Where The Uninsured Are

Damning Data.

Where The Uninsured Are


Op really can not read your map but you are prolly suggesting the south and of course, We dont have to deal with cold winters, breathing in dirty air, no stress here we take it slow. Around here they eat alot of game and fresh veggies, not store bought monsanto chemical laced food from super markets like up North Why would they need health insurance?

Maybe because of having the highest population of obese Americans? But tell me more about how healthy Southerners are. :eusa_whistle:
The question is are they going to be insured when Obama decrees that 29 year old adults are still children and the rest of us have to pick up the slack? The freaking law is as long and complicated as a Stephen King novel and about as scary. Every day we see the administration amending or delaying a law that the president already signed even though he has no power to amend law. Is the radical left predicting shangra la of universal health care for red states even though the president is reluctant to put the monstrosity into use? Be careful what you wish for lefties. The law is already impacting the employment statistics.
The question is are they going to be insured when Obama decrees that 29 year old adults are still children and the rest of us have to pick up the slack? The freaking law is as long and complicated as a Stephen King novel and about as scary. Every day we see the administration amending or delaying a law that the president already signed even though he has no power to amend law. Is the radical left predicting shangra la of universal health care for red states even though the president is reluctant to put the monstrosity into use? Be careful what you wish for lefties. The law is already impacting the employment statistics.

When you believe science is a faith and education is for snobs, then everything is difficult and impossible to understand.
The question is are they going to be insured when Obama decrees that 29 year old adults are still children and the rest of us have to pick up the slack? The freaking law is as long and complicated as a Stephen King novel and about as scary. Every day we see the administration amending or delaying a law that the president already signed even though he has no power to amend law. Is the radical left predicting shangra la of universal health care for red states even though the president is reluctant to put the monstrosity into use? Be careful what you wish for lefties. The law is already impacting the employment statistics.

When you believe science is a faith and education is for snobs, then everything is difficult and impossible to understand.

You believe unproved science is conclusive.

You believe that conservatives disdain education.

Your "beliefs" are dishonest contentions and, frankly, to even keep saying them (as you persist in doing) is pretty fucking stupid of you.

President proposed the law (Obamacare), somehow persuaded the ignorant leftists to endorse and pass it, then he signed it. It is thus law, but HE nevertheless promulgates all manner of exceptions and amendments to the law as though HE were a legislative body. He's not. What he is doing is unlawful. It appears impossible for you to understand that the President has no such actual authority.

But he's doing it for a reason. The clusterfuck he got crammed down our throats doesn't work, obviously. But like you, he will not admit that. You are too clouded in your "judgment" to confess reality out loud. You weak-minded lolberals are a menace to the civil society. I wish to heaven you dolts would grow up.
No, you had no point, dope.

Car-buying is not a societal issue/problem.

No no, you simpering imbecile. I DID have a point and I (unlike you) still do.

Car-buying is a societal issue and problem if the gubmint CLAIMS it is.

YOUR silly-ass notion is that if something IS a societal issue/problem (as defined by other fuckwits like you, no doubt), well THEN by golly it's perfectly ok for the gubmint to create a product and force us to "buy" it.

That aint the purpose of the commerce clause. It is not an incident of the power to tax. It is not one of the enumerated powers or Constitutionally limited authorities of the government.

And all it takes to get us all to that idiotic point is accepting your half-wit and baseless daffynitions. (You lolberal assholes tell us we cannot buy guns even though the Constitution says we fucking can, and you tell us what we must buy even though the Constitution does not authorize any such mandate from the Federal government.)

Your argument is rejected not just because you are a simpleton jack-off, but because you have nothing to support your moronic premises beyond the recent indefensibly dishonest SCOTUS decision regarding Obambamcare.

False, douche. The reason why Americans accepted ObamaCare is because they know that Health Care is societal, and we all have to pay in one way or another due to the bad health of our fellow citizens.

Which car people buy is not societal. All the U.S. car companies could vanish and society wouldn't change at all. In fact, that's what you wingnuts argued when Bush started bailing out Detroit in December, 2008.

No ma'am. You are a full fledged GENUINE douche. Don't underestimate yourself.

Americans DIDN'T "accept" Obamacare, you compulsively dishonest jack-off. When you start with such a glaringly false premise, the force of your "argument" is doomed to failure. And no. Health care is not "societal." There are obviously SOME components of health care that ARE necessarily societal. And we already had that covered.

In any event, try being honest for the first time ever. We aren't even actually discussing health care. Obamacrap is all about health INSURANCE. That's NOT the same thing, ya dickbreath dildo.

Which car I buy is NOT societal. But neither is what health insurance I CHOOSE to buy or the decision not to buy it at all. But YOU and lolberal morons just like you claimed that it was. You idiots claim the authority to make the definition.

For the record, your claimed authority to make such decrees is another thing that is not supported by anything beyond your own assertion. So, let's clue you in. YOUR claim of authority to "say" that health care "is" a societal concern is baseless. Your claim that health care is a societal issue warranting governmental law-making is also rejected. You will doubtlessly hurry back to inform me that the fucking SCOTUS said otherwise. Ho hum. I know. They were wrong and that's why the fight to defund and repeal Obamacrap has to take place in alternative ways.

But just as the lolberals make the self-serving grandiose CLAIM that "health care" is a societal concern warranting governmental action, so too they can (despite your assurance to the contrary) later make that same claim about a whole array of things and issues. Fuck yourself. Your power grab argument is rejected.

By the way many of us OPPOSED the bail out of private companies like the auto industry corporations which were in financial shit during the Bush Administration.

See that? A principle-based consistency is a concept you will never grasp.
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The reason why Americans accepted ObamaCare is ...

When did this happen, douche.


In fact, at best, the nation was divided on it (slightly more opposed it than favored it -- in the low 40% ranges).

That was "at best."

More recently, a MAJORITY clearly want it REPEALED:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Repeal of Health Care Law: Favor/Oppose

The problem with accepting anything said by Synthia at face value is that he premises his arguments on just so much creative fiction. Stated differently, he is not honest at all.
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The question is are they going to be insured when Obama decrees that 29 year old adults are still children and the rest of us have to pick up the slack? The freaking law is as long and complicated as a Stephen King novel and about as scary. Every day we see the administration amending or delaying a law that the president already signed even though he has no power to amend law. Is the radical left predicting shangra la of universal health care for red states even though the president is reluctant to put the monstrosity into use? Be careful what you wish for lefties. The law is already impacting the employment statistics.

When you believe science is a faith and education is for snobs, then everything is difficult and impossible to understand.

You believe unproved science is conclusive.

You believe that conservatives disdain education.

Your "beliefs" are dishonest contentions and, frankly, to even keep saying them (as you persist in doing) is pretty fucking stupid of you.

President proposed the law (Obamacare), somehow persuaded the ignorant leftists to endorse and pass it, then he signed it. It is thus law, but HE nevertheless promulgates all manner of exceptions and amendments to the law as though HE were a legislative body. He's not. What he is doing is unlawful. It appears impossible for you to understand that the President has no such actual authority.

But he's doing it for a reason. The clusterfuck he got crammed down our throats doesn't work, obviously. But like you, he will not admit that. You are too clouded in your "judgment" to confess reality out loud. You weak-minded lolberals are a menace to the civil society. I wish to heaven you dolts would grow up.

I believe Republicans think science is a faith and education is for snobs.

That would mean, yes, conservatives disdain education. You do. We see that.

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