Where would you rate President Trump on the political spectrum?

Why are Libertarians so full of shit?

Libertarians have truth. You have none.

One of the best recent examples was when W socialized senior drugs. The Libertarians warned of serious side effects of such a disastrous expansion of government. Libertarians warned of cheap taxpayer funded pills ending up being sold in America's high schools.

Now that's been going on for more than a decade, nobody even remembers that we said that...

Libertarians tell the truth.

Dems and Republicans lie and then lie later about whether they heard the truth from Libertarians initially...
Libertarians are selfish pieces of shit; they even admit it when you have them cornered and surrounded by their friends who can’t argue their way out of a soaking wet paper bag.
Life is all about “them”.
Libertarians are selfish pieces of shit; they even admit it when you have them cornered and surrounded by their friends who can’t argue their way out of a soaking wet paper bag.

Sounds like you get a GOVERNMENT CHECK you do not deserve and fear what would happen if patriotic libertarians found out and had the chance to CUT IT....

Most addictive substances known.....

2. heroin - opium
3. cocaine/crack
Libertarians are selfish pieces of shit; they even admit it when you have them cornered and surrounded by their friends who can’t argue their way out of a soaking wet paper bag.

Sounds like you get a GOVERNMENT CHECK you do not deserve and fear what would happen if patriotic libertarians found out and had the chance to CUT IT....

Most addictive substances known.....

2. heroin - opium
3. cocaine/crack
Uh huh...sure.
Ad hominem much?
Why are Libertarians so full of shit?

Libertarians have truth. You have none.

One of the best recent examples was when W socialized senior drugs. The Libertarians warned of serious side effects of such a disastrous expansion of government. Libertarians warned of cheap taxpayer funded pills ending up being sold in America's high schools.

Now that's been going on for more than a decade, nobody even remembers that we said that...

Libertarians tell the truth.

Dems and Republicans lie and then lie later about whether they heard the truth from Libertarians initially...
Libertarians are selfish pieces of shit; they even admit it when you have them cornered and surrounded by their friends who can’t argue their way out of a soaking wet paper bag.
Life is all about “them”.

This from the guy that openly admitted he did not want to pay for infrastructure and all the other things you take advantage of daily.

You calling someone selfish is like Bill Clinton calling someone sleezy.
Why are Libertarians so full of shit?

Libertarians have truth. You have none.

One of the best recent examples was when W socialized senior drugs. The Libertarians warned of serious side effects of such a disastrous expansion of government. Libertarians warned of cheap taxpayer funded pills ending up being sold in America's high schools.

Now that's been going on for more than a decade, nobody even remembers that we said that...

Libertarians tell the truth.

Dems and Republicans lie and then lie later about whether they heard the truth from Libertarians initially...
Libertarians are selfish pieces of shit; they even admit it when you have them cornered and surrounded by their friends who can’t argue their way out of a soaking wet paper bag.
Life is all about “them”.

This from the guy that openly admitted he did not want to pay for infrastructure and all the other things you take advantage of daily.

You calling someone selfish is like Bill Clinton calling someone sleezy.
Please link to that post.
I stated I do not want to fund the infrastructure of other nations.
Your snotty Tarian nature causes you to see what you need to see.
Populist. I don't know how anyone could argue with that.
Having said that.... it is better than the Globalist/Elitist Obama or the Plutocratic Hillary.
Think about his policies

AOC, Marxist, Far Left, Liberal, Left of Center,
Center, Right of Center, conservative, Right Wing, Far Right, Skinhead

Populist, he says and does whatever will get him the biggest cheers and chants at his next pep rally.

Populist and Nationalist. Not sure about conservative as he is fine with the debt and deficit

Being fine with debt and deficit is not conservative. Liberals have no problem with it when they do it. They just criticize Trump for doing it because he is Trump. Is anyone ever going to cut spending?
Think about his policies

AOC, Marxist, Far Left, Liberal, Left of Center,
Center, Right of Center, conservative, Right Wing, Far Right, Skinhead

Populist, he says and does whatever will get him the biggest cheers and chants at his next pep rally.

Populist and Nationalist. Not sure about conservative as he is fine with the debt and deficit

Being fine with debt and deficit is not conservative. Liberals have no problem with it when they do it. They just criticize Trump for doing it because he is Trump. Is anyone ever going to cut spending?

Why would they when we keep electing them anyhow?
Think about his policies

AOC, Marxist, Far Left, Liberal, Left of Center,
Center, Right of Center, conservative, Right Wing, Far Right, Skinhead
He reminds me of me...A libertarian/Conservative. As long as you arent breaking the law, he is fine with it, when you start bad mouthing him, he gets down and dirty with you and puts you in your place. A man that takes no shit.
Yeah....He was real libertarian/conservative when he attacked Syria on the flimsiest of evidence.

He was a real libertarian/conservative when he let the neocons talk him out of completely exiting Syria.

Real libertarian/conservative when promoting the creation of an entire now wing of the Department of War (Space Force).

As much as I back him is his fight against the establishment swamp, his political ideology is all over the place.
Uh huh.
I’m sure your industry has zero reliance on government intervention causing excessive globalism.
Because no nation is created based on open borders and anything goes.

Trump is not the savior, no matter how much you want him to be.

He just agreed to a massive new spending and debt limit deal that will ensure our country keeps sliding deeper and deeper into debt.
Boo hoo!
Trump breathes and you piss in your adult diapers.
Not even a drop in the bucket if we stop giving charity to our enemies.

Charity to your enemies? Like fracturing the NATO Alliance and giving Putin his greatest gift?

Like tearing up all of the trade agreements that made the USA the richest, most powerful nation in the world, plunging your nation into debt, slapping tarriffs on everything the American people import, and watching your trade deficits balloon the world over, and foreign investment in your economy dry up. Another "gift to your enemies".

Like refusing to address climate change as wild fires, tornados and hurricanes ravage your country and your country loses $10 billion infrastructure, crops, housing and timber as a result.

With friends like Trump, your enemies are sitting back and applauding his every move.
Uh huh.
I’m sure your industry has zero reliance on government intervention causing excessive globalism.
Because no nation is created based on open borders and anything goes.

Trump is not the savior, no matter how much you want him to be.

He just agreed to a massive new spending and debt limit deal that will ensure our country keeps sliding deeper and deeper into debt.
Boo hoo!
Trump breathes and you piss in your adult diapers.
Not even a drop in the bucket if we stop giving charity to our enemies.

Charity to your enemies? Like fracturing the NATO Alliance and giving Putin his greatest gift?

Like tearing up all of the trade agreements that made the USA the richest, most powerful nation in the world, plunging your nation into debt, slapping tarriffs on everything the American people import, and watching your trade deficits balloon the world over, and foreign investment in your economy dry up. Another "gift to your enemies".

Like refusing to address climate change as wild fires, tornados and hurricanes ravage your country and your country loses $10 billion infrastructure, crops, housing and timber as a result.

With friends like Trump, your enemies are sitting back and applauding his every move.
The US can almost anywhere on earth within 24 hours; sooner if we simply fire missiles.
No one’s messing with us.
Uh huh.
I’m sure your industry has zero reliance on government intervention causing excessive globalism.
Because no nation is created based on open borders and anything goes.

Trump is not the savior, no matter how much you want him to be.

He just agreed to a massive new spending and debt limit deal that will ensure our country keeps sliding deeper and deeper into debt.
Boo hoo!
Trump breathes and you piss in your adult diapers.
Not even a drop in the bucket if we stop giving charity to our enemies.

Charity to your enemies? Like fracturing the NATO Alliance and giving Putin his greatest gift?

Like tearing up all of the trade agreements that made the USA the richest, most powerful nation in the world, plunging your nation into debt, slapping tarriffs on everything the American people import, and watching your trade deficits balloon the world over, and foreign investment in your economy dry up. Another "gift to your enemies".

Like refusing to address climate change as wild fires, tornados and hurricanes ravage your country and your country loses $10 billion infrastructure, crops, housing and timber as a result.

With friends like Trump, your enemies are sitting back and applauding his every move.
The US can almost anywhere on earth within 24 hours; sooner if we simply fire missiles.
No one’s messing with us.

One of the benefits of spending more than the next 9 countries combined on our military.
Charity to your enemies? Like fracturing the NATO Alliance and giving Putin his greatest gift?
This is one of Trump's policies that everyone should have backed.

Holding our allies to their agreements is fracturing our alliance? It sounds like the alliance was fractured when these nations decided they would ignore their obligations.

Don't you get tired of financing the world's security?

Uh huh.
I’m sure your industry has zero reliance on government intervention causing excessive globalism.
Because no nation is created based on open borders and anything goes.

Trump is not the savior, no matter how much you want him to be.

He just agreed to a massive new spending and debt limit deal that will ensure our country keeps sliding deeper and deeper into debt.
Boo hoo!
Trump breathes and you piss in your adult diapers.
Not even a drop in the bucket if we stop giving charity to our enemies.

Charity to your enemies? Like fracturing the NATO Alliance and giving Putin his greatest gift?

Like tearing up all of the trade agreements that made the USA the richest, most powerful nation in the world, plunging your nation into debt, slapping tarriffs on everything the American people import, and watching your trade deficits balloon the world over, and foreign investment in your economy dry up. Another "gift to your enemies".

Like refusing to address climate change as wild fires, tornados and hurricanes ravage your country and your country loses $10 billion infrastructure, crops, housing and timber as a result.

With friends like Trump, your enemies are sitting back and applauding his every move.
The US can almost anywhere on earth within 24 hours; sooner if we simply fire missiles.
No one’s messing with us.

Why do you think Putin helped Trump get elected? Trump is spending your country into bankruptcy, destroying all of your trade alliances, increasing all of your trade deficits, increasing the costs of goods at home, discouraging investment in your country, and cutting people off of their medical insurance, and raising health care premiums while cutting coverages for women. All while cheering on racists and committing crimes against humanity on your southern border

Your enemies don't have to DO anything but sit back and cheer it happening, which the Russia trolls on this board do every single day.
Uh huh.
I’m sure your industry has zero reliance on government intervention causing excessive globalism.
Because no nation is created based on open borders and anything goes.

Trump is not the savior, no matter how much you want him to be.

He just agreed to a massive new spending and debt limit deal that will ensure our country keeps sliding deeper and deeper into debt.
Boo hoo!
Trump breathes and you piss in your adult diapers.
Not even a drop in the bucket if we stop giving charity to our enemies.

Charity to your enemies? Like fracturing the NATO Alliance and giving Putin his greatest gift?

Like tearing up all of the trade agreements that made the USA the richest, most powerful nation in the world, plunging your nation into debt, slapping tarriffs on everything the American people import, and watching your trade deficits balloon the world over, and foreign investment in your economy dry up. Another "gift to your enemies".

Like refusing to address climate change as wild fires, tornados and hurricanes ravage your country and your country loses $10 billion infrastructure, crops, housing and timber as a result.

With friends like Trump, your enemies are sitting back and applauding his every move.
The US can almost anywhere on earth within 24 hours; sooner if we simply fire missiles.
No one’s messing with us.

One of the benefits of spending more than the next 9 countries combined on our military.

Used to be the next 12. We're slipping.
Charity to your enemies? Like fracturing the NATO Alliance and giving Putin his greatest gift?
This is one of Trump's policies that everyone should have backed.

Holding our allies to their agreements is fracturing our alliance? It sounds like the alliance was fractured when these nations decided they would ignore their obligations.

Don't you get tired of financing the world's security?


Trump is not "holding our allies to their agreements". Trump was falsely claiming that Allies were not in compliance with their obligations, and that the USA was owed millions and is being taken advantage of, all of which is a total lie. Except for Greece and the Ukraine, all of the other European nations are in full compliance with their spending obligations as set out in the NATO Treaty, and all are on track to increase defense spending to 2% of GDP by 2024 as set out in Obama's NATO Amending Agreement of 2014.

Furthermore, there was never any obligation on the part of the USA to spend money or supply defenses to Europe. Americans WANTED bases in Europe to prevent any expansion of the Soviet Empire or communism further west into Europe. The idea that the rest of the world is "taking advantage" the USA completely ignores how many wars the US has started to prevent the spread of communism, and to "protect American interests", which is double-speak for commerical properties and businesses owned by American Corporations abroad.

This whole "NATO" is taking advantage of the US" line is the lie Vladimir Putin fed to Trump as his excuse for fracturing NATO. To make it seem like Trump was doing a good thing for America, when in reality NATO is the vehicle which has preserved world peace and destroyed communism, and that is why PUTIN wants it gone, and for no other reason.

If you're tired of financing the world's security QUIT STARTING WARS. Stop trying to start a war with Iran. Every time you invade a non-white country, you spend all of your war and treasure for a decade, and leave with NOTHING. North Korea, Viet Nam, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq. How much money have you spent? How many lives has it cost? What did you get in return?

Bring the troops home, and turn your swords into plowshares. No one is asking you to do otherwise. If fact, we'd all sleep better at night if you did.
Trump is not "holding our allies to their agreements". Trump was falsely claiming that Allies were not in compliance with their obligations, and that the USA was owed millions and is being taken advantage of, all of which is a total lie. Except for Greece and the Ukraine, all of the other European nations are in full compliance with their spending obligations as set out in the NATO Treaty, and all are on track to increase defense spending to 2% of GDP by 2024 as set out in Obama's NATO Amending Agreement of 2014.

Furthermore, there was never any obligation on the part of the USA to spend money or supply defenses to Europe. Americans WANTED bases in Europe to prevent any expansion of the Soviet Empire or communism further west into Europe. The idea that the rest of the world is "taking advantage" the USA completely ignores how many wars the US has started to prevent the spread of communism, and to "protect American interests", which is double-speak for commerical properties and businesses owned by American Corporations abroad.

This whole "NATO" is taking advantage of the US" line is the lie Vladimir Putin fed to Trump as his excuse for fracturing NATO. To make it seem like Trump was doing a good thing for America, when in reality NATO is the vehicle which has preserved world peace and destroyed communism, and that is why PUTIN wants it gone, and for no other reason.
It's not that they owe us a dollar figure. We are providing for much of their defense while they fail to do so themselves. I don't know why you think Putin would want NATO nations spending more on their own defense. That will cause an arms race that he will need to keep up. If Putin did feed that to Trump (doubtful) it was a stupid move.

Other than that, I don't disagree with you. We are as much to blame for this bullshit as anyone else.

If you're tired of financing the world's security QUIT STARTING WARS. Stop trying to start a war with Iran. Every time you invade a non-white country, you spend all of your war and treasure for a decade, and leave with NOTHING. North Korea, Viet Nam, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq. How much money have you spent? How many lives has it cost? What did you get in return?

Bring the troops home, and turn your swords into plowshares. No one is asking you to do otherwise. If fact, we'd all sleep better at night if you did.
100% agree with this. No argument from me on that point.

Have yourself a trophy.

Thank you Booty. The other issue that is didn't mention is the refugee problem. Europeans have been absorbing the refugees from American wars and foreign policy in the Middle East, since the Shah of Iran was deposed. In particular, the EU took in over 1 million Syrian refugees over the past 10 years, at great cost both economically and politically, something that Trump and Republicans completely ignore when they talk about other's not "doing their share".

I remember when Americans opposed giving asylum to the Vietnamese government employees and other Vietnamese nationals, who worked with the American forces and government in Vietnam, and who would be subject to arrest after the Americans pulled out. You folks have a long sad history of making a mess and then abandoning the people you promised to protect, and genocides have followed.

This is the same thing that is happening on your southern border. Refugees from the narco terrorists unleashed by the American government in El Salvador, and the climate change fueled droughts in Guatamala - not your problem. Americans are now exporting Donald Trump's paranoid, hate-fueled rage against immigrants, Jews, and non-whites, around the globe, all of it heading the world toward a new world order with the Chinese, the Russians ruling the world, and America descending into chaos, and racial animus.
Uh huh.
I’m sure your industry has zero reliance on government intervention causing excessive globalism.
Because no nation is created based on open borders and anything goes.

Trump is not the savior, no matter how much you want him to be.

He just agreed to a massive new spending and debt limit deal that will ensure our country keeps sliding deeper and deeper into debt.
Boo hoo!
Trump breathes and you piss in your adult diapers.
Not even a drop in the bucket if we stop giving charity to our enemies.

Charity to your enemies? Like fracturing the NATO Alliance and giving Putin his greatest gift?

Like tearing up all of the trade agreements that made the USA the richest, most powerful nation in the world, plunging your nation into debt, slapping tarriffs on everything the American people import, and watching your trade deficits balloon the world over, and foreign investment in your economy dry up. Another "gift to your enemies".

Like refusing to address climate change as wild fires, tornados and hurricanes ravage your country and your country loses $10 billion infrastructure, crops, housing and timber as a result.

With friends like Trump, your enemies are sitting back and applauding his every move.
The US can almost anywhere on earth within 24 hours; sooner if we simply fire missiles.
No one’s messing with us.

Why do you think Putin helped Trump get elected? Trump is spending your country into bankruptcy, destroying all of your trade alliances, increasing all of your trade deficits, increasing the costs of goods at home, discouraging investment in your country, and cutting people off of their medical insurance, and raising health care premiums while cutting coverages for women. All while cheering on racists and committing crimes against humanity on your southern border

Your enemies don't have to DO anything but sit back and cheer it happening, which the Russia trolls on this board do every single day.
You are quite the loon.

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