-chief's possible to return to his Manhattan residence.

"Judicial Watch, a conservative organization that tracked Obama's travel expenses, calculated that approximately $97 million was spent on on protection during his two terms in office"

Yeah, I miss the good old days when a President's hobbies were blow jobs and water boarding.
Wish I got long weekends like he does. Hell, I wish I had what it costs for him to do those long weekends.
Trump goes home to his own property for a weekend, why are libs foaming at the mouth? :eusa_hand:
Thanks for proving you are also a damn hypocrite, that you are a liar and a fool is obvious, and easily proved by reading most of the stupid comments you've posted on this MB.
I don't recall criticizing Obie's golf outings. As a matter of fact I wanted him to stay gone. How am I hypocritical? You can't even see people, you the "the right wing".

Maybe you didn't knock Obama for playing golf, or the first lady for her travel, but that genre, endemic to your kind, did, and they like you are not very bright bigots who echo each other.
Ah, guilt by association. The hallmark of the most erudite members of our society.

"guilt by association"? Hardly, I simply defined how you appear to me, and that is, you are not very bright (low 90's IQ, I suspect) and have a propensity to echo the usual RW bullshit of the day.
You denied it then proved me right in one sentence. That's a special kind of brilliance. I don't think you would have fared so well in the private sector.

I defined you as how you appear to me: not very bright and you have a propensity (maybe that word is one you don't know?) to echo RW daily bullshit.

I agree with this phrase posted above by you, "I don't think" which seems to support my contention.
The Hypocrisy is obvious!

"Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years."

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year - CNNPolitics.com

Trump Vs Obama Vacation Expenses Released, Numbers Are Outrageous (STATS)


"The cost of protecting President Trump's family is on track to far outstrip that of his predecessor, according to estimates.

"According to estimates by the Washington Post, the expenses of the first four weeks of Trump's presidency suggest that the U.S. government may end up spending hundreds of millions of dollars more that it did on the Obamas, largely because of extensive travel.

"According to the estimate, Trump's three trips to the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida since the inauguration cost approximately $10 million in travel, security and more."

"Guarding the Trump Tower in New York City, the current residence of the first lady Melania Trump and their son Barron, would cost the taxpayers $183 million a year. Melania and Barron are expected to move to the White House at the end of the school year.

"Additional costs also included $100,000 in hotel fees for Secret Service personnel that accompanied Eric Trump's trip to Uruguay, and another estimated $1.5 million a year to rent appropriate space for authorities in the Trump Tower, if the Pentagon decides to prepare for the commander-in-chief's possible to return to his Manhattan residence.

"Judicial Watch, a conservative organization that tracked Obama's travel expenses, calculated that approximately $97 million was spent on on protection during his two terms in office"
I don't think there's enough outrage over the spamming of this stupid subject.

Oh....and any CNN fake news you use as a reference will be summarily dismissed. Find an independent source.

Hey, just for you (and others who have been brainwashed by the Fake News Propaganda) I posted three links in the OP. You should be grateful, and not prove once again to be a liar by omission.
So you think the Washington Pissed is any more credible?
Let's see how many trips so far? I'm losing count. But he's heading to what he now calls the "Southern White House". That's another $3,000,000 in taxpayer money.

What did he say about how he would be too busy to ever LEAVE the White House???
What did he say about Obama?

Thanks for turning this country into a monarchy for your messiah, Trumpies.

Fucking hypocrite.

President Trump’s schedule for Thursday, April 13th, 2017

View attachment 121570
Would you be happier if he were working around the clock to dismantle policies that you like?

Look on the bright side, the more time he spends dilly dallying, the less time he has to screw up things you are partial to.

While he's away, I doubt seriously he is concerned with being anyone's president. :lmao:
So you don't give a shit whether he does his job or not!
I don't recall criticizing Obie's golf outings. As a matter of fact I wanted him to stay gone. How am I hypocritical? You can't even see people, you the "the right wing".

Maybe you didn't knock Obama for playing golf, or the first lady for her travel, but that genre, endemic to your kind, did, and they like you are not very bright bigots who echo each other.
Ah, guilt by association. The hallmark of the most erudite members of our society.

"guilt by association"? Hardly, I simply defined how you appear to me, and that is, you are not very bright (low 90's IQ, I suspect) and have a propensity to echo the usual RW bullshit of the day.
You denied it then proved me right in one sentence. That's a special kind of brilliance. I don't think you would have fared so well in the private sector.

I defined you as how you appear to me: not very bright and you have a propensity (maybe that word is one you don't know?) to echo RW daily bullshit.

I agree with this phrase posted above by you, "I don't think" which seems to support my contention.
You've been busy this morning. Don't strain your brain cell.
The Hypocrisy is obvious!

"Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years."

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year - CNNPolitics.com

Trump Vs Obama Vacation Expenses Released, Numbers Are Outrageous (STATS)


"The cost of protecting President Trump's family is on track to far outstrip that of his predecessor, according to estimates.

"According to estimates by the Washington Post, the expenses of the first four weeks of Trump's presidency suggest that the U.S. government may end up spending hundreds of millions of dollars more that it did on the Obamas, largely because of extensive travel.

"According to the estimate, Trump's three trips to the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida since the inauguration cost approximately $10 million in travel, security and more."

"Guarding the Trump Tower in New York City, the current residence of the first lady Melania Trump and their son Barron, would cost the taxpayers $183 million a year. Melania and Barron are expected to move to the White House at the end of the school year.

"Additional costs also included $100,000 in hotel fees for Secret Service personnel that accompanied Eric Trump's trip to Uruguay, and another estimated $1.5 million a year to rent appropriate space for authorities in the Trump Tower, if the Pentagon decides to prepare for the commander-in-chief's possible to return to his Manhattan residence.

"Judicial Watch, a conservative organization that tracked Obama's travel expenses, calculated that approximately $97 million was spent on on protection during his two terms in office"

Once again, progressives only worry about government spending when a Republican is in Office.

And before you rant about my hypocrisy, do a search and see if I have ever criticized Obama's vacation schedule.
When it's looking like his golfing trips are going to cost over $100 million in tax payer dollars, then it's definitely time for outrage.

No, it's because you don't like him. Stop trying to exude a noble sentiment about it.

If it was $100 million for the perverted arts, you would be fine with it.
Trump goes home to his own property for a weekend, why are libs foaming at the mouth? :eusa_hand:
because ti costs millions of dollars every weekend, those people that live there are probably miserable and all they are getting out of it is him breaking 60% of his promises.
The Hypocrisy is obvious!

"Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama's spending on travel for his entire eight years."

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 year - CNNPolitics.com

Trump Vs Obama Vacation Expenses Released, Numbers Are Outrageous (STATS)


"The cost of protecting President Trump's family is on track to far outstrip that of his predecessor, according to estimates.

"According to estimates by the Washington Post, the expenses of the first four weeks of Trump's presidency suggest that the U.S. government may end up spending hundreds of millions of dollars more that it did on the Obamas, largely because of extensive travel.

"According to the estimate, Trump's three trips to the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida since the inauguration cost approximately $10 million in travel, security and more."

"Guarding the Trump Tower in New York City, the current residence of the first lady Melania Trump and their son Barron, would cost the taxpayers $183 million a year. Melania and Barron are expected to move to the White House at the end of the school year.

"Additional costs also included $100,000 in hotel fees for Secret Service personnel that accompanied Eric Trump's trip to Uruguay, and another estimated $1.5 million a year to rent appropriate space for authorities in the Trump Tower, if the Pentagon decides to prepare for the commander-in-chief's possible to return to his Manhattan residence.

"Judicial Watch, a conservative organization that tracked Obama's travel expenses, calculated that approximately $97 million was spent on on protection during his two terms in office"

Once again, progressives only worry about government spending when a Republican is in Office.

And before you rant about my hypocrisy, do a search and see if I have ever criticized Obama's vacation schedule.
When it's looking like his golfing trips are going to cost over $100 million in tax payer dollars, then it's definitely time for outrage.

Apparently not. Outrage is restricted and mocked by fools and liars, outrage is only legitimate when focused on those persons who are targeted by the Right Wing neo Fascist Community - then it is echoed by the fools and liars who dismiss this fiscally irresponsible behavior of the current occupant of the White House, Trump Tower and his private pad we get to pay to protect.

Calling them out as hypocrites and damn liars is high praise for such deplorable ne'er do wells.

Find one post where I complained about Obama's vacations and trips, you cheap, dime-store desk jockey hack.
sorry, it isn't the same....Obama did not do anything unusual or out of the norm with his vacation time and secret service spending, YET REPUBLICANS,

bitched and moaned and bitched and moaned and BITCHED AND MOANED AND BITCHED AND MOANED about tax payer dollars being spent on him.... even though no more money was being spent on him and his time away taken than all other WHITE presidents....

And now this special snowflake President is spending 8 TIMES the amount of money on him and his family and their world travels and his weekly vacations, and not a PEEP from the Republicans....

just shows what disgusting human being hypocrites they truly are.....

YOU ALL, who bitched the last 8 years, owe president Obama, an apology.
Fuck that!!!

Obama's the asshole that ran on Bush causing "The worst economy since the Great Depression", claiming that Bush’s massive spending was "Un-American". Nobody would have said anything if he hadn't come off as such a God Damn Hipocrite!!!

Time and time again we'd see Obama giving a speech about something and finding out he was doing it, or I remember the time he sent us a policy letter to read in the DoD about "Human-trafficking" and finding out Obama was one of the worst offenders.
Last edited:
Is Trump paying to stay at Mar-a-Lago?
No you are. And me, and everyone else who pays taxes.

Is Trump paying to stay at Mar-a-Lago?

are you really that stupid? or are you implying he goes for free? (also really stupid).

You two do understand that question was: Is Trump paying to stay at Mar-a-Lago?
The answer is, you and the rest of us are paying for him.
Let's see how many trips so far? I'm losing count. But he's heading to what he now calls the "Southern White House". That's another $3,000,000 in taxpayer money.

What did he say about how he would be too busy to ever LEAVE the White House???
What did he say about Obama?

Thanks for turning this country into a monarchy for your messiah, Trumpies.

Fucking hypocrite.

President Trump’s schedule for Thursday, April 13th, 2017

View attachment 121570
Would you be happier if he were working around the clock to dismantle policies that you like?

Look on the bright side, the more time he spends dilly dallying, the less time he has to screw up things you are partial to.

While he's away, I doubt seriously he is concerned with being anyone's president. :lmao:
So you don't give a shit whether he does his job or not!
not surprising you missed his point. Do you want Donald to work, or do you want him to shut up and sit down?
Maybe you didn't knock Obama for playing golf, or the first lady for her travel, but that genre, endemic to your kind, did, and they like you are not very bright bigots who echo each other.
Backtracking detected....

I'm not like you, if I err I will so acknowledge my mistake; you, don't have the ego strength or character to do so. I suspect iceweasel lied about never criticizing Obama for playing golf and/or going to Hawaii for vacation, but going out of my way to review all of his idiot-grams is not worth my time.
Keep your day job, comedy doesn't suit you. No be a good little boy & go post another whiney thread about Trump not being locked down in the White House

This is my day job, along with taking care of our dog and doing my best to keep up with the honey do's. You might not know this, but safety retirement allows for an early retirement, and a very good retirement income. Putting up with punks and thugs for three + decades is well compensated during and after retirement.

If you are so happy and content in your retirement how come your posts indicate that you are a malcontent, whiny and typically unhappy Democrat?

Too many words wasted in an ad hominem ^^^. If you disagree, and believe Trump's expenditure of (y)our tax dollars is well spent, simply post why you believe this to be true. It's really that simple.

If you want to whine, piss and moan about my comments, try to offer a rebuttal to the OP, or a defense for those who bitched, pissed and whined about Obama's travel, which when Trump's cost after only a first few months in office is compared with Obama's 8 years, is excessive.

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