Where is the U.S. in these world rankings?

My point was (and is) that republicans have always advocated for the PRIVATIZATION of education, health and transportation (and the prison system).......Bottom line is this, the only objective aspect that we're really good at is our military....of that we can all agree on.......and you should note, the military is the only thing that republicans do NOT want to privatize (although long gone are the days when the foot soldier fed him/herself.)

Trump's nominees as secretaries for the O/P 3 systems all want to privatize.

Obama actually canceled the contracts the federal government had with private prisons. There was a huge report about many of the failures with them. Since Trump got elected, stock in private prisons went up. Imagine that.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

So what you're saying is we're fucked, but anyone who wants to change that is your enemy. So typical of regressives, we waste more money than anyone on most of these but with regressives more money is always the answer, they are never willing to challenge our methods. Run along child, your BS is getting old.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

So what you're saying is we're fucked, but anyone who wants to change that is your enemy. So typical of regressives, we waste more money than anyone on most of these but with regressives more money is always the answer, they are never willing to challenge our methods. Run along child, your BS is getting old.

It's not about the money... it's about the fact government (Right and Left) always care more about how much people involved in administrating the money gets paid... and there is ALWAYS so much bureaucratic stuff involved that makes it so inefficient it isn't even funny.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

So what you're saying is we're fucked, but anyone who wants to change that is your enemy. So typical of regressives, we waste more money than anyone on most of these but with regressives more money is always the answer, they are never willing to challenge our methods. Run along child, your BS is getting old.

It's not about the money... it's about the fact government (Right and Left) always care more about how much people involved in administrating the money gets paid... and there is ALWAYS so much bureaucratic stuff involved that makes it so inefficient it isn't even funny.

That's why the feds shouldn't be involved in them in the first place, none or the OPs topics are constitutional functions.
an Englishman, invented the computer.

Nope. That first mechanical computer, called an Abacus, was invented by the Chinese.

Alan Turing came up with a more powerful computer in 1936. It was, however, still a mechanical computer.

During WWII, an Englishman named Tommy Flowers invented a programmable computer. Still, a mechanical computer.

The fathers of the first true, modern day digital computer were Americans named John Atansoff and Cliff Berry in 1937, and developed until 1942 at Iowa State College.

The above is all fine and dandy, but all of our modern "appliances", including computers, would not have been possible without the invention of Alternating Current by Serbian-American Nikola Tesla and harnessed by American Thomas Edison.

We could argue that the first computer was the abacus or its descendant, the slide rule, invented by William Oughtred in 1622. But the first computer resembling today's modern machines was the Analytical Engine, a device conceived and designed by British mathematician Charles Babbage between 1833 and 1871.

Who invented the computer?

I'll go with the Science page's answer.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

So white an Asian countries know how to do education, health care, and transportation.

You lefties aren't helping your cause for multiculturalism by posting stuff like this.
... The Chinese are here to learn American business techniques and management for their capitalist economy. ...

Who told you that?

The we
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

So what you're saying is we're fucked, but anyone who wants to change that is your enemy. So typical of regressives, we waste more money than anyone on most of these but with regressives more money is always the answer, they are never willing to challenge our methods. Run along child, your BS is getting old.

Waste is right. You waste so much money on administration and cost control that you double the costs. Republicans WANT government programs to fail. They make them so large and top heavy with administration, they have no hope of being successful. Why can China provide healthcare to their entire population, but the US can't. Won't is more like it.

Americans have always cared more about cheap goods than they do their own people.
My point was (and is) that republicans have always advocated for the PRIVATIZATION of education, health and transportation (and the prison system).......Bottom line is this, the only objective aspect that we're really good at is our military....of that we can all agree on.......and you should note, the military is the only thing that republicans do NOT want to privatize (although long gone are the days when the foot soldier fed him/herself.)

Trump's nominees as secretaries for the O/P 3 systems all want to privatize.

Sorry to disagree with nat (we don't often do that)...

Do we remember Blackwater in Iraq. That was privatization of the Military, they are not immune to the GOP Privatization business too.

The main reason for their Privatization gig is due their lobbyists see this as a way to make money. The empirical data for this goes against them, they will say but Private schools are better. That is not comparing budgets and conditions too...

If they can show a cheaper privatized school system in a poor neighbourhood out performing a Public school system then it would be fair to talk.

We usually get cricket noises from asking or the 'Everyone knows Government doesn't work.....'

Truth is there are areas Government works and areas where they are less efficient.

I will point out that if you want a short lived political life in Europe just say I want my major Public services run like the US. The US has suffered from a lack of continuity and compromises on these majors services for years. Micheal Moores latest documentary actually shows these working in his latest documentary and the examples he showed were all originally developed in the US.

The US spends the Money in Education and Healthcare to be easily no.1 in both but mismanagement at the very top level (congress, Senate and Executive) are the problem.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.
Thanks Obama....
Is there some reason you've not provided a reference for each of your lists?

Top 10 education system in the world

I am not inclined to concur with your list's tacit assertion that the U.S. is not among the top ten.
Top 10 health care systems in the world

The listing you've shared looks to be the one the WHO has published. That's fine, but you disserve yourself and your case by using their listing and not at least noting the shortcomings in the WHO's data and methodology. Indeed, that list you've provided (assuming it's the WHO's) must necessarily be from or predate 2000 as the WHO since then ceased to rank countries by health system. (I don't recall whether they stopped in 2001, 2000 or 1999; it was one of those years.)

I just looked to see if I could quickly find the WHO listing. The one you provided is theirs.
I'm not saying you cannot or should not have presented the WHO's listing. I'm saying that to be seen as having any legitimate degree of integrity, you needed to have at the very least (1) disclosed that it was their list you presented, and (2) presented a summary (a bullet list would do) of the significant issues associated with their list. and (3) provided some context for how you felt the list should be construed and used in this discussion, given the material problems with the WHO's list.

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

Again, there's a representational faithfulness issue with presenting this list in this venue. The transportation system listing you've shared is the one from the World Economic Forum's annual competitiveness study. The U.S. is ranked 11th in that survey. The list is what it is, but to present that list here and not at least mention that the U.S. places 1th on the list -- one that contains some 190 or so countries -- conveys the wrong tone. It's not a political tone, it's one of fairness and completeness in presentation of facts. Facts have relative and absolute relevance; to simply toss out a "top 10" list, and not note to one's audience consisting overwhelmingly of U.S. citizens/residents that their country is 11th, says more about your integrity than it does about the list and the content giving rise to it.


Your OP exhibits exactly the issue I have with most people's expressed ideas, and certainly with politicians', and that is that they only share part of a "story." What ideas are better and worse can only be judged by evaluating the whole story in context. We wouldn't have the mudslide of a political landscape we do were people to get over what they want and focus on what is in the entirety and what can, together in detail and summary, be rationally supported.

Had you displayed lists that put the U.S. as #1 in each, I'd just as readily question them. The U.S. is good at many things, but not everything, and not in all contexts, and at somethings, the U.S. is horrible.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.
Now that is one heck of a racist list...it seems that countries with large African communities have intentionally been left off
That's mostly due to diet and immigrants from third world countries. Americans are the fattest people in the world. Mexican women have the highest incidence of teenagers have babies. Neither statistic is good for longevity.

Bullshit. It's due to lack of quality health care for the poor. You have access to the best food in the world. And some of the cheapest. Perhaps if you didn't promote unhealthy eating with every TV commercial, that would be less of a problem.

Your racist and false comments on Mexican women are noted.

Wrong. It's been proven over and over again that it's due to weight related issues and teenage girls having babies too young as well as substance abuse.

I realize that douche bag morons like you think facts are racist. The bottom line is that a lot of America's problems, like crime and health issues, are imported from South of the Border. That simply isn't deniable.
I'm still wondering why you're here is you think it's so bad. If you think something is bad yet stay there, the idiot is you.

Nitwit........have you ever read how "easy" it is to gain citizenship in most European countries? Or Canada, Australia, New Zealand? Check it out (besides listening to Sean Hannity)

I LOVE the U.S.and want my country to be better.
Sure education...that's why everyone on earth wants a US Student Visa.
It's obvious you believe everything you read.

How do you rate education? This is the first problem. Yes, the US has some of the most prestigious universities in the world, probably because they have a lot of money. However for the average joe, who good is education? I'd say the US isn't in the top ten, but not based on things like scores that can be quantified.

And what do they do with that knowledge?

They live longer? No

Do they invent shit? No

Can they defend themselves? No

So what do they get out of it


Do they live longer - yes. The US is 31st in life expectancy. The lowest of any First World Nation

Do they invent shit - Are you kidding me? The telephone was invented in Canada by Alexander Graham Bell. Charles Babbage - an Englishman, invented the computer. Enrico Fermi, an Italian, invented nuclear power (invented may not be the right word), Canada harnessed it with the Candu Reactors. The automobile was invented in Europe, but Henry Ford exploited the invention. The Chinese invented rockets 3,000 years ago, but Americans used them to go to the moon. The submarine was invented by a Frenchman. Penicillin was invented by a gentleman from Scotland. The earliest television was invented by a German. The internet was invented by a Brit. And Marconi - an Italian invented the radio.

Can we defend ourselves - from whom? The last country to attack Canada was the United States. We kicked your ass and burned down the White House. You're the only ones going around the world attacking people. Well, you and the Russians.

Alexander Graham Bell was was an American citizen, born in Scotland.

Do you really think this is important to the argument? The point was made, and the point still stands regardless of where Bell came from.

Standing on the shoulder of giants. Bell didn't do it all by himself.

I love this leftwing theory that says the inventor doesn't get the credit unless he personally recreates the sum total of human knowledge. That only shows what a useless dumbass you are.
Sorry to disagree with nat (we don't often do that)...

Do we remember Blackwater in Iraq. That was privatization of the Military, they are not immune to the GOP Privatization business too.

Point well taken and acknowledged.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

So white an Asian countries know how to do education, health care, and transportation.

You lefties aren't helping your cause for multiculturalism by posting stuff like this.

Plenty of multicultural societies there... You know China is not just one culture and is a also a mix of various cultures...

The thing about all of them is that they from countries that have detail policies in these programs and the funding to match. The don't have a major party who spends most of there time saying it won't work and then invests its time in destroying it through underfunding and loopholes...

Could the GOP at least own this one... You don't in believing in government funding for this stuff, so guess what the US is not the best at it...
Everyone here disagrees with Bill Gates who says everyone not born in Africa or India is retarded.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

So what you're saying is we're fucked, but anyone who wants to change that is your enemy. So typical of regressives, we waste more money than anyone on most of these but with regressives more money is always the answer, they are never willing to challenge our methods. Run along child, your BS is getting old.

There ia plenty of waste alright but from my knowledge of working with various public private venture and public only the waste comes when they farm something out to private... The private company does exactly what is in the contract...

Here is an example...
My local hospital farmed out the cleaning of the hospital to private contractors. The contractors do what they are told and keep the minimum staff on to satisfy the contract. They were there to make a profit for the contractor. The old public cleaning staff had more cleaners and couldn't compete with this minimum offering.
The contract started, soon the hospital found the place getting more grubby and asked for it to be cleaned.. The private contractor added a premium and cleaned more... The extra was mounting.
The one thing about the original staff is they knew how the hospital ran and they knew the operating theatres needed staff on hand (outside the door) to clean theatre between ops... Surgeons would have ops back to back all day... The Contract staff pointed to the contract and said that is not what the contract and eventually we had surgeons cleaning theatres rather than preping for next patient.
Because of the budget problems the cleaning began to wane and viruses got into the hospital and this was vastly more expensive than any possible savings...
So when asked about these savings we say you can't afford to be that cheap.

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