Where's my Global Warming!

Do you know what percentage of the greenhouse gases CO2 is?

Yes. Why do you think that's important? The fact that you bring up such a red herring would seem to demonstrate how little you know of the science.

Do you know what the most catalytic of the greenhouse gases are?

Vague handwaving with undefined terms.

Of course no one believes in such craziness. You fabricated that nonsense, so don't expect us to defend it.

Do you subscribe to this tautology that implies that the Earth's Climate should not change?

Red herring.

Do you agree that the warming we have experienced since the end of the Little Ice Age around 1820 correlates with the increase in human created CO2 and therefore this additional CO2 MUST be causing the increase in temperatures?

Who feeds you all your strange scientific strawmen? After all, we know you're just parroting someone. Who's your source?

Lol, thanks for your response, douche bag. You make it very plain you do not understand a godamned thing about AGW or climate.
Lol, thanks for your response, douche bag. You make it very plain you do not understand a godamned thing about AGW or climate.

You do turn pissy whenever any of those stupid assertions you can't back up get challenged. I suppose it's an attempt to deflect from the fact you can't ever back anything up.

Whenever you locate your balls and are ready to discuss the science, I'll be around.
lol, there is a cyclic correlation, dude.

There is a slight correlation of temps with the 11-year sunspot cycle, but that's because sunspots and temps are both correlated with TSI, not because sunspots drive climate.

And that slight correlation is overwhelmed by the current warming.

CO2 does not drive climate either, but the whole AGW religious propaganda correlation says it does.
Lol, thanks for your response, douche bag. You make it very plain you do not understand a godamned thing about AGW or climate.

You do turn pissy whenever any of those stupid assertions you can't back up get challenged. I suppose it's an attempt to deflect from the fact you can't ever back anything up.

Whenever you locate your balls and are ready to discuss the science, I'll be around.

You say it is global warming and not 'climate change', and that is directly contrary to the current AGW theory.

So, you defend a theory that basically says you are full of shit.

Maybe there is something to AGW after all!
Was that response supposed to show us YOUR elevated level of climate science knowledge?

Any conversation about "climate change" versus "global warming" is a complete waste and a clear indication that you can't think of anything better to bring up.

The evidence: temperature records, satellite data regarding the radiative imbalance, melting snow and ice worldwide, timing changes in all manner of seasonal biological events, all of it show clearly and indisputably that the world is getting warmer. Attempts to say it is not are just willful ignorance and and an unwillingness to face the facts.

The primary cause for that warming is the greenhouse effect working on human GHG emissions and deforestation which reduces the world's biological CO2 sink. As temperatures rise, more CO2 will be coming out of solution from the ocean. Large amounts of methane will be released as the Arctic permafrost thaws.

Can you refute any of that?
Was that response supposed to show us YOUR elevated level of climate science knowledge?

Any conversation about "climate change" versus "global warming" is a complete waste and a clear indication that you can't think of anything better to bring up.

The evidence: temperature records, satellite data regarding the radiative imbalance, melting snow and ice worldwide, timing changes in all manner of seasonal biological events, all of it show clearly and indisputably that the world is getting warmer. Attempts to say it is not are just willful ignorance and and an unwillingness to face the facts.

The primary cause for that warming is the greenhouse effect working on human GHG emissions and deforestation which reduces the world's biological CO2 sink. As temperatures rise, more CO2 will be coming out of solution from the ocean. Large amounts of methane will be released as the Arctic permafrost thaws.

Can you refute any of that?

And yet the AGW cult can not post one link with datasets with source code to prove that CO2 drives climate, yet they want others to refute scientifically what they can not even prove with religious dogma.
Was that response supposed to show us YOUR elevated level of climate science knowledge?

Any conversation about "climate change" versus "global warming" is a complete waste and a clear indication that you can't think of anything better to bring up.

The evidence: temperature records, satellite data regarding the radiative imbalance, melting snow and ice worldwide, timing changes in all manner of seasonal biological events, all of it show clearly and indisputably that the world is getting warmer. Attempts to say it is not are just willful ignorance and and an unwillingness to face the facts.

The primary cause for that warming is the greenhouse effect working on human GHG emissions and deforestation which reduces the world's biological CO2 sink. As temperatures rise, more CO2 will be coming out of solution from the ocean. Large amounts of methane will be released as the Arctic permafrost thaws.

Can you refute any of that?

Anyone? These are the basics. Refute ANY of this. C'mon.
Record cold In Colorado

The forecast minimum for Fort Collins on Saturday is -1F, which would be the first November 15 below 0F ever recorded there. From my experience, temperatures usually come in several degrees colder than forecast there during Arctic cold snaps.

Record Cold In Colorado Real Science

This is what I woke up to at 0530 this am...
It happens ever winter. The 'tard brigade starts babbling "It's cold! AGW is a hoax!".

Why? Because they're the 'tard brigade. It's what they do.

We're cooling not warming no matter what the global warmest nutjobs say oh your fellow religionist got stuck on the Ice in Antarctica:cuckoo:

Are you a scientist?

Yes I am.. and your point?

No you're not, Billyboob. You use Breitfart as your scientific research.
It happens ever winter. The 'tard brigade starts babbling "It's cold! AGW is a hoax!".

Why? Because they're the 'tard brigade. It's what they do.

We're cooling not warming no matter what the global warmest nutjobs say oh your fellow religionist got stuck on the Ice in Antarctica:cuckoo:

Are you a scientist?

Yes I am.. and your point?

No you're not, Billyboob. You use Breitfart as your scientific research.
You are a fool. Simple as that.. You believe anything your masters tell you..

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