Where’s Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate?

Hillary is as corrupt as ever and has the media polishing her turds in record pace. You see shiny turds and think they're valuable. The left relies on accusations, lies and smears and dupes like you gobble up them up. You need no evidence, the charge is good enough.

So, do you agree with me or not?

You have to admit that Trump is the only chance Hillary has of ever getting in the oval office (again). Trump and the Clintons are actually the best buddies (google the wedding pictures) and I doubt Trump really wants to be president. But he absolutely loves all the attention and playing the biggest joke in political history on the american public would certainly appeal to his yuuuuge ego.

Hillary is as corrupt as ever and has the media polishing her turds in record pace. You see shiny turds and think they're valuable. The left relies on accusations, lies and smears and dupes like you gobble up them up. You need no evidence, the charge is good enough.

So, do you agree with me or not?

You have to admit that Trump is the only chance Hillary has of ever getting in the oval office (again). Trump and the Clintons are actually the best buddies (google the wedding pictures) and I doubt Trump really wants to be president. But he absolutely loves all the attention and playing the biggest joke in political history on the american public would certainly appeal to his yuuuuge ego.
Wrong. Trump is the only one that had/has a chance. No matter who the pick would be the left smear machine would try to grind him down. Look at what they did to Romney. At least Trump is willing to fight back. Yes it does take an ego to do that but if you don't think Hillary has a swelled head you're pretty far gone.
Hillary's best strategy has always been to lay low and let Trump shoot himself and the GOP in the foot. Over and over and over.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

That is partly true. The more she talks on her own, the more people dislike her. She's better off keeping her yap shut.
she and bill are afraid of doing rallies being 12 to 25 people are going to show up, and flip their T-Shirts inside out, and we all know what those T-Shirts are going to read.

Her use of the Trump tape is coming back to bite her in her fat ass just as I said it would.
I understand that you whiners think Trump's demeaning women & sexually assaulting them makes him a great candidate. But you ignore that it was Trump that first brought up Bill Clinton.

Think about that. Trump knows his reputation with women was horrible. He invited the groper tape to surface ^& then basically invited his past victims to come forward.

You can love him because he is a disgusting groper but this mess is because of his stupidity.
she and bill are afraid of doing rallies being 12 to 25 people are going to show up, and flip their T-Shirts inside out, and we all know what those T-Shirts are going to read.

Her use of the Trump tape is coming back to bite her in her fat ass just as I said it would.
I understand that you whiners think Trump's demeaning women & sexually assaulting them makes him a great candidate. But you ignore that it was Trump that first brought up Bill Clinton.

Think about that. Trump knows his reputation with women was horrible. He invited the groper tape to surface ^& then basically invited his past victims to come forward.

You can love him because he is a disgusting groper but this mess is because of his stupidity.
You love The Clinton's because they are rapists?
As much as I HATE her, and regardless of her health, it's very smart for her to disappear right now....

She has the election won. It disgusts me to say that but it's the truth. The only things that can happen if she attends public events are bad. It's that simple.

Still a lot of time left. The minds of people can change overnight with a strong enough event. Hell, even if global warming kicks in and we get a snow storm, that's enough to keep Democrat voters at home. Some may not even vote from the grave.
She's ODing on her meds so she won't pass out, seize out during the debate.. enough to get her through. She's also hiding from the DAMAGING truth that's she's a criminally insane LIAR who is corrupt to her very core.
she and bill are afraid of doing rallies being 12 to 25 people are going to show up, and flip their T-Shirts inside out, and we all know what those T-Shirts are going to read.

Her use of the Trump tape is coming back to bite her in her fat ass just as I said it would.
I understand that you whiners think Trump's demeaning women & sexually assaulting them makes him a great candidate. But you ignore that it was Trump that first brought up Bill Clinton.

Think about that. Trump knows his reputation with women was horrible. He invited the groper tape to surface ^& then basically invited his past victims to come forward.

You can love him because he is a disgusting groper but this mess is because of his stupidity.
You love The Clinton's because they are rapists?
First, Bill was accused of rape, as as Donald Trump.

Bill's accusers include one who signed a affidavit denying there was was a rape. One admitted to a one night stand, the other couldn't get law enforcement interested because of their changing story.

Donald was accused of raping his wife. He is due in court next month facing a suit involving raping a 15 year old. He openly admitted to & bragged about sexual assaults.

You running around with your "OMG OMG Bill is a rapist" while supporting trump is like Chris Christie running around calling people fat.

Bill isn't running. Trump is.
Wrong. Trump is the only one that had/has a chance. No matter who the pick would be the left smear machine would try to grind him down. Look at what they did to Romney. At least Trump is willing to fight back. Yes it does take an ego to do that but if you don't think Hillary has a swelled head you're pretty far gone.

I actually think Hillary is a scary, psychotic, warmongering wall street puppet and I would much rather see Trump in the oval office

But I just can't escape the impression that they're in it together. Why would Trump want to be pretzeldent, he doesn't like responsibility, he has never cared about political power and he sure as hell doesn't give a damn about ordinary people? It has to be an act, nobody could screw up his own campaign that much by accident


Why detract from Trump's current news coverage. Why not be prepared for that last debate. Can't wit for Trumps Final Meltdown 2016.
she and bill are afraid of doing rallies being 12 to 25 people are going to show up, and flip their T-Shirts inside out, and we all know what those T-Shirts are going to read.

Her use of the Trump tape is coming back to bite her in her fat ass just as I said it would.
I understand that you whiners think Trump's demeaning women & sexually assaulting them makes him a great candidate. But you ignore that it was Trump that first brought up Bill Clinton.

Think about that. Trump knows his reputation with women was horrible. He invited the groper tape to surface ^& then basically invited his past victims to come forward.

You can love him because he is a disgusting groper but this mess is because of his stupidity.
You love The Clinton's because they are rapists?
First, Bill was accused of rape, as as Donald Trump.

Bill's accusers include one who signed a affidavit denying there was was a rape. One admitted to a one night stand, the other couldn't get law enforcement interested because of their changing story.

Donald was accused of raping his wife. He is due in court next month facing a suit involving raping a 15 year old. He openly admitted to & bragged about sexual assaults.

You running around with your "OMG OMG Bill is a rapist" while supporting trump is like Chris Christie running around calling people fat.

Bill isn't running. Trump is.
Bill Clinton will run the economy....I can see how him being a rapist satisfies your needs....
She's no Reality TV Star, that's for certain....she's a straight face, serious, all work and no play, type of person.............boring! Perfect for President! :D

I guess that would explain why most see through those phony on cue smiles she puts on in the debates.
Wrong. Trump is the only one that had/has a chance. No matter who the pick would be the left smear machine would try to grind him down. Look at what they did to Romney. At least Trump is willing to fight back. Yes it does take an ego to do that but if you don't think Hillary has a swelled head you're pretty far gone.

I actually think Hillary is a scary, psychotic, warmongering wall street puppet and I would much rather see Trump in the oval office

But I just can't escape the impression that they're in it together. Why would Trump want to be pretzeldent, he doesn't like responsibility, he has never cared about political power and he sure as hell doesn't give a damn about ordinary people? It has to be an act, nobody could screw up his own campaign that much by accident


Trump likes being number one. The presidency is something he has hinted about all his life. He is not a second banana type guy. He also doesn't like failure. He will appoint poeple who will actually carry most of the load as will Hillary. The question becomes, who do you want running the country, people picked by corrupt Hillary based on how much money they gave the Clinton foundation. Or do you want Trump who appears to be realitively free of all outside influence, including his "own" Republican party.

Above all that the one singular issue that must not be given to Hillary are the SCOTUS nominations. No way we can let her decided the court for the next 30 years. NO WAY.
If you want to mention "liars" why not speak of your candidate who lies every single day, and you couldn't care less, so why is a lie from Hillary such a big deal?

Because what Hillary has lied about are things that affect our country and security.
I believe most voters decided the moment the candidates were chosen. There won't be much mind-changing at this point.
she and bill are afraid of doing rallies being 12 to 25 people are going to show up, and flip their T-Shirts inside out, and we all know what those T-Shirts are going to read.

Her use of the Trump tape is coming back to bite her in her fat ass just as I said it would.
I understand that you whiners think Trump's demeaning women & sexually assaulting them makes him a great candidate. But you ignore that it was Trump that first brought up Bill Clinton.

Think about that. Trump knows his reputation with women was horrible. He invited the groper tape to surface ^& then basically invited his past victims to come forward.

You can love him because he is a disgusting groper but this mess is because of his stupidity.
You love The Clinton's because they are rapists?
First, Bill was accused of rape, as as Donald Trump.

Bill's accusers include one who signed a affidavit denying there was was a rape. One admitted to a one night stand, the other couldn't get law enforcement interested because of their changing story.

Donald was accused of raping his wife. He is due in court next month facing a suit involving raping a 15 year old. He openly admitted to & bragged about sexual assaults.

You running around with your "OMG OMG Bill is a rapist" while supporting trump is like Chris Christie running around calling people fat.

Bill isn't running. Trump is.
Bill Clinton will run the economy....I can see how him being a rapist satisfies your needs....

I am thinking that if Bill were arrested with sexual assault he would be charged with assault with a dead weapon.

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