Where is the U.S. in these world rankings?

Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

Agreed on the education. Our government run system is massively expensive and totally ineffective. We need to rethink the whole thing. Obviously throwing money at it isn't the solution.

As for healthcare, that's just a list of socialist policies and welfare recipients getting free care, it doesn't give a damn about the people paying for it.

On transpiration, comparing us to all those far more densly populated countries is ridiculous
All industrialized nations in the world, including the US, see health care as a right. So, your comment on that shows no way to improve - it's just a whine about cost.

On transportation, we have plenty of areas of dense population, and our transportation in those areas is falling far short. This is one of those cases where the flyover states just can't see what the issue is. And, their over-representation in congress blocks us from doing what is needed for America.
Say, why did the Solyndra officials plead the 5th again?

Go ahead, explain that. One of 36 companies.


Fucking morons.

First of all, you seem confused about what is public policy and what is science.

As for science, the answer is in - humans ARE making a noticeable difference in earth's temperature.

As for public policy, when we give huge federal financial support to the fossil fuel industry, it does make it harder to move toward other energy sources. I don't know anyone who has suggested that isn't the case.

This is one of the problems with capitalism - it's hard to make progress when our own policy slows the short term profit required to make capitalism work.

Is that an admission that the carbon industry is a fucking scam?

Humans have not altered shit.
The ice caps are not melting.
The polar bears are not going extinct.

There is actually more than enough data to show why the world governments are pushing this. Scientists have been caught sending emails about the scam. The 97% claim has been a proven lie. The fact that the carbon industry is a 1.5 trillion dollar industry should clue every moron like you out there and the fact that Leonardo Dicaprio is asked to sell it should be another fucking clue, but it isn't.

Florida is still here. Al Gore was wrong. If you don't admit Gore is full of shit, then that must mean you purchase carbon credits from his company. Well, do you? Do you purchase carbon credits from his company? Well, if he isn't full of shit, tell all of us why you don't.

Unless you do. Al Gore is full of shit. Isn't he?
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

Agreed on the education. Our government run system is massively expensive and totally ineffective. We need to rethink the whole thing. Obviously throwing money at it isn't the solution.

As for healthcare, that's just a list of socialist policies and welfare recipients getting free care, it doesn't give a damn about the people paying for it.

On transpiration, comparing us to all those far more densly populated countries is ridiculous
All industrialized nations in the world, including the US, see health care as a right. So, your comment on that shows no way to improve - it's just a whine about cost.

On transportation, we have plenty of areas of dense population, and our transportation in those areas is falling far short. This is one of those cases where the flyover states just can't see what the issue is. And, their over-representation in congress blocks us from doing what is needed for America.

Wait you can fly over us but mad you refuse to walk to the local store and want us to pay for you to have the transportation?

Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

Agreed on the education. Our government run system is massively expensive and totally ineffective. We need to rethink the whole thing. Obviously throwing money at it isn't the solution.

As for healthcare, that's just a list of socialist policies and welfare recipients getting free care, it doesn't give a damn about the people paying for it.

On transpiration, comparing us to all those far more densly populated countries is ridiculous
All industrialized nations in the world, including the US, see health care as a right. So, your comment on that shows no way to improve - it's just a whine about cost.

On transportation, we have plenty of areas of dense population, and our transportation in those areas is falling far short. This is one of those cases where the flyover states just can't see what the issue is. And, their over-representation in congress blocks us from doing what is needed for America.

When you hand your bills to someone else, their wanting you to pay your own bills is to "whine." Got it. So what you're saying is I was right, you are a parasite
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

Agreed on the education. Our government run system is massively expensive and totally ineffective. We need to rethink the whole thing. Obviously throwing money at it isn't the solution.

As for healthcare, that's just a list of socialist policies and welfare recipients getting free care, it doesn't give a damn about the people paying for it.

On transpiration, comparing us to all those far more densly populated countries is ridiculous
All industrialized nations in the world, including the US, see health care as a right. So, your comment on that shows no way to improve - it's just a whine about cost.

On transportation, we have plenty of areas of dense population, and our transportation in those areas is falling far short. This is one of those cases where the flyover states just can't see what the issue is. And, their over-representation in congress blocks us from doing what is needed for America.

When you hand your bills to someone else, their wanting you to pay your own bills is to "whine." Got it. So what you're saying is I was right, you are a parasite
Whining comes when you don't have a solution.

And, it is you who has no solution that addresses the problem without violating the belief systems of any and all industrialized nations.

So, it is clear who is whining - YOU!
It amazes me so many folks still blindly accept everything polls and 'rankings' tell them. When will they learn?
Say, why did the Solyndra officials plead the 5th again?

Go ahead, explain that. One of 36 companies.


Fucking morons.

First of all, you seem confused about what is public policy and what is science.

As for science, the answer is in - humans ARE making a noticeable difference in earth's temperature.

As for public policy, when we give huge federal financial support to the fossil fuel industry, it does make it harder to move toward other energy sources. I don't know anyone who has suggested that isn't the case.

This is one of the problems with capitalism - it's hard to make progress when our own policy slows the short term profit required to make capitalism work.

Is that an admission that the carbon industry is a fucking scam?

Humans have not altered shit.
The ice caps are not melting.
The polar bears are not going extinct.

There is actually more than enough data to show why the world governments are pushing this. Scientists have been caught sending emails about the scam. The 97% claim has been a proven lie. The fact that the carbon industry is a 1.5 trillion dollar industry should clue every moron like you out there and the fact that Leonardo Dicaprio is asked to sell it should be another fucking clue, but it isn't.

Florida is still here. Al Gore was wrong. If you don't admit Gore is full of shit, then that must mean you purchase carbon credits from his company. Well, do you? Do you purchase carbon credits from his company? Well, if he isn't full of shit, tell all of us why you don't.

Unless you do. Al Gore is full of shit. Isn't he?

I did not say the carbon industry is a scam. They are making money by tapping our natural resources. The scam is that our government supports them more than they support other energy sources, even though we KNOW we need to have at the very LEAST a level playing field in energy - for several reasons.

We need it to be competitive with China and others who are taking over this technology from us. We need to be competitive because we KNOW that the warming of the planet is a long term disaster that has already started showing up.

Al Gore is not a scientist, so get the heck off that meme. Anything you say about Gore is no more than a stupid deflection.

Carbon credits are a public policy issue that may or may not be a good direction. I think there are important approaches that EVERY OTHER first world country is taking and that we are NOT taking. I advocate starting there.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

And how do they pay for all of it...........they don't pay for a military. .......

Who doesn't?
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

Agreed on the education. Our government run system is massively expensive and totally ineffective. We need to rethink the whole thing. Obviously throwing money at it isn't the solution.

As for healthcare, that's just a list of socialist policies and welfare recipients getting free care, it doesn't give a damn about the people paying for it.

On transpiration, comparing us to all those far more densly populated countries is ridiculous
All industrialized nations in the world, including the US, see health care as a right. So, your comment on that shows no way to improve - it's just a whine about cost.

On transportation, we have plenty of areas of dense population, and our transportation in those areas is falling far short. This is one of those cases where the flyover states just can't see what the issue is. And, their over-representation in congress blocks us from doing what is needed for America.

When you hand your bills to someone else, their wanting you to pay your own bills is to "whine." Got it. So what you're saying is I was right, you are a parasite
Whining comes when you don't have a solution.

And, it is you who has no solution that addresses the problem without violating the belief systems of any and all industrialized nations.

So, it is clear who is whining - YOU!

What a stupid post. Read what you said and what I did. You just said to hand your manhood off to government and they will solve your problems for you. Gotcha, Darlene
Japan is the size of California. Assessment: Better mass transportation system than the USA's. I can't get over it...............Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!.........................Ha!....................Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa!.

South Korea is 1/5th the size of California. Assessment: Better mass transportation system than the USA's.............Ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. So rich.

Somebody install a mass trans. system in Alaska for Christ's sake already.
Last edited:
Out of the gate the three-legged OP blames Trump. He's still butt-hurt over the election:

Top 10 education system in the world: Directly the fault of the left. Schools can't discipline, teachers are spoiled and protected under teacher's unions, and fucking college systems have safe spaces with educations informally majoring in the liberal arts. Course liberals declare more cash would make it all better. Who ever said these people were cause and effect correct?

Top 10 health care systems in the world: Most of these systems are broke. That or they're dealing with hard working honorable people, or they're small and a controlled environment. We're not that. How many of these countries have the immigration problem of the USA? Perhaps you should move to China and give us a first hand report on their righteous healthcare plan.

Top 10 transportation systems in the world: I'm mother fucking laughing my ass off at comparing the transportation systems on postage stamps to the USA. Seriously, you and the source of this data need to get a grip.

Exactly these piss ass country's that the op talks about I can walk shore to shore in a day.
My goodness. So you can walk across Canada east the west in a day. LOL
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

Agreed on the education. Our government run system is massively expensive and totally ineffective. We need to rethink the whole thing. Obviously throwing money at it isn't the solution.

As for healthcare, that's just a list of socialist policies and welfare recipients getting free care, it doesn't give a damn about the people paying for it.

On transpiration, comparing us to all those far more densly populated countries is ridiculous
All industrialized nations in the world, including the US, see health care as a right. So, your comment on that shows no way to improve - it's just a whine about cost.

On transportation, we have plenty of areas of dense population, and our transportation in those areas is falling far short. This is one of those cases where the flyover states just can't see what the issue is. And, their over-representation in congress blocks us from doing what is needed for America.

When you hand your bills to someone else, their wanting you to pay your own bills is to "whine." Got it. So what you're saying is I was right, you are a parasite
Whining comes when you don't have a solution.

And, it is you who has no solution that addresses the problem without violating the belief systems of any and all industrialized nations.

So, it is clear who is whining - YOU!

What a stupid post. Read what you said and what I did. You just said to hand your manhood off to government and they will solve your problems for you. Gotcha, Darlene

I said you don't have a solution, so you whine.

As long as you don't have a solution, that is ALL you are doing.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

Who does the rating? What is their criteria? And WHAT is their agenda?
Well, it was the UN that rated the US 37th in Healthcare. Our own CIA rated us 50th. Clearly when your infant mortality is similiar to a third world nation, and you rank way down in longevity, yet spend more on healthcare per capita than anyone else, something is wrong with your system.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

Who does the rating? What is their criteria? And WHAT is their agenda?
Well, it was the UN that rated the US 37th in Healthcare. Our own CIA rated us 50th. Clearly when your infant mortality is similiar to a third world nation, and you rank way down in longevity, yet spend more on healthcare per capita than anyone else, something is wrong with your system.

Nearly everyone of the top 10 healthcare systems on earth use single payer and it is half as costly...Yet, it is wrong and conservatives will never allow it.
Do you conservatives want America to be dead last in everything? Even below The congo and Haiti.

#1 Economy
#1 Rights, so we can say really stupid shit
#1 Military

Failing education system, PRIMARILY because of liberal actions.
LOL at mass transportation. Really, I can't get over it.
Agreed on the education. Our government run system is massively expensive and totally ineffective. We need to rethink the whole thing. Obviously throwing money at it isn't the solution.

As for healthcare, that's just a list of socialist policies and welfare recipients getting free care, it doesn't give a damn about the people paying for it.

On transpiration, comparing us to all those far more densly populated countries is ridiculous
All industrialized nations in the world, including the US, see health care as a right. So, your comment on that shows no way to improve - it's just a whine about cost.

On transportation, we have plenty of areas of dense population, and our transportation in those areas is falling far short. This is one of those cases where the flyover states just can't see what the issue is. And, their over-representation in congress blocks us from doing what is needed for America.

When you hand your bills to someone else, their wanting you to pay your own bills is to "whine." Got it. So what you're saying is I was right, you are a parasite
Whining comes when you don't have a solution.

And, it is you who has no solution that addresses the problem without violating the belief systems of any and all industrialized nations.

So, it is clear who is whining - YOU!

What a stupid post. Read what you said and what I did. You just said to hand your manhood off to government and they will solve your problems for you. Gotcha, Darlene

I said you don't have a solution, so you whine.

As long as you don't have a solution, that is ALL you are doing.

Your "solution" is it's not your problem, you want government to do it for you. You're a whore in search of a sugar daddy
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

How do you explain that the World looks to US to police it? Based on your stats, we should stop and concentrate more on US. Exceptionalism.
Nearly everyone of the top 10 healthcare systems on earth use single payer and it is half as costly...Yet, it is wrong and conservatives will never allow it.

Most right wingers have been brainwashed to believe that to send a premium to some office in the federal government is "the end of the world as we know it".........However, to send that same check to some health insurance company's CEO who makes about $1,000,000 PER WEEK, is "supporting capitalism" and that CEO is much more trustworthy and cares much more for that same right wing moron.

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