Where’s Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate?

Right. Because clearly, our whole security is based on an e-mail that contained info that was reported in the public sector that someone decided to "classify" years after it was sent.


That's not what Comey testified to. He was told Hil-Liar claimed she never sent or received classified information on that server. Comey replied, no, that's not true, she did send and receive classified information.
Nope, he was not told what Hillary said or didn't say when he was being questioned on that, he was simply asked was there classified material etc, on her server.... and other questions surrounding that....

the TV ads Trump has running on that is deceiving, to say the least...along with the right wing meme on it.
Nope, he was not told what Hillary said or didn't say when he was being questioned on that, he was simply asked was there classified material etc, on her server.... and other questions surrounding that....

the TV ads Trump has running on that is deceiving, to say the least...along with the right wing meme on it.

Okay, here we go, once again. The VERY FIRST question asked:

I know where Hillary is!!!!

She's out and about flying with her cape on as a superhero defending innocent women from sex predators!!!!!

she and bill are afraid of doing rallies being 12 to 25 people are going to show up, and flip their T-Shirts inside out, and we all know what those T-Shirts are going to read.

Her use of the Trump tape is coming back to bite her in her fat ass just as I said it would.
only people with the same brain as a guinea pig are actually taking these late late accusations of Trump Groping seriously.

What a confession and 6 women coming forward is not enough for you....

There is another 8 allegations of him acting very inappropriately, like walking on women half naked and stuff...

He also confessed to that as well...

And his ex wife accused him of rape...

Why didn't they come forward years ago, or even last year before Trump was the nominee.....or even last month? Why mid October of an election year? What a bunch of BS
After his tape came out confirming what he did to them, in Donald's own voice and words, they were less afraid of lawsuits against them, and him mercilessly destroying them, as he does all the time and is known and proud of it.

Once that tape came out, and then Donald denied he did this in the debate...that was IT..... the straw that broke the camel's back....

And expect many more, there is safety in numbers...now that it is out in the open, more will come forward....some may be fakers, but most won't be...
What crime was that?

Using a personal unsecured server to store government information. Lying repeatedly to Congress under oath. Mishandling of confidential and classified material. Destroying evidence that was subpoenaed by Congress. Violating the Freedom of Information Act.
There was no properly marked classified information. List all those lies. Those files were supposed to be destroyed a long time prior & Hillary did not destroy them.

Where is the Crime?

Gowdy? The jackass who illegally altered FBI documents? That Trey Gowdy?

Every time you dipsticks are pressed to list lied you drag out the lying Gowdy.

1) Hillary Clinton never said she used just one device during her tenure.
2) Comey said there was no properly marked classified e-mails
3) Come said that the found deleted mails were likely lost during changing out equipment & not deliberately erased.

So really. what lies?
He took the initiative in Congress. Those that actually did create the internet give Gore praise for seeing what the internet was & pushing development in Congress.

Maybe you should put down the gun & read a freakin' book or something to become better informed.

Maybe you should learn to understand the English Language: I TOOK THE INITIATIVE IN CREATING THE INTERNET!
Look, he did not say he "invented" He said he helped create it through his actions in Congress.
But to be fair to Gore, his statement referenced what he had done in Congress. The Internet was the commercialization of the work done at DOD, and by most accounts, Gore’s efforts had some impact. He was the prime sponsor of the 1991 High-Performance Computing and Communications Act, generally known as the Gore bill, which allocated $600 million for high-performance computing. Gore, who waged a two-year battle to get the bill passed, popularized the term “the Information Superhighway.”

The Gore legislation helped fund the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, where the Mosaic Web browser was first developed by a team of programmers that included Netscape founder Marc Andreessen. While it is sometimes difficult to pinpoint the impact of federal funding, Andreessen said Gore’s bill made a difference during a 2000 interview with the Industry Standard: “If it had been left to private industry, it wouldn’t have happened, at least, not until years later.”
Wrong. Trump is the only one that had/has a chance. No matter who the pick would be the left smear machine would try to grind him down. Look at what they did to Romney. At least Trump is willing to fight back. Yes it does take an ego to do that but if you don't think Hillary has a swelled head you're pretty far gone.

I actually think Hillary is a scary, psychotic, warmongering wall street puppet and I would much rather see Trump in the oval office

But I just can't escape the impression that they're in it together. Why would Trump want to be pretzeldent, he doesn't like responsibility, he has never cared about political power and he sure as hell doesn't give a damn about ordinary people? It has to be an act, nobody could screw up his own campaign that much by accident


Trump likes being number one. The presidency is something he has hinted about all his life. He is not a second banana type guy. He also doesn't like failure. He will appoint poeple who will actually carry most of the load as will Hillary. The question becomes, who do you want running the country, people picked by corrupt Hillary based on how much money they gave the Clinton foundation. Or do you want Trump who appears to be realitively free of all outside influence, including his "own" Republican party.

Above all that the one singular issue that must not be given to Hillary are the SCOTUS nominations. No way we can let her decided the court for the next 30 years. NO WAY.
he's being influence by pro Russian moles in his campaign....

And Once Again.....the Clintons get no money from their charity donation....the donations the Foundation gets is for CHARITY programs....

STOP the bull crud....

TRUMP is the crooked one, who DID use his charity as a SLUSH FUND....he's the CROOK....
LMFAO That's rich coming from a Helly sheep .. You know, the CORRUPT BIATCH who sold 1/4th of this nation's uranium to Russia for personal gain.. the same Russia your Podesta has ties to and has made money off of.. You fucking liberals are sooo pathetic now..
Hillary sold that uranium? Really? She was one of nine people who had veto power over the deal that the President could over ride.
Well, I hope not. This country needs (at least) two strong, serious, national parties.

While this sure has been fascinating to watch, I don't think it's good overall for our political system.

I think our system is Fd no matter how you look at it. We have people voting that can barely spell their names yet alone understand issues and politics.

Until we get a voting system where only people who understand issues and what's going on be allowed to vote, nothing will change. The politicians will pander to the stupid to win their votes.
From a prime example.
Nope, he was not told what Hillary said or didn't say when he was being questioned on that, he was simply asked was there classified material etc, on her server.... and other questions surrounding that....

the TV ads Trump has running on that is deceiving, to say the least...along with the right wing meme on it.

Okay, here we go, once again. The VERY FIRST question asked:

Later clarified that these were no properly marked.
Actually the emails just show here incompetence in dealing with foreign affairs, as if anyone needed more proof than Libya, Syria, Benghazi and every where else Hillary touched.

Because those places would have been just fine with John "Bomb Iran" McCain in charge?

No Public Events, but maybe a few "Empty The Cath Bags" events are coming.
Your kind has been making up shyte about Hillary for years, and all you got to show for it is a lady who is destroying Trump in the polls. be proud, honey bunch

You mean, she should be destroying Trump, but she isn't. Too many people fed up with the Washington establishment. Hillary can't shake Trump because she is a flawed, very flawed candidate whose only support are those who would never vote for anyone other than the establishment pick.
Screen Shot 2016-10-15 at 1.16.43 PM.png

It’s over. Even Drumpf knows
Look, he did not say he "invented" He said he helped create it through his actions in Congress.

No, let's try this again. He said "I took the initiative in creating the internet." That's what he said. I (meaning one person) created (meaning making something from nothing) the internet. This is simple English language. Words have meanings.

Gowdy? The jackass who illegally altered FBI documents? That Trey Gowdy?

Every time you dipsticks are pressed to list lied you drag out the lying Gowdy.

1) Hillary Clinton never said she used just one device during her tenure.
2) Comey said there was no properly marked classified e-mails
3) Come said that the found deleted mails were likely lost during changing out equipment & not deliberately erased.

So really. what lies?

Gowdy simply asked the questions. It was Comey that answered them. Gowdy didn't make up the answers.
There was no properly marked classified information. List all those lies. Those files were supposed to be destroyed a long time prior & Hillary did not destroy them.

Where is the Crime?

According to Gowdy, yes there was. He testified to that under Congressional oath. Again, the very first question:

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said she did not send or receive classified emails, was that true?
Comey: Secretary Clinton sent (interrupted by Gowdy)
Gowdy: was that true or not?
Comey: No, that's what I said.

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