Where’s Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate?

It's a win-win for Trump.

If he were to win, great, he's President.

If he were to lose and destroy the GOP in the process, who cares, he's not a conservative anyway.

And look at all the HELP he's getting in DOING it.

Trump already destroyed the GOP, just like Frankenstein they created a monster and then it went out of control, seeking revenge on it's creator. It will never be back to business as usual for the GOP, nobody will ever take them serious anymore after this

It's a win-win for Trump. If he were to win, great, he's President. If he were to lose and destroy the GOP in the process, who cares, he's not a conservative anyway. And look at all the HELP he's getting in DOING it..
Trump already destroyed the GOP, just like Frankenstein they created a monster and then it went out of control, seeking revenge on it's creator. It will never be back to business as usual for the GOP, nobody will ever take them serious anymore after this.
Well, I hope not. This country needs (at least) two strong, serious, national parties.

While this sure has been fascinating to watch, I don't think it's good overall for our political system.
Well, I hope not. This country needs (at least) two strong, serious, national parties.

While this sure has been fascinating to watch, I don't think it's good overall for our political system.

I disagree, it's excellent for your political "system". What would make it perfect is if the democratic party is destroyed too but I guess a few years of Hillary in the white house will take care of that.

Maybe then you can actually get a real democratic system instead of a corrupt oligarchy but I don't have high hopes for that. I think you need another revolution instead.

Hillary is sick and playing possum since the last debate. I think she is in hiding preparing for the last debate trying desperately to sound like someone other than the political establishment insider. She needs to sound more human not like the Haitian rip off artist she really has been shown to be.

Where's Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate? - The American Mirror

Coming off the heels of two private fundraisers in California on Thursday, Clinton doesn’t have any public events scheduled between today and the final presidential debate on October 19.

hooked up to IVs, oxygen, and lots of meds. the woman is very sick. Anyone who votes for her is voting to put the idiot Kaine in the whitehouse.
Anonymous has her on the run over cho mo hubby.
Ahhhhhh, ........ummmmmm, anonymous would release a tape like that, RIGHT NOW, to get the topic and focus to change off of Trump and to their alleged video.....

They don't have a tape of Bill, you've been had.
Coming out the November 1. Show me where Anonymous has been wrong in past? They have not. Be afraid...be very afraid for Billary power whore cabal.
Well, I hope not. This country needs (at least) two strong, serious, national parties.

While this sure has been fascinating to watch, I don't think it's good overall for our political system.

I disagree, it's excellent for your political "system". What would make it perfect is if the democratic party is destroyed too but I guess a few years of Hillary in the white house will take care of that.

Maybe then you can actually get a real democratic system instead of a corrupt oligarchy but I don't have high hopes for that. I think you need another revolution instead.

That revolt is called "Make America Great Again."
Hillary is sick and playing possum since the last debate. I think she is in hiding preparing for the last debate trying desperately to sound like someone other than the political establishment insider. She needs to sound more human not like the Haitian rip off artist she really has been shown to be.

Where's Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate? - The American Mirror

Coming off the heels of two private fundraisers in California on Thursday, Clinton doesn’t have any public events scheduled between today and the final presidential debate on October 19.

hooked up to IVs, oxygen, and lots of meds. the woman is very sick. Anyone who votes for her is voting to put the idiot Kaine in the whitehouse.
They are the most secretive campaign ever. Why?
That revolt is called "Make America Great Again."

Eh no, that's just the slogan of the egotrip of the narcisstic, orange pussy grabber. Revolutions against the establishment really aren't led by billionaires with their own airplane and golden penthouses comrade

My thoughts are, the election is already won for demorcrats electorally. I think the more clinton presents herself to the public, the less people like her. Also, in addition to still recuperating from the last debate, she is probably being coached to memorize the questions and answers that have already been given to her for the next debate.
Anonymous has her on the run over cho mo hubby.
Ahhhhhh, ........ummmmmm, anonymous would release a tape like that, RIGHT NOW, to get the topic and focus to change off of Trump and to their alleged video.....

They don't have a tape of Bill, you've been had.
Coming out the November 1. Show me where Anonymous has been wrong in past? They have not. Be afraid...be very afraid for Billary power whore cabal.

They better be careful what they wish for . This hillary character will sell this country out for a few donations to the foundation.
She's no Reality TV Star, that's for certain....she's a straight face, serious, all work and no play, type of person.............boring! Perfect for President! :D
It is sad that you actually believe this.
I do believe it!

She's wanted to be president or the first woman president all of her life, even if she didn't know it yet, her college friends thought she would be, some day...and this was before she dated Bill....

She's an extremely hard worker and takes pride in learning all that is out there to learn on any given topic and any given issue....very thorough....

When she was in the Senate and on the different committees including the intelligence committee, ALL, every single one, of the Republicans on these committees said Hillary was smart, took the time to get to know the issues in depth, and worked with them, to get the job done...she was a good Senator....

it was only when she went to work with Obama as his Secretary of State, did they turn on her for political posturing reasons...
Republicans in Washington are, by and large, morons who worship at the altar of bipartisanship just for the sake of being able to say they did.

Democrats are the ones who decided to be completely anti-right wing.
You're dreaming! Or live in an alternative universe! Or, you are too young to actually know and remember! ;) but you are wayyy wrong on this...the Republicans are the ones that were 100% anti Democrats and anti Clinton and played the same hateful tactics they use right now....with one dog and pony show investigation after another with faux press leaks, all using my tax dollars for their political posturing campaign....I shouldn't have to pay for such shenanigans! Dems have tried to learn from the R's tactics, but are no where near as good at it!!! The R's have managed to brainwash through their right wing internet propaganda media machines.... :D So much better than the left wing media, which just tip toes in a politically correct manner....
Hillary is sick and playing possum since the last debate. I think she is in hiding preparing for the last debate trying desperately to sound like someone other than the political establishment insider. She needs to sound more human not like the Haitian rip off artist she really has been shown to be.

Where's Hillary? No public events until 10/19 debate? - The American Mirror

Coming off the heels of two private fundraisers in California on Thursday, Clinton doesn’t have any public events scheduled between today and the final presidential debate on October 19.

Right now she could sleep through the rest of the campaign--and show up the day after the election and it wouldn't matter. You're still going to get this or worse on election night.


You wanted this clown, now you own it and everything that comes with it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen
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You're dreaming! Or live in an alternative universe! Or, you are too young to actually know and remember! ;) but you are wayyy wrong on this...the Republicans are the ones that were 100% anti Democrats and anti Clinton and played the same hateful tactics they use right now....with one dog and pony show investigation after another with faux press leaks, all using my tax dollars for their political posturing campaign....I shouldn't have to pay for such shenanigans! Dems have tried to learn from the R's tactics, but are no where near as good at it!!! The R's have managed to brainwash through their right wing internet propaganda media machines.... :D So much better than the left wing media, which just tip toes in a politically correct manner....

Well, I hope not. This country needs (at least) two strong, serious, national parties.

While this sure has been fascinating to watch, I don't think it's good overall for our political system.

I think our system is Fd no matter how you look at it. We have people voting that can barely spell their names yet alone understand issues and politics.

Until we get a voting system where only people who understand issues and what's going on be allowed to vote, nothing will change. The politicians will pander to the stupid to win their votes.
she and bill are afraid of doing rallies being 12 to 25 people are going to show up, and flip their T-Shirts inside out, and we all know what those T-Shirts are going to read.

Her use of the Trump tape is coming back to bite her in her fat ass just as I said it would.
only people with the same brain as a guinea pig are actually taking these late late accusations of Trump Groping seriously.

What a confession and 6 women coming forward is not enough for you....

There is another 8 allegations of him acting very inappropriately, like walking on women half naked and stuff...

He also confessed to that as well...

And his ex wife accused him of rape...
Anonymous has her on the run over cho mo hubby.
Ahhhhhh, ........ummmmmm, anonymous would release a tape like that, RIGHT NOW, to get the topic and focus to change off of Trump and to their alleged video.....

They don't have a tape of Bill, you've been had.
Coming out the November 1. Show me where Anonymous has been wrong in past? They have not. Be afraid...be very afraid for Billary power whore cabal.
they've had alleged bombshells to come out ads all season long....WHERE ARE THEY?

This year has been a total ANONYMOUS flop....I don't know if they have someone new at Anonymous putting this B.S. out there with their ''COMING SOON TO A THEATER NEAR YOU'' drum roll, and never producing.
Right. Because clearly, our whole security is based on an e-mail that contained info that was reported in the public sector that someone decided to "classify" years after it was sent.


That's not what Comey testified to. He was told Hil-Liar claimed she never sent or received classified information on that server. Comey replied, no, that's not true, she did send and receive classified information.
she and bill are afraid of doing rallies being 12 to 25 people are going to show up, and flip their T-Shirts inside out, and we all know what those T-Shirts are going to read.

Her use of the Trump tape is coming back to bite her in her fat ass just as I said it would.
only people with the same brain as a guinea pig are actually taking these late late accusations of Trump Groping seriously.

What a confession and 6 women coming forward is not enough for you....

There is another 8 allegations of him acting very inappropriately, like walking on women half naked and stuff...

He also confessed to that as well...

And his ex wife accused him of rape...

Why didn't they come forward years ago, or even last year before Trump was the nominee.....or even last month? Why mid October of an election year? What a bunch of BS

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