Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?

It is what we can expect from armed school personnel

Even a police officer would call for backup

This is not Die Hard where a single man with a handgun takes on an assault rifle

I know, better just hide under your desk until he shoots you.
Wow....talk about having to live the rest of your life in shame.........

The local police....failed 39 times.....the FBI, failed twice...the School, failed over and over....now the resource officer failed......and yet....we need to ban guns......

And for those anti gunners who don't want to allow teachers and other civilians to carry guns onto school grounds.......several of the teachers put their lives on the line to keep students safe...had they been armed, they might have been able to stop this attack...since we know from actual mass shooters who were faced by armed citizens, they commit suicide, surrender or run away....

BREAKING: Armed officer at Stoneman Douglas "Never went in" During Shooting. - The Truth About Guns

The truth just keeps coming out. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel has announced that the deputy assigned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as a School Resource Officer never took any preventative action to save any students.

During an investigation into the shooting, it was discovered on securitycamera footage that Deputy Scot Peterson was on campus at the time of the shooting and that he arrived at the west side of the building where the shooting took place. Deputy Peterson then took up a position but “never went in.”

WSVN 7 News in Miami asked Sheriff Israel what should have been the course of action that Deputy Paterson should have taken. Sheriff Israel stated;

“Went in. Address the killer. Kill the killer.”

Additionally, Col. Jack Dale said two other BSO deputies, Edward Eason and Guntis Treijis, were placed on restrictive duty as an internal investigation is ongoing to determine whether anything more could have been done concerning accused shooter Nikolas Cruz.


Armed Officer Assigned To Stoneman Douglas Resigns Amid Shooting Investigation

So sad.
It would not surprise me at all if we were to hear, days, weeks, or months from now that he took his own life...
It is what we can expect from armed school personnel

Even a police officer would call for backup

This is not Die Hard where a single man with a handgun takes on an assault rifle

I mean, you are entitled to remain unarmed. Nobody would think of forcing you to protect yourself ever. :D Me? I will protect myself, regardless of what you or someone other weirdo who would rather be a statistic thinks about it. I also want kids protected. It is only common sense after all, your fearfulness and cowardliness not being relevant.
It would not surprise me at all if we were to hear, days, weeks, or months from now that he took his own life...

If the gym teacher who used his body to stop bullets....and died doing it, could have been armed....he could have stopped the killer.......
I know you WISH that wasn't so
Excuse you, fuckface. Is that how big girls talk to people?

What are you going to do about it? Nothing? Lol. :D Your name calling shows your weakness. Mwa ha ha. :D
You vile accusation shows your weakness. Can't support your argument, so you make vile accusations.

What vile accusation? Are you another crazy person who can't read or something? :D I am going to put my money on YES. Lol!
I know you WISH that wasn't so
Excuse you, fuckface. Is that how big girls talk to people?

What are you going to do about it? Nothing? Lol. :D Your name calling shows your weakness. Mwa ha ha. :D
You vile accusation shows your weakness. Can't support your argument, so you make vile accusations.

What vile accusation? Are you another crazy person who can't read or something? :D I am going to put my money on YES. Lol!
You said I wish the teacher would have defended himself poorly. Think about what you are saying. seriously, use your brain.

And this idiotic idea -- yes, it is, in fact, idiotic -- should be about #487 on our list of things we should do to address the school violence.
Plenty of people defend themselves with a gun every day in America. That's another fact the libs hate. :D
These students were failed at every level, and now they're failing themselves.

I have no doubt some are being paid to present a false narrative.

One student has said that CNN offered him a question, that he had to read
exactly as written at a meeting. That Kid refused their request. Others probably
aren't refusing the requests.

The Deputy was there and would not engage. It took a week for us to know that.

39 trips to this kid's house and nobody did anything.

The FBI can't find the kid on tip one.

The FBI was given specific info on the kid and notified nobody and
did nothing themselves. A mere 5 weeks before the shooting.

The school is easily accessed by anybody. That kid arrived via Uber
got out and strolled on it.

After his assault, he simply laid down his weapon and escaped in the
confusion. Meanwhile 500 LEO were dressing up to play war.

You know for this kid to be mentally ill and deranged he was actually
pretty smart. He shot up the school. Got away. While the TV cameras
were following all the Police running around he was at the Subway
inside Walmart having a Coke and then went on down to McDonald's.

Thank Heaven's an Officer from a nearby city happened to come on over
to offer some assistance, and found the kid. Because there sure as shit
wasn't anybody on the scene that had a clue of what was going on.

One has resigned. I would believe we still need to see many more fired.
Notice the FBI hasn't moved yet to fire anybody. Once they do they will
be admitting how they failed everybody. So Sessions or Trump will have
to do that.

This entire fiasco is painted with Human failure and Human mistakes and
folks want to blame a fucking gun.

Beats all I've ever seen.
He's already been fired. And, I don't understand why the hell he stayed outside the building for a full 4 min. while the kids inside the building were being slaughtered.

Not only is he an embarrassment to police officers everywhere, he's also a coward and a pussy. A teacher got killed trying to save his students, and this idiot sits outside of the building while it's getting shot up.

Police officers have bulletproof vests. Teachers don't. And did you know this jackass made over 76,000/yr.?
Here's a conspiracy for you.....

CNN's bogus "Town hall" which aired on national TV on Wednesday night was actually a limelight for their anti 2nd Amendment agenda.

One of the Special Guest speakers was Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel.
I watched this painful, lopsided charade of witch hunters and blood thirsty savages who at one point charged the stage with shouts of "Burn Her"! referring to the NRA representative.

Not ONCE was there any mention that the Deputies ASSIGNED TO THE SCHOOLS where the shooting took place DECLINED to enter the building during the shooting and instead WAITED outside for "backup"....while children inside were being slaughtered.

The Sheriff's Department KNEW FULL WELL of this, but with held it until AFTER the broadcast so as not to tarnish the charade.

This DEMANDS a FULL investigation and should lead to the Sheriff's firing.

He willfully and knowingly USED the public Office to further his own political agenda
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I know you WISH that wasn't so
Excuse you, fuckface. Is that how big girls talk to people?

What are you going to do about it? Nothing? Lol. :D Your name calling shows your weakness. Mwa ha ha. :D
You vile accusation shows your weakness. Can't support your argument, so you make vile accusations.

What vile accusation? Are you another crazy person who can't read or something? :D I am going to put my money on YES. Lol!
You said I wish the teacher would have defended himself poorly. Think about what you are saying. seriously, use your brain.

And this idiotic idea -- yes, it is, in fact, idiotic -- should be about #487 on our list of things we should do to address the school violence.

Quote where I said that please. Thanks. :) I'm going with "you are just another crazy out of your mind, sexually confused liberal." :D
Plenty of people defend themselves with a gun every day in America. That's another fact the libs hate. :D
Nah, the stats show you are far more likely to shoot someone you know or yourself than you are ever to defend yourself with your weapon.

That's a fact no matter what idiotic lib/conservative paradigm you use to soothe yourself.
Plenty of people defend themselves with a gun every day in America. That's another fact the libs hate. :D
Nah, the stats show you are far more likely to shoot someone you know or yourself than you are ever to defend yourself with your weapon.

That's a fact no matter what idiotic lib/conservative paradigm you use to soothe yourself.

That is just liberal anti gun propaganda, as everyone knows. :)
This situation also shows how you CANNOT always rely on the police or government authorities to protect your ass.
But we CAN rely on government employees like teachers to save our asses. got it. Yessir... when things get hot and heavy, I want me a high school social studies teacher to hide behind! Makes perfect sense, if you don't think about it.

Better than someone who would cower outside, afraid to go in. When you are fighting for your life and the lives of those you care about, you would be surprised at what you can do. Not to mention, a lot of teachers do in fact have training and a lot of them are former military. :)

Actually, in my experience, very few teachers are ex-military, myself being the exception. I finally met an Army Reservist who was a 6th grade science teacher.

I was one of two Deans of Boys at a school for about 1600 boys in northern Florida, with an enrollment of about 3200. We were unique that I was an ex-Navy officer and the other Dean was an ex-Army Ranger officer. We had a retired Navy Chief math teacher and a Special Forces Army reservist Major who taught (of all things) English. That was out of 160 faculty members.
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