Where was Obama when our embassies were under siege


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
Where was Obama when our embassies were under siege and a U.S. Ambassador was killed, where was America’s commander in chief? Was he in Las Vegas or on the Letterman show or perhaps he was on the View?
As I watch what this president has done to this country and the lies and deceptions that are so obvious that even a child can see it and how people are so delusional and believe the lies, all I can say is that I can't believe my own President anymore.
And this is the man that was going to restore integrity to the White House? What a joke that is..

What he did was, disrespected Israel. He has spent our money on stupid things like his wife's vacations,. Created almost no jobs. I could go deeper into it but I guess you already know these things I'm sure.

These people attacked AMERICAN'S on American soil,(Act of war much?) and he apologized to them for a video?. A true President would have apologized for the bomb we shot up their butts .
Great points this President is out of touch with what is going on around him. This President wants things to be a certain way and thinks things are a certain way. Ive said this before he thinks the Iraq war is over Bin Laden is dead and the Afghanistan war is almost over. All is good in the Middle East. He believes this
I dont imagine the middle east will ever stop being a problem. To us, and the rest of the world. Hard-core muslim savages! People say odumbfuck is so "in-touch" with Americans.. Look at the facts! All you have to do is look! Where I am from, people my age have no idea.. I am about to be 27 btw. We are always arguing about our POTUS. They say he is for the working class. I bring up facts and even pull up on the internet. All they can do is say BS and start yelling and what-not. He is VERY out of touch with most Americans. He needs to go back home to Chicago, start organizing again and get the HELL out of my and everyone elses business. You suck barack! And that folks, is my rant for the day :)

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