Where is the U.S. in these world rankings?

That's mostly due to diet and immigrants from third world countries. Americans are the fattest people in the world. Mexican women have the highest incidence of teenagers have babies. Neither statistic is good for longevity.

Bullshit. It's due to lack of quality health care for the poor. You have access to the best food in the world. And some of the cheapest. Perhaps if you didn't promote unhealthy eating with every TV commercial, that would be less of a problem.

Your racist and false comments on Mexican women are noted.
LMAO! One of the best rage posts I've seen in a couple days. Nice job Dragon, keep on posting. I'm going to check out who give you agree's or such. Making a list for the retard club.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.
What country do other countries call when they are in deep shit?

1. USA
2. UK
3. France
4. Germany
5. Japan
6. Canada
7. Australia
8. Belgium
9. Denmark
10. Jordan

Very true....and that is why:

According to SIPRI, the U.S. spent $618 billion on its military last year, more than three times the $171 billion budget of second place China.
That's because we are carrying the rest of the planet.

It's our duty we have no other choice

No it isn't our duty. While yes it is humane to do, I find it funny that in the same forum that people talk about moochers in our society getting welfare and needing to take care of themselves, that you would argue we need to continue taking care of other countries with our military... They need to start taking care of themselves... until it gets to the point that despite trying they still can't stand on their own.
No it isn't our duty. While yes it is humane to do, I find it funny that in the same forum that people talk about moochers in our society getting welfare and needing to take care of themselves, that you would argue we need to continue taking care of other countries with our military... They need to start taking care of themselves... until it gets to the point that despite trying they still can't stand on their own.

And it's a lie. Americans didn't go into Kuwait because it was the "right thing to do". They did it to protect the property of American oil companies in Kuwait. Cheney went into Iraq because he wanted control of Iraq's oil. It wasn't about weapons of mass destruction, it was always about the oil. The Iraqi's refused to let Americans have it, and Bush said OK.

When a genocide was happening in East Timor, did the US intervene? East Timor you say. Never heard of it. Damn skippy you haven't heard of it or the genocide. There were no "American interests" in East Timor.

Europeans want American military bases in Europe because they boost the local economy. Same with the Japanese. But to say that you HAVE to have this big military because it's the right thing to do is total and complete bullshit. You have a big military because you WANT to be the most powerful nation in the world.

Are there serious military threats? Yes. The Russians and the Chinese. It was ever thus. But that doesn't mean you need to spend nearly half your federal budget on the military. If you stopped trying to rule the world, you could spend even less.
Out of the gate the three-legged OP blames Trump. He's still butt-hurt over the election:

Top 10 education system in the world: Directly the fault of the left. Schools can't discipline, teachers are spoiled and protected under teacher's unions, and fucking college systems have safe spaces with educations informally majoring in the liberal arts. Course liberals declare more cash would make it all better. Who ever said these people were cause and effect correct?

Top 10 health care systems in the world: Most of these systems are broke. That or they're dealing with hard working honorable people, or they're small and a controlled environment. We're not that. How many of these countries have the immigration problem of the USA? Perhaps you should move to China and give us a first hand report on their righteous healthcare plan.

Top 10 transportation systems in the world: I'm mother fucking laughing my ass off at comparing the transportation systems on postage stamps to the USA. Seriously, you and the source of this data need to get a grip.

Exactly these piss ass country's that the op talks about I can walk shore to shore in a day.

You'd get a high score for efficiency. Takes an American five months to walk from the Pacific to Atlantic (Big ass F)
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.
Sure education...that's why everyone on earth wants a US Student Visa.
It's obvious you believe everything you read.

How do you rate education? This is the first problem. Yes, the US has some of the most prestigious universities in the world, probably because they have a lot of money. However for the average joe, who good is education? I'd say the US isn't in the top ten, but not based on things like scores that can be quantified.

Actually my University in Ireland was a swap college with Stanford... After 6 months they were told they didn't need to pass our exams because they kept failing...
Maybe it was because our legal age of drinking is 18 but Irish colleges pick completely on academic achievement. therefore if you work the hardest (with some brains) in High School you can get the better courses.

Public Colleges are better Private in Ireland for this reason. you only go Private because you hadn't the ability and/or work ethic to get into Public.
There is very little Student Debt as fees are generally paid for and graduates usually travel for a year after college.

We call the final two years of High School the rat race and nothing concentrates their mind like a recession. Courses are there on a supply and demand basis, crap course no demand... So you do the state exams in June, Results in August (you can calc your points) and your offer is in the paper a week later but your will know from min level for that course anyway.

The system is simple, very transparent and has high trust...
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.
Sure education...that's why everyone on earth wants a US Student Visa.
It's obvious you believe everything you read.

How do you rate education? This is the first problem. Yes, the US has some of the most prestigious universities in the world, probably because they have a lot of money. However for the average joe, who good is education? I'd say the US isn't in the top ten, but not based on things like scores that can be quantified.

And what do they do with that knowledge?

They live longer? No

Do they invent shit? No

Can they defend themselves? No

So what do they get out of it


Do they live longer - yes. The US is 31st in life expectancy. The lowest of any First World Nation

Do they invent shit - Are you kidding me? The telephone was invented in Canada by Alexander Graham Bell. Charles Babbage - an Englishman, invented the computer. Enrico Fermi, an Italian, invented nuclear power (invented may not be the right word), Canada harnessed it with the Candu Reactors. The automobile was invented in Europe, but Henry Ford exploited the invention. The Chinese invented rockets 3,000 years ago, but Americans used them to go to the moon. The submarine was invented by a Frenchman. Penicillin was invented by a gentleman from Scotland. The earliest television was invented by a German. The internet was invented by a Brit. And Marconi - an Italian invented the radio.

Can we defend ourselves - from whom? The last country to attack Canada was the United States. We kicked your ass and burned down the White House. You're the only ones going around the world attacking people. Well, you and the Russians.

Alexander Graham Bell was was an American citizen, born in Scotland.

Do you really think this is important to the argument? The point was made, and the point still stands regardless of where Bell came from.

Standing on the shoulder of giants. Bell didn't do it all by himself.
No it isn't our duty. While yes it is humane to do, I find it funny that in the same forum that people talk about moochers in our society getting welfare and needing to take care of themselves, that you would argue we need to continue taking care of other countries with our military... They need to start taking care of themselves... until it gets to the point that despite trying they still can't stand on their own.

And it's a lie. Americans didn't go into Kuwait because it was the "right thing to do". They did it to protect the property of American oil companies in Kuwait. Cheney went into Iraq because he wanted control of Iraq's oil. It wasn't about weapons of mass destruction, it was always about the oil. The Iraqi's refused to let Americans have it, and Bush said OK.

When a genocide was happening in East Timor, did the US intervene? East Timor you say. Never heard of it. Damn skippy you haven't heard of it or the genocide. There were no "American interests" in East Timor.

Europeans want American military bases in Europe because they boost the local economy. Same with the Japanese. But to say that you HAVE to have this big military because it's the right thing to do is total and complete bullshit. You have a big military because you WANT to be the most powerful nation in the world.

Are there serious military threats? Yes. The Russians and the Chinese. It was ever thus. But that doesn't mean you need to spend nearly half your federal budget on the military. If you stopped trying to rule the world, you could spend even less.

The whole thing was one Big Oil subsidy... Would have been better to stay at home and develop a cheap battery technology, a trillion would have gone a long way in that... Could have cured Cancer with the change..
And everyone of them probably spend less on those 10 things than we do. Liberal answer, throw more money at it.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.
Sure education...that's why everyone on earth wants a US Student Visa.
It's obvious you believe everything you read.

How do you rate education? This is the first problem. Yes, the US has some of the most prestigious universities in the world, probably because they have a lot of money. However for the average joe, who good is education? I'd say the US isn't in the top ten, but not based on things like scores that can be quantified.

Actually my University in Ireland was a swap college with Stanford... After 6 months they were told they didn't need to pass our exams because they kept failing...
Maybe it was because our legal age of drinking is 18 but Irish colleges pick completely on academic achievement. therefore if you work the hardest (with some brains) in High School you can get the better courses.

Public Colleges are better Private in Ireland for this reason. you only go Private because you hadn't the ability and/or work ethic to get into Public.
There is very little Student Debt as fees are generally paid for and graduates usually travel for a year after college.

We call the final two years of High School the rat race and nothing concentrates their mind like a recession. Courses are there on a supply and demand basis, crap course no demand... So you do the state exams in June, Results in August (you can calc your points) and your offer is in the paper a week later but your will know from min level for that course anyway.

The system is simple, very transparent and has high trust...

Yeah, there are lots of ways of making things work. Some parts of US education are good, others not so good. I don't know the Irish education system, but I've seen good stuff in Austria, Germany, the UK etc.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.
Great thread but I think we all want to see your source.
That's because we are carrying the rest of the planet.

.....and unless we heed Eisenhower's admonition, we can never stop "carrying the rest of the planet."
Out of the gate the three-legged OP blames Trump. He's still butt-hurt over the election:

Top 10 education system in the world: Directly the fault of the left. Schools can't discipline, teachers are spoiled and protected under teacher's unions, and fucking college systems have safe spaces with educations informally majoring in the liberal arts. Course liberals declare more cash would make it all better. Who ever said these people were cause and effect correct?

Top 10 health care systems in the world: Most of these systems are broke. That or they're dealing with hard working honorable people, or they're small and a controlled environment. We're not that. How many of these countries have the immigration problem of the USA? Perhaps you should move to China and give us a first hand report on their righteous healthcare plan.

Top 10 transportation systems in the world: I'm mother fucking laughing my ass off at comparing the transportation systems on postage stamps to the USA. Seriously, you and the source of this data need to get a grip.

Wow that is going super deluded...

Education... Did you notice all the ones at the top have great Public Education which is a Leftie thing... They all have powerful Teachers unions which defend education standards and a Public who demand excellence... Finland pay there teachers 6 figure salaries...

Healthcare... All Single payer systems... I experienced a few of them and they are that good. But then they spend there money on preventive and primary care... They laugh when they here uninsured have to resort to ER, very expensive and the wrong place to managed care...

Transportation... Seriously compare Europe to US... Close in size and Population... Europeans use Public Transport.. This is infrastructure, even Trump admitted that was a disaster falling apart.

Saying that I don't think China is there in any of those categories... I say they put there finger on the scale...
And the problem with those socialist countries....their young people don't want to work.....they want to get their college education, and then live on the dole........that is why they are importing islamic killers to work for them...sadly, that ain't working out quite the way they planned.....

What would you know about people in other countries? Have you ever travelled or lived abroad?

Japan is a socialist country with a better work ethic than the US. I don't know any young people in Canada who are living on the dole. Most worked their way through school and even those who are under-employed are employed. We have pretty much full employment here, and low welfare rates.

My son-in-law has a full-time job (he's a roofer), and picks up extra work on weekends. He has a crew of friends he calls on if the job is too big for him. Sometimes his friends will call looking for extra work (they all have jobs). My daughter has plans to open a business when her kids are in school (she has a 17 month old toddler and is expecting a baby in August). In the meantime she's happy and grateful to be able to stay at home with her babies. Having said that, she often babysits for her mom friends when they are working.
My point was (and is) that republicans have always advocated for the PRIVATIZATION of education, health and transportation (and the prison system).......Bottom line is this, the only objective aspect that we're really good at is our military....of that we can all agree on.......and you should note, the military is the only thing that republicans do NOT want to privatize (although long gone are the days when the foot soldier fed him/herself.)

Trump's nominees as secretaries for the O/P 3 systems all want to privatize.
My point was (and is) that republicans have always advocated for the PRIVATIZATION of education, health and transportation (and the prison system).......Bottom line is this, the only objective aspect that we're really good at is our military....of that we can all agree on.......and you should note, the military is the only thing that republicans do NOT want to privatize (although long gone are the days when the foot soldier fed him/herself.)

Trump's nominees as secretaries for the O/P 3 systems all want to privatize.

What's sad is that until Republicans began starving the public education system, and politicizing it, the US did have one of the best public education systems in the world. Since Reagan began promoting vouchers and Charter schools, and home schooling, the public system has declined, precipitously.

Republicans hate public anything. Their preferred method of setting up government programs is to overburden them with administration, and means tests, making them expensive, inefficient and unable to do what they were intended to do, and then say "government programs don't work". Nowhere have they been more effective with this strategy than with the education system.
an Englishman, invented the computer.

Nope. That first mechanical computer, called an Abacus, was invented by the Chinese.

Alan Turing came up with a more powerful computer in 1936. It was, however, still a mechanical computer.

During WWII, an Englishman named Tommy Flowers invented a programmable computer. Still, a mechanical computer.

The fathers of the first true, modern day digital computer were Americans named John Atansoff and Cliff Berry in 1937, and developed until 1942 at Iowa State College.

The above is all fine and dandy, but all of our modern "appliances", including computers, would not have been possible without the invention of Alternating Current by Serbian-American Nikola Tesla and harnessed by American Thomas Edison.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

No source for your information. Guess we're just supposed to take your word for it, huh?

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