Where were you?

I had just gotten up and my son called and said a plane had hit the WTC and to turn on the TV quick. I turned it on and saw the 2nd plane hit. I thought it was a re-run and realized the 1st building was already on fire. I knew immediately it was a terror attack. Then when it was announced about the Pentagon attack and the crash in PA, I knew we were at war. All day long I was in a daze and got in my truck and drove aimlessly around the county for hours.
I had just gotten up and my son called and said a plane had hit the WTC and to turn on the TV quick. I turned it on and saw the 2nd plane hit. I thought it was a re-run and realized the 1st building was already on fire. I knew immediately it was a terror attack. Then when it was announced about the Pentagon attack and the crash in PA, I knew we were at war. All day long I was in a daze and got in my truck and drove aimlessly around the county for hours.
I had just gotten up and my son called and said a plane had hit the WTC and to turn on the TV quick. I turned it on and saw the 2nd plane hit. I thought it was a re-run and realized the 1st building was already on fire. I knew immediately it was a terror attack. Then when it was announced about the Pentagon attack and the crash in PA, I knew we were at war. All day long I was in a daze and got in my truck and drove aimlessly around the county for hours.

My Papa was at sea and when I got home my Mom hugged me and said "it's war".

I don't much care for Bush but I think he handled it well. I'll never forget him when someone shouted they couldn't hear him at the site and he said the people who did this will hear us and soon. Gave me goosebumps.
I had just gotten up and my son called and said a plane had hit the WTC and to turn on the TV quick. I turned it on and saw the 2nd plane hit. I thought it was a re-run and realized the 1st building was already on fire. I knew immediately it was a terror attack. Then when it was announced about the Pentagon attack and the crash in PA, I knew we were at war. All day long I was in a daze and got in my truck and drove aimlessly around the county for hours.
I had just gotten up and my son called and said a plane had hit the WTC and to turn on the TV quick. I turned it on and saw the 2nd plane hit. I thought it was a re-run and realized the 1st building was already on fire. I knew immediately it was a terror attack. Then when it was announced about the Pentagon attack and the crash in PA, I knew we were at war. All day long I was in a daze and got in my truck and drove aimlessly around the county for hours.

My Papa was at sea and when I got home my Mom hugged me and said "it's war".

I don't much care for Bush but I think he handled it well. I'll never forget him when someone shouted they couldn't hear him at the site and he said the people who did this will hear us and soon. Gave me goosebumps.

I also really thought Bush handled it Well, and the aftermath. It was the high point of his presidency.
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The worst thing about 9/11 is what it turned the U.S. into. I was a freshman in study hall in highschool when it happened. The only thing worse than that day, regarding our country anyways and with hindsight, was watching what the U.S. turned into afterwards.
I was in English Lit when it was announced. School was let out early and closed the following day.
Never forget!

I was actually home getting ready to go to a doctor appointment around 10AM when their office called to say they were cancelling all appointments for the day.

When I asked why, the girl told me to go turn on the TV.

That is how I found out.
The worst thing about 9/11 is what it turned the U.S. into. I was a freshman in study hall in highschool when it happened. The only thing worse than that day, regarding our country anyways and with hindsight, was watching what the U.S. turned into afterwards.

You finally got one right. It started right after the Kenyan got elected.
I had just gotten up and my son called and said a plane had hit the WTC and to turn on the TV quick. I turned it on and saw the 2nd plane hit. I thought it was a re-run and realized the 1st building was already on fire. I knew immediately it was a terror attack. Then when it was announced about the Pentagon attack and the crash in PA, I knew we were at war. All day long I was in a daze and got in my truck and drove aimlessly around the county for hours.

I remember I think it was about two weeks after 9/11, we were all out at a wooded park area for an annual event and everyone noting the total absence of any airplanes in the sky. All the flights were still grounded. It was still very clear and dry.
I had just gotten up and my son called and said a plane had hit the WTC and to turn on the TV quick. I turned it on and saw the 2nd plane hit. I thought it was a re-run and realized the 1st building was already on fire. I knew immediately it was a terror attack. Then when it was announced about the Pentagon attack and the crash in PA, I knew we were at war. All day long I was in a daze and got in my truck and drove aimlessly around the county for hours.

I remember I think it was about two weeks after 9/11, we were all out at a wooded park area for an annual event and everyone noting the total absence of any airplanes in the sky. All the flights were still grounded. It was still very clear and dry.
I saw tandems of high-altitude military aircraft acquisition strobe lights flashing high in the sky at night and circling the beltway for weeks after.
I was at home.

I couldn't believe it... I watched the TV in horror....it was unreal, I was almost numb.

What amazed me was how long it took people to realize and accept that this had been a deliberated, planned attack. And at how unprepared and uncoordinated we were in responding to it. No one knew what they were doing.
I was sleeping when it all happened. My 10-year-old came home early from school and woke me to tell me about it. His classmate and her family were all murdered on the pentagon flight. They were headed to Australia for their mother’s new job there when the Muslims took over the plane, knowing they were about to murder those little kids and their parents all in the name of allah.
The worst thing about 9/11 is what it turned the U.S. into. I was a freshman in study hall in highschool when it happened. The only thing worse than that day, regarding our country anyways and with hindsight, was watching what the U.S. turned into afterwards.

You finally got one right. It started right after the Kenyan got elected.

No, it was begun when Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.
Sitting at the table, working on the second pot, smoking Camels like they tasted good...


The wife had NBC on as I wasn't paying that much attention... Flipped over to FNC and was pretty much glued to the TV for quite some time... Wife went to work and I was against her going, but when I said white she said black at that stage in our life... We lived in a place called Giggleweeds, Indiana, Town was maybe just a little shy of 10,000... I turned on my scanner and every gas station in town was over run with folks wanting to buy gas... Few fights at gas stations...
I was in English Lit when it was announced. School was let out early and closed the following day.

Never forget!

Sorry, I didnt see your post

I was doing Apartment maintenance in Ann Arbor. I sat in my car listening on the radio.

The owners wife called us in to the office to see it on television. It was a cloudless day. I will never forget
I was in English Lit when it was announced. School was let out early and closed the following day.

Never forget!

Sorry, I didnt see your post

I was doing Apartment maintenance in Ann Arbor. I sat in my car listening on the radio.

The owners wife called us in to the office to see it on television. It was a cloudless day. I will never forget
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Don't be sorry, I'm tickled you didn't forget
Hubs had already left for work and I laid down on the couch with a squiggling toddler(#2) and 2 month old baby(#3) to catch nap with the local news on. When the station kept bouncing between local news & national (GMA) with the story breaking of the first tower being on fire from 'something' I was wide awake and while they were discussing it, the second plane came into view, then hit. I sat straight up & glued to the set from then on. Watched while they were talking with the DC correspondent at the Pentagon and seen the effects of that plane.....books & debris falling, the walls shaking and the guy looking like he was afraid he was going to die on the spot.
I was sure glad to see hubs come home early cause his boss (who was Japanese) sent everyone home to be with their families.
listening to howard stern when someone called in & said a plane hit the WTC - they thought it was a joke, & then when it was aparent the dude wasn't joking, they ask if it was a small passenger plane & he said no- an airliner. that's when i went & turned on the TV & saw the 2nd plane hit. the memorial, although beautifully done is bone chilling at the same time. i could not bring myself to go inside the 'museum'.

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