Zone1 Where We Are in the Biblical Timeline

Read the Book of Revelation in the Bible.
There are certain ticks you can look for that are going on today.
I really doubt there are any 'ticks' that have not been around for 2,000 years but you do have my curiosity piqued. Please explain. Until then I'll assume if Jesus didn't know, no one knows.
I really doubt there are any 'ticks' that have not been around for 2,000 years but you do have my curiosity piqued. Please explain. Until then I'll assume if Jesus didn't know, no one knows.

There are some folks who make me glad that the end is near and they will soon see their fate spread out in front of their eyes.

Religion is nearly always summoned up when talk of military insecurity and MAD becomes the issue that takes 'front and center' position on this board.

The answer to a war that's not going as planned is a discussion on end times.

We can set our watches by it, and it's by no means irrational to raise the end times issue up the flagpole here on this religion section.
Read the Book of Revelation in the Bible.
There are certain ticks you can look for that are going on today.
I think the 'tic' you have in mind is America's war against Russia.

Or at least the acceptance in many American minds that the situation is very serious.

There's no other 'tic' that can compete with that one! Right?
I think the 'tic' you have in mind is America's war against Russia.

Or at least the acceptance in many American minds that the situation is very serious.

There's no other 'tic' that can compete with that one! Right?

Futurism, the end times and the rapture have become very popular since the prophet Hal Lindsey emerged in the early 1970s.
There are 2,500 prophesies to recognize the end times. All but about 500 of them have been realized. Most of the 500 will be during the tribulation. Raptured Christians will watch those unfold from Heaven while preparing to return with Christ to prevent the total destruction of life on earth...
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
There are 2,500 prophesies to recognize the end times. All but about 500 of them have been realized. Most of the 500 will be during the tribulation. Christians will watch those unfold from Heaven while preparing to return with Christ to prevent the total destruction of life on earth...
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

The tribulation was over in 70 AD. Christians avoided it by fleeing to the mountains... to Pella.
We are closer to the end of this Age than the beginning. Once the insanity has taken over, like he said, there is no turning back. God has left this nation to it's insanity
We are closer to the end of this Age than the beginning. Once the insanity has taken over, like he said, there is no turning back. God has left this nation to it's insanity

Are you a fundamentalist or evangelical? A lot of that futurism is based on the Scofield heresy.
Mark Ch. 13 verse 32 But that day knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
The tribulation was over in 70 AD. Christians avoided it by fleeing to the mountains... to Pella.
I can dispute that with end time prophesy:

What 7 year peace treaty did Israel sign with the Romans?
What capability did man have to destroy all life on earth?
How was the gospel preached worldwide in 70 AD?
Where was the New Temple built after 70 AD?
What sword could melt the flesh before the victim hit the ground. What spear dried up eyeballs in their sockets?
Who were the multitudes that traveled to and fro?
What mark did all humans receive on their hand or forehead in 70 AD?
When was Israel born in a day?
When did the Euphrates dry up?
When was a one world religion implemented?
and on and on...

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