Where is the outrage?

Where did you learn it from? The same people that were consistently wrong about covid? :lol:
Nope I did not give the Right's take on Covid any credence at all--and still don't. I especially did not believe a word of the garbage you posted on the subject..especially at the beginning of the pandemic.
And with super-spreader events in San Francisco going ahead, you can see how Monkeypox will only get much worse before things get better.

Height of hypocrisy: Newsom declares monkeypox a state of emergency in Cali after allowing gay, leather kink festival to go ahead - but BANNED kids from going to school during pandemic​

  • California became the second state, after New York, to declare monkeypox a state emergency
  • Newsom said the declaration will help state officials coordinate a government-wide response, seek more vaccines and lead outreach and educational efforts
  • So far, nearly 800 cases of monkeypox have been reported in California
  • The San Francisco Department of Public Health was on-site to inform the local LGBTQ+ community about the viral disease and to keep them safe
  • The type of monkeypox virus identified in this outbreak is rarely fatal, and people usually recover within weeks
  • California has received more than 61,000 vaccine doses and has distributed more than 25,000 as state officials await for more shipments

States are declaring emergencies but its only 6k cases.. I remember when people were saying that about covid.
But whatever. Got to defend your tribe. No matter the costs.
Nope I did not give the Right's take on Covid any credence at all--and still don't. I especially did not believe a word of the garbage you posted on the subject..especially at the beginning of the pandemic.
I was referring to the "experts" that were wrong about everything, you stupid hack.
The problem in America is that the Liberal Elite glorifies sodomy, which is the principle cause of the monkeypox.

Put a behavior on a pedestal, you'll get more of it.

Even during the covid panic, liberal officials outlawed people drinking in bars and even closed liquor stores. But they never put any restriction at all on men taking it in the butt.

Well you can't try and prop homos up and then talk about how they are the problem with it primarily. Ultimately that's the problem, they are trying to glorify cats and trannies but in doing so they can't be critical of them either. It's why there are so many shitty blacks now because they are trying to glorify them but at the same time can't say anything bad about them. So it's everyone else that takes the blame, everyone else being straight people and whites.

Let's face it, fags are the problem. Now some gays are fine, they aren't promiscuous and stay with one partner and so on, they aren't the problem. Fags are the problem because they are running around trying to stick their dick in any hole they can find, anywhere, anytime. Fags don't have women to tell them no, and with no one to say no they will meet another fag and stick it up their ass in a alley without even finding out their name first.

But I'll admit after the couple years how gays and fags and trannies and all the alphabet people have behaved, fuck em. I don't care what happens to them, they burned up the goodwill I had towards them.

Are you suggesting that we shouldn't care about an insignificant portion of the population when it comes to governance?


No, I am saying that the role of the public health officials are very different based upon the disease/virus.

It is not a one size fits all sort of thing.
States are declaring emergencies but its only 6k cases.. I remember when people were saying that about covid.
But whatever. Got to defend your tribe. No matter the costs.
California declared emergency with 800 cases? Good lobby there eh? This disease is seldom fatal....so wring your hands some more..it amuses~
No, I am saying that the role of the public health officials are very different based upon the disease/virus.

It is not a one size fits all sort of thing.
There will be an alpha male as leader using all of the current laws to bring a modern 'final solution' to a group or some groups at some point.
California declared emergency with 800 cases? Good lobby there eh? This disease is seldom fatal....so wring your hands some more..it amuses~

It's true that according to the CDC more people have died from the Covid after being fully vaccinated than have died from Monkeypox ... :thup:

There will be an alpha male as leader using all of the current laws to bring a modern 'final solution' to a group or some groups at some point.

One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.

It's true that according to the CDC more people have died from the Covid after being fully vaccinated than have died from Monkeypox ... :thup:

Not sure that that actually means anything..but it is true!

Of course..no one has died in the US from Monkey Pox..so there's that eh?
California declared emergency with 800 cases? Good lobby there eh? This disease is seldom fatal....so wring your hands some more..it amuses~
The average death rate for monkeypox is 4.5%. What was covid 2 months in?
Monkeypox was supposed to be different, because it is much harder to transmit, treatments and vaccines were already available, much was known about a virus first described in 1958 and so many lessons were supposedly learned from COVID-19.
Yet the United States now has the world's biggest outbreak of monkeypox with more than 6,600 Americans diagnosed since mid-May.

US now has the world’s biggest monkeypox outbreak

I remember when the lack of federal response to a disease was a bad thing. Now, those critics dont say a word. Why is that?
LOL JK. I know why... :lol:
Now dont get me wrong, the fed gov doesnt have much power to thwart this kind of thing. Im simply pointing out how disingenuous federal supremacists are. NEVER EVER listen to a word they have to say. All they do is lie.
Now watch. The only response from a federal supremacist on this thread will be deflection. IF they even respond.

Have you gotten your vaccination?

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