Where’s Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate?

She's no Reality TV Star, that's for certain....she's a straight face, serious, all work and no play, type of person.............boring! Perfect for President! :D

Reagan was none of that, he was the perfect President.
dont most of us recall out first day in school when we were 6 years old? yet Hillary cant recall anything she has done in the last 8 years?
As much as I HATE her, and regardless of her health, it's very smart for her to disappear right now....

She has the election won. It disgusts me to say that but it's the truth. The only things that can happen if she attends public events are bad. It's that simple.
She's no Reality TV Star, that's for certain....she's a straight face, serious, all work and no play, type of person.............boring! Perfect for President! :D
It is sad that you actually believe this.
I do believe it!

She's wanted to be president or the first woman president all of her life, even if she didn't know it yet, her college friends thought she would be, some day...and this was before she dated Bill....

She's an extremely hard worker and takes pride in learning all that is out there to learn on any given topic and any given issue....very thorough....

When she was in the Senate and on the different committees including the intelligence committee, ALL, every single one, of the Republicans on these committees said Hillary was smart, took the time to get to know the issues in depth, and worked with them, to get the job done...she was a good Senator....

it was only when she went to work with Obama as his Secretary of State, did they turn on her for political posturing reasons...
She's no Reality TV Star, that's for certain....she's a straight face, serious, all work and no play, type of person.............boring! Perfect for President! :D
It is sad that you actually believe this.
I do believe it!

She's wanted to be president or the first woman president all of her life, even if she didn't know it yet, her college friends thought she would be, some day...and this was before she dated Bill....

She's an extremely hard worker and takes pride in learning all that is out there to learn on any given topic and any given issue....very thorough....

When she was in the Senate and on the different committees including the intelligence committee, ALL, every single one, of the Republicans on these committees said Hillary was smart, took the time to get to know the issues in depth, and worked with them, to get the job done...she was a good Senator....

it was only when she went to work with Obama as his Secretary of State, did they turn on her for political posturing reasons...
Republicans in Washington are, by and large, morons who worship at the altar of bipartisanship just for the sake of being able to say they did.

Democrats are the ones who decided to be completely anti-right wing.
Republican voters have denounced 20% of Republican officials.

You go with that, guy. You totally go with that. You totally go with thousands of women crossing over to vote for Hillary and then good luck getting them back in 2020.

Only 20 percent I would wish for much more. They can join the percentage of democrats that support the liar Hillary. We, the depolorables, don't want anything to do with either.

Good. Th en get the fuck out of the Repubilcan party and start your own American Nazi Party, you racist fucks.
She's no Reality TV Star, that's for certain....she's a straight face, serious, all work and no play, type of person.............boring! Perfect for President! :D
Yep. For a leftist. She will maintain a steady hand on the corruption machine running the country into the ground, lies, smears, bribes, pay offs, wealth confiscation, open borders and the daily loss of freedoms. Just perfect!
Ever since the conventions ended I thought the winning strategy for both camps was to employ the old adage....
"Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt"​
Hillary's best strategy has always been to lay low and let Trump shoot himself and the GOP in the foot. Over and over and over.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Well, the Hillary brand was broke but luckily a narcissistic, orange, pussy grabber showed up to fix it

I wasn't sure at the start of the selection circus but I'm getting more convinced every day that Trump is actually an undercover operative of the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary's best strategy has always been to lay low and let Trump shoot himself and the GOP in the foot. Over and over and over. If it ain't broke, don't fix it..
Well, the Hillary brand was broke but luckily a narcissistic, orange, pussy grabber showed up to fix it. I wasn't sure at the start of the selection circus but I'm getting more convinced every day that Trump is actually an undercover operative of the Clinton Foundation.
I'm assuming the DNC is readying the Thank You card mailing.

They can't be RUDE.

Hillary is sick and playing possum since the last debate. I think she is in hiding preparing for the last debate trying desperately to sound like someone other than the political establishment insider. She needs to sound more human not like the Haitian rip off artist she really has been shown to be.

Where's Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate? - The American Mirror

Coming off the heels of two private fundraisers in California on Thursday, Clinton doesn’t have any public events scheduled between today and the final presidential debate on October 19.
She doesn't want to spend any more time with us peasants than she has to.
Well, the Hillary brand was broke but luckily a narcissistic, orange, pussy grabber showed up to fix it

I wasn't sure at the start of the selection circus but I'm getting more convinced every day that Trump is actually an undercover operative of the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary is as corrupt as ever and has the media polishing her turds in record pace. You see shiny turds and think they're valuable. The left relies on accusations, lies and smears and dupes like you gobble up them up. You need no evidence, the charge is good enough.

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