Where is the Proof that Blacks are as Smart as Whites?

One problem is some boards make it a violation to link sites like that so even when you try to raise awareness you reach some pretty bizarre obstacles. You remember the crap when 9E happened? Wasn't it amazing how even for the briefest of moments, traditional racism was put on the back burner? I say "traditional" because Islamophobia was on the quick rise. When we get attacked if it is severe enough to usher martial law we'll be in a very high tech 1824.

I'm afraid you're going over my head: 9E = 9/11

high tech 1824 = ?

I think what you're saying is that racism has its traditional roots in the USA against blacks, however it could easily morph into a more contemporary form of Religious Intolerance.

This is a good point. I wouldn't think that the number of Muslims in the USA would really make is worthwhile for terrorists to try to ignite their war against the west in the USA.

However, it might work in Europe, where, despite the atheistic tolerance they like to display, there's a long culture of Religious Intolerance, particularly for Muslims that are becomming a larger minority on the continent every year. If Islamic Terrorists set off a dirty nuc in Berlin or Paris, then I have no doubt you'd see rail cars filling up with muslims in Munich or Lyon.

Yes 9E is 9/11 and I was referring to the common bigotry against minorities in the US in the 19th century. Muslim terrorists represent Islam like the KKK represents Christianity, and just like our SF buddies, they do not give a rat's ass about others even if they claim the same religion. There was a recent poll that showed an alarming number of people supporting limited rights for Muslim Americans. Unlike the Cold War the xenophobia propaganda against Arabs is much more efficient because without European bridges of somatic qualities it is much easier to dehumanize them in the eyes of many Americans thus drawing less resistance for illegal activities such as torture, kidnapping and secret prisons. Imao, the whole WOT bullshit is nothing but a farce to implement long range logistical military advantages for when OPEC dissolves. Once we get Iran's and Venezuela's oil back into USD trading like we did with Iraq it will be damn near impossible to stop any of our actions.

There are a lot of interesting points you make, and I may begin a couple of threads (if they are, improbably, not already out there).

But right now I'm appreciating the fact that this thread has blown up in the face of the OP.:lol:

"Muslim terrorists represent Islam like the KKK represents Christianity," would make an interesting thread, but for Two Glaring Problems: 1. To my knowledge, the KKK, and no other WP "organization" has Murdered the Jordanian Wrestling team at the Olyimpics, Bombed night clubs full of pilgrims in Mecca, or flown any planes into Skyscrapers in Dubai. 2. Nor, outside the Vatican, are there any governments whose primary constitution is The Bible.

Even the most wild of conspiracy theorists believe that, if anything, WP radicals and Muslim Terrorists would cooperate to ignite the destruction of Civilization that would otherwise keep the Germans from warming up their ovens.

Justice Clarence Thomas
I love the Irony of a poster with the Username "JW Booth" playing into the hands of a WP poster.


I'm easily entertained.:redface:
I'm afraid you're going over my head: 9E = 9/11

high tech 1824 = ?

I think what you're saying is that racism has its traditional roots in the USA against blacks, however it could easily morph into a more contemporary form of Religious Intolerance.

This is a good point. I wouldn't think that the number of Muslims in the USA would really make is worthwhile for terrorists to try to ignite their war against the west in the USA.

However, it might work in Europe, where, despite the atheistic tolerance they like to display, there's a long culture of Religious Intolerance, particularly for Muslims that are becomming a larger minority on the continent every year. If Islamic Terrorists set off a dirty nuc in Berlin or Paris, then I have no doubt you'd see rail cars filling up with muslims in Munich or Lyon.

Yes 9E is 9/11 and I was referring to the common bigotry against minorities in the US in the 19th century. Muslim terrorists represent Islam like the KKK represents Christianity, and just like our SF buddies, they do not give a rat's ass about others even if they claim the same religion. There was a recent poll that showed an alarming number of people supporting limited rights for Muslim Americans. Unlike the Cold War the xenophobia propaganda against Arabs is much more efficient because without European bridges of somatic qualities it is much easier to dehumanize them in the eyes of many Americans thus drawing less resistance for illegal activities such as torture, kidnapping and secret prisons. Imao, the whole WOT bullshit is nothing but a farce to implement long range logistical military advantages for when OPEC dissolves. Once we get Iran's and Venezuela's oil back into USD trading like we did with Iraq it will be damn near impossible to stop any of our actions.

There are a lot of interesting points you make, and I may begin a couple of threads (if they are, improbably, not already out there).

But right now I'm appreciating the fact that this thread has blown up in the face of the OP.:lol:

"Muslim terrorists represent Islam like the KKK represents Christianity," would make an interesting thread, but for Two Glaring Problems: 1. To my knowledge, the KKK, and no other WP "organization" has Murdered the Jordanian Wrestling team at the Olyimpics, Bombed night clubs full of pilgrims in Mecca, or flown any planes into Skyscrapers in Dubai. 2. Nor, outside the Vatican, are there any governments whose primary constitution is The Bible.

Even the most wild of conspiracy theorists believe that, if anything, WP radicals and Muslim Terrorists would cooperate to ignite the destruction of Civilization that would otherwise keep the Germans from warming up their ovens.

Good points but I was not trying to say they are comparable in every way, only that it is wrong to paint Islam as a terrorist or violent religion because radicals also claim it as their religion. KKK members say they don't "burn" the Cross but only "light" it as an illuminated message. Obviously most of us know the Cross, post-Easter + a few centuries, was never intended to be a symbol of violence although ironically, the KKK re-ignited the historical purpose of it which I'm sure you know was terrorism and capital punishment under Roman rule.

The KKK may not have killed Jordanian wrestlers or bombed nightclubs but we know they are guilty of countless acts of terrorism against fellow Americans including church, business, school, and residential attacks. Yet we have never had the pop culture problem of trying to explain Christianity to the American public in terms of it not being a terrorist religion.

When whites carry out acts of terrorism the press doesn't give them nearly as much air time as non-whites. (this is sure to garner an indignant post from WJoyce...the racism in his blood is always boiling). When Jim Adkisson stormed a small church in Tenn. and killed people for the crime of being Liberals how much coverage did that receive? The cops found books by Savage, Hannity, and Oreilly in the shooter's home and even had the suicide note from Adkisson that virtually quoted from all three. It was clearly an act of terrorism but how many were informed about the shooting or the details? The msm stayed away from it as much as possible. His motive was to kill liberals and his target were civilians. Terrorism, period. Enter Hasan. A non-wh
ite soldier who targeted other soldiers on a military base. It was immediately labeled as terrorism by many Americans but by definition it didn't come anywhere near an act of terrorism. What was the motivation for that immediate label? Arab sounding name. That is how shallow we are. Islam was his religion. That is how ignorantly we apply broadbrushing.

One of the most important factors overlooked in criticizing Islam is not respecting the geopolitical differences. It was the West that created and named the countries of Iraq and Kuwait. We have been practicing colonialism in the heart if the Islamic world for over a hundred years, straight. Even the formation of Israel was done with the intent of leverage on the Middle East. Anti-Semitism in the US was very much alive even during WW2, which is why we had no problem with companies like IBM, ITT, and Ford operating with and helping fund the Third Reich. But I'm digressing...sorry!
Let's do this:

Find a white population somewhere in the world that lived for over 100 years in a society where they had no right to vote until one generation ago, where they were subject to inferior education and job training until that point, and where the rest of society was trained to have a cultural aversion to them - to the point of establishing rules and laws that kept whites segregated and dominated.

Once you find that equivalent white population, compare their educational and performance ratings to the current ratings for blacks in the US.

I look forward to seeing the results.

interesting point. it is still only an attempt to find an excuse for black underperformance instead of actual evidence but at least you are trying.

I would point Shorebreak to examine Jews in 20th century russia for a group that was oppressed and obviously blossomed when given the slightest of chances. a few million jews created a western democracy on a useless patch of sand, surrounded by hunreds of millions of sworn enemies during the same time period that subsaharan blacks took over functioning countries in africa and ran them into the ground.
Let's do this:

Find a white population somewhere in the world that lived for over 100 years in a society where they had no right to vote until one generation ago, where they were subject to inferior education and job training until that point, and where the rest of society was trained to have a cultural aversion to them - to the point of establishing rules and laws that kept whites segregated and dominated.

Once you find that equivalent white population, compare their educational and performance ratings to the current ratings for blacks in the US.

I look forward to seeing the results.

interesting point. it is still only an attempt to find an excuse for black underperformance instead of actual evidence but at least you are trying.

I would point Shorebreak to examine Jews in 20th century russia for a group that was oppressed and obviously blossomed when given the slightest of chances. a few million jews created a western democracy on a useless patch of sand, surrounded by hunreds of millions of sworn enemies during the same time period that subsaharan blacks took over functioning countries in africa and ran them into the ground.

Hahahaaahhhaaaaaaa! Shit man, I almost forgot my tall boots before walking in this thread. Good thing I didn't or I would be needing a new pair of socks from the bullshit you just tried to pass off as "evidence."
life is basically a never ending IQ test with small incremental decisions leading to success or failure. this is not the only factor of course but it is constant and driven by the individual.
Let's do this:

Find a white population somewhere in the world that lived for over 100 years in a society where they had no right to vote until one generation ago, where they were subject to inferior education and job training until that point, and where the rest of society was trained to have a cultural aversion to them - to the point of establishing rules and laws that kept whites segregated and dominated.

Once you find that equivalent white population, compare their educational and performance ratings to the current ratings for blacks in the US.

I look forward to seeing the results.

interesting point. it is still only an attempt to find an excuse for black underperformance instead of actual evidence but at least you are trying.

I would point Shorebreak to examine Jews in 20th century russia for a group that was oppressed and obviously blossomed when given the slightest of chances. a few million jews created a western democracy on a useless patch of sand, surrounded by hunreds of millions of sworn enemies during the same time period that subsaharan blacks took over functioning countries in africa and ran them into the ground.

Hahahaaahhhaaaaaaa! Shit man, I almost forgot my tall boots before walking in this thread. Good thing I didn't or I would be needing a new pair of socks from the bullshit you just tried to pass off as "evidence."

as usual, you only add insults to the thread. try coming up with a thought
Good points but I was not trying to say they are comparable in every way, only that it is wrong to paint Islam as a terrorist or violent religion because radicals also claim it as their religion. ..... Yet we have never had the pop culture problem of trying to explain Christianity to the American public in terms of it not being a terrorist religion.

Most Westerners, including Americans, are Christians. Therefore its really not surprising that they would see the glaring incongrutities between WP beliefs and Christian beliefs.

One of the most important factors overlooked in criticizing Islam is not respecting the geopolitical differences. It was the West that created and named the countries of Iraq and Kuwait. We have been practicing colonialism in the heart if the Islamic world for over a hundred years, straight.

Which is a good point, but really supports the reason why the West sees Islamic Terrorism as much more insidious than others. Islam is not just a religion. Islamic Countries have GOVERNMENTS that apply the Koran. Interestingly, I don't see this at all as a bad thing based on historical evidence. It worked GREAT (particularly for the West) for 400 years of Ottoman Rule.

When whites carry out acts of terrorism the press doesn't give them nearly as much air time as non-whites.


Do you you mean the IRA was completely ignored in the London Times, or that the IRA was entirely composed of Irish of African decent?

German papers never covered the Baader-Meinhof Gang?
interesting point. it is still only an attempt to find an excuse for black underperformance instead of actual evidence but at least you are trying.

I would point Shorebreak to examine Jews in 20th century russia for a group that was oppressed and obviously blossomed when given the slightest of chances. a few million jews created a western democracy on a useless patch of sand, surrounded by hunreds of millions of sworn enemies during the same time period that subsaharan blacks took over functioning countries in africa and ran them into the ground.

Hahahaaahhhaaaaaaa! Shit man, I almost forgot my tall boots before walking in this thread. Good thing I didn't or I would be needing a new pair of socks from the bullshit you just tried to pass off as "evidence."

as usual, you only add insults to the thread. try coming up with a thought

Why take the time to fully expose your complete line of bullshit? My view is anyone who accepts what you say without their own investigation are joyced into a position of racist ignorance beyond help. You suck so bad at your propaganda efforts you don't warrant an actual intellectual discussion because as has been proven, your sole desire here is to try and sell your don black amren stormfront logos to anyone ignorant enough to accept it. You know I won't and most others. I might even take a look at what crap you post at stormfront under this same username to see if you test it there then try to sell it elsewhere. Cheers my white knight! Lol
life is basically a never ending IQ test with small incremental decisions leading to success or failure. this is not the only factor of course but it is constant and driven by the individual.

I haven't tried to insult you in this thread, so I hope you'll consider my advice in the helpful spirit in which its given:

Life has little or nothing to do with IQ.

Life has everything to do with Emotional Intelligence.

You should ponder on these statements. I hope you accept them as valid, and try to shift your emphasis, because it will make your life much happier.

Go see "The Christmas Carol."
Why take the time to fully expose your complete line of bullshit?

haha, you haven't even partially exposed my logical and fact based opinions. all you so is insult and slander.

I said blacks are shown by inspection to have less intelligence on average than other races (purposely leaving an opening for someone to say that blacks are smarter than australian aborigines) and used a simple, well documented test that a majority of high school kids take. blacks have scored lower every year. I pointed out that while economic status has an impact on scores, it does not eliminate the gap between whites and blacks, and in fact poor white students outscore all but the richest black ones.

where have you or anyone else shown this to be 'bullshit'? it is fact!

some would like to say blacks would improve if only the special remedy could be found. if we found that special remedy would we withhold it from others? how would you feel if that special remedy boosted everyone 10%? then blacks would actually be farther behind than now.

so please...fully expose me. I've been waiting and all you do is splutter.
Good points but I was not trying to say they are comparable in every way, only that it is wrong to paint Islam as a terrorist or violent religion because radicals also claim it as their religion. ..... Yet we have never had the pop culture problem of trying to explain Christianity to the American public in terms of it not being a terrorist religion.

Most Westerners, including Americans, are Christians. Therefore its really not surprising that they would see the glaring incongrutities between WP beliefs and Christian beliefs.

One of the most important factors overlooked in criticizing Islam is not respecting the geopolitical differences. It was the West that created and named the countries of Iraq and Kuwait. We have been practicing colonialism in the heart if the Islamic world for over a hundred years, straight.

Which is a good point, but really supports the reason why the West sees Islamic Terrorism as much more insidious than others. Islam is not just a religion. Islamic Countries have GOVERNMENTS that apply the Koran. Interestingly, I don't see this at all as a bad thing based on historical evidence. It worked GREAT (particularly for the West) for 400 years of Ottoman Rule.

When whites carry out acts of terrorism the press doesn't give them nearly as much air time as non-whites.


Do you you mean the IRA was completely ignored in the London Times, or that the IRA was entirely composed of Irish of African decent?

German papers never covered the Baader-Meinhof Gang?

I'm referring to the American media for press coverage. The IRA had its share of supporters and notice that the American media never demonized the IRA in nearly any depths comparable to terrorist acts carried out by non-whites. There were many concerns about the US being a Vatican puppet after JFK got in but that was fear mongering fall out.

The greatest example of successful propaganda in America today is our alliance with Saudi Arabia. That nation is the most brutal Islamic regime that supports terrorism more than any other nation yet most Americans don't give that "icky" response.

What I find a mystery is pointing out since most Americans are Christians it's not hard to see the differences between them and terrorists groups who falsely represent Christianity. What's odd is most Americans who claim to be Christian are pretty inactive. So maybe it's familiarity in name only? The bigotry against Islam is growing and it's only going to get worse because there is no way in hell we are not going to get attacked. We've been killing people for too long for no repercussions and the worst part is many Americans will cry victim without looking at our own actions.
Why take the time to fully expose your complete line of bullshit?

haha, you haven't even partially exposed my logical and fact based opinions. all you so is insult and slander.

I said blacks are shown by inspection to have less intelligence on average than other races (purposely leaving an opening for someone to say that blacks are smarter than australian aborigines) and used a simple, well documented test that a majority of high school kids take. blacks have scored lower every year. I pointed out that while economic status has an impact on scores, it does not eliminate the gap between whites and blacks, and in fact poor white students outscore all but the richest black ones.

where have you or anyone else shown this to be 'bullshit'? it is fact!

some would like to say blacks would improve if only the special remedy could be found. if we found that special remedy would we withhold it from others? how would you feel if that special remedy boosted everyone 10%? then blacks would actually be farther behind than now.

so please...fully expose me. I've been waiting and all you do is splutter.

In that post I was laughing at your comments regarding the end of WW2.
life is basically a never ending IQ test with small incremental decisions leading to success or failure. this is not the only factor of course but it is constant and driven by the individual.

I haven't tried to insult you in this thread, so I hope you'll consider my advice in the helpful spirit in which its given:

Life has little or nothing to do with IQ.

Life has everything to do with Emotional Intelligence.

You should ponder on these statements. I hope you accept them as valid, and try to shift your emphasis, because it will make your life much happier.

Go see "The Christmas Carol."

OK, emotional intelligence is a factor in life. I haven't said it wasn't. it is more difficult to 'test' EI than IQ but if we could what would the findings show us? would there be group differences there too? almost inevitably. would blacks be found to have a lower EI that partially explains their lower group rate of success?
breaking news from Detroit-

Those scores on the prestigious test are in the same range as would be expected from children who never attended school and simply guessed at the answers, said Robert Bobb, emergency financial manager of Detroit Public Schools, during a press conference Tuesday.

hahaha. black students taught by black teachers = disaster

Detroit kids score record lows on NAEP test | detnews.com | The Detroit News

I suppose I shouldn't laugh but it is so predictable. Blacks left to themselves act like children and the results couldn't be worse if there actually were children in charge.
Let's do this:

Find a white population somewhere in the world that lived for over 100 years in a society where they had no right to vote until one generation ago, where they were subject to inferior education and job training until that point, and where the rest of society was trained to have a cultural aversion to them - to the point of establishing rules and laws that kept whites segregated and dominated.

Once you find that equivalent white population, compare their educational and performance ratings to the current ratings for blacks in the US.

I look forward to seeing the results.

interesting point. it is still only an attempt to find an excuse for black underperformance instead of actual evidence but at least you are trying.

I would point Shorebreak to examine Jews in 20th century russia for a group that was oppressed and obviously blossomed when given the slightest of chances. a few million jews created a western democracy on a useless patch of sand, surrounded by hunreds of millions of sworn enemies during the same time period that subsaharan blacks took over functioning countries in africa and ran them into the ground.

Bullshit. You're fully and 100% distorting the events and you know fully that there is zero correlation between the formation of Israel and the economic performance of African nations. If you don't know the difference, stop being a follower and go learn for yourself. If white's are superior, you are certainly not from the same race of caucasians that I'm from because your ignorance is appalling. Where were you educated? South Chicago?

Israel was 100% a project of global finance from day 1 and was provided with top everything, from educational systems and infrastructure, and from external economic investment and military excellence. Don't try to sell me on your bullshit picture that millions of uneducated and impoverished Jews were drawn in and became successful. If that's the kind of lie you need to support your illusions, try selling them to someone who doesn't have a clue.

As for African development, if you don't understand how the IMF and the WTO have dominated and decimated the economies of sub-Saharan Africa then you are sorely lacking in your understanding of geo-politics. It sounds to me as though you get your facts from impressions you've picked up from mainstream media - which probably explains the deficiencies in your arguments.

In a nutshell, you need to try again. There is virtually no comparison between race or ethnic background by counbry when your example nations was is an externally constructed and supported obbject of global finance and your comparisons are well known targets of economic colonization and domination.

If you have an argument, try supporting it with factual circumstances rather than the illusions that you enjoy from your chosen propaganda.
As for African development, if you don't understand how the IMF and the WTO have dominated and decimated the economies of sub-Saharan Africa then you are sorely lacking in your understanding of geo-politics. It sounds to me as though you get your facts from impressions you've picked up from mainstream media - which probably explains the deficiencies in your arguments.

hahaha, I think you are the one being deluded by MSM. africa sits on a lot of the world's natural resources. all they have to do is act civilized and they could be as well off as anywhere else. what happened to Zimbabwe? they purposely destroyed a close to first world nation in 25 years. the world fawned over Zim but it is now your typical african hellhole. africans can't even dig water wells for them selves.

as opposed to Israel. the jews built water and electricity plants, and most importantly, had smart enough people to maintain them. then they had to give water and electricity to those who would have them driven into the sea.

yes it is an unfair comparison all right. jews are competent and you can't keep them down. africans are incompetent and you can't raise them up.

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