Where’s Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate?

Now that going to bed with a sick headache is not working hilly is thinking about bailing on the whole debate. What scared her? Trump savaging her over her crimes. A drug test. What has her running?
She has a serious neurological condition, and if she wins, the press, who actually knows she is sick...will tell us...oh yeah, we knew she was sick the whole time during the campaign but didn't feel it was our job as reporters to tell the American people...because Trump is a big meany......
Less than three months left & I see no one has taken away your guns. Obama worked for a couple of years for a religious charity in Chicago. He then worked full timer for a law firm. Are you just freaking stupid or what?

At least I know how to read which is more than what I can say for you.

The only reason DumBama can't take away our guns is because it's constitutionally protected by the interpretation of non-activist judges. Once Hi-Liar loads the court with commie activist judges, they will interpret our Second Amendment as not giving us the right to own or carry firearms. From that point, cities, counties, states and even the federal government can make any kind of law against firearms that they desire.
Now that going to bed with a sick headache is not working hilly is thinking about bailing on the whole debate. What scared her? Trump savaging her over her crimes. A drug test. What has her running?

Some MSM outlets were saying the same thing--that she should not even attend the next debate.

She's ahead in the polls and every time she opens her mouth, her numbers come down, so it would be a smart move on her part to stay home. Plus they wouldn't have to worry about Hilary having one of her spells in the middle of the debate. That could cost her the entire election. She would have to be honest for once and tell the American people just what is wrong with her health.
If she doesn't attend the next debate she loses the election. Very simple. But if it might kill her, she best stay home.
The media, the GOP leadership, and the Dems all want Hillary to win.

Hopefully the American people can figure out that none of the above cares at all about them or the United States.
A type? And what type is that, can you be specific?

Sure. Here you go.


Hmmm.. Young, thin, dirty-blond, white.

One or two women came out and made up some story, the other 14 just followed along after they heard it. Again, not one filed any charges, not one filed a complaint with the police, not one went to the media, not one tried to sue Trump. They all just decided to come out at one time?

Trump has been running for months now; before the primary, during the primary, and now during the general election. Why didn't any of these 16 come out then???

The same things can be said about Clinton's accusers, but you accept their stories.

Why wouldn't these women come out? YOu mean why wouldn't they speak out against a guy whose followers beat the shit out of people they don't like?

Look, guy, the timing argument ain't working for you.
Less than three months left & I see no one has taken away your guns. Obama worked for a couple of years for a religious charity in Chicago. He then worked full timer for a law firm. Are you just freaking stupid or what?

At least I know how to read which is more than what I can say for you.

The only reason DumBama can't take away our guns is because it's constitutionally protected by the interpretation of non-activist judges. Once Hi-Liar loads the court with commie activist judges, they will interpret our Second Amendment as not giving us the right to own or carry firearms. From that point, cities, counties, states and even the federal government can make any kind of law against firearms that they desire.
Come in, try to be honest. You & your ilk have been pushing this "Obama will take our guns" for the past 8 years & you are now claiming Hillary will. Your hero Trump even says it. & now you just said it again. You are obvious one of those toters who is so afraid that they think carrying a loaded gun makes them some sort of tough guy.
Obama has tried everything in his power to take guns away. Hillary cares even less about the rule of law and is just as dishonest and klepty.
She has a serious neurological condition, and if she wins, the press, who actually knows she is sick...will tell us...oh yeah, we knew she was sick the whole time during the campaign but didn't feel it was our job as reporters to tell the American people...because Trump is a big meany......

Wow, you are back to that argument again?
Hillary is sick and playing possum since the last debate. I think she is in hiding preparing for the last debate trying desperately to sound like someone other than the political establishment insider. She needs to sound more human not like the Haitian rip off artist she really has been shown to be.

Where's Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate? - The American Mirror

Coming off the heels of two private fundraisers in California on Thursday, Clinton doesn’t have any public events scheduled between today and the final presidential debate on October 19.

Why would Hillary want to interrupt Trump's political suicide?
Come in, try to be honest. You & your ilk have been pushing this "Obama will take our guns" for the past 8 years & you are now claiming Hillary will. Your hero Trump even says it. & now you just said it again. You are obvious one of those toters who is so afraid that they think carrying a loaded gun makes them some sort of tough guy.

It all depends on where you live. You would probably piss yourself if you came through my neighborhood one evening. Over here you need a gun. We are loaded with Democrats. The more Democrats in your neighborhood, the more need for guns.

My next door neighbor just had his two houses broken into last week, and the lowlifes just broke out a window in one of my apartments that I had to get repaired this week as well. Cost me almost $80.00. Too bad I didn't see them do it, otherwise I would have shot the little bastards.
A type? And what type is that, can you be specific?

Sure. Here you go.


Hmmm.. Young, thin, dirty-blond, white.

One or two women came out and made up some story, the other 14 just followed along after they heard it. Again, not one filed any charges, not one filed a complaint with the police, not one went to the media, not one tried to sue Trump. They all just decided to come out at one time?

Trump has been running for months now; before the primary, during the primary, and now during the general election. Why didn't any of these 16 come out then???

The same things can be said about Clinton's accusers, but you accept their stories.

Why wouldn't these women come out? YOu mean why wouldn't they speak out against a guy whose followers beat the shit out of people they don't like?

Look, guy, the timing argument ain't working for you.

Hmmm.. Young, thin, dirty-blond, white.

Maybe it's just all us white people look alike to you Joe. :afro::afro::afro: You liberals have some imagination.

The same things can be said about Clinton's accusers, but you accept their stories.

Why wouldn't these women come out? YOu mean why wouldn't they speak out against a guy whose followers beat the shit out of people they don't like?

Look, guy, the timing argument ain't working for you.

Why didn't they come out when the supposed incidents took place? Why did they come out years and decades later right before Trump's election??? And no, you never seen me write that Bill's accusers were credible.
Why didn't they come out when the supposed incidents took place? Why did they come out years and decades later right before Trump's election??? And no, you never seen me write that Bill's accusers were credible.

Why would they come out against a guy who might ruin their lives and had the wealth and resources to do it. I think that answers itself.
Why would they come out against a guy who might ruin their lives and had the wealth and resources to do it. I think that answers itself.

What, because he's running for President, he can't do that now???

Poor excuse. We see this nearly every single time some sex scandal about a famous person makes the news; women come out from everywhere. Every bimbo that wants their place in the limelight has a story to sell. Anybody that came near the guy at a party has some sort of additional scandal to add to the headline.

It's not just Trump, it's all of them that makes me sick. What makes me even sicker are all the dupes that believe them.
She has a serious neurological condition, and if she wins, the press, who actually knows she is sick...will tell us...oh yeah, we knew she was sick the whole time during the campaign but didn't feel it was our job as reporters to tell the American people...because Trump is a big meany......

Wow, you are back to that argument again?
It's all they have.
What, because he's running for President, he can't do that now???

Poor excuse. We see this nearly every single time some sex scandal about a famous person makes the news; women come out from everywhere. Every bimbo that wants their place in the limelight has a story to sell. Anybody that came near the guy at a party has some sort of additional scandal to add to the headline.

It's not just Trump, it's all of them that makes me sick. What makes me even sicker are all the dupes that believe them.

Yet when it was Clinton, you granted them all credibility.

Hey, Trump is perfectly free to prove these things never happened.

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