Where was President Obama when Ethiopian-born Muslim Marine reservist Jonathan Melaku?


Senior Member
May 4, 2014
This is an immigration policy problem. I said it before, I will say it again - the United States has such a poor immigration policy that it has allowed migrants from the biggest terrorist hotspots in the world:

The Middle East
Ethiopia - I thought that there were only pockets, seems like they are pervasive
Nigeria - Iran offered them a nuclear partnership..Iran.
North Sudan

Malkin's article largely highlights just how poor our immigration policy is:

President Obama says he's "shaken" by this week's violent attacks on three soldiers in Ottawa by an Islamic jihadist. He immediately phoned Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to offer support and "solidarity." He vowed to "remain vigilant."

Too bad Obama didn't show the same resolve after multiple attacks and plots against our troops by Muslim terrorists on our soil. And I'm not just talking about the "workplace violence" of jihadist Nidal Hasan, whose Koran-inspired Fort Hood rampage took the lives of 13 American servicemen and servicewomen and one unborn baby.

An entire parade of infidel-hating fanatics targeted U.S. soldiers long before Islamic State barbarians issued threats against our military personnel and their families this fall. What happened in Canada -- what ISIS wants worldwide -- has been happening here for years under Barry-come-lately's watch.

Where was President Obama when Muslim convert Muhammad Hussain was arrested in Maryland in 2010 after scheming to blow up an Army recruitment office to avenge his "Muslim brothers and sisters"? Hussain's message: "Whoever joins the military, they will be killed." He planned to "blow one recruiting center up ... then we hit another ... and just keep it movin' ... Insha' Allah. ... Insha' Allah. ... Do it for jihad." Next, Hussain told informants he would take on Andrews Air Force Base, blow it up and then take over the homes of military personnel.

Where was President Obama when Ethiopian-born Muslim Marine reservist Jonathan Melaku -- shouting "Allahu Akbar" -- fired shots at the Marine Corps Museum in D.C., the Pentagon, a vacant Marine Corps recruiting station in Chantilly, Va., and a Coast Guard recruiting station in Woodbridge, Va., during a months-long jihad campaign in 2010-2011?

Where was President Obama when Muslim Pvt. Naser Jason Abdo, who went AWOL from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was arrested in 2011 with explosives, a gun and jihadi propaganda? Abdo, who shouted, "Nidal Hasan Fort Hood 2009!" after his arrest, planned to attack soldiers at a restaurant near the base.

Where was President Obama when a gang of Islamic thugs in Newburgh, N.Y., was arrested plotting to "bring death to Jews" at nearby synagogues and "commit jihad" by shooting planes at the local Air National Guard base with Stinger surface-to-air guided missiles?

Where was President Obama in June 2011 when Seattle jihadists Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, also known as Joseph Anthony Davis of Seattle, and Walli Mujahidh, also known as Frederick Domingue Jr., were busted after plotting to attack the Military Entrance Processing Station in Seattle in a shooting and grenade spree. "Imagine how many young Muslims, if we're successful, will try to hit these kinds of centers," Abdul-Latif (an admirer of Fort Hood killer Nidal Hasan) exulted. "Imagine how fearful America will be, and they'll know they can't push the Muslims around." His bloodthirsty agenda: "Hopefully there will be more soldiers who come out of the woodwork to serve Allah."

Malkin Where was President Obama

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