Where Were The Police? Surrendering the Streets To Violent Protestors No Protecting Citizens


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hurt and Angry, Charlottesville Tries to Regroup From Violence

“There was no police presence,” Ms. Caine-Conley said. “We were watching people punch each other; people were bleeding all the while police were inside of barricades at the park, watching. It was essentially just brawling on the street and community members trying to protect each other.”

I am sick and tired of Police Chiefs, Mayors, and Governors attempt to justify the police not doing their job, claiming they 'did not want to escalate the situation'.

'Escalate the situation'? What kind of bullshit is that? Instead of having 'SERVE AND PROTECT' on police cars maybe they should have 'WATCH AND DO NOTHING' on them instead. 'Escalate the situation'?

Stupid F*ing Morons and attitudes like THIS is partly to blame for the out-of-control violence:

"Brian Moran, Virginia’s secretary of public safety and homeland security, was watching the events from a command post on the sixth floor of a Wells Fargo bank on the downtown mall. There were sporadic fights. “I compare it to hockey,” he said. “Often in hockey there are sporadic fights, and then they separate.”

WTF?! So that is why the police are told to stand down, to sit behind barricades, watching thugs and criminals beat the crap out of each other, out of citizens they have sworn to protect? THIS is what Gov McCauliffe called police doing “great work” in a “very delicate situation.”

Just the opposite approach needs to be taken. Police should not surrender the streets and hide, refusing to do their jobs when riots, looting, arson, destruction of property, and physical attacks begin during these 'protests'!

Ya know what should happen when some thug climbs up on a police car and begins to destroy it?


A policeman with a 12-gauge should walk up and BLOW THE ASSHOLE OFF THE CAR with a bean-bag shot to the chest then slap the cuffs on his ass.

Ys know what should happen when looters start to destroy businesses, loot the stores, and before the thugs ever get to commit arson on these establishments?

The police should start shooting their asses with rubber bullets, bean bags, Tasers, tear gas, water cannons, and sick the d@mn dogs on them.

The cops should immediately shut that sh!t down...and the Mayor / Governor should have immediately declared the event this weekend was OVER as soon as the violence started and shut it down, dispersing EVERYONE.

The mayor and Governor should have known there was going to be violence and had the Guard on-hand if not already there.

Instead they hid behind barriers and watched the violence, allowed it to happen.

McCauliffe claiming his police force did a 'great job' is full of crap (and not because of whatever political party he belongs to).

This should be a lesson to all Mayors, governors, and police chiefs for the future. All permits to protest should be strictly limited, to ALL GROUPS, whether they be Black Lives Matter or the KKK. Here are some suggestions:

1. Protests should not be allowed in the main parts of cities / towns - hold them away from the main city / businesses
- Remember how that crazy church that protested military members' funerals were allowed to protest but not within a specific distance of the actual funerals?

2. One or more group POCs should be on record as being responsible for their 'Group MEMBERS' (not random thugs) actions - if their group MEMBERS destroy property, ex they can be held liable as well

...but enough of giving these groups and / or radicals, no matter who they are or what cause they support, free reign to carry out senseless violence like this.

3. ANY acts of violence and / or crime and the entire thing gets shut down and everyone is dispersed.
Probably afraid they will get fired or sued if they do anything
They let a woman get killed by an ISIS inspired terrorist attack. They should have left Kessler's Nazi's in bloody heaps.
These incidents are deliberately calculated to provide anti-Trump/GOP propaganda for the media, just like "hands up, don't shoot." Those who issue stand-down orders to the police are quite willing to trade protesters' blood for political advantage.
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Seemingly justifying why police were ordered to stand down, sat back, and watched....

"Brian Moran, Virginia’s secretary of public safety and homeland security, was watching the events from a command post on the sixth floor of a Wells Fargo bank on the downtown mall. There were sporadic fights. “I compare it to hockey,” he said. “Often in hockey there are sporadic fights, and then they separate.”

The infuriating event in Charlottesville you might not have heard about

"32-year-old woman who died Saturday after a man who his high school teacher described as being “infatuated” with Nazis rammed over her with a car on a Charlottesville, Virginia, street"...

'Inside a Charlottesville parking garage were several white supremacist protesters who nearly beat to death a 20-year-old black man...'

That's one helluva 'hockey game', you douche-bag!
Oh look., Easy bake oven is trying to deflect the blame from Trump not having the balls to call out his base, the white supremacists.
A CEO just resigned from the Prez council because of the Dump's pathetic response on this issue. What does the failed prez do? He attacked the CEO. He'll attack EVERYBODY except your people, the skinheads, KKK, John Birch Society.
I've been warning folks for years. There will be mass civil unrest in the near future. It's what the State wants. It's how the State will justify ushering in its Police State once and for all. And most of the American Sheeple will gladly go along and support it. In fact, they'll even demand it.

After a few years of chaotic unrest, the Sheeple will welcome Big Brother's Police State. And that's the plan. I would advise folks to arm themselves and protect their families. The chaos is coming. Because out of disorder, comes their New World Order.
Hurt and Angry, Charlottesville Tries to Regroup From Violence

“There was no police presence,” Ms. Caine-Conley said. “We were watching people punch each other; people were bleeding all the while police were inside of barricades at the park, watching. It was essentially just brawling on the street and community members trying to protect each other.”

I am sick and tired of Police Chiefs, Mayors, and Governors attempt to justify the police not doing their job, claiming they 'did not want to escalate the situation'.

'Escalate the situation'? What kind of bullshit is that? Instead of having 'SERVE AND PROTECT' on police cars maybe they should have 'WATCH AND DO NOTHING' on them instead. 'Escalate the situation'?

Stupid F*ing Morons and attitudes like THIS is partly to blame for the out-of-control violence:

"Brian Moran, Virginia’s secretary of public safety and homeland security, was watching the events from a command post on the sixth floor of a Wells Fargo bank on the downtown mall. There were sporadic fights. “I compare it to hockey,” he said. “Often in hockey there are sporadic fights, and then they separate.”

WTF?! So that is why the police are told to stand down, to sit behind barricades, watching thugs and criminals beat the crap out of each other, out of citizens they have sworn to protect? THIS is what Gov McCauliffe called police doing “great work” in a “very delicate situation.”

Just the opposite approach needs to be taken. Police should not surrender the streets and hide, refusing to do their jobs when riots, looting, arson, destruction of property, and physical attacks begin during these 'protests'!

Ya know what should happen when some thug climbs up on a police car and begins to destroy it?

View attachment 143587

A policeman with a 12-gauge should walk up and BLOW THE ASSHOLE OFF THE CAR with a bean-bag shot to the chest then slap the cuffs on his ass.

Ys know what should happen when looters start to destroy businesses, loot the stores, and before the thugs ever get to commit arson on these establishments?

The police should start shooting their asses with rubber bullets, bean bags, Tasers, tear gas, water cannons, and sick the d@mn dogs on them.

The cops should immediately shut that sh!t down...and the Mayor / Governor should have immediately declared the event this weekend was OVER as soon as the violence started and shut it down, dispersing EVERYONE.

The mayor and Governor should have known there was going to be violence and had the Guard on-hand if not already there.

Instead they hid behind barriers and watched the violence, allowed it to happen.

McCauliffe claiming his police force did a 'great job' is full of crap (and not because of whatever political party he belongs to).

This should be a lesson to all Mayors, governors, and police chiefs for the future. All permits to protest should be strictly limited, to ALL GROUPS, whether they be Black Lives Matter or the KKK. Here are some suggestions:

1. Protests should not be allowed in the main parts of cities / towns - hold them away from the main city / businesses
- Remember how that crazy church that protested military members' funerals were allowed to protest but not within a specific distance of the actual funerals?

2. One or more group POCs should be on record as being responsible for their 'Group MEMBERS' (not random thugs) actions - if their group MEMBERS destroy property, ex they can be held liable as well

...but enough of giving these groups and / or radicals, no matter who they are or what cause they support, free reign to carry out senseless violence like this.

3. ANY acts of violence and / or crime and the entire thing gets shut down and everyone is dispersed.
Logically, no matter what SCROTUS rules, counter-protests should not be allowed; they infringe on the original assembly's rights. By their biased permissiveness, the judicial tyrants achieve the same goal, by different means, that sending government agents in to suppress freedom achieves.
Oh look., Easy bake oven is trying to deflect the blame from Trump not having the balls to call out his base, the white supremacists.
A CEO just resigned from the Prez council because of the Dump's pathetic response on this issue. What does the failed prez do? He attacked the CEO. He'll attack EVERYBODY except your people, the skinheads, KKK, John Birch Society.

^ It is this kind of ridiculous hyperbole that reduces the left's credibility to 0.
Tell me how "reasonable" your vote for Hitlery would have been in light of your hatred for the KKK.

Hillary's friend and mentor. Meet Grand Dragon, Byrd:

You can't see the forest for the trees can you.

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