Where Will Hillary Go?

you didn't "go a little too far", and if you think you're not right or left or rabid, you should probably read what you wrote.

again, they hated bush... not hillary.

but try again.

and if you think the trump guy wouldn't get his butt kicked by every other country, you're sadly deluded.

I know exactly what I wrote, but apparently you didn't. If you had, you would have realized that in saying I had gone too far & why, I had been defending your precious Hillary. But I wouldn't vote for her. She's gotten herself into too big of a mess. Nor am I deluded about Trump. He does have some good ideas, but he's too much like a school yard bully, behavior not befitting a president. Rand Paul or Sanders? MAYBE, but still undecided on those. Unfortunately, Biden isn't running or I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

If you hadn't noticed, the OP's opening comments lead the readers to believe humor was welcome, until you got pissy about it & opened up another fight and for what? nuttin honey. Bless your little heart

you should probably embrace your inner wacko since you've allowed it to run free.
Just curious. What do you look for in a message board? Do you look to exchange ideas and debate or just exchange insults? You reap what you sow, you know. People are less likely to just return insulting banter if you don't engage it yourself,. I've come accustomed to passing over your posts because there are seldom interesting points in them,

riiiiiiight........ you know, I've been on this board for a long time. (see my join date). it used to be a great place for debate. then it was trolled by stormfront light loons who bring nothing but a daily serving of bigotry and hatred. the o/p in this thread is vile. you say nothing. typical.

YOU reap what you sow. but thanks for the "non-partisan" advice.

perhaps you might want to focus on the trolls who start idiotic threads like this one and call them politics.

just a little advice.
Why don't you debate him with the truth?

there is nothing to debate. I don't validate garbage. I've also learned that it's a waste of time to engage trolls. they just tell you you're not saying anything of substance. no matter what you write.

but again, thanks for the advice.

how about you save your criticism for the loser o/p.

thanks again.

end of this discussion, btw. not interested.
I know exactly what I wrote, but apparently you didn't. If you had, you would have realized that in saying I had gone too far & why, I had been defending your precious Hillary. But I wouldn't vote for her. She's gotten herself into too big of a mess. Nor am I deluded about Trump. He does have some good ideas, but he's too much like a school yard bully, behavior not befitting a president. Rand Paul or Sanders? MAYBE, but still undecided on those. Unfortunately, Biden isn't running or I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

If you hadn't noticed, the OP's opening comments lead the readers to believe humor was welcome, until you got pissy about it & opened up another fight and for what? nuttin honey. Bless your little heart

you should probably embrace your inner wacko since you've allowed it to run free.
Just curious. What do you look for in a message board? Do you look to exchange ideas and debate or just exchange insults? You reap what you sow, you know. People are less likely to just return insulting banter if you don't engage it yourself,. I've come accustomed to passing over your posts because there are seldom interesting points in them,

riiiiiiight........ you know, I've been on this board for a long time. (see my join date). it used to be a great place for debate. then it was trolled by stormfront light loons who bring nothing but a daily serving of bigotry and hatred. the o/p in this thread is vile. you say nothing. typical.

YOU reap what you sow. but thanks for the "non-partisan" advice.

perhaps you might want to focus on the trolls who start idiotic threads like this one and call them politics.

just a little advice.
Why don't you debate him with the truth?

there is nothing to debate. I don't validate garbage. I've also learned that it's a waste of time to engage trolls. they just tell you you're not saying anything of substance. no matter what you write.

but again, thanks for the advice.

how about you save your criticism for the loser o/p.

thanks again.

end of this discussion, btw. not interested.

When you don't write something of substance, why are you shocked when people tell you that? Seems you consider someone a troll because they disagree. I've noticed that a lot with lefties.

I wouldn't be interested in debating when you get your ass handed to you on a regular basis.
I don't validate garbage. I've also learned that it's a waste of time to engage trolls. they just tell you you're not saying anything of substance. no matter what you write.

but again, thanks for the advice.

how about you save your criticism for the loser o/p.

thanks again.

end of this discussion, btw. not interested.

Actually my dear Jillian, what you've written here & any of your posts throughout this board seems to describe yourself to a T.

The words you choose & the manner in which you deliver them are very hate-filled & bigoted. A troll is considered someone going from thread to thread bashing anything & everything others post. Sound familiar?

You may have been here for a long time & that says something about you too. Maybe, just maybe you've been here too long.

Just sayin
you should probably embrace your inner wacko since you've allowed it to run free.
Just curious. What do you look for in a message board? Do you look to exchange ideas and debate or just exchange insults? You reap what you sow, you know. People are less likely to just return insulting banter if you don't engage it yourself,. I've come accustomed to passing over your posts because there are seldom interesting points in them,

riiiiiiight........ you know, I've been on this board for a long time. (see my join date). it used to be a great place for debate. then it was trolled by stormfront light loons who bring nothing but a daily serving of bigotry and hatred. the o/p in this thread is vile. you say nothing. typical.

YOU reap what you sow. but thanks for the "non-partisan" advice.

perhaps you might want to focus on the trolls who start idiotic threads like this one and call them politics.

just a little advice.
Why don't you debate him with the truth?

there is nothing to debate. I don't validate garbage. I've also learned that it's a waste of time to engage trolls. they just tell you you're not saying anything of substance. no matter what you write.

but again, thanks for the advice.

how about you save your criticism for the loser o/p.

thanks again.

end of this discussion, btw. not interested.

When you don't write something of substance, why are you shocked when people tell you that? Seems you consider someone a troll because they disagree. I've noticed that a lot with lefties.

I wouldn't be interested in debating when you get your ass handed to you on a regular basis.

sorry, no matter what anyone posts, if it's a rightwingnut loon, you love it. if it's not, you say it has no "substance"

perhaps you should learn to have a discussion before you expect people to take you seriously.

you aren't entitled to be treated civilly until you're civll.

given that civil isn't within your abilities i figure i don't have to worry about being polite to you.

now stop whining.
I don't validate garbage. I've also learned that it's a waste of time to engage trolls. they just tell you you're not saying anything of substance. no matter what you write.

but again, thanks for the advice.

how about you save your criticism for the loser o/p.

thanks again.

end of this discussion, btw. not interested.

Actually my dear Jillian, what you've written here & any of your posts throughout this board seems to describe yourself to a T.

The words you choose & the manner in which you deliver them are very hate-filled & bigoted. A troll is considered someone going from thread to thread bashing anything & everything others post. Sound familiar?

You may have been here for a long time & that says something about you too. Maybe, just maybe you've been here too long.

Just sayin
you sure seem to know an awful lot.... for being here just 3 weeks! just sayin' :rolleyes:
Just observations. Sure, a lot is lost in cyberspace, but even the biggest 'player' will show their true colors in their words, sooner or later.
riiiiiiight........ you know, I've been on this board for a long time. (see my join date). it used to be a great place for debate. then it was trolled by stormfront light loons who bring nothing but a daily serving of bigotry and hatred. the o/p in this thread is vile. you say nothing. typical.

YOU reap what you sow. but thanks for the "non-partisan" advice.

perhaps you might want to focus on the trolls who start idiotic threads like this one and call them politics.

just a little advice.[/QUOTE]
Why don't you debate him with the truth?[/QUOTE]

there is nothing to debate. I don't validate garbage. I've also learned that it's a waste of time to engage trolls. they just tell you you're not saying anything of substance. no matter what you write.

but again, thanks for the advice.

how about you save your criticism for the loser o/p.

thanks again.

end of this discussion, btw. not interested.[/QUOTE]

When you don't write something of substance, why are you shocked when people tell you that? Seems you consider someone a troll because they disagree. I've noticed that a lot with lefties.

I wouldn't be interested in debating when you get your ass handed to you on a regular basis.[/QUOTE]

sorry, no matter what anyone posts, if it's a rightwingnut loon, you love it. if it's not, you say it has no "substance"

perhaps you should learn to have a discussion before you expect people to take you seriously.

you aren't entitled to be treated civilly until you're civll.

given that civil isn't within your abilities i figure i don't have to worry about being polite to you.

now stop whining.[/QUOTE]

"you aren't entitled to be treated civilly until you're civll.

given that civil isn't within your abilities i figure i don't have to worry about being polite to you.

now stop whining."[/QUOTE]
Oh, Jillian, I don't believe you just posted that!

When you were being rude to other posters, I wrote:

Just curious. What do you look for in a message board? Do you look to exchange ideas and debate or just exchange insults? You reap what you sow, you know. People are less likely to just return insulting banter if you don't engage it yourself,. I've come accustomed to passing over your posts because there are seldom interesting points in them,

So, now you are telling others to be civil (at the same time, you tell them "civil isn't within your abilities") and you are going to treat them civilly. On you continue with the name calling like right wing nut job, lol.

Guess you can teach old dogs new tricks.
Just curious. What do you look for in a message board? Do you look to exchange ideas and debate or just exchange insults? You reap what you sow, you know. People are less likely to just return insulting banter if you don't engage it yourself,. I've come accustomed to passing over your posts because there are seldom interesting points in them,

riiiiiiight........ you know, I've been on this board for a long time. (see my join date). it used to be a great place for debate. then it was trolled by stormfront light loons who bring nothing but a daily serving of bigotry and hatred. the o/p in this thread is vile. you say nothing. typical.

YOU reap what you sow. but thanks for the "non-partisan" advice.

perhaps you might want to focus on the trolls who start idiotic threads like this one and call them politics.

just a little advice.
Why don't you debate him with the truth?

there is nothing to debate. I don't validate garbage. I've also learned that it's a waste of time to engage trolls. they just tell you you're not saying anything of substance. no matter what you write.

but again, thanks for the advice.

how about you save your criticism for the loser o/p.

thanks again.

end of this discussion, btw. not interested.

When you don't write something of substance, why are you shocked when people tell you that? Seems you consider someone a troll because they disagree. I've noticed that a lot with lefties.

I wouldn't be interested in debating when you get your ass handed to you on a regular basis.

sorry, no matter what anyone posts, if it's a rightwingnut loon, you love it. if it's not, you say it has no "substance"

perhaps you should learn to have a discussion before you expect people to take you seriously.

you aren't entitled to be treated civilly until you're civll.

given that civil isn't within your abilities i figure i don't have to worry about being polite to you.

now stop whining.

You mean like you idiots discounting what something says because you don't like the source?

That you don't take me seriously means nothing. When someone that is a nothing has an opinion, it means nothing.

I don't care if you're polite to me. Really I don't care if you cease to exist. You're a worthless piece of shit that abortion missed.

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