Where is the public outcry about this..

If the African who did this claims he was provoked, I wonder if Al Sharpton come come to his aid? Imagine in court the old man being asked "Didn't you at least think 'fucking ******' when this fucking ****** was brutalizing you and your wife?"
Happens with all races.
all scum should be hanged by the neck until dead in the courthouse square.
Just a blip on libtard radar. After all, the perp is obviously one of the victims of society, entitled to do whatever the hell he needs to do to get a piece of ass and a TV.
I wonder what the libtard media would do if anyone called for lynching this shitball? Hell, they'd probably make him into some kind of hero.

How sad for the victims' family. How sad for a long-loving couple. Oh, wait, we only have their family and friends' testimony to this couple's life.
What if the couple had hated each other and wanted a divorce would that have made it any less bad?

I hope they got the death penalty in Oklahoma. To answer your question, it's a black on white crime not a white on black crime so it didn't get any press. Now if the couple had shot his ass during the robbery it would been considered a hate crime and all over the national media. Two old white people being victims of a violent, sick, perverted black man don't count in the liberal media.

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