CDZ Where is the proof of illegal voting in American elections?

No illegal voting of significance occurs in our elections and has not for a long tinme

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Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.
Ah, one of those disingenuous 'talking points' attempting to deny what most know, and what most Democrats work at doing every election cycle, herding illegals to polls.

Proof Of Illegal Aliens Voting As Those Called For Jury Duty Claim They Are Not Citizens : Diggers Realm

How can you prove that someone who voted is an illegal alien? Well currently there really is no way. With the current system of voter registration and no requirements to show proof that you're actually a citizen of the United States and therefore eligible to vote at the polls, any idiot can show up and cast a vote that disenfranchises every other single eligible voter in America.

So down to the proof. Harris County, Texas discovered that those called for Jury Duty after registering to vote then went before a judge and said they couldn't serve as a juror because they were not citizens of the United States.

... and of course any search on Google or Yahoo turns up all kinds of info on it, Jake. you should try researching topics once in a while, Jake. This is just one of your lame trolls, not a serious topic.
Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.

Trump has found that facts haven't helped him in the past. Don't expect him to change now.
Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.

Ask Stein and Clinton....they are the ones demanding recounts and taking millions from people to do it.
Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.

Ask Stein and Clinton....they are the ones demanding recounts and taking millions from people to do it.

You got a link to Clinton demanding a recount? You just gotta throw a lie in every post, don't you?
Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.

Ask Stein and Clinton....they are the ones demanding recounts and taking millions from people to do it.

You got a link to Clinton demanding a recount? You just gotta throw a lie in every post, don't you?
She's not personally demanding the recount, but her George Soros funded attorney is JOINING the recount effort.

Hillary Clinton joins campaign to recount votes
Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.

Ask Stein and Clinton....they are the ones demanding recounts and taking millions from people to do it.

You got a link to Clinton demanding a recount? You just gotta throw a lie in every post, don't you?

She joined the's all over the news. Get out more and get informed

Even your precious NY Slimes is reporting it

Hillary Clinton’s Team to Join Wisconsin Recount Pushed by Jill Stein
More on the very real problem here. The fact is there is all kinds of proof, it's just Democratic Party shills who run around trying to peddle the gibberish it doesn't exist, because they benefit from it all.

Democrats Benefit From Illegal Immigrant Voting | The Huffington Post

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

... and thousands more on the issue.

One has to be almost totally clueless to try an sell the lie there isn't voting fraud.
Obama told illegals it was okay to vote and not to be concerned about legal consequences.

Jake can't help but regurgitate left wing talking points every day. The elite Left is all about Plausible Deniability..and it dupes dummies every time.
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Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.

Ask Stein and Clinton....they are the ones demanding recounts and taking millions from people to do it.

You got a link to Clinton demanding a recount? You just gotta throw a lie in every post, don't you?
She's not personally demanding the recount, but her George Soros funded attorney is JOINING the recount effort.

Hillary Clinton joins campaign to recount votes

Mod Edit -- It's the CDZone.. Tone it down. BULLDOG She is cooperating with the recount.
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Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.

Ask Stein and Clinton....they are the ones demanding recounts and taking millions from people to do it.

You got a link to Clinton demanding a recount? You just gotta throw a lie in every post, don't you?
She's not personally demanding the recount, but her George Soros funded attorney is JOINING the recount effort.

Hillary Clinton joins campaign to recount votes
same thing
Ah, one of those disingenuous 'talking points' attempting to deny what most know, and what most Democrats work at doing every election cycle, herding illegals to polls.

Proof Of Illegal Aliens Voting As Those Called For Jury Duty Claim They Are Not Citizens : Diggers Realm

How can you prove that someone who voted is an illegal alien? Well currently there really is no way. With the current system of voter registration and no requirements to show proof that you're actually a citizen of the United States and therefore eligible to vote at the polls, any idiot can show up and cast a vote that disenfranchises every other single eligible voter in America.

So down to the proof. Harris County, Texas discovered that those called for Jury Duty after registering to vote then went before a judge and said they couldn't serve as a juror because they were not citizens of the United States.

... and of course any search on Google or Yahoo turns up all kinds of info on it, Jake. you should try researching topics once in a while, Jake. This is just one of your lame trolls, not a serious topic.
In Virginia there has been accounts of voter fraud. But when you have a lickspittle governor called Terry McAweful, he wont go after the illegals that committed the fraud. Just like in Chicago where dead people and pets go out and vote. Until this feckless administration is removed and the new one in, we aren't going to get any equal justice. Liberals are the nastiest people on the planet, the US citizens have voted and we don't want you here anymore.

Report: FBI Investigating Voter Fraud in Va. Using Dead People's Names
The FBI and Virginia authorities Friday were investigating alleged voter fraud in the state after officials found nearly 20 voter applications turned in using the names of dead people.
AP News - US Postal carrier filmed dumping bins of mail into a ditch
In a statement, the Postal Service condemned the unlawful disposal of mail and said it was investigating the incident.
Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.

Ask Stein and Clinton....they are the ones demanding recounts and taking millions from people to do it.

You got a link to Clinton demanding a recount? You just gotta throw a lie in every post, don't you?
She's not personally demanding the recount, but her George Soros funded attorney is JOINING the recount effort.

Hillary Clinton joins campaign to recount votes

You idiot. She is cooperating with the recount.
I wonder why the Left is not bitching about the COST of the know? Like they bitch about the cost of congressional investigations into the overt and covert corrupt acts of Big Ears and Cankles.
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More on the very real problem here. The fact is there is all kinds of proof, it's just Democratic Party shills who run around trying to peddle the gibberish it doesn't exist, because they benefit from it all.

Democrats Benefit From Illegal Immigrant Voting | The Huffington Post

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

... and thousands more on the issue.

One has to be almost totally clueless to try an sell the lie there isn't voting fraud.
Obama told illegals it was okay to vote and not to be concerned about legal consequences.

Jake being a flake and a fake, can't help but regurgitate left wing talking points every day. The elite Left is all about Plausible Deniability..and it dupes dummies like Jake every time.

No he didn't and only someone not able to comprehend what was said could think so.
Trump consistently has made it know that he thinks the system is rigged, that millions of illegals voted against him.

He has not offered a shred of evidence.

This reminds me of his turn around on the Birther question on Obama after five years of being Birther No 1

Step up, people, if you have any evidence that illegal voting of any significance has been or is voting.
Mod Edit -- too personal gipper ....duped by the MSM again.

Jake you must know voter fraud is committed in EVERY election, it is merely a matter of extent.

Since you believe as do most Leftists in 'the ends justify the means,' the Left is generally the ones committing it.
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I looked at Picaro's article, and then I went to Google and searched voter ID requirements. You need a drivers license, state ID, or your social security number in order to register to vote. Non citizens with a green card are given a social security number and can get drivers licenses, so what is stopping them from registering to vote?
More on the very real problem here. The fact is there is all kinds of proof, it's just Democratic Party shills who run around trying to peddle the gibberish it doesn't exist, because they benefit from it all.

Democrats Benefit From Illegal Immigrant Voting | The Huffington Post

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

... and thousands more on the issue.

One has to be almost totally clueless to try an sell the lie there isn't voting fraud.
Obama told illegals it was okay to vote and not to be concerned about legal consequences.

Jake being a flake and a fake, can't help but regurgitate left wing talking points every day. The elite Left is all about Plausible Deniability..and it dupes dummies like Jake every time.

No he didn't and only someone not able to comprehend what was said could think so.
Please explain what his comments mean.
More on the very real problem here. The fact is there is all kinds of proof, it's just Democratic Party shills who run around trying to peddle the gibberish it doesn't exist, because they benefit from it all.

Democrats Benefit From Illegal Immigrant Voting | The Huffington Post

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

... and thousands more on the issue.

One has to be almost totally clueless to try an sell the lie there isn't voting fraud.
Then give us actual evidence of such fraud of a significant nature. Don't give us "fake news". Give us something beyond confirmation bias.
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