Where is the U.S. in these world rankings?

Out of the gate the three-legged OP blames Trump. He's still butt-hurt over the election:

Top 10 education system in the world: Directly the fault of the left. Schools can't discipline, teachers are spoiled and protected under teacher's unions, and fucking college systems have safe spaces with educations informally majoring in the liberal arts. Course liberals declare more cash would make it all better. Who ever said these people were cause and effect correct?

Top 10 health care systems in the world: Most of these systems are broke. That or they're dealing with hard working honorable people, or they're small and a controlled environment. We're not that. How many of these countries have the immigration problem of the USA? Perhaps you should move to China and give us a first hand report on their righteous healthcare plan.

Top 10 transportation systems in the world: I'm mother fucking laughing my ass off at comparing the transportation systems on postage stamps to the USA. Seriously, you and the source of this data need to get a grip.

CHINA is #7 in Healthcare, and they have the largest population in the World. There is no way to gloss over the fact that your healthcare system is broken - utterly and completely. You have the most expensive system in the world, and the only first world country not to provide healthcare to everyoneone.

Your healthcare system spends 1/3 of the money spent on administration - everyone else pays less than 10%. Your doctors have to hire 3rd party billing companies to deal with insurance companies, extra staff for "pre-approvals", and requires battling your insurance company for remuneration. All of this costs money, and none of it helps people to get well. Insurance companies are more interesting in mitigating claims and reducing payments, that in providing the coverages they promised.

Schools can't discipline??? How are all these students being expelled then. Blaming teachers instead of blaming the REPUBLICAN bureaucreats at the state level who set the cirriculum, purchase the textbooks, and set the tests. States control the schools, and what's taught in the classroom, and the states are mostly Republicans.

Republicans have been politicizing the education in the hopes of turning out good little conservatives. Religious schools (which really exist to ensure racial segregation) teach Creationism and that science is bunk. Great way to prepare the next generation who are being taught math, science and technology in Canada, Europe and Asia.

America lead the world for so long because their education system was the best. But like everything else, Republicans want to end it because they want to cut taxes. Picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

You believe what the Chinese government says.....?


their cities shut down because of pollution, they are throwing themselves off the roofs of buildings in their factory cities.....

And they have no women for their men.....since they had a policy of killing female children under their one child policies.....

Please...tell us again what a paradise China is.....

And....they believe Michael Moore's propaganda....taken right from the Castros.

.....we have been told that the United States is listed at number 37 in world ranking for health care. Here is why only fools and America-bashers attribute any significance to this rating: WHO/UN states that their data “is hampered by the weakness of routine information systems and insufficient attention to research” and when they couldn’t find data, they “developed [data] through a variety of techniques.”
WHO accepts whatever governments tell them, including reputable regimes such as Castro’s Cuba.
In the same way that right wingers "deny" climate change and global warming, they also dispute any data regarding findings on education, health and transportation.......No surprise.
In the same way that right wingers "deny" climate change and global warming, they also dispute any data regarding findings on education, health and transportation.......No surprise.

As Trump himself would say about the unfortunate above situation, ".....SAD!!!..."
In the same way that right wingers "deny" climate change and global warming, they also dispute any data regarding findings on education, health and transportation.......No surprise.

Because we see it with our own eyes and know bullshit.
Last edited:
In the same way that right wingers "deny" climate change and global warming, they also dispute any data regarding findings on education, health and transportation.......No surprise.

Because we see it with our own eyes and know bullshit.

Selling a Story: Why A Case Should Never Rely on Eyewitnesses

Just a partial list of American inventions... Remind us again how the world has superior education ?

1801, Modern Suspension Bridge, James Finley

1853, Potato chips, George Crum

1856, Condensed Milk, Gail Borden

1879, Electric Light Bulb, Thomas Alva Edison

1885, Photographic Film, George Eastman

1887, Disc Record, Emile Berliner 1877, Phonograph, Thomas Alva Edison

1861, Machine Gun, Richard Gatling

1885, Skyscraper, William Le Baron Jenney

1897, Cotton Candy, William Morrison & John C. Wharton

1894, Mousetrap, William C. Hooker

1903, Airplane, Wilbur and Orville Wright

1905, Ice pop, Frank Epperson

1912 the electric traffic light byLester Wire, a policeman from Salt Lake City.

1926, Liquid-Fuel Rocket, Robert H. Goddard

1929, Sun glasses, Sam Foster 1937, Edwin Land, Polarized sun glasses

1929, Frozen Food, Clarence Birdseye

1930, Chocolate chip cookie, Ruth Wakefield

1937, modern day digital computer was invented by George Stibitzwhile he was working at Bell Labs.

1938, Nylon, Wallace H. Carothers 1956, Pantyhose, Ernest G. Rice

1939, The fully automatic automobile transmission was invented by General Motors and introduced by Oldsmobile & Cadillac.

1945, Microwave Oven, Percy Spencer

1945, Nuclear Bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer

1945, microwave oven, Percy Spencer, an engineer from Maine who was working on the magnetron for radar sets atRaytheon, found out that the microwaves had melted the chocolate in his pocket.

1950, Credit card, Ralph Schneider & Frank X. McNamara

1950, Disposable Diaper, Marion Donovan

1954, Nuclear Submarine, Hyman Rickover

1958, Integrated circuit, 1947, Transistor, Jack Kilby William Shockley

1960, Magnetic stripe card, Forrest Parry

1960 the first LASER was built by Theodore H. Maiman, at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California.

1962 the use of Light Emitting Diodes for lighting and image displays by Nick Holonyak Jr., a consulting scientist at General Electric Company in Syracuse, New York.

1965, Compact Disk, by inventor Jack Russel

1965, Kevlar, Stephanie Kwolek

1968, Lunar Module, Tom Kelly

1969, Laser Printer by Gary Keith Starkweather Xerox’s Webster research Center.

1970 – fiber optic cable was developed by Robert Maurer, Donald Keck, and Peter Schultz, Corning Glass in New York

1971, Personal Computer, John Blankenbaker

1971 Email The first email was sent in 1971 using ARPANET, by Ray Tomlinson.

1973 The first the mobile phone was developed by a team headed byDr. Martin Cooper.

1981, Space Shuttle, George Mueller

1982 – the Internet Protocol Suiteof the US National Science Foundation


– The computer mouse – funded by the US Government

– The Charge Coupled Device image sensor and the LCD display where both developed by the RCA Sarnoff Labs under a US Government contract.

1978-1994 – GPS invented by the United States Air Force became operational (Fully operational 1995)
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.
What countries are on the bottom?

Let's see if this fucking moron has the guts to list them.

Let's see.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

It's called the free rider problem.
In the same way that right wingers "deny" climate change and global warming, they also dispute any data regarding findings on education, health and transportation.......No surprise.

Because we see it with our own eyes and know bullshit.

No, you don't. I'm sitting here looking out my window at green grass in Ontario in mid-January.
In the same way that right wingers "deny" climate change and global warming, they also dispute any data regarding findings on education, health and transportation.......No surprise.

Because we see it with our own eyes and know bullshit.

Selling a Story: Why A Case Should Never Rely on Eyewitnesses

Just a partial list of American inventions... Remind us again how the world has superior education ?

1801, Modern Suspension Bridge, James Finley

1853, Potato chips, George Crum

1856, Condensed Milk, Gail Borden

1879, Electric Light Bulb, Thomas Alva Edison

1885, Photographic Film, George Eastman

1887, Disc Record, Emile Berliner 1877, Phonograph, Thomas Alva Edison

1861, Machine Gun, Richard Gatling

1885, Skyscraper, William Le Baron Jenney

1897, Cotton Candy, William Morrison & John C. Wharton

1894, Mousetrap, William C. Hooker

1903, Airplane, Wilbur and Orville Wright

1905, Ice pop, Frank Epperson

1912 the electric traffic light byLester Wire, a policeman from Salt Lake City.

1926, Liquid-Fuel Rocket, Robert H. Goddard

1929, Sun glasses, Sam Foster 1937, Edwin Land, Polarized sun glasses

1929, Frozen Food, Clarence Birdseye

1930, Chocolate chip cookie, Ruth Wakefield

1937, modern day digital computer was invented by George Stibitzwhile he was working at Bell Labs.

1938, Nylon, Wallace H. Carothers 1956, Pantyhose, Ernest G. Rice

1939, The fully automatic automobile transmission was invented by General Motors and introduced by Oldsmobile & Cadillac.

1945, Microwave Oven, Percy Spencer

1945, Nuclear Bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer

1945, microwave oven, Percy Spencer, an engineer from Maine who was working on the magnetron for radar sets atRaytheon, found out that the microwaves had melted the chocolate in his pocket.

1950, Credit card, Ralph Schneider & Frank X. McNamara

1950, Disposable Diaper, Marion Donovan

1954, Nuclear Submarine, Hyman Rickover

1958, Integrated circuit, 1947, Transistor, Jack Kilby William Shockley

1960, Magnetic stripe card, Forrest Parry

1960 the first LASER was built by Theodore H. Maiman, at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California.

1962 the use of Light Emitting Diodes for lighting and image displays by Nick Holonyak Jr., a consulting scientist at General Electric Company in Syracuse, New York.

1965, Compact Disk, by inventor Jack Russel

1965, Kevlar, Stephanie Kwolek

1968, Lunar Module, Tom Kelly

1969, Laser Printer by Gary Keith Starkweather Xerox’s Webster research Center.

1970 – fiber optic cable was developed by Robert Maurer, Donald Keck, and Peter Schultz, Corning Glass in New York

1971, Personal Computer, John Blankenbaker

1971 Email The first email was sent in 1971 using ARPANET, by Ray Tomlinson.

1973 The first the mobile phone was developed by a team headed byDr. Martin Cooper.

1981, Space Shuttle, George Mueller

1982 – the Internet Protocol Suiteof the US National Science Foundation


– The computer mouse – funded by the US Government

– The Charge Coupled Device image sensor and the LCD display where both developed by the RCA Sarnoff Labs under a US Government contract.

1978-1994 – GPS invented by the United States Air Force became operational (Fully operational 1995)

Every single First World Country can point to a list of discoveries and inventions made by their countrymen - EVERY SINGLE ONE. The US is not unique in that regard. But notice that your list ends in 1982, when conservatives began to dismantle the US public school education system, and tax cutting became all the rage.

Living on past glories while dismantling the public education system which produced these people is the very definition of stupid.
In the same way that right wingers "deny" climate change and global warming, they also dispute any data regarding findings on education, health and transportation.......No surprise.

Because we see it with our own eyes and know bullshit.

Selling a Story: Why A Case Should Never Rely on Eyewitnesses

Just a partial list of American inventions... Remind us again how the world has superior education ?

1801, Modern Suspension Bridge, James Finley

1853, Potato chips, George Crum

1856, Condensed Milk, Gail Borden

1879, Electric Light Bulb, Thomas Alva Edison

1885, Photographic Film, George Eastman

1887, Disc Record, Emile Berliner 1877, Phonograph, Thomas Alva Edison

1861, Machine Gun, Richard Gatling

1885, Skyscraper, William Le Baron Jenney

1897, Cotton Candy, William Morrison & John C. Wharton

1894, Mousetrap, William C. Hooker

1903, Airplane, Wilbur and Orville Wright

1905, Ice pop, Frank Epperson

1912 the electric traffic light byLester Wire, a policeman from Salt Lake City.

1926, Liquid-Fuel Rocket, Robert H. Goddard

1929, Sun glasses, Sam Foster 1937, Edwin Land, Polarized sun glasses

1929, Frozen Food, Clarence Birdseye

1930, Chocolate chip cookie, Ruth Wakefield

1937, modern day digital computer was invented by George Stibitzwhile he was working at Bell Labs.

1938, Nylon, Wallace H. Carothers 1956, Pantyhose, Ernest G. Rice

1939, The fully automatic automobile transmission was invented by General Motors and introduced by Oldsmobile & Cadillac.

1945, Microwave Oven, Percy Spencer

1945, Nuclear Bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer

1945, microwave oven, Percy Spencer, an engineer from Maine who was working on the magnetron for radar sets atRaytheon, found out that the microwaves had melted the chocolate in his pocket.

1950, Credit card, Ralph Schneider & Frank X. McNamara

1950, Disposable Diaper, Marion Donovan

1954, Nuclear Submarine, Hyman Rickover

1958, Integrated circuit, 1947, Transistor, Jack Kilby William Shockley

1960, Magnetic stripe card, Forrest Parry

1960 the first LASER was built by Theodore H. Maiman, at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California.

1962 the use of Light Emitting Diodes for lighting and image displays by Nick Holonyak Jr., a consulting scientist at General Electric Company in Syracuse, New York.

1965, Compact Disk, by inventor Jack Russel

1965, Kevlar, Stephanie Kwolek

1968, Lunar Module, Tom Kelly

1969, Laser Printer by Gary Keith Starkweather Xerox’s Webster research Center.

1970 – fiber optic cable was developed by Robert Maurer, Donald Keck, and Peter Schultz, Corning Glass in New York

1971, Personal Computer, John Blankenbaker

1971 Email The first email was sent in 1971 using ARPANET, by Ray Tomlinson.

1973 The first the mobile phone was developed by a team headed byDr. Martin Cooper.

1981, Space Shuttle, George Mueller

1982 – the Internet Protocol Suiteof the US National Science Foundation


– The computer mouse – funded by the US Government

– The Charge Coupled Device image sensor and the LCD display where both developed by the RCA Sarnoff Labs under a US Government contract.

1978-1994 – GPS invented by the United States Air Force became operational (Fully operational 1995)

Want more?

American Inventions in Communication

Communications Satellite

The first artificial satellite used solely to further advances in global communications was a balloon named Echo 1. It was the world’s first artificial communications satellite capable of relaying signals to other points on Earth. It soared 1,000 miles (1,609 km) above the planet after its Aug. 12, 1960 launch, yet relied on humanity’s oldest flight technology.



First patented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell and further developed by many others.

Cordless Telephone

In the 1980s, a number of manufacturers, including Sony, introduced cordless phones for the consumer market.


In 1927, Philo Farnsworth made the world’s first working television system which he first demonstrated to the press on 1 September 1928.

Cable Television

During the 1980s, in the United States, mandated regulations not unlike public, educational, and government access (PEG) channels created the beginning of the cable-originated live television program.

Inventions Medical Research
Artificial Heart

The first artificial heart to be successfully implanted in a human was the Jarvik-7, designed by Robert Jarvik and implemented in 1982.


Artificial Cardiac Pacemaker

In 1932, American physiologist Albert Hyman, working independently, described an electro-mechanical instrument of his own.

Glucose Meter

In 1962, Leland Clark and Champ Lyons at the Medical College of Alabama developed the first glucose enzyme electrode.

Jet Injector

A jet injector is a type of medical injecting syringe that uses a high-pressure narrow jet of the injection liquid instead of a hypodermic needle to penetrate the epidermis. 1960: Aaron Ismach invented and patented the Jet Injector medical device which was used for quick mass vaccination for smallpox and other diseases. Ismach was assisted by Dr. Abram Benenson in developing the Jet Injector Gun.


Polio Vaccine

In 1936, Maurice Brodie, a research assistant at New York University, attempted to produce a formaldehyde-killed polio vaccine from ground-up monkey spinal cords.

American Inventions in Electronics

Chester Carlson, the inventor of photocopying, was originally a patent attorney, as well as a part-time researcher and inventor, in 1938, he applied for a patent for the process.

Popcorn Maker

Cretors applied for a patent on his new automated peanut roaster and popcorn popper machine on August 10, 1891. U.S. Patent 506,207 was granted to Cretors on October 10, 1893.



In 1890, Louis Glass and William S. Arnold invented the nickel-in-the-slot phonograph, the first of which was an Edison Class M Electric Phonograph.

Parking Meter

An early patent for a parking meter, US patent,[1] was filed by Roger W. Babson, on August 30, 1928.

Washing Machine

The earliest special-purpose washing device was the scrub board, invented in 1797.

Radar Gun

The radar speed gun was invented by John L. Barker Sr., who developed radar for the military during World War II. After the war in 1947, the system was tested by the Connecticut State Police in Glastonbury for traffic speed.


In 1805, American inventor Oliver Evans described a closed vapor-compression refrigeration cycle for the production of ice by ether under vacuum.

Remote Control

The earliest example of remote control by radio waves was developed in 1898 by Nikola Tesla and described in his patent, U.S. Patent 613,809.

Smoke Detector

The first automatic electric fire alarm was invented in 1890 by Francis Robbins Upton (U.S. patent no. 436,961).

Solar Cell

Albert Einstein explained the underlying mechanism of light instigated carrier excitation—the photoelectric effect—in 1905, for which he received the Nobel prize in Physics in 1921.

Digital Camera

Steven Sasson as an engineer at Eastman Kodak invented and built the first electronic camera using a charge-coupled device image sensor in 1975.


The Steadicam was introduced to the industry in 1975 by inventor and cameraman Garrett Brown.

Vacuum Cleaner

A carpet sweeper was invented by Daniel Hess of West Union, Iowa in 1860.

Video Tape

The first practical professional broadcast quality videotape machines were introduced by Ampex on April 14, 1956 at the National Association of Broadcasters convention in Chicago.

Microwave Oven

In 1945, the specific heating effect of a high-power microwave beam was discovered, accidentally. Percy Spencer, an American self-taught engineer from Howland.


The mixer with rotating parts was patented in 1856 by Baltimore, Maryland tinner Ralph Collier.

Electric Guitar

With numerous people experimenting with electrical instruments in the 1920s and early 1930s, there are many claimants to have been the first to invent an electric guitar.


Dish Washer

The first reports of a mechanical dishwashing device are of an 1850 patent in the United States by Joel Houghton.

Electric Blanket

The first electric blanket was invented in 1912 by American physician Sidney I.

Electric Chair

In 1881, the state of New York established a committee to determine a new, more humane method of execution to replace hanging. The first electric chair was produced by Harold P. Brown and Arthur Kennelly.


Electric Stove

This day on September 20, 1859, George B. Simpson was awarded US patent #25532 for an ‘electro-heater.


Nathan Ames, a patent solicitor from Saugus, Massachusetts, is credited with patenting the first “escalator” in 1859.


On January 10, 1899, British inventor David Misell obtained U.S. Patent No. 617,592, assigned to American Electrical Novelty and Manufacturing Company.

First Video Game

The earliest known interactive electronic game was by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann on a cathode ray tube. The patent was filed on January 25, 1947.

American Technological Advancements
Satellite Navigation

The first satellite navigation system was Transit, a system deployed by the US military in the 1960s.

Acrylic Paint

Between 1946 and 1949, Leonard Bocour and Sam Golden invented a solution acrylic paint under the brand Magna paint.

Aerosol Bomb

Aerosol bombs were developed in 1941 by Lyle D. Goodhue and William N. Sullivan of the United States Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.


In 1917, Albert Einstein established the theoretical foundations for the laser and the maser.


American John Hetrick was issued U.S. patent #2,649,311 earlier on August 18, 1953.

Virtual Reality

The earliest use cited by the Oxford English Dictionary is in a 1987.

Industrial Robot

The earliest known industrial robot, conforming to the ISO definition was completed by “Bill” Griffith P. Taylor in 1937.

Nuclear Power Plant

Electricity was generated by a nuclear reactor for the first time ever on September 3, 1948 at the X-10 Graphite Reactor in Oak Ridge, Tennessee in the United States.

Pipe Wrench

The first pipe, or stillson, wrench was created by Daniel C. Stillson while working as a mechanic at the Walworth Company, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Flying Disc or Frisbee

Fred Morrison discovered a market for the modern-day flying disc[4] in 1938.

Wind Surfing

In 1948, 20-year old Newman Darby was the first to conceive the idea of using a handheld sail and rig mounted on a universal joint.

Windscreen Wiper

The inventor Mary Anderson is credited with devising the first operational windshield wiper in 1903.

Wheel Clamp

The wheel clamp, originally known as the auto immobiliser, was invented in 1944 and patented in 1958 by Frank Marugg.

Weather Satellite

The first weather satellite, Vanguard 2, was launched on February 17, 1959.


In 1911, Sundback devoted himself to improving the fastener, and by December 1913 had designed the modern zipper.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

Let's look at Finland's inventions..

11 inventions you didn't know were Finnish - Big In Finland

Yea I have one of these

The dish draining closet

Draining the dishes in a little closet. Practical. Award winning.

The “Finnish Invention Foundation” named this closet “one of the most important Finnish inventions of the millennium”. For real. A Finnish inventor called Maiju Gebhard invented this closet during the later years of the WWII to improve the drying process of dishes. It was developed within the “Finnish Association for Work Efficiency”. For real. I am not making this up.

Although we recognize here that it is very practical and – since it was an award-winning invention – important, we must admit that it hasn’t been adapted worldwide yet – unlike two Spanish inventions: the lolly pop and the mop.
What countries are on the bottom?

Let's see if this fucking moron has the guts to list them.

Let's see.

Worst education:

  • Pakistan (0.656 EDI) ...
  • Guinea (0.634 EDI) ...
  • Eritrea (0.623 EDI) ...
  • Ethiopia (0.622 EDI) ...
  • Central African Republic (0.617 EDI) ...
  • Mali (0.612 EDI) ...
  • Burkina Faso (0.594 EDI) ...
  • Niger (0.528 EDI) Oil-rich and regionally powerful Niger tops has the lowest education level in the world today.

Worst health care

  • Mozambique: 0.260. ...
  • Malawi: 0.251. ...
  • Liberia: 0.200. ...
  • Nigeria: 0.176. ...
  • Democratic Republic of Congo: 0.171. ...
  • Central African Republic: 0.156. ...
  • Myanmar: 0.138. ...
  • Sierra Leone: 0.00. The Republic of Sierra Leone is another coastal country bordered by Guinea and Liberia with a population of almost 6 million .
In the same way that right wingers "deny" climate change and global warming, they also dispute any data regarding findings on education, health and transportation.......No surprise.
Climate change is a scam you fucking moron.

Hey fucking moron. Is it "climate change" or "Global warming?" It is both? Oh, yeah. It is both.

Fucking idiot.


Want to know what it is all about, you ignorant ass? Wait, I do not give a shit if you want to know or not. It is all about a green multi trillion dollar scam on the world and it is a foregone conclusion.

Here is a list of companies that have went under AFTER receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in start up money.

The complete list of faltering or bankrupt green-energy companies:

Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*
SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
Solyndra ($535 million)*
Beacon Power ($43 million)*
Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
SunPower ($1.2 billion)
First Solar ($1.46 billion)
Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
Amonix ($5.9 million)
Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
Abound Solar ($400 million)*
A123 Systems ($279 million)*
Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*
Johnson Controls ($299 million)
Schneider Electric ($86 million)
Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
ECOtality ($126.2 million)
Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
Range Fuels ($80 million)*
Thompson River Power ($6.5 million)*
Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
Azure Dynamics ($5.4 million)*
GreenVolts ($500,000)
Vestas ($50 million)
LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($151 million)
Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
Navistar ($39 million)
Satcon ($3 million)*
Konarka Technologies Inc. ($20 million)*
Mascoma Corp. ($100 million)

Go find out if who got paid off. Obama, the "great" was suppose to let us know with the Solyndra money after the FBI raid.

How did that work out. That is one of the 36 on that list. More than that now.

Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Its climate change!!!!! Tax small businesses!!!!!

Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Its the global warming!!!!!!! Tax tax tax!!!!!!

Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Its both climate change!!! and The global warming!!!!!!


Florida was suppose to be gone in 2013 according to Gore and it is 2017 and it is still here.

Say, why did the Solyndra officials plead the 5th again?

Go ahead, explain that. One of 36 companies.


Fucking morons.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

Agreed on the education. Our government run system is massively expensive and totally ineffective. We need to rethink the whole thing. Obviously throwing money at it isn't the solution.

As for healthcare, that's just a list of socialist policies and welfare recipients getting free care, it doesn't give a damn about the people paying for it.

On transpiration, comparing us to all those far more densly populated countries is ridiculous
What countries are on the bottom?

Let's see if this fucking moron has the guts to list them.

Let's see.

Worst education:

  • Pakistan (0.656 EDI) ...
  • Guinea (0.634 EDI) ...
  • Eritrea (0.623 EDI) ...
  • Ethiopia (0.622 EDI) ...
  • Central African Republic (0.617 EDI) ...
  • Mali (0.612 EDI) ...
  • Burkina Faso (0.594 EDI) ...
  • Niger (0.528 EDI) Oil-rich and regionally powerful Niger tops has the lowest education level in the world today.

Worst health care

  • Mozambique: 0.260. ...
  • Malawi: 0.251. ...
  • Liberia: 0.200. ...
  • Nigeria: 0.176. ...
  • Democratic Republic of Congo: 0.171. ...
  • Central African Republic: 0.156. ...
  • Myanmar: 0.138. ...
  • Sierra Leone: 0.00. The Republic of Sierra Leone is another coastal country bordered by Guinea and Liberia with a population of almost 6 million .

So according to your stupid list you are posting Niger has the worst educational system...

This is interesting

This list comprises of 16 Nigerian inventors who have contributed to development in various fields worldwide.

1. Saheed Adepoju

He is the inventor of the INYE-1 & 2, tablet computers designed for the African market.

Bio: Saheed is the Co-founder of Encipher Limited, a Nigerian-based technology company that introduced the first android-powered tablet into Nigeria. The INYE-1, which was unveiled in April 2010 is a 7-inch resistive screen tablet. It runs android 2.1 and allows users to connect to the internet using its inbuilt WIFI card and to use an external 3G modem from GSM networks. It offers about 3 hours of battery life and allows HDMI output to HDMI capable devices.
INYE-2, which was unveiled in May 2011, is an 8-inch capacitive screen tablet. It runs Android 2.2 and allows users to connect to the internet using its inbuilt Wi-Fi card as well as its inbuilt SIM. It offers about 8 hours of battery life and allow users to connect to other USB devices.

2. Seyi Oyesola

He is credited with the co-invention of CompactOR or the “Hospital in a Box”, a solar-powered life-saving operating room which can be transported to remote areas of Africa and set up within minutes.

Bio: Seyi is a Nigerian trained doctor and inventor. He received his basic science and medical education at the University of Lagos, Nigeria, with specialist training in Anaesthesia and Critical Care in the United Kingdom and United States. In order to help bring surgical care to every region of the continent, Seyi co-developed CompactOR, or the “Hospital in a Box”: a portable medical system that contains anesthetic and surgical equipment. One major advantage of this invention is that the operating suite is light enough to be dropped into inaccessible zones by helicopter and it can be powered by solar panels.

3. Jelani Aliyu

He is credited with designing General Motors’ leading auto brand, Chevrolet Volt.

Bio: Jelani was born in Kaduna State, Nigeria in 1966. He originates from Sokoto State, Nigeria and earned an associate degree in Architecture from Birnin Kebbi Polytechnic in 1988. Upon graduation from the Polytechnic, Jelani worked at the Ministry of Works, Sokoto before pursuing additional education in the United states. He graduated in 1994 with a degree in Automobile Design from the College for Creative Studies, Detroit, Michigan and was hired by General Motors.

4. Ndubuisi Ekekwe

He is credited with the development of microchips used in minimally invasive surgical robots

Bio: Ndubuisi is the founder of First Atlantic Semiconductors & Microelectronics Ltd. He holds a U.S. Patent on a microchip used in minimally invasive surgical robotsand was part of the team that created XL sensor inside the iPhone and iPad.

5. Col. Oviemo Ovadje (Rtd)

Oviemo is a Nigerian medical Doctor who is credited with the invention of the Emergency Auto Transfusion System (EAT-SET), which is an effective, low-cost and affordable blood auto-transfusion mechanism that saves patients in developing countries. He has patented the invention in nine (9) countries.

Bio: Oviemo was born in Nigeria and hails from Delta State. He began working on the invention in 1989 with $120 dollars. In 1995, he was declared best African scientist and founded EATSET Industries, in April 2001. The United Nation Development Program (UNDP) and the government of Nigeria funded the EAT-SET Project, with the World Health Organization (WHO) acting as the executing agency and providing assistance in the coordination of the project.
He has received many international awards including:
*.OAU-WIPO Best African Scientist Gold Medal, Geneva Switzerland (1995);
*.Winner Promex Medal Geneva, Switzerland (1998);
*.First African Winner World Health Organisation Sasakawa Gold Medal, Geneva, Switzerland, (2000);
*.Winner ARCO Gold Medal, The Dorchester, UK, (2001);
*.Winner Army Council Medal, Nigeria Army, Army Head Quarters, Abuja, Nigeria.

6. Cyprian Emeka Uzoh

Credits: He holds more than 126 United States issued patents and over 160 patents worldwide in semiconductor technology including U.S. Patent No. 6709562,“method of making electroplated interconnection structures on integrated circuit chips”, which earned him the inventor of the year award in 2006 from the New York Intellectual Property Association.

7. Kunle Olukotun
He is well known for leading the Stanford Hydra research project which developed one of the first chip multiprocessors with support for thread-level speculation (TLS).

Bio: Kunle is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from The University of Michigan. He is the founder of Afara Websystems (later acquired by Sun Microsystems), a company that builds servers surrounding a custom high-throughput CPU architecture and develops IP traffic management systems for high-throughput, low power server systems with chip multiprocessor technology.

8. Sebastine Chinonye Omeh

He is best known for his research into the use of wind-propelled turbines to generate electricity.

Bio: Sebastine is the Managing Director of Hybrid Micro Machine Products Limited. He is from Ogrute town in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. He is a graduate of engineering from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Challenged by the energy crisis in Nigeria, and the need to develop indigenous technology he conducted research into the use of wind-propelled turbines to generate electricity, thereby pioneering wind energy technology in Nigeria.

9. Shehu Saleh Balami

He is credited with designing a solid-fuel rocket.

Bio: Since year 2000, Shehu Balami, a Nigerian Engineer has been involved in designing rockets. He is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Technology (FUT), Minna, Niger State. He has produced two solid fuel rockets which were launched along the new Kaduna Millennium City Road in Kaduna State. In 2008, with the support of his friends and family members, he was able to build his first rocket which he later modified in 2011. The solid-fuel rocket was produced under the auspices of the Movement for the Propagation of Science and Technology in Nigeria.

10. Yemi Adesokan

He was selected by expert judges of the Technology Review of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States of America for his discovery work on drug-resistant infections. He was honored by the MIT in 2011 because of his innovative work.

Bio: Yemi is a Nigerian born and United States-based founder of Pathogenica Inc. Medical experts are of the view that his innovation may bring an end to the problem of drug resistance in the world particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. His discovery work was carried out by a biotechnology start-up that he founded with Professor George Churchof Harvard Medical School DNA technology.

11. Ume Ifeanyi Charles

He is credited with five (5) inventions all of which were patented at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). These are:
*.Method and Apparatus for Measuring Thermally Induced Warpage in Printed Wiring Boards Using Shadow Moir, United States Patent No. 5601364, Feb. 11,1997;
*.Method and Apparatus for Measuring Thermal Warpage Using Projection Moir, United States Patent No. 6564166 B1, May 13, 2003;
*.Object Inspection Method and System, United States Patent No. 6747268, June 8, 2004;
*.Inspection System and Methods, United States Patent No. 7492449,February 17, 2009; and
*.Ultrasound Systems and Method for Measuring Weld Penetration Depth in Real Time and Off Line, United States Patent No. 7762136, July 27, 2010.

Bio: Ifeanyi is a professor at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. He is a recipient of the Donald P. Eckman Education Award in recognition of his contributions towards education of mechatronics throughout the world. In 2010, he was also awarded the Electronics and Photonic Packaging Division (EPPD) Excellence in Mechanics Award.

12. Aloysius Anaebonam

He holds about 12 U.S. Patents including the following:
*. Extended release acetaminophen,Patent number: 6254891, July 3, 2001;
*. Extended release acetaminophen particles,Patent number: 6126967, October 3, 2000;
*. Pleasant-tasting aqueous liquid composition of a bitter-tasting drug,Patent number: 5962461, October 5, 1999;
*. Pleasant-tasting aqueous liquid composition of a bitter-tasting drug,Patent number: 5763449, June 9, 1998;
*. Composition and process for prevention and treatment of cutaneous immediate hypersensitivity reactions,Patent number: 5684037, November 4, 1997;
*. Composition and process for prevention and treatment of cutaneous immediate hypersensitivity reactions,Patent number: 5684038, November 4, 1997;
*. Terfenadine oral granules,Patent number: 5626879, May 6, 1997;
*. Process for treating uremic pruritus,Patent number: 5576346, November 19, 1996;
*. Process for treating hemangioma, Patent number: 5552436
*. Composition and process for prevention and treatment of cutaneous immediate hypersensitivity reactions,Patent number: 5532270, July 2, 1996; and
Terfenadine oral powder,Patent number: 5455049, October 3, 1995.
Bio: Aloysius holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Pharmacy from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston Massachusetts. He is the Founder & Chief Scientist of BREEJ Technologies, Inc., a developer and marketer of advanced treatment cosmetics products for problem skin.
Bear in mind republicans and libertarians that these 3 systems are ALL paid for by these countries' respective central governments (note who Trump wants us to head our Education, Health and Transportation systems.)

Top 10 education system in the world

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Finland
6. UK
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. Ireland
10. Poland

Top 10 health care systems in the world

1. France
2, Italy
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. U.K.
6. Canada
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Sweden
10. Taiwan

Top 10 transportation systems in the world

1. China
2. Singapore
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
6. Japan
7. Germany
8. France
9. Spain
10. U.K.

So what you're saying is we're fucked, but anyone who wants to change that is your enemy. So typical of regressives, we waste more money than anyone on most of these but with regressives more money is always the answer, they are never willing to challenge our methods. Run along child, your BS is getting old.

There ia plenty of waste alright but from my knowledge of working with various public private venture and public only the waste comes when they farm something out to private... The private company does exactly what is in the contract...

Here is an example...
My local hospital farmed out the cleaning of the hospital to private contractors. The contractors do what they are told and keep the minimum staff on to satisfy the contract. They were there to make a profit for the contractor. The old public cleaning staff had more cleaners and couldn't compete with this minimum offering.
The contract started, soon the hospital found the place getting more grubby and asked for it to be cleaned.. The private contractor added a premium and cleaned more... The extra was mounting.
The one thing about the original staff is they knew how the hospital ran and they knew the operating theatres needed staff on hand (outside the door) to clean theatre between ops... Surgeons would have ops back to back all day... The Contract staff pointed to the contract and said that is not what the contract and eventually we had surgeons cleaning theatres rather than preping for next patient.
Because of the budget problems the cleaning began to wane and viruses got into the hospital and this was vastly more expensive than any possible savings...
So when asked about these savings we say you can't afford to be that cheap.

Sounds to me like you had some bad administration that had no clue as to what the hospital really needed when they let the contract. Don't blame the contractor for doing the job they were hired to do in the manner specified by the contract.
I'm still wondering why you're here is you think it's so bad. If you think something is bad yet stay there, the idiot is you.

Nitwit........have you ever read how "easy" it is to gain citizenship in most European countries? Or Canada, Australia, New Zealand? Check it out (besides listening to Sean Hannity)

I LOVE the U.S.and want my country to be better.

Since what you support will only make it worse, you're either an idiot, a liar, or some combination of both.
Say, why did the Solyndra officials plead the 5th again?

Go ahead, explain that. One of 36 companies.


Fucking morons.

First of all, you seem confused about what is public policy and what is science.

As for science, the answer is in - humans ARE making a noticeable difference in earth's temperature.

As for public policy, when we give huge federal financial support to the fossil fuel industry, it does make it harder to move toward other energy sources. I don't know anyone who has suggested that isn't the case.

This is one of the problems with capitalism - it's hard to make progress when our own policy slows the short term profit required to make capitalism work.

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