Where’s Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate?

vote Trump, there is nothing you can do about what you posted if it is true. But one thing you can do is make it hard for them to fix the election as they are trying to do.

I'm not a citizen of the homeland so I won't be voting in your selections

Al Gore never said he created the internet.

He didn't say "I took the initiative in creating the internet?"
He took the initiative in Congress. Those that actually did create the internet give Gore praise for seeing what the internet was & pushing development in Congress.

Maybe you should put down the gun & read a freakin' book or something to become better informed.
Al Gore never said he created the internet.

He didn't say "I took the initiative in creating the internet?"
He took the initiative in Congress. Those that actually did create the internet give Gore praise for seeing what the internet was & pushing development in Congress.

Maybe you should put down the gun & read a freakin' book or something to become better informed.
Listen up dummy.. Noobs don't come here dictating to long time members.. Get in the corner and STFU.. we'll let you know when you have permission to go pee pee.
What crime was that?

Using a personal unsecured server to store government information. Lying repeatedly to Congress under oath. Mishandling of confidential and classified material. Destroying evidence that was subpoenaed by Congress. Violating the Freedom of Information Act.
He took the initiative in Congress. Those that actually did create the internet give Gore praise for seeing what the internet was & pushing development in Congress.

Maybe you should put down the gun & read a freakin' book or something to become better informed.

Maybe you should learn to understand the English Language: I TOOK THE INITIATIVE IN CREATING THE INTERNET!
she and bill are afraid of doing rallies being 12 to 25 people are going to show up, and flip their T-Shirts inside out, and we all know what those T-Shirts are going to read.

Her use of the Trump tape is coming back to bite her in her fat ass just as I said it would.
I understand that you whiners think Trump's demeaning women & sexually assaulting them makes him a great candidate. But you ignore that it was Trump that first brought up Bill Clinton.

Think about that. Trump knows his reputation with women was horrible. He invited the groper tape to surface ^& then basically invited his past victims to come forward.

You can love him because he is a disgusting groper but this mess is because of his stupidity.
It amazes me that when Democrats run the first woman in history for President, Republicans choose a serial philanderer and molester

And as usual liberals make sex or skin color or some other "minority status" a quality for a job description.

MLK had a dream that the liberal BS would end one day, so far, no good.
As the right makes money a qualification
Really? And do you also think that if he did provide the tape, it would never come out?

Secondly, why would Trump keep such a recording all these years? Why would he have recorded it in the first place?

It's just a conspiracy theory, don't ask so many questions

I'm not saying Trump made the tape himself or had it in his position, just that he knew it existed. I just find it suspicious that the tape appears now and not during the primaries

Al Gore never said he created the internet.

He didn't say "I took the initiative in creating the internet?"
He took the initiative in Congress. Those that actually did create the internet give Gore praise for seeing what the internet was & pushing development in Congress.

Maybe you should put down the gun & read a freakin' book or something to become better informed.
What Gore helped do is ensure the Internet remain open. Something Republicans still want to sell to the highest bidder
It's just a conspiracy theory, don't ask so many questions

I'm not saying Trump made the tape himself or had it in his position, just that he knew it existed. I just find it suspicious that the tape appears now and not during the primaries

The Democrats have had it since the primaries. Of course they thought Trump would be the easiest to beat, so they sat on it until he got the nomination--not Trump.

The Democrats assumed that Hillary would be way ahead of Trump from the beginning, or as Hillary asked "Why am I not 50 points ahead right now?"

The only reason they brought it out is because they knew Trump was neck and neck with Hil-Liar. It's just another display of their desperation.
she and bill are afraid of doing rallies being 12 to 25 people are going to show up, and flip their T-Shirts inside out, and we all know what those T-Shirts are going to read.

Her use of the Trump tape is coming back to bite her in her fat ass just as I said it would.
I understand that you whiners think Trump's demeaning women & sexually assaulting them makes him a great candidate. But you ignore that it was Trump that first brought up Bill Clinton.

Think about that. Trump knows his reputation with women was horrible. He invited the groper tape to surface ^& then basically invited his past victims to come forward.

You can love him because he is a disgusting groper but this mess is because of his stupidity.
It amazes me that when Democrats run the first woman in history for President, Republicans choose a serial philanderer and molester

And as usual liberals make sex or skin color or some other "minority status" a quality for a job description.

MLK had a dream that the liberal BS would end one day, so far, no good.
As the right makes money a qualification

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, that is hilarious since Hillary is definitely a one percenter. A career of selling influence certainly has paid off for the Clintnons.
Wrong. Trump is the only one that had/has a chance. No matter who the pick would be the left smear machine would try to grind him down. Look at what they did to Romney. At least Trump is willing to fight back. Yes it does take an ego to do that but if you don't think Hillary has a swelled head you're pretty far gone.

I actually think Hillary is a scary, psychotic, warmongering wall street puppet and I would much rather see Trump in the oval office

But I just can't escape the impression that they're in it together. Why would Trump want to be pretzeldent, he doesn't like responsibility, he has never cared about political power and he sure as hell doesn't give a damn about ordinary people? It has to be an act, nobody could screw up his own campaign that much by accident


Trump likes being number one. The presidency is something he has hinted about all his life. He is not a second banana type guy. He also doesn't like failure. He will appoint poeple who will actually carry most of the load as will Hillary. The question becomes, who do you want running the country, people picked by corrupt Hillary based on how much money they gave the Clinton foundation. Or do you want Trump who appears to be realitively free of all outside influence, including his "own" Republican party.

Above all that the one singular issue that must not be given to Hillary are the SCOTUS nominations. No way we can let her decided the court for the next 30 years. NO WAY.
he's being influenced by pro Russian moles in his campaign....

And Once Again.....the Clintons get no money from the charity donation....the donations the Foundation gets is for CHARITY programs....

STOP the bull crud....

TRUMP is the crooked one, who DID use his charity as a SLUSH FUND....he's the CROOK....
It's just a conspiracy theory, don't ask so many questions

I'm not saying Trump made the tape himself or had it in his position, just that he knew it existed. I just find it suspicious that the tape appears now and not during the primaries

The Democrats have had it since the primaries. Of course they thought Trump would be the easiest to beat, so they sat on it until he got the nomination--not Trump.

The Democrats assumed that Hillary would be way ahead of Trump from the beginning, or as Hillary asked "Why am I not 50 points ahead right now?"

The only reason they brought it out is because they knew Trump was neck and neck with Hil-Liar. It's just another display of their desperation.

They released the recording when they did because of the email dump and how damaging that was to Hillary. Every second used to defend Trump is one less to be used to point out Hillary's flaws. I must say it worked pretty damn well for them.
Wrong. Trump is the only one that had/has a chance. No matter who the pick would be the left smear machine would try to grind him down. Look at what they did to Romney. At least Trump is willing to fight back. Yes it does take an ego to do that but if you don't think Hillary has a swelled head you're pretty far gone.

I actually think Hillary is a scary, psychotic, warmongering wall street puppet and I would much rather see Trump in the oval office

But I just can't escape the impression that they're in it together. Why would Trump want to be pretzeldent, he doesn't like responsibility, he has never cared about political power and he sure as hell doesn't give a damn about ordinary people? It has to be an act, nobody could screw up his own campaign that much by accident


Trump likes being number one. The presidency is something he has hinted about all his life. He is not a second banana type guy. He also doesn't like failure. He will appoint poeple who will actually carry most of the load as will Hillary. The question becomes, who do you want running the country, people picked by corrupt Hillary based on how much money they gave the Clinton foundation. Or do you want Trump who appears to be realitively free of all outside influence, including his "own" Republican party.

Above all that the one singular issue that must not be given to Hillary are the SCOTUS nominations. No way we can let her decided the court for the next 30 years. NO WAY.
he's being influence by pro Russian moles in his campaign....

And Once Again.....the Clintons get no money from their charity donation....the donations the Foundation gets is for CHARITY programs....

STOP the bull crud....

TRUMP is the crooked one, who DID use his charity as a SLUSH FUND....he's the CROOK....
LMFAO That's rich coming from a Helly sheep .. You know, the CORRUPT BIATCH who sold 1/4th of this nation's uranium to Russia for personal gain.. the same Russia your Podesta has ties to and has made money off of.. You fucking liberals are sooo pathetic now..

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