Where Will Hillary Go?


Petraeus GAVE known and marked classified documents to his lover, and didn't spend a day in jail for it....
The case against Hillary is overwhelming, damning and, from her perspective, grave
Her claim that she never sent or received anything marked "classified" is merely a word game, because no intelligence is marked "classified."

It is marked ''confidential,'' ''secret,'' or ''top secret,'' Under top secret, there are four sub-markings, the most sensitive of which is this "Select Access Privilege", which is what two dozen of her emails had on them.

Her negligence to national security secrets, and her failure to safeguard those secrets, must be the basis of an indictment. It's unavoidable.

Yes and no. There is (as you stated) Confidential, Secret and Top Secret. Then there is SCI (Special Compartmentalized Intelligence) and Select Access Privilege which is for member of the cabinet and the joint chiefs.

Hillary knowingly received SAP Intel on her private server. The Inspector General had to receive special dispensation (while being observed) to even view the emails.

Now, these clowns on the left can act like it is nothing. This time, however, they have her by the short hairs. This one is, indeed, HIGHLY serious.

Petraeus GAVE known and marked classified documents to his lover, and didn't spend a day in jail for it....

So, if Hillary's crime is say 1300 times worse, how long should she be jailed?

Well, if I remember correctly, she would necessarily receive anywhere from 15 - life in a federal prison. That bitch will get nothing.
Well, if all things were equal - she could expect anywhere from 15 years to life at Leavenworth, but we all know that that will never happen. Outcome? A slap on the wrist and a 125,000 fine. Remember the old saying - "Money talks and bullshit walks" - Hillary being bullshit.
She could be arrested when a new president takes over with a new attorney general.
Well, if all things were equal - she could expect anywhere from 15 years to life at Leavenworth, but we all know that that will never happen. Outcome? A slap on the wrist and a 125,000 fine. Remember the old saying - "Money talks and bullshit walks" - Hillary being bullshit.
She could be arrested when a new president takes over with a new attorney general.

Brother, we can only hope.
Brother, we can only hope.
In the meantime, maybe could somehow get pants suits to be declared out of style and :lame2: Oh, but I guess that's already the case. Dang!

You know, I thought about this last night and, quite frankly, I don't see how she can NOT be indicted this time. Now, once again, I may be fooled, but something tells me that charges are going to follow this latest revelation - or the "government" risks losing the faith of the majority of Americans forever.
More likely in Sing Sing. She still has legal residency in New York doesn't she? Or better yet? Send her to the Middle East, she doesn't stand a chance
Yeah, let her negotiate her own release. She be there 'til her dying day! Bill would probably hand over the Clinton Foundation funds to the country that keeps her!

Being a woman in the Middle East isn't exactly fun to begin with, then she being who she is? They'd have a hay-day with her. Billy boy would use those funds to pay someone else to clean up the mess of whatever was left of her.

Your wishful thinking notwithstanding, she was treated respectfully as Secretary of State.

I know the rabid right likes to forget that she was well-liked but your vile fantasies should probably be readjusted.
yea, to Saudi Arabia and gullible dumbfucks
More likely in Sing Sing. She still has legal residency in New York doesn't she? Or better yet? Send her to the Middle East, she doesn't stand a chance
Yeah, let her negotiate her own release. She be there 'til her dying day! Bill would probably hand over the Clinton Foundation funds to the country that keeps her!

Being a woman in the Middle East isn't exactly fun to begin with, then she being who she is? They'd have a hay-day with her. Billy boy would use those funds to pay someone else to clean up the mess of whatever was left of her.

Your wishful thinking notwithstanding, she was treated respectfully as Secretary of State.

I know the rabid right likes to forget that she was well-liked but your vile fantasies should probably be readjusted.
I have already posted links to prove she was snubbed again and again by foreign countries. Hardly a compliment for the SoS.
Brother, we can only hope.
In the meantime, maybe could somehow get pants suits to be declared out of style and :lame2: Oh, but I guess that's already the case. Dang!

You know, I thought about this last night and, quite frankly, I don't see how she can NOT be indicted this time. Now, once again, I may be fooled, but something tells me that charges are going to follow this latest revelation - or the "government" risks losing the faith of the majority of Americans forever.

I really thought she was going to get out of this, but news releases continue to lead the news with more and more incriminating facts. I am wondering if Obama is smoozing Biden into jumping in the race and then Obama will let the Justice Dept. know not to hold back on the prosecution on Hillary.
It has been reported that Big Ears wanted Dumb Joe Biden to run and that both he and Mrs. Big Ears despise Mr and Mrs. BJ. So just maybe, he prevents the FBI from charging her until late in the campaign, then Biden waltzes in and takes the nomination.
It has been reported that Big Ears wanted Dumb Joe Biden to run and that both he and Mrs. Big Ears despise Mr and Mrs. BJ. So just maybe, he prevents the FBI from charging her until late in the campaign, then Biden waltzes in and takes the nomination.
Could be.
I am an Independent. Crap like this means that I won't vote for a single person with an R next to their name. Enough of this crap.
There goes your honest comment about being an independent voter. An independent looks at ALL the candidates individually to see who he best has in common and has the attributes he feels asre needed in the job of POTUS.
I am an Independent. Crap like this means that I won't vote for a single person with an R next to their name. Enough of this crap.

I am an Independent. Crap like this means that I won't vote for a single person with a D next to their name. Enough of this crap.

Petraeus GAVE known and marked classified documents to his lover, and didn't spend a day in jail for it....

So, if Hillary's crime is say 1300 times worse, how long should she be jailed?

Well, now it has come out that in spite of her lie that she "had no classified material on her server" the Inspector General says different. in fact, several hundred have now been found.

Question for the left-handed pussies here - When EXACTLY will you damned people come to your senses?
Yeah, let her negotiate her own release. She be there 'til her dying day! Bill would probably hand over the Clinton Foundation funds to the country that keeps her!

Being a woman in the Middle East isn't exactly fun to begin with, then she being who she is? They'd have a hay-day with her. Billy boy would use those funds to pay someone else to clean up the mess of whatever was left of her.

Your wishful thinking notwithstanding, she was treated respectfully as Secretary of State.

I know the rabid right likes to forget that she was well-liked but your vile fantasies should probably be readjusted.

Since I'm neither right or left or rabid I'm not so sure your assessment is correct. If you've been keeping up with the press, you'll find she is STILL being investigated by the FBI on other suspicions than just her emails. When she is finally arrested for her corruptions and illegal activities, she's going down like a rock and right now so are her approval ratings for president. You don't have to be right or left to see the facts plain as day. Regardless of how she may or may not have been treated AS Secretary of State or even First Lady, I had been referring to how she would be treated without those distinctions that have kept her protected.

Although I will admit I did go a little too far by what I had meant because I wouldn't wish that kind of treatment on my worst enemy. Women anywhere in the Middle East are treated as dirt, ME is full of Muslims, Islamic Terrorist & Jihads who all regard women as dirt. Once she is stripped of her titles of office IF she is arrested, she will then be a Plain Jane & up for grabs. They would beat, rape & kill her along with possible torture mixed in.

you didn't "go a little too far", and if you think you're not right or left or rabid, you should probably read what you wrote.

again, they hated bush... not hillary.

but try again.

and if you think the trump guy wouldn't get his butt kicked by every other country, you're sadly deluded.

I know exactly what I wrote, but apparently you didn't. If you had, you would have realized that in saying I had gone too far & why, I had been defending your precious Hillary. But I wouldn't vote for her. She's gotten herself into too big of a mess. Nor am I deluded about Trump. He does have some good ideas, but he's too much like a school yard bully, behavior not befitting a president. Rand Paul or Sanders? MAYBE, but still undecided on those. Unfortunately, Biden isn't running or I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

If you hadn't noticed, the OP's opening comments lead the readers to believe humor was welcome, until you got pissy about it & opened up another fight and for what? nuttin honey. Bless your little heart

you should probably embrace your inner wacko since you've allowed it to run free.
Being a woman in the Middle East isn't exactly fun to begin with, then she being who she is? They'd have a hay-day with her. Billy boy would use those funds to pay someone else to clean up the mess of whatever was left of her.

Your wishful thinking notwithstanding, she was treated respectfully as Secretary of State.

I know the rabid right likes to forget that she was well-liked but your vile fantasies should probably be readjusted.

Since I'm neither right or left or rabid I'm not so sure your assessment is correct. If you've been keeping up with the press, you'll find she is STILL being investigated by the FBI on other suspicions than just her emails. When she is finally arrested for her corruptions and illegal activities, she's going down like a rock and right now so are her approval ratings for president. You don't have to be right or left to see the facts plain as day. Regardless of how she may or may not have been treated AS Secretary of State or even First Lady, I had been referring to how she would be treated without those distinctions that have kept her protected.

Although I will admit I did go a little too far by what I had meant because I wouldn't wish that kind of treatment on my worst enemy. Women anywhere in the Middle East are treated as dirt, ME is full of Muslims, Islamic Terrorist & Jihads who all regard women as dirt. Once she is stripped of her titles of office IF she is arrested, she will then be a Plain Jane & up for grabs. They would beat, rape & kill her along with possible torture mixed in.

you didn't "go a little too far", and if you think you're not right or left or rabid, you should probably read what you wrote.

again, they hated bush... not hillary.

but try again.

and if you think the trump guy wouldn't get his butt kicked by every other country, you're sadly deluded.

I know exactly what I wrote, but apparently you didn't. If you had, you would have realized that in saying I had gone too far & why, I had been defending your precious Hillary. But I wouldn't vote for her. She's gotten herself into too big of a mess. Nor am I deluded about Trump. He does have some good ideas, but he's too much like a school yard bully, behavior not befitting a president. Rand Paul or Sanders? MAYBE, but still undecided on those. Unfortunately, Biden isn't running or I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

If you hadn't noticed, the OP's opening comments lead the readers to believe humor was welcome, until you got pissy about it & opened up another fight and for what? nuttin honey. Bless your little heart

you should probably embrace your inner wacko since you've allowed it to run free.
Just curious. What do you look for in a message board? Do you look to exchange ideas and debate or just exchange insults? You reap what you sow, you know. People are less likely to just return insulting banter if you don't engage it yourself,. I've come accustomed to passing over your posts because there are seldom interesting points in them,
Your wishful thinking notwithstanding, she was treated respectfully as Secretary of State.

I know the rabid right likes to forget that she was well-liked but your vile fantasies should probably be readjusted.

Since I'm neither right or left or rabid I'm not so sure your assessment is correct. If you've been keeping up with the press, you'll find she is STILL being investigated by the FBI on other suspicions than just her emails. When she is finally arrested for her corruptions and illegal activities, she's going down like a rock and right now so are her approval ratings for president. You don't have to be right or left to see the facts plain as day. Regardless of how she may or may not have been treated AS Secretary of State or even First Lady, I had been referring to how she would be treated without those distinctions that have kept her protected.

Although I will admit I did go a little too far by what I had meant because I wouldn't wish that kind of treatment on my worst enemy. Women anywhere in the Middle East are treated as dirt, ME is full of Muslims, Islamic Terrorist & Jihads who all regard women as dirt. Once she is stripped of her titles of office IF she is arrested, she will then be a Plain Jane & up for grabs. They would beat, rape & kill her along with possible torture mixed in.

you didn't "go a little too far", and if you think you're not right or left or rabid, you should probably read what you wrote.

again, they hated bush... not hillary.

but try again.

and if you think the trump guy wouldn't get his butt kicked by every other country, you're sadly deluded.

I know exactly what I wrote, but apparently you didn't. If you had, you would have realized that in saying I had gone too far & why, I had been defending your precious Hillary. But I wouldn't vote for her. She's gotten herself into too big of a mess. Nor am I deluded about Trump. He does have some good ideas, but he's too much like a school yard bully, behavior not befitting a president. Rand Paul or Sanders? MAYBE, but still undecided on those. Unfortunately, Biden isn't running or I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

If you hadn't noticed, the OP's opening comments lead the readers to believe humor was welcome, until you got pissy about it & opened up another fight and for what? nuttin honey. Bless your little heart

you should probably embrace your inner wacko since you've allowed it to run free.
Just curious. What do you look for in a message board? Do you look to exchange ideas and debate or just exchange insults? You reap what you sow, you know. People are less likely to just return insulting banter if you don't engage it yourself,. I've come accustomed to passing over your posts because there are seldom interesting points in them,

riiiiiiight........ you know, I've been on this board for a long time. (see my join date). it used to be a great place for debate. then it was trolled by stormfront light loons who bring nothing but a daily serving of bigotry and hatred. the o/p in this thread is vile. you say nothing. typical.

YOU reap what you sow. but thanks for the "non-partisan" advice.

perhaps you might want to focus on the trolls who start idiotic threads like this one and call them politics.

just a little advice.
Since I'm neither right or left or rabid I'm not so sure your assessment is correct. If you've been keeping up with the press, you'll find she is STILL being investigated by the FBI on other suspicions than just her emails. When she is finally arrested for her corruptions and illegal activities, she's going down like a rock and right now so are her approval ratings for president. You don't have to be right or left to see the facts plain as day. Regardless of how she may or may not have been treated AS Secretary of State or even First Lady, I had been referring to how she would be treated without those distinctions that have kept her protected.

Although I will admit I did go a little too far by what I had meant because I wouldn't wish that kind of treatment on my worst enemy. Women anywhere in the Middle East are treated as dirt, ME is full of Muslims, Islamic Terrorist & Jihads who all regard women as dirt. Once she is stripped of her titles of office IF she is arrested, she will then be a Plain Jane & up for grabs. They would beat, rape & kill her along with possible torture mixed in.

you didn't "go a little too far", and if you think you're not right or left or rabid, you should probably read what you wrote.

again, they hated bush... not hillary.

but try again.

and if you think the trump guy wouldn't get his butt kicked by every other country, you're sadly deluded.

I know exactly what I wrote, but apparently you didn't. If you had, you would have realized that in saying I had gone too far & why, I had been defending your precious Hillary. But I wouldn't vote for her. She's gotten herself into too big of a mess. Nor am I deluded about Trump. He does have some good ideas, but he's too much like a school yard bully, behavior not befitting a president. Rand Paul or Sanders? MAYBE, but still undecided on those. Unfortunately, Biden isn't running or I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

If you hadn't noticed, the OP's opening comments lead the readers to believe humor was welcome, until you got pissy about it & opened up another fight and for what? nuttin honey. Bless your little heart

you should probably embrace your inner wacko since you've allowed it to run free.
Just curious. What do you look for in a message board? Do you look to exchange ideas and debate or just exchange insults? You reap what you sow, you know. People are less likely to just return insulting banter if you don't engage it yourself,. I've come accustomed to passing over your posts because there are seldom interesting points in them,

riiiiiiight........ you know, I've been on this board for a long time. (see my join date). it used to be a great place for debate. then it was trolled by stormfront light loons who bring nothing but a daily serving of bigotry and hatred. the o/p in this thread is vile. you say nothing. typical.

YOU reap what you sow. but thanks for the "non-partisan" advice.

perhaps you might want to focus on the trolls who start idiotic threads like this one and call them politics.

just a little advice.
Why don't you debate him with the truth?

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