Where’s Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate?

Hillary is sick and playing possum since the last debate. I think she is in hiding preparing for the last debate trying desperately to sound like someone other than the political establishment insider. She needs to sound more human not like the Haitian rip off artist she really has been shown to be.

Where's Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate? - The American Mirror

Coming off the heels of two private fundraisers in California on Thursday, Clinton doesn’t have any public events scheduled between today and the final presidential debate on October 19.
itS called rehearsing for the debate ... something the donald doesn't do .... thats why the donald looks the fool .... he comes in unprepared ... thinking he'll throw out a few statements ... then we watch him get eviscerated by Hillary ... you would think he get tired of hillary handing him his balls each time he tries to debate her ... I guess he'll turn into a eunuch after this last debate
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Why would she? She goes down in the polls every time she opens her mouth campaigning. (Atleast when Trump isn't there)

If she wants to win she should go on vacation
is that code for hillary to stop making the trump go down in the polls by her to stop talking ???
Found her....

itS called rehearsing for the debate ... something the donald doesn't do .... thats why the donald looks the fool .... he comes in unprepared ... thinking he'll throw out a few statements ... then we watch him get eviscerated by Hillary ... you would think he get tired of hillary handing him his balls each time he tries to debate her ... I guess he'll turn into a eunuch after this last debate

You must keep watching the first debate over and over again because that's not what happened in the last debate. Hillary put on that phony goofy looking smile so many times I thought her face was going to crack.

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