Where The Uninsured Are

@ post#3
Yes there is. The northwest has a lot of reservations and military installations.
The south has a high percentage of illegal aliens.

Alabama shed many of our illegals with our recent immigration law.
But this isn't about illegals. :lol:

This is about the uninsured.

READ CAREFULLY: The U.S. Census Bureau does not count illegals aliens, because how could they if they tried, but it doesn't matter because they don't.

Got it?

So your illegal alien deflection attempt is not flying, Erns.
I think we should take this too its logical conclusion, if you don't have insurance, you must purchase it, if you don't have a home, you must purchase one or pay a fine.

If you don't have a Government Motors shitmobile (eco-friendly, of course), you must purchase one or pay a fine.
Yeah, that's gonna happen.


Dumbass. :lol:
The people who are uninsured should buy life insurance if they want it. Why should I foot their fucking bill? If you're so hell bent on this problem- stroke a check - or STFU, asswipe.

Life Insurance is one thing I always had in the past 30 years. Screw health insurance I will never go to a quack.
Republicans will say, "Oh, we have so many minorities living in our states". Then you actually check the demographics:

You find out it's 80% white in Tennessee and almost 90% white in Kentucky. Then you find out those are "welfare" states. Then you go to Illinois which is 63% white and "oops", that's a donor state.

Then you say, "Well how can that be? Tennessee and Kentucky have 150 years of conservative rule?"

Then you finally realize. Republicans are racist fucks who want to blame their disastrous policies on minorities. Got it!

Whether or not the r's like it, fact is the blue states are supporting them.

THAT is why all the blustering and posturing threats to "suceed" (secede) is nothing but talk. They'd starve without us.

Then cut off all aid coming from the federal government for welfare, healthcare, etc.. should solve that blue to red problem, eh??
I think we should take this too its logical conclusion, if you don't have insurance, you must purchase it, if you don't have a home, you must purchase one or pay a fine.

If you don't have a Government Motors shitmobile (eco-friendly, of course), you must purchase one or pay a fine.
Yeah, that's gonna happen.


Dumbass. :lol:

The point, you fucking dull-witted blood clot, is that if the gubmint can make you buy one product of their choosing and creation (like "health" insurance), then it has crafted a precedent to compel you to buy some other product of their choosing (and maybe of their creation). The brilliant jurists on the SCOTUS would simply rely on their own recent precedent. Idiots.

Damn you are stupid, Synthia. But then, you always are.
If you don't have a Government Motors shitmobile (eco-friendly, of course), you must purchase one or pay a fine.
Yeah, that's gonna happen.


Dumbass. :lol:

The point, you fucking dull-witted blood clot, is that if the gubmint can make you buy one product of their choosing and creation (like "health" insurance), then it has crafted a precedent to compel you to buy some other product of their choosing (and maybe of their creation). The brilliant jurists on the SCOTUS would simply rely on their own recent precedent. Idiots.

Damn you are stupid, Synthia. But then, you always are.
No, you had no point, dope.

Car-buying is not a societal issue/problem.
Ernie S.
... high concentrations of illegal immigrants...

WHERE are these "high concentrations of illegal immigrants?"

If you know where the "high concentrations of illegal immigrants" are, you should call the authorities cuz they can't find them.

Southern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

OK another Lib that can only concentrate on 5 words at a time who pulls a phrase out of context.

No more can be expected in what turns out to be a false premise from the OP.

Poverty as proven, does not presuppose lack of medical coverage, only perhaps, access to private medical insurance.
Hmmm Areas with Indian reservations and high concentrations of illegal immigrants.

It must be very weird living inside your head.

Not at all, but that would be plain if you had left my post intact.
The thread is about the uninsured and he points to maps showing poverty.
I showed that poverty doesn't mean lack of health care or health care coverage.

True statement,fact being the poor get rather good healthcare,on medicare,its the people that are in the middle that can't get free healthcare,and can't afford 10-12 k a year. But instead we will criminalize them and take more.
Texas really stands out

No wonder Republicans are fighting so hard against exchanges
Yeah, that's gonna happen.


Dumbass. :lol:

The point, you fucking dull-witted blood clot, is that if the gubmint can make you buy one product of their choosing and creation (like "health" insurance), then it has crafted a precedent to compel you to buy some other product of their choosing (and maybe of their creation). The brilliant jurists on the SCOTUS would simply rely on their own recent precedent. Idiots.

Damn you are stupid, Synthia. But then, you always are.
No, you had no point, dope.

Car-buying is not a societal issue/problem.

No no, you simpering imbecile. I DID have a point and I (unlike you) still do.

Car-buying is a societal issue and problem if the gubmint CLAIMS it is.

YOUR silly-ass notion is that if something IS a societal issue/problem (as defined by other fuckwits like you, no doubt), well THEN by golly it's perfectly ok for the gubmint to create a product and force us to "buy" it.

That aint the purpose of the commerce clause. It is not an incident of the power to tax. It is not one of the enumerated powers or Constitutionally limited authorities of the government.

And all it takes to get us all to that idiotic point is accepting your half-wit and baseless daffynitions. (You lolberal assholes tell us we cannot buy guns even though the Constitution says we fucking can, and you tell us what we must buy even though the Constitution does not authorize any such mandate from the Federal government.)

Your argument is rejected not just because you are a simpleton jack-off, but because you have nothing to support your moronic premises beyond the recent indefensibly dishonest SCOTUS decision regarding Obambamcare.
The people who are uninsured should buy life insurance if they want it. Why should I foot their fucking bill? If you're so hell bent on this problem- stroke a check - or STFU, asswipe.

I'll bet you're against ObamaCare because it means people buying their own insurance.

Bet you just love Reagan's socialist EMTALA because freeloaders can get their care for free and the rest of us to pay for it.

As for the poor red states buying life insurance, that's the whole reason they go the ER. They can't afford to buy insurance of any kind. That's why us BLUES have to pay their (your?) bills.

Ya wanna try that again?

A tidbit for you luddley. 5 of the 10 poorest states have Democrat Governors. 3 of their state legislatures are controlled by Democrats and 9 of the 10 have a far larger percentage of blacks and hispanics than the national average.
Interestingly, red states have faired better than blue states since 2009.

This is NOT due to obama's policies, but more due to Republican Governors who have brought jobs to their states, like our Robert Bentley who has brought Hyundai, AirBus, Honda, Mercedes and Toyota among others to the state.


Economy: Blue States Worse Than Red Under Obama

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Blue States Fare Worse Than Red States Under President Obama, From Jobs To Home Prices - Investors.com
@ post#3
Yes there is. The northwest has a lot of reservations and military installations.
The south has a high percentage of illegal aliens.

Alabama shed many of our illegals with our recent immigration law.
But this isn't about illegals. :lol:

This is about the uninsured.

READ CAREFULLY: The U.S. Census Bureau does not count illegals aliens, because how could they if they tried, but it doesn't matter because they don't.

Got it?

So your illegal alien deflection attempt is not flying, Erns.
In a way, it does include illegals. The number of uninsured quoted here ad nauseum includes 12 to 20 million illegals. I wouldn't doubt that some estimates included Native Americans as well even though they are covered by their own federal program.
The point, you fucking dull-witted blood clot, is that if the gubmint can make you buy one product of their choosing and creation (like "health" insurance), then it has crafted a precedent to compel you to buy some other product of their choosing (and maybe of their creation). The brilliant jurists on the SCOTUS would simply rely on their own recent precedent. Idiots.

Damn you are stupid, Synthia. But then, you always are.
No, you had no point, dope.

Car-buying is not a societal issue/problem.

No no, you simpering imbecile. I DID have a point and I (unlike you) still do.

Car-buying is a societal issue and problem if the gubmint CLAIMS it is.

YOUR silly-ass notion is that if something IS a societal issue/problem (as defined by other fuckwits like you, no doubt), well THEN by golly it's perfectly ok for the gubmint to create a product and force us to "buy" it.

That aint the purpose of the commerce clause. It is not an incident of the power to tax. It is not one of the enumerated powers or Constitutionally limited authorities of the government.

And all it takes to get us all to that idiotic point is accepting your half-wit and baseless daffynitions. (You lolberal assholes tell us we cannot buy guns even though the Constitution says we fucking can, and you tell us what we must buy even though the Constitution does not authorize any such mandate from the Federal government.)

Your argument is rejected not just because you are a simpleton jack-off, but because you have nothing to support your moronic premises beyond the recent indefensibly dishonest SCOTUS decision regarding Obambamcare.

It's a damned good thing you like Synthia. If you didn't, you might just slap him silly.

Wait! You just did.

Never mind.
No, you had no point, dope.

Car-buying is not a societal issue/problem.

No no, you simpering imbecile. I DID have a point and I (unlike you) still do.

Car-buying is a societal issue and problem if the gubmint CLAIMS it is.

YOUR silly-ass notion is that if something IS a societal issue/problem (as defined by other fuckwits like you, no doubt), well THEN by golly it's perfectly ok for the gubmint to create a product and force us to "buy" it.

That aint the purpose of the commerce clause. It is not an incident of the power to tax. It is not one of the enumerated powers or Constitutionally limited authorities of the government.

And all it takes to get us all to that idiotic point is accepting your half-wit and baseless daffynitions. (You lolberal assholes tell us we cannot buy guns even though the Constitution says we fucking can, and you tell us what we must buy even though the Constitution does not authorize any such mandate from the Federal government.)

Your argument is rejected not just because you are a simpleton jack-off, but because you have nothing to support your moronic premises beyond the recent indefensibly dishonest SCOTUS decision regarding Obambamcare.

It's a damned good thing you like Synthia. If you didn't, you might just slap him silly.

Wait! You just did.

Never mind.

Synthia will be back shortly to declare victory, nonetheless.

@ post#3
Yes there is. The northwest has a lot of reservations and military installations.
The south has a high percentage of illegal aliens.

Alabama shed many of our illegals with our recent immigration law.
But this isn't about illegals. :lol:

This is about the uninsured.

READ CAREFULLY: The U.S. Census Bureau does not count illegals aliens, because how could they if they tried, but it doesn't matter because they don't.

Got it?

So your illegal alien deflection attempt is not flying, Erns.

Even though it clearly states that no illegal can buy the cheaper health care insurance, apparently some still haven't gotten that news.
Ernie S.
... high concentrations of illegal immigrants...
WHERE are these "high concentrations of illegal immigrants?"

If you know where the "high concentrations of illegal immigrants" are, you should call the authorities cuz they can't find them.
Obama has deported them all!

Obama's Record-High Deportations Draw Hispanic Scorn - ABC News


Shhhhh .... Joe Arpaio hasn't heard. He's still lying about his own non-existent record. For all his blow-harding, he's 13th in the country. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima country (that's Tucson) is #1 in actual deportaions. The gay skinhead of Pinal county, Babeau didn't even make the list. For those who don't remember, he's the one who did the "finish the damn fence" LYING commercial with McCain.

IOW, once again, the brown-haters were duped and willingly guzzled the kool aid.
The point, you fucking dull-witted blood clot, is that if the gubmint can make you buy one product of their choosing and creation (like "health" insurance), then it has crafted a precedent to compel you to buy some other product of their choosing (and maybe of their creation). The brilliant jurists on the SCOTUS would simply rely on their own recent precedent. Idiots.

Damn you are stupid, Synthia. But then, you always are.
No, you had no point, dope.

Car-buying is not a societal issue/problem.

No no, you simpering imbecile. I DID have a point and I (unlike you) still do.

Car-buying is a societal issue and problem if the gubmint CLAIMS it is.

YOUR silly-ass notion is that if something IS a societal issue/problem (as defined by other fuckwits like you, no doubt), well THEN by golly it's perfectly ok for the gubmint to create a product and force us to "buy" it.

That aint the purpose of the commerce clause. It is not an incident of the power to tax. It is not one of the enumerated powers or Constitutionally limited authorities of the government.

And all it takes to get us all to that idiotic point is accepting your half-wit and baseless daffynitions. (You lolberal assholes tell us we cannot buy guns even though the Constitution says we fucking can, and you tell us what we must buy even though the Constitution does not authorize any such mandate from the Federal government.)

Your argument is rejected not just because you are a simpleton jack-off, but because you have nothing to support your moronic premises beyond the recent indefensibly dishonest SCOTUS decision regarding Obambamcare.

False, douche. The reason why Americans accepted ObamaCare is because they know that Health Care is societal, and we all have to pay in one way or another due to the bad health of our fellow citizens.

Which car people buy is not societal. All the U.S. car companies could vanish and society wouldn't change at all. In fact, that's what you wingnuts argued when Bush started bailing out Detroit in December, 2008.
@ post#3
Yes there is. The northwest has a lot of reservations and military installations.
The south has a high percentage of illegal aliens.

Alabama shed many of our illegals with our recent immigration law.
But this isn't about illegals. :lol:

This is about the uninsured.

READ CAREFULLY: The U.S. Census Bureau does not count illegals aliens, because how could they if they tried, but it doesn't matter because they don't.

Got it?

So your illegal alien deflection attempt is not flying, Erns.
In a way, it does include illegals. The number of uninsured quoted here ad nauseum includes 12 to 20 million illegals. I wouldn't doubt that some estimates included Native Americans as well even though they are covered by their own federal program.

Again: the Census Bureau does NOT count illegals.

Those two charts in the OP do not reflect illegals.

They reflect U.S. citizens who do not have insurance.

I asked you to read carefully. :cool:

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