Where's my Global Warming!

Because the majority of scientists say Climate Change is man made.
so they re automatically right, right! You just blindly follow it. Your choice. But when they come for your pocket book and the temperatures are still the same in five more years, you will hear the words, I told you so loud and clear. Just makes you a fool. I see you would never get a second opinion on a medical procedure, you would just accept your fate. LOL foolish pattern there.

Absolutely. If I see 100 doctors and 99 of them tell me I have cancer, I'm going to get my affairs in order.

There are no scientist coming for my wallet, you irrational boob.

When you finish your degree in science, shoot me an IM.
Nope, but the people for who they work for will!!! If they have their way. Me, I'm going to kic and scream a very long time as loudly as possible before that happens and then all I want from you is a thank you!!!

Cancer is a known ailment, pick something like a virus, ewwww, there's a good one, was there really an ebola virus in the US?

Now you're just getting silly and irrational. I gotta go back to work.

but I'm right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you got your degree from?
You are a fool. Simple as that.. You believe anything your masters tell you..

Nope, sorry, I'm going with the "real" scientists on this one.
Well since you're not a scientist how do you know they are correct? Why don't you ask those smart intelligent scientist to provide the experiment that shows that adding 120 PPM of CO2 to the atmosphere changes temperature? Or don't you look for evidence of things people tell you and instead just believe?

BTW, check out Herr Koch and his 1901 experiment that proves the real science.

RealClimate A Saturated Gassy Argument
read it already, Herr Koch 1901 did the experiment and proved adding CO2 does not cause anything to happen. Read it!! I know you didn't.

Herr Koch has been outdone with new technology, and more educated scientists.
who didn't disprove at all his experiment. Try again.

Edit: As a matter a fact, if you read the material, they found that water vapor was needed in order to get warmth in the atmosphere. REad it, it's there. So CO2 does absolutely nothing, and yet you believe those who hide their work. BTW, that isn't science like behavior. That alone should give you a clue of the sneaky climate haters.
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so they re automatically right, right! You just blindly follow it. Your choice. But when they come for your pocket book and the temperatures are still the same in five more years, you will hear the words, I told you so loud and clear. Just makes you a fool. I see you would never get a second opinion on a medical procedure, you would just accept your fate. LOL foolish pattern there.

Absolutely. If I see 100 doctors and 99 of them tell me I have cancer, I'm going to get my affairs in order.

There are no scientist coming for my wallet, you irrational boob.

When you finish your degree in science, shoot me an IM.
Nope, but the people for who they work for will!!! If they have their way. Me, I'm going to kic and scream a very long time as loudly as possible before that happens and then all I want from you is a thank you!!!

Cancer is a known ailment, pick something like a virus, ewwww, there's a good one, was there really an ebola virus in the US?

Now you're just getting silly and irrational. I gotta go back to work.

but I'm right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you got your degree from?
why do I need a degree? It's a piece of paper. I have knowledge from experience in life and know when someone is trying to lie to me. I also learned through my education to do research and never blindly believe someone who tells me something without proof. But you do, good for you, but that is a failure methodology.
This journal letter talks about people like jc. It points out how deniers auto-declare that any refutations of their conspiracy kookery are proof of even more conspiracies against them.


Naturally, the deniers are auto-declaring how that journal letter is further proof of a conspiracy against them.

As this part of the letter indicates, it's important to let everyone know just how few the deniers are, and how they make a noise which is vastly out of proportion to their numbers.
In a representative Australian sample, (Leviston et al 2013b) found that only around 6% of respondents denied that climate change was happening, whereas the publicʼs estimate of the prevalence of that opinion was in excess of 20%—more than three times greater. Conversely, the prevalence of the majority opinion (agreement with the scientific consensus; just over 50%), was considerably under-estimated (by 15% or more). Given the well-known linkage between the perception of a consensus and actual opinion (e.g., Lewandowsky et al 2013b), peopleʼs mis-calibration of the perceived public-opinion landscape—in particular the inflation of a small minority into 1/5 of the population—raises the possibility that peopleʼs attitudes are disproportionately shaped by a small but very vocal minority. It must be of particular concern that the scientific community does not appear to be immune to such misperceptions. There is some evidence that 'skeptical' voices are affecting—and arguably distorting—the course of climate science and the communication of its findings (Freudenburg and Muselli 2010, Brysse et al 2013).
This journal letter talks about people like jc. It points out how deniers auto-declare that any refutations of their conspiracy kookery are proof of even more conspiracies against them.

Conspiratory fascination versus public interest the case of climategate - IOPscience

Naturally, the deniers are auto-declaring how that journal letter is further proof of a conspiracy against them.

As this part of the letter indicates, it's important to let everyone know just how few the deniers are, and how they make a noise which is vastly out of proportion to their numbers.
In a representative Australian sample, (Leviston et al 2013b) found that only around 6% of respondents denied that climate change was happening, whereas the publicʼs estimate of the prevalence of that opinion was in excess of 20%—more than three times greater. Conversely, the prevalence of the majority opinion (agreement with the scientific consensus; just over 50%), was considerably under-estimated (by 15% or more). Given the well-known linkage between the perception of a consensus and actual opinion (e.g., Lewandowsky et al 2013b), peopleʼs mis-calibration of the perceived public-opinion landscape—in particular the inflation of a small minority into 1/5 of the population—raises the possibility that peopleʼs attitudes are disproportionately shaped by a small but very vocal minority. It must be of particular concern that the scientific community does not appear to be immune to such misperceptions. There is some evidence that 'skeptical' voices are affecting—and arguably distorting—the course of climate science and the communication of its findings (Freudenburg and Muselli 2010, Brysse et al 2013).
that link merely points to your fear of me and those like me, because you know we're right. Thanks!!!
jc, when I pointed out how you auto-define everything as a conspiracy against you, it probably wasn't the wisest move on your part to instantly confirm my point.
You are a fool. Simple as that.. You believe anything your masters tell you..

Nope, sorry, I'm going with the "real" scientists on this one.
Well since you're not a scientist how do you know they are correct? Why don't you ask those smart intelligent scientist to provide the experiment that shows that adding 120 PPM of CO2 to the atmosphere changes temperature? Or don't you look for evidence of things people tell you and instead just believe?

BTW, check out Herr Koch and his 1901 experiment that proves the real science.

Because the majority of scientists say Climate Change is man made.
so they re automatically right, right! You just blindly follow it. Your choice. But when they come for your pocket book and the temperatures are still the same in five more years, you will hear the words, I told you so loud and clear. Just makes you a fool. I see you would never get a second opinion on a medical procedure, you would just accept your fate. LOL foolish pattern there.

Absolutely. If I see 100 doctors and 99 of them tell me I have cancer, I'm going to get my affairs in order.

There are no scientist coming for my wallet, you irrational boob.

When you finish your degree in science, shoot me an IM.
One other point, if 11 out of 12 jurors vote guilty to someone on trial, are they guilty?
jc, when I pointed out how you auto-define everything as a conspiracy against you, it probably wasn't the wisest move on your part to instantly confirm my point.
dude, dudette, i don't care what you write. you're a k00k, and as a k00k I don't have to say anymore than that for you.
Absolutely. If I see 100 doctors and 99 of them tell me I have cancer, I'm going to get my affairs in order.

There are no scientist coming for my wallet, you irrational boob.

When you finish your degree in science, shoot me an IM.
Nope, but the people for who they work for will!!! If they have their way. Me, I'm going to kic and scream a very long time as loudly as possible before that happens and then all I want from you is a thank you!!!

Cancer is a known ailment, pick something like a virus, ewwww, there's a good one, was there really an ebola virus in the US?

Now you're just getting silly and irrational. I gotta go back to work.

but I'm right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you got your degree from?
why do I need a degree? It's a piece of paper. I have knowledge from experience in life and know when someone is trying to lie to me. I also learned through my education to do research and never blindly believe someone who tells me something without proof. But you do, good for you, but that is a failure methodology.

Nope, sorry, I'm going with the "real" scientists on this one.
Well since you're not a scientist how do you know they are correct? Why don't you ask those smart intelligent scientist to provide the experiment that shows that adding 120 PPM of CO2 to the atmosphere changes temperature? Or don't you look for evidence of things people tell you and instead just believe?

BTW, check out Herr Koch and his 1901 experiment that proves the real science.

Because the majority of scientists say Climate Change is man made.
so they re automatically right, right! You just blindly follow it. Your choice. But when they come for your pocket book and the temperatures are still the same in five more years, you will hear the words, I told you so loud and clear. Just makes you a fool. I see you would never get a second opinion on a medical procedure, you would just accept your fate. LOL foolish pattern there.

Absolutely. If I see 100 doctors and 99 of them tell me I have cancer, I'm going to get my affairs in order.

There are no scientist coming for my wallet, you irrational boob.

When you finish your degree in science, shoot me an IM.
One other point, if 11 out of 12 jurors vote guilty to someone on trial, are they guilty?

Are you one of the jurors?
I give up, how many people confuse global warming with religion? Besides, global warming is more about overall long-term climate changes, and some of the short term effects are drastic extreme weather changes. Like here in Denver, we went from 55 degrees to 20 degrees or so in a few short hours Monday 11/10/14 . In my life, I have never seen this before, ever. But on average, the weather has been getting drier and warmer. It isn't a religion taken on faith, it's a fact to be observed.
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And cold weather confuses you?

It’s Cold and My Car is Buried in Snow. Is Global Warming Really Happening?


What is the relationship between weather and climate?

Weather is what’s happening outside the door right now; today a snowstorm or a thunderstorm is approaching. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over decades.

It s Cold and My Car is Buried in Snow. Is Global Warming Really Happening Union of Concerned Scientists
Yes I am.. and your point?

No you're not, Billyboob. You use Breitfart as your scientific research.
You are a fool. Simple as that.. You believe anything your masters tell you..

Nope, sorry, I'm going with the "real" scientists on this one.
Well since you're not a scientist how do you know they are correct? Why don't you ask those smart intelligent scientist to provide the experiment that shows that adding 120 PPM of CO2 to the atmosphere changes temperature? Or don't you look for evidence of things people tell you and instead just believe?

BTW, check out Herr Koch and his 1901 experiment that proves the real science.

Because the majority of scientists say Climate Change is man made.
A.... that would be NO... If you believe Cook Et al and his fabrications you would buy this crap.. But in real life...

less than 1% actually attributed all warming to man and Cook was shown a deceiver which is much worse than any one you call a denier.

And cold weather confuses you?

It’s Cold and My Car is Buried in Snow. Is Global Warming Really Happening?


What is the relationship between weather and climate?

Weather is what’s happening outside the door right now; today a snowstorm or a thunderstorm is approaching. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over decades.

It s Cold and My Car is Buried in Snow. Is Global Warming Really Happening Union of Concerned Scientists

And they refuse to see the trend that is now 19 years long without warming and 13 years of cooling. Unless you buy cricks or old goats pot of crap adjusted data. When you lie you will always BE FOUND OUT..
No you're not, Billyboob. You use Breitfart as your scientific research.
You are a fool. Simple as that.. You believe anything your masters tell you..

Nope, sorry, I'm going with the "real" scientists on this one.
Well since you're not a scientist how do you know they are correct? Why don't you ask those smart intelligent scientist to provide the experiment that shows that adding 120 PPM of CO2 to the atmosphere changes temperature? Or don't you look for evidence of things people tell you and instead just believe?

BTW, check out Herr Koch and his 1901 experiment that proves the real science.

Because the majority of scientists say Climate Change is man made.
A.... that would be NO... If you believe Cook Et al and his fabrications you would buy this crap.. But in real life...

less than 1% actually attributed all warming to man and Cook was shown a deceiver which is much worse than any one you call a denier.

the consensus project

Left wing nut job think tank.... To funny you post that garbage as proof! It even quotes Cook Et Al as if it has some basis in fact....

Strange that oil wells are included in your pic concerning climate change.

Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.


Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Consensus
And they refuse to see the trend that is now 19 years long without warming and 13 years of cooling. Unless you buy cricks or old goats pot of crap adjusted data. When you lie you will always BE FOUND OUT..

No, you see the latest propaganda now is that it's getting colder BECAUSE of global warming.

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