Where would we be without the tolerant left?

Where are the protections for this speaker's 1st Amendment rights? Oh, right, she doesn't regurgitate the current PC talking points vilifying police. Black lives only matter when they can be used to further the leftist/progressive agenda. Too bad too many black lives have been brainwashed into believing this liberal tripe.
These entitled drones may at some point initiate violence, but they will be very surprised just how that works...for them.
It's an absolute shame that we have permitted our so-called "education" system to become nothing less than a brainwashing mill. So many jobs, careers, professions, are far better suited to a practical training program. But, yet, Americans of all stripes have allowed themselves to be sold a bill of goods that unless their children acquire a university certification of compliance, they will be paupers. Hey, kids...look at what plumbers earn, seriously!
It's an absolute shame that we have permitted our so-called "education" system to become nothing less than a brainwashing mill. So many jobs, careers, professions, are far better suited to a practical training program. But, yet, Americans of all stripes have allowed themselves to be sold a bill of goods that unless their children acquire a university certification of compliance, they will be paupers. Hey, kids...look at what plumbers earn, seriously!

Leftist professors and administrators need to be purged from the American schools.
It's an absolute shame that we have permitted our so-called "education" system to become nothing less than a brainwashing mill. So many jobs, careers, professions, are far better suited to a practical training program. But, yet, Americans of all stripes have allowed themselves to be sold a bill of goods that unless their children acquire a university certification of compliance, they will be paupers. Hey, kids...look at what plumbers earn, seriously!

Leftist professors and administrators need to be purged from the American schools.

Purged from America is a better idea.
This is what our college systems are producing.

Well colleges tend to produce all sorts of people. Often there are people who only need a little bit of education in order to become activists of one kind or another. To suggest that all people leaving college are like this would be ridiculous.

However if you want better education, then you need to address how to get better education. And seeing how many on the right seem to want government to stay out of education and for education to be dumbed down massively so that people don't get a decent education, and that everything that is said that doesn't fit their agenda is "indoctrination", means that colleges will carry on as they are.
This is what our college systems are producing.

Well colleges tend to produce all sorts of people. Often there are people who only need a little bit of education in order to become activists of one kind or another. To suggest that all people leaving college are like this would be ridiculous.

However if you want better education, then you need to address how to get better education. And seeing how many on the right seem to want government to stay out of education and for education to be dumbed down massively so that people don't get a decent education, and that everything that is said that doesn't fit their agenda is "indoctrination", means that colleges will carry on as they are.
Here ya go:
1. Identify those professions best served by academic training vs. those better served by practical training.
2. Allow young people at about the age they would normally enter high school to identify a choice, academic or professional training.
3. Those who choose professional training are enrolled in an apprenticeship program that includes both classroom instruction pertinent to the physics, mathematics, etc, needed to succeed professionally, as well as actual hands-on training.
4. Those who select academic training are seated in subject appropriate classes. Subsequent to successful completion of academic training, individuals should be able to successfully pass subject-specific examinations prior to licensing.
Political curriculum and all such superfluous material should be offered only as extracurricular (elective) courses.
Well we would NOT have..

21 trillion in debt.
15 million illegals.
Syria with gas weapons.
Korea with nukes.
We would not have imported ebola into the country.
Iran with nukes.
Beau Bergdahl as a national hero.
Perverts in bathrooms.

Looking at what would would have missed begs the question why do those idiots exist?
This is what our college systems are producing.

Well colleges tend to produce all sorts of people. Often there are people who only need a little bit of education in order to become activists of one kind or another. To suggest that all people leaving college are like this would be ridiculous.

However if you want better education, then you need to address how to get better education. And seeing how many on the right seem to want government to stay out of education and for education to be dumbed down massively so that people don't get a decent education, and that everything that is said that doesn't fit their agenda is "indoctrination", means that colleges will carry on as they are.
Yeah right, that comment coming from a moron who supports common core.
This is what our college systems are producing.

Well colleges tend to produce all sorts of people. Often there are people who only need a little bit of education in order to become activists of one kind or another. To suggest that all people leaving college are like this would be ridiculous.

However if you want better education, then you need to address how to get better education. And seeing how many on the right seem to want government to stay out of education and for education to be dumbed down massively so that people don't get a decent education, and that everything that is said that doesn't fit their agenda is "indoctrination", means that colleges will carry on as they are.

Cool story bro.
It's an absolute shame that we have permitted our so-called "education" system to become nothing less than a brainwashing mill. So many jobs, careers, professions, are far better suited to a practical training program. But, yet, Americans of all stripes have allowed themselves to be sold a bill of goods that unless their children acquire a university certification of compliance, they will be paupers. Hey, kids...look at what plumbers earn, seriously!

That's true. But the problem is that the two partisan sides aren't fighting for what is right, they're fighting for their own agendas. So the fight has become more important than anything else, and too many people keep this up. People vote for the same people, the same tired old partisan ideas, and anything that is potentially better will be knocked down.

Go watch Jamie Oliver's program where he tried to change school meals in West Virginia, it's embarrassing to see how Americans reacted to something that would have made a positive difference, and how they clung to their ridiculous tired old ideas.
This is what our college systems are producing.

Well colleges tend to produce all sorts of people. Often there are people who only need a little bit of education in order to become activists of one kind or another. To suggest that all people leaving college are like this would be ridiculous.

However if you want better education, then you need to address how to get better education. And seeing how many on the right seem to want government to stay out of education and for education to be dumbed down massively so that people don't get a decent education, and that everything that is said that doesn't fit their agenda is "indoctrination", means that colleges will carry on as they are.
Here ya go:
1. Identify those professions best served by academic training vs. those better served by practical training.
2. Allow young people at about the age they would normally enter high school to identify a choice, academic or professional training.
3. Those who choose professional training are enrolled in an apprenticeship program that includes both classroom instruction pertinent to the physics, mathematics, etc, needed to succeed professionally, as well as actual hands-on training.
4. Those who select academic training are seated in subject appropriate classes. Subsequent to successful completion of academic training, individuals should be able to successfully pass subject-specific examinations prior to licensing.
Political curriculum and all such superfluous material should be offered only as extracurricular (elective) courses.

Well I worked in an Austrian technical school. I know all about technical schools and I'm all for them.

The issue here, like always, isn't what should be, it's that it's impossible to get what should be done because the system is so corrupt and the main players want to keep it like this and are only interested in "winning".
This is what our college systems are producing.

Well colleges tend to produce all sorts of people. Often there are people who only need a little bit of education in order to become activists of one kind or another. To suggest that all people leaving college are like this would be ridiculous.

However if you want better education, then you need to address how to get better education. And seeing how many on the right seem to want government to stay out of education and for education to be dumbed down massively so that people don't get a decent education, and that everything that is said that doesn't fit their agenda is "indoctrination", means that colleges will carry on as they are.

Cool story bro.

Try using your brain for once.

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