Where's my Global Warming!

Left wing nut job think tank.... To funny you post that garbage as proof! It even quotes Cook Et Al as if it has some basis in fact....

Strange that oil wells are included in your pic concerning climate change.

Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.


Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Consensus

Love the Hat tip to Cook Et Al... But its still crap... I am stunned that even with the Paper by Legates Et Al showing the deceptions ans lies you still 'BELIEVE'.... INSANITY: The behavior that ends badly, constantly repeated with the same result, but done anyway expecting a different result.
And they refuse to see the trend that is now 19 years long without warming and 13 years of cooling. Unless you buy cricks or old goats pot of crap adjusted data. When you lie you will always BE FOUND OUT..

No, you see the latest propaganda now is that it's getting colder BECAUSE of global warming.

Here, I'll post this again for ya. Hope it helps.

What is the relationship between weather and climate?

Weather is what’s happening outside the door right now; today a snowstorm or a thunderstorm is approaching. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over decades.
And they refuse to see the trend that is now 19 years long without warming and 13 years of cooling. Unless you buy cricks or old goats pot of crap adjusted data. When you lie you will always BE FOUND OUT..

No, you see the latest propaganda now is that it's getting colder BECAUSE of global warming.

Here, I'll post this again for ya. Hope it helps.

What is the relationship between weather and climate?

Weather is what’s happening outside the door right now; today a snowstorm or a thunderstorm is approaching. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over decades.

Here I'll fix that for you.

Weather is when it's colder than normal and doesn't support the global warming cult kooks. Climate, on the other hand, is when it's hotter than normal and is therefore indisputable proof.
And they refuse to see the trend that is now 19 years long without warming and 13 years of cooling. Unless you buy cricks or old goats pot of crap adjusted data. When you lie you will always BE FOUND OUT..

No, you see the latest propaganda now is that it's getting colder BECAUSE of global warming.

Here, I'll post this again for ya. Hope it helps.

What is the relationship between weather and climate?

Weather is what’s happening outside the door right now; today a snowstorm or a thunderstorm is approaching. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over decades.

Here I'll fix that for you.

Weather is when it's colder than normal and doesn't support the global warming cult kooks. Climate, on the other hand, is when it's hotter than normal and is therefore indisputable proof.

Strange, that's not what scientists are saying. Since you're smarter than 97% of the scientists, do you mind telling me where you got your degree?
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And they refuse to see the trend that is now 19 years long without warming and 13 years of cooling. Unless you buy cricks or old goats pot of crap adjusted data. When you lie you will always BE FOUND OUT..

No, you see the latest propaganda now is that it's getting colder BECAUSE of global warming.

Here, I'll post this again for ya. Hope it helps.

What is the relationship between weather and climate?

Weather is what’s happening outside the door right now; today a snowstorm or a thunderstorm is approaching. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over decades.

Here I'll fix that for you.

Weather is when it's colder than normal and doesn't support the global warming cult kooks. Climate, on the other hand, is when it's hotter than normal and is therefore indisputable proof.

Strange, that's not what scientists are saying. Since you're smarter than 99% of the scientists, do you mind telling me where you got your degree?
Now its 99%... So you lie better than Cook Et Al and his 97%... I wonder where you pulled that fecal number from?

And cold weather confuses you?

It’s Cold and My Car is Buried in Snow. Is Global Warming Really Happening?


What is the relationship between weather and climate?

Weather is what’s happening outside the door right now; today a snowstorm or a thunderstorm is approaching. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over decades.

It s Cold and My Car is Buried in Snow. Is Global Warming Really Happening Union of Concerned Scientists

And they refuse to see the trend that is now 19 years long without warming and 13 years of cooling. Unless you buy cricks or old goats pot of crap adjusted data. When you lie you will always BE FOUND OUT..

Really, Billy Boob. 13 years of cooling?

10 Warmest Years on Record Globally Climate Central


Really, Billy Boob. 13 years of cooling?

10 Warmest Years on Record Globally Climate Central

You really are a moron. Presenting fabricated and adjusted data for your graph. Your not worth the time to go out and pull the unadjusted data and show you your a liar..

You are the definition of a real climate DENIER... Remove the +1.27 deg C adjustment over the last 12 years and you got nothin... Last month alone they added 0.77Deg C to keep the lie alive. This month it will have to be almost a full 2 deg C..

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And they refuse to see the trend that is now 19 years long without warming and 13 years of cooling. Unless you buy cricks or old goats pot of crap adjusted data. When you lie you will always BE FOUND OUT..

No, you see the latest propaganda now is that it's getting colder BECAUSE of global warming.

As a matter of fact.

Jennifer is a left wing hack. Her papers are questionable at best and her understanding of thermal dynamics is 3rd rate.. I wouldn't show it to any student.
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I don't think you get it, global warming is just a name. Call it man made climate change. Call it anything you like. The extremes in weather are part of this, like when here in Denver, we get mild warm dry weather for weeks and suddenly we get plunged into a frozen arctic cold in a matter of hours. That has never happened in my lifetime. But on average, it's been getting warmer and drier. Hence the name. That is also something I have noticed in my long life here in the queen city on the plains.

Really, Billy Boob. 13 years of cooling?

10 Warmest Years on Record Globally Climate Central

You really are a moron. Presenting fabricated and adjusted data for your graph. Your not worth the time to go out and pull the unadjusted data and show you your a liar..

You are the definition of a real climate DENIER... Remove the +1.27 deg C adjustment over the last 12 years and you got nothin... Last month alone they added 0.77Deg C to keep the lie alive. This month it will have to be almost a full 2 deg C..


Now, now, liar Billy Boob. What you are saying is that there is an international conspiracy involving hundreds of thousands of scientists from every nation, culture, and political system on Earth. And how much did you want for that bridge in Brooklyne?
And they refuse to see the trend that is now 19 years long without warming and 13 years of cooling. Unless you buy cricks or old goats pot of crap adjusted data. When you lie you will always BE FOUND OUT..

No, you see the latest propaganda now is that it's getting colder BECAUSE of global warming.

As a matter of fact.

Jennifer is a left wing hack. Her papers are questionable at best and her understanding of thermal dynamics is 3rd rate..

LOL. Dr. Jennifer Francis is a Phd in Meteorology. Did you even finish the third grade, Billy Boob?
Now, now, liar Billy Boob. What you are saying is that there is an international conspiracy involving hundreds of thousands of scientists from every nation, culture, and political system on Earth. And how much did you want for that bridge in Brooklyne?

You deal in lies... I deal in facts.. You are so delusional you think your lies are facts..
Now, now, liar Billy Boob. What you are saying is that there is an international conspiracy involving hundreds of thousands of scientists from every nation, culture, and political system on Earth. And how much did you want for that bridge in Brooklyne?

You deal in lies... I deal in facts.. You are so delusional you think your lies are facts..

This is the kind of thing I deal in:

Changes in Snowmelt Runoff Timing in Western North America under a Business as Usual Climate Change Scenario - Springer


Spring snowmelt is the most important contribution of many rivers in western North America. If climate changes, this contribution may change. A shift in the timing of springtime snowmelt towards earlier in the year already is observed during 1948–2000 in many western rivers. Streamflow timingchanges for the 1995–2099 period are projected using regression relationsbetween observed streamflow-timing responses in each river, measured by the temporal centroid of streamflow (CT) each year, and local temperature (TI) and precipitation (PI) indices. Under 21st century warming trends predicted by the Parallel Climate Model (PCM) under business-as-usual greenhouse-gas emissions, streamflow timing trends across much of western North America suggest even earlier springtime snowmelt than observed to date. Projected CT changes are consistent with observed rates and directions of change during the past five decades, and are strongest in the Pacific Northwest, Sierra Nevada, and Rocky Mountains, where many rivers eventually run 30–40 daysearlier. The modest PI changes projected by PCM yield minimal CT changes. The responses of CT to the simultaneous effects of projected TI and PI trends are dominated by the TI changes. Regression-based CT projections agree with those from physically-based simulations of rivers in the Pacific Northwest and Sierra Nevada.
And this;

Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants Abstract Nature

Over the past 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by approximately 0.6 °C and is projected to continue to rise at a rapid rate1. Although species have responded to climatic changes throughout their evolutionary history2, a primary concern for wild species and their ecosystems is this rapid rate of change3. We gathered information on species and global warming from 143 studies for our meta-analyses. These analyses reveal a consistent temperature-related shift, or 'fingerprint', in species ranging from molluscs to mammals and from grasses to trees. Indeed, more than 80% of the species that show changes are shifting in the direction expected on the basis of known physiological constraints of species. Consequently, the balance of evidence from these studies strongly suggests that a significant impact of global warming is already discernible in animal and plant populations. The synergism of rapid temperature rise and other stresses, in particular habitat destruction, could easily disrupt the connectedness among species and lead to a reformulation of species communities, reflecting differential changes in species, and to numerous extirpations and possibly extinctions.
Real scientists doing real science, not the inane flap-yapping of a boob.

Surface air temperature and its changes over the past 150 years - Jones - 2010 - Reviews of Geophysics - Wiley Online Library

We review the surface air temperature record of the past 150 years, considering the homogeneity of the basic data and the standard errors of estimation of the average hemispheric and global estimates. We present global fields of surface temperature change over the two 20-year periods of greatest warming this century, 1925–1944 and 1978–1997. Over these periods, global temperatures rose by 0.37° and 0.32°C, respectively. The twentieth-century warming has been accompanied by a decrease in those areas of the world affected by exceptionally cool temperatures and to a lesser extent by increases in areas affected by exceptionally warm temperatures. In recent decades there have been much greater increases in night minimum temperatures than in day maximum temperatures, so that over 1950–1993 the diurnal temperature range has decreased by 0.08°C per decade. We discuss the recent divergence of surface and satellite temperature measurements of the lower troposphere and consider the last 150 years in the context of the last millennium. We then provide a globally complete absolute surface air temperature climatology on a 1° × 1° grid. This is primarily based on data for 1961–1990. Extensive interpolation had to be undertaken over both polar regions and in a few other regions where basic data are scarce, but we believe the climatology is the most consistent and reliable of absolute surface air temperature conditions over the world. The climatology indicates that the annual average surface temperature of the world is 14.0°C (14.6°C in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and 13.4°C for the Southern Hemisphere). The annual cycle of global mean temperatures follows that of the land-dominated NH, with a maximum in July of 15.9°C and a minimum in January of 12.2°C.
View attachment 34042

I guess the north American continent is just nothing and the rest of the world is burning up...
Silly little ass, North America is less than 2% of the Earth's surface. And the rest of the world has had a rather warm year, as has many parts of North America.

There's slim chance of ever having a rational discussion about Climate Change with someone named Billy Bob.

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