Where’s Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate?

Wrong. Trump is the only one that had/has a chance. No matter who the pick would be the left smear machine would try to grind him down. Look at what they did to Romney. At least Trump is willing to fight back. Yes it does take an ego to do that but if you don't think Hillary has a swelled head you're pretty far gone.

I actually think Hillary is a scary, psychotic, warmongering wall street puppet and I would much rather see Trump in the oval office

But I just can't escape the impression that they're in it together. Why would Trump want to be pretzeldent, he doesn't like responsibility, he has never cared about political power and he sure as hell doesn't give a damn about ordinary people? It has to be an act, nobody could screw up his own campaign that much by accident


Trump likes being number one. The presidency is something he has hinted about all his life. He is not a second banana type guy. He also doesn't like failure. He will appoint poeple who will actually carry most of the load as will Hillary. The question becomes, who do you want running the country, people picked by corrupt Hillary based on how much money they gave the Clinton foundation. Or do you want Trump who appears to be realitively free of all outside influence, including his "own" Republican party.

Above all that the one singular issue that must not be given to Hillary are the SCOTUS nominations. No way we can let her decided the court for the next 30 years. NO WAY.
he's being influenced by pro Russian moles in his campaign....

And Once Again.....the Clintons get no money from the charity donation....the donations the Foundation gets is for CHARITY programs....

STOP the bull crud....

TRUMP is the crooked one, who DID use his charity as a SLUSH FUND....he's the CROOK....

From the NYTs at the following location:

The problem is that it does not matter that no laws were broken, or that the Clinton Foundation is principally about doing good deeds. It does not matter that favoritism is inescapable in the federal government and that the Clinton Foundation stories are really nothing new. The appearances surrounding the foundation are problematic, and it is and will be an albatross around Mrs. Clinton’s neck.

Mrs. Clinton’s critics — many of whom have spent more than 20 years exploiting every opening the Clintons give them (of which there are many) — will continue to hound Mrs. Clinton about the foundation throughout the campaign and, should she win, during her presidency.

This is not the typical foundation funded by family wealth earned by an industrialist or financier. This foundation was funded almost entirely by donors, and to the extent anyone in the Clinton family “earned” the money, it was largely through speaking fees for former President Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton when she was not secretary of state. This dependence on donations — a scenario remarkably similar to that of many political campaigns — means that the motivations of every single donor will be questioned whenever a President Clinton does anything that could conceivably benefit such donors.

The Democrats have had it since the primaries. Of course they thought Trump would be the easiest to beat, so they sat on it until he got the nomination--not Trump.

The Democrats assumed that Hillary would be way ahead of Trump from the beginning, or as Hillary asked "Why am I not 50 points ahead right now?"

The only reason they brought it out is because they knew Trump was neck and neck with Hil-Liar. It's just another display of their desperation.

Bernie wouldn't need that tape to beat Trump. If the DNC had it during the primaries and didn't use it than it's only because they already knew Hillary would need it later. You're saying Trump isn't part of the strategy and I still say he is

It's just a conspiracy theory, don't ask so many questions

I'm not saying Trump made the tape himself or had it in his position, just that he knew it existed. I just find it suspicious that the tape appears now and not during the primaries

The Democrats have had it since the primaries. Of course they thought Trump would be the easiest to beat, so they sat on it until he got the nomination--not Trump.

The Democrats assumed that Hillary would be way ahead of Trump from the beginning, or as Hillary asked "Why am I not 50 points ahead right now?"

The only reason they brought it out is because they knew Trump was neck and neck with Hil-Liar. It's just another display of their desperation.

They released the recording when they did because of the email dump and how damaging that was to Hillary. Every second used to defend Trump is one less to be used to point out Hillary's flaws. I must say it worked pretty damn well for them.

That will be successful only up to the point of critical mass. Once enough information is released that exposes the criminal left - the sleeping bear of America shall be awakened. Ask Japan how it turned out for them...
They released the recording when they did because of the email dump and how damaging that was to Hillary. Every second used to defend Trump is one less to be used to point out Hillary's flaws. I must say it worked pretty damn well for them.

Yes it did.......for now. But it will wear off before long.
Bernie wouldn't need that tape to beat Trump. If the DNC had it during the primaries and didn't use it than it's only because they already knew Hillary would need it later. You're saying Trump isn't part of the strategy and I still say he is

They didn't think Hillary would need it either. It's just something they sat on until the time came. If Hillary was up 15 points ahead of Trump, they would have never brought the tape up.
The Democrats have had it since the primaries. Of course they thought Trump would be the easiest to beat, so they sat on it until he got the nomination--not Trump.

The Democrats assumed that Hillary would be way ahead of Trump from the beginning, or as Hillary asked "Why am I not 50 points ahead right now?"

The only reason they brought it out is because they knew Trump was neck and neck with Hil-Liar. It's just another display of their desperation.

Bernie wouldn't need that tape to beat Trump. If the DNC had it during the primaries and didn't use it than it's only because they already knew Hillary would need it later. You're saying Trump isn't part of the strategy and I still say he is

They didn't think Hillary would need it either. It's just something they sat on until the time came. If Hillary was up 15 points ahead of Trump, they would have never brought the tape up.

According to all those leaked emails they definately knew Hillary was damaged goods and that Trump was the only chance of getting the corrupt warmongering princess in the oval office

Because what Hillary has lied about are things that affect our country and security.

Right. Because clearly, our whole security is based on an e-mail that contained info that was reported in the public sector that someone decided to "classify" years after it was sent.

Why detract from Trump's current news coverage. Why not be prepared for that last debate. Can't wit for Trumps Final Meltdown 2016.

He can be entertaining, if you like SHOCK T.V.

He,s like a caged wild animal when he's cornered or losing, plans on bringing the RNC/GOP down with him, and more sore loser stuff with HILLARY, I'm sure....

Never seen such a low, down and dirty election....

Honestly, I can't wait until it is normal again....My heart can't take much more of this shock and awe....sigh.
Because what Hillary has lied about are things that affect our country and security.

Right. Because clearly, our whole security is based on an e-mail that contained info that was reported in the public sector that someone decided to "classify" years after it was sent.


Actually the emails just show here incompetence in dealing with foreign affairs, as if anyone needed more proof than Libya, Syria, Benghazi and every where else Hillary touched.
I'm moving in to the , ''I feel sorry for Trump mode'' though....and yes, I know he brought it on himself, from the moment he came down that escalator in trump tower, with his own continual, people bashing, and his own arrogance, and quite frankly his own mental disorders of narcissism.....and being a sex addict and yes, predator of sorts....

But I can't stand all of this coming out on him in such a public way.... it's deserving perhaps, but it still feels like I am watching a foreign soap opera or reality tv smut, which I simply deplore.
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Hillary is sick and playing possum since the last debate. I think she is in hiding preparing for the last debate trying desperately to sound like someone other than the political establishment insider. She needs to sound more human not like the Haitian rip off artist she really has been shown to be.

Where's Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate? - The American Mirror

Coming off the heels of two private fundraisers in California on Thursday, Clinton doesn’t have any public events scheduled between today and the final presidential debate on October 19.

she doesn't have to... .dumb donald is hanging himself. let him keep talking abut conspiracies between hillary clinton and paul ryan.

as if. :cuckoo:

oh yeah, and she actually preps for debate unlike the orange sociopath
I'm moving in to the , I feel sorry for Trump mode though....and yes, I know he brought it on himself, from the moment he came down that escalator in trump tower, with his own continual, people bashing, and his own arrogance, and quite frankly his own mental disorders of narcissism.....and being a sex addict and yes, predator of sorts....

But I can't stand all of this coming out on him in such a public way.... it's deserving perhaps, but it still feels like I am watching a foreign soap opera or reality tv smut, which I simply deplore.

i have no sympathy for the orange sociopath
He,s like a caged wild animal when he's cornered or losing, plans on bringing the RNC/GOP down with him, and more sore loser stuff with HILLARY, I'm sure....
It's a win-win for Trump.

If he were to win, great, he's President.

If he were to lose and destroy the GOP in the process, who cares, he's not a conservative anyway.

And look at all the HELP he's getting in DOING it.
I'm moving in to the , I feel sorry for Trump mode though....and yes, I know he brought it on himself, from the moment he came down that escalator in trump tower, with his own continual, people bashing, and his own arrogance, and quite frankly his own mental disorders of narcissism.....and being a sex addict and yes, predator of sorts....

But I can't stand all of this coming out on him in such a public way.... it's deserving perhaps, but it still feels like I am watching a foreign soap opera or reality tv smut, which I simply deplore.

i have no sympathy for the orange sociopath
I just want him to go away....
I'm moving in to the , I feel sorry for Trump mode though....and yes, I know he brought it on himself, from the moment he came down that escalator in trump tower, with his own continual, people bashing, and his own arrogance, and quite frankly his own mental disorders of narcissism.....and being a sex addict and yes, predator of sorts....

But I can't stand all of this coming out on him in such a public way.... it's deserving perhaps, but it still feels like I am watching a foreign soap opera or reality tv smut, which I simply deplore.

i have no sympathy for the orange sociopath
I just want him to go away....

he and racist loon bannon will start media company for the trumpsters after election day. he's not going anywhere. he just won't be able to launch nukes at people who insult him
Anonymous has her on the run over cho mo hubby.
Ahhhhhh, ........ummmmmm, anonymous would release a tape like that, RIGHT NOW, to get the topic and focus to change off of Trump and to their alleged video.....

They don't have a tape of Bill, you've been had.

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