Where's my Global Warming!

Want to know why the weather is so schizo? Simple actually, it's because the jet stream (the dividing line between warm southern weather and cold northern weather) has been going lower and lower more times in recent history.

What is causing this? Many scientists say that it's because of all the pollution in the air, which causes the jet stream to act erratically.

Nope, it's not so much global warming, it's more like global climate change, and if we don't do something soon, it's gonna end up changing the places where we can and can't grow crops.

If we don't adjust, we're all gonna die.

You people are sooo... full of yourselves. We cant control the climate. Not possible, never has been possible. If the climate is changing, it's changing. it's always changing, always has been.

Never said anything about controlling the climate.

Then what is the point of all these Luddite laws the Warmistas keep pushing like the Kyoto Protocal and the laws it would have entailed?

To die starving in the heat?
Like I said before, the Global Warming point of view as follows:

Nah. that's just your crazy point of view. The normal people all understand that warming means warming. It's solely the denialists here who attribute everything to warming. It must be something their cult teaches them to say.
Please us at what point does the Global Warming hypothesis fail then. What are the events that need to occur? Record low temperatures? Record number of storms? Record snow levels?

The AGW Climate Change theory cannot fail; it is a tautology.

And the Warmistas wont give you a fail scenario; they have too much riding on it going on forever.
Like I said before, the Global Warming point of view as follows:

Nah. that's just your crazy point of view. The normal people all understand that warming means warming. It's solely the denialists here who attribute everything to warming. It must be something their cult teaches them to say.

Lol, and Mamooth the fool demonstrates that he/she/it does not understand Climate Change theory.

Why don't you just shut up and go play in the street?
Want to know why the weather is so schizo? Simple actually, it's because the jet stream (the dividing line between warm southern weather and cold northern weather) has been going lower and lower more times in recent history.

What is causing this? Many scientists say that it's because of all the pollution in the air, which causes the jet stream to act erratically.

Nope, it's not so much global warming, it's more like global climate change, and if we don't do something soon, it's gonna end up changing the places where we can and can't grow crops.

If we don't adjust, we're all gonna die.

You people are sooo... full of yourselves. We cant control the climate. Not possible, never has been possible. If the climate is changing, it's changing. it's always changing, always has been.

Never said anything about controlling the climate.

What I DID say was that because of the cumulative effect of all the crap we've dumped into the atmosphere, that is the reason that the jet stream has decided to go all erratic.

Yes, you are correct, the climate DOES change, and will always change, but the garbage we put in the air will have some kind of effect over time.

It's not an intended consequence, but it's something that is happening because of what we've been doing.


if we don't do something soon, it's gonna end up changing the places where we can and can't grow crops.
Some people on this thread like Mamooth should shut up. They add nothing to the discussion and are not any better than a partisan troll.

I apologize for getting Jim so flustered. I sometimes forget just how emotionally invested denialists are in the mythology of their cult's infallibility. When we point out their cult has been lying to them, that's hard for them to process, and they lash out in response. I'll try to be gentler in the future, more considerate of Jim's delicate sensibilities.

You haven't flustered me, not at all.

You are the threads comic relief, dumbass.
Wildcard's scholarly article said:
1. According to a leaked UN report that absolutely rocked the “global warming” believers, the earth has not gotten any warmer for the past 15 years.

Surface warming has slowed. The deep ocean began warming dramatically at the same time and the radiative imbalance at the ToA has actually increased slightly (which all by itself throws everything you've got in the trash). The hiatus is a tick compared to the 1941-1979 dip and is thus within natural variability.

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
2. The amount of ice covering the Arctic is up by 50 percent compared to this time in 2012.


Wildcard's scholarly article said:
3. In just one week in late November, a combined total of more than 1000 new cold temperature and snowfall records were set in the United States.

And that was because of a large Rossby Wave in the jet stream caused by the high temperatures in the Arctic. And if you look at an image of Rossby waves, you will see that for every area that gets cold Arctic air, a region of the Arctic gets warm air from the tropics.


Wildcard's scholarly article said:
4. In just one week in December, a combined total of more than 2000 new cold temperature and snowfall records were set in the United States.

The global temperature did NOT set any records.

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
5. On December 15th, 53 percent of the United States was covered in snow. That was the highest level on this date in 11 years.

See #3. I suspect that is going to be an appropriate answer to a lot of these points.

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
6. A snowstorm that spanned more than 1,000 miles slammed into New England on Sunday.

See #3

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
7. Some areas of upstate New York were hit with about six feet of snow a few days ago.

See #3

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
8. Chicago just experienced that coldest temperatures that it has seen in December in nearly 20 years.

See #3

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
9. On December 7th, Eugene, Oregon recorded the lowest temperature that it has seen since December 11th, 1972.

See #3

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
10. A few days ago, three feet of snow closed roads in Jerusalem. It was the worst snow storm in Israel since 1953.

And in between the NE US and Israel is fond unseasonably warm weather. Rossby Waves. No change in the global temperature. See #3

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
11. Heavy snow also fell on parts of Saudi Arabia. That was considered to be extremely unusual.

See #3

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
12. The recent snowfall in Turkey was so bad that it closed 900 roads.

See #3

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
13. Temperatures have dropped so low that some Syrian war refugees are actually dying from the cold.

See #3

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
14. Cairo, Egypt just had the first snowfall that it has experienced in 100 years.

This is getting boring. See #3

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
15. It was so cold in Canada recently that the Arctic Winter Games biathlon trials were forced indoors.

Surely no one could miss the fact that these 16 reasons are in fact ONE

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
16. According to NASA satellite data, a temperature of minus 135 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded in Antarctica back in July.

So what? One temperature at one time. The global average temperature has not dropped. The ToA imbalance shows, by DIRECT MEASUREMENT, that the Earth is still accumulating heat. If you think this was proof of jack shit, you need to wipe that stupid makeup off your face and go back to school. Like... middle school. Early middle school.
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Wildcard is obsessed with Al Gore. It looks like love.

The Gore Rule was invoked long ago. Whosoever bringeth up Al Gore first forfeits the discussion. There's not a Monckton Rule, but there should be.

Do you practice being stupid or does it come naturally for you?

I'm guessing that it comes naturally for you, because after all you are a libtard.
Wildcard's scholarly article said:
1. According to a leaked UN report that absolutely rocked the “global warming” believers, the earth has not gotten any warmer for the past 15 years.

Surface warming has slowed. The deep ocean began warming dramatically at the same time and the radiative imbalance at the ToA has actually increased slightly (which all by itself throws everything you've got in the trash). The hiatus is a tick compared to the 1941-1979 dip and is thus within natural variability.

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
2. The amount of ice covering the Arctic is up by 50 percent compared to this time in 2012.


And that was because of a large Rossby Wave in the jet stream caused by the high temperatures in the Arctic. And if you look at an image of Rossby waves, you will see that for every area that gets cold Arctic air, a region of the Arctic gets warm air from the tropics.


The global temperature did NOT set any records.

See #3. I suspect that is going to be an appropriate answer to a lot of these points.

See #3

See #3

See #3

See #3

And in between the NE US and Israel is fond unseasonably warm weather. Rossby Waves. No change in the global temperature. See #3

See #3

See #3

See #3

This is getting boring. See #3

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
15. It was so cold in Canada recently that the Arctic Winter Games biathlon trials were forced indoors.

Surely no one could miss the fact that these 16 reasons are in fact ONE

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
16. According to NASA satellite data, a temperature of minus 135 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded in Antarctica back in July.

So what? One temperature at one time. The global average temperature has not dropped. The ToA imbalance shows, by DIRECT MEASUREMENT, that the Earth is still accumulating heat. If you think this was proof of jack shit, you need to wipe that stupid makeup off your face and go back to school. Like... middle school. Early middle school.

Hey Dishonest Abe,

I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong.

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
1. According to a leaked UN report that absolutely rocked the “global warming” believers, the earth has not gotten any warmer for the past 15 years.

Surface warming has slowed. The deep ocean began warming dramatically at the same time and the radiative imbalance at the ToA has actually increased slightly (which all by itself throws everything you've got in the trash). The hiatus is a tick compared to the 1941-1979 dip and is thus within natural variability.

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
2. The amount of ice covering the Arctic is up by 50 percent compared to this time in 2012.


And that was because of a large Rossby Wave in the jet stream caused by the high temperatures in the Arctic. And if you look at an image of Rossby waves, you will see that for every area that gets cold Arctic air, a region of the Arctic gets warm air from the tropics.


The global temperature did NOT set any records.

See #3. I suspect that is going to be an appropriate answer to a lot of these points.

See #3

See #3

See #3

See #3

And in between the NE US and Israel is fond unseasonably warm weather. Rossby Waves. No change in the global temperature. See #3

See #3

See #3

See #3

This is getting boring. See #3

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
15. It was so cold in Canada recently that the Arctic Winter Games biathlon trials were forced indoors.

Surely no one could miss the fact that these 16 reasons are in fact ONE

Wildcard's scholarly article said:
16. According to NASA satellite data, a temperature of minus 135 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded in Antarctica back in July.

So what? One temperature at one time. The global average temperature has not dropped. The ToA imbalance shows, by DIRECT MEASUREMENT, that the Earth is still accumulating heat. If you think this was proof of jack shit, you need to wipe that stupid makeup off your face and go back to school. Like... middle school. Early middle school.

You seem to think that no one could have predicted this and yet a great many did, using sunspot corelations.
Bah, the controversy goes back much further than that, so why limit it to the last year?

So you knew you wouldn't find a single instance of anyone on the rational side caring about Al Gore. Your side has been engaging in a chronic lie campaign about people here "worshipping" Gore. You should have done the decent thing by admitting it and apologizing, but instead you're choosing to deflect with ever more rants about Al Gore.

This is why the Gore Rule exists. That is, whoever brings up Al Gore first loses, because they reveal themselves to be shameless propagandists. And it's always the denialists who bring up Al Gore. They seem to consider Gore to be some kind of deity-figure, albeit an evil one.
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You seem to think that no one could have predicted this and yet a great many did, using sunspot corelations.

It just gets ever more curious, how the magic sunspots drive all climate changes. Even though they don't even manage a correlation with anything. You just have to have faith, I guess.
Any decent scientist should be able to reproduce the RAW data set.

All the datasets are online. Can you not use a search engine? Oh wait, you can't, being you're a cut-and-paste parrot.

You also have some very curious ideas here. Most people understand that, by definition, you can't reproduce raw data. Do you understand what raw data is?

That is all that Kosh is asking for, so why cant any of you Warmistas give him a link to these datasets?

It's like toying with Birthers. We could cut the discussion short, but first we'll amuse ourselves watching you put more layers of tinfoil on your beanie.
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Do you know what percentage of the greenhouse gases CO2 is?

Yes. Why do you think that's important? The fact that you bring up such a red herring would seem to demonstrate how little you know of the science.

Do you know what the most catalytic of the greenhouse gases are?

Vague handwaving with undefined terms.

Do you subscribe to this untestable, nonscientific theory of Climate Change that essentially states that no matter how the weather changes it affirms climate change?

Of course no one believes in such craziness. You fabricated that nonsense, so don't expect us to defend it.

Do you subscribe to this tautology that implies that the Earth's Climate should not change?

Red herring.

Do you agree that the warming we have experienced since the end of the Little Ice Age around 1820 correlates with the increase in human created CO2 and therefore this additional CO2 MUST be causing the increase in temperatures?

Who feeds you all your strange scientific strawmen? After all, we know you're just parroting someone. Who's your source?
Still waiting for the AGW cultists to post actual datasets with source code that proves CO2 controls climate.

Have not seen anything but AGW church propaganda, I guess that is all they have.
You seem to think that no one could have predicted this and yet a great many did, using sunspot corelations.

Predicted what? The hiatus? The drop in TSI has been known since it began but is responsible for only a very tiny portion of the warming slowdown. The amount of heat going into the deep ocean vice remaining on the Earth's surface is orders of magnitude larger than the drop in TSI. And work with TSI - particularly real time - no longer makes use of sunspots. Welcome to the satellite age.
You seem to think that no one could have predicted this and yet a great many did, using sunspot corelations.

Predicted what? The hiatus? The drop in TSI has been known since it began but is responsible for only a very tiny portion of the warming slowdown. The amount of heat going into the deep ocean vice remaining on the Earth's surface is orders of magnitude larger than the drop in TSI. And work with TSI - particularly real time - no longer makes use of sunspots. Welcome to the satellite age.

And the AGW church propaganda rolls along...

Kind of hard to believe a hiatus when you promote a hockey stick as valid science.
You seem to think that no one could have predicted this and yet a great many did, using sunspot corelations.

Predicted what? The hiatus? The drop in TSI has been known since it began but is responsible for only a very tiny portion of the warming slowdown. The amount of heat going into the deep ocean vice remaining on the Earth's surface is orders of magnitude larger than the drop in TSI. And work with TSI - particularly real time - no longer makes use of sunspots. Welcome to the satellite age.

And the AGW church propaganda rolls along...

Kind of hard to believe a hiatus when you promote a hockey stick as valid science.
You seem to think that no one could have predicted this and yet a great many did, using sunspot corelations.

It just gets ever more curious, how the magic sunspots drive all climate changes. Even though they don't even manage a correlation with anything. You just have to have faith, I guess.

lol, there is a cyclic correlation, dude.

just because you are ignorant of it doesn't mean it don't exist.
You seem to think that no one could have predicted this and yet a great many did, using sunspot corelations.

Predicted what? The hiatus? The drop in TSI has been known since it began but is responsible for only a very tiny portion of the warming slowdown. The amount of heat going into the deep ocean vice remaining on the Earth's surface is orders of magnitude larger than the drop in TSI. And work with TSI - particularly real time - no longer makes use of sunspots. Welcome to the satellite age.

Who predicted this cold winter in the US and Europe.

Weather Eye: 'Old Farmer's Almanac' correctly predicted this harsh winter | The Columbian

Report: Farmers? Almanac more accurate than government climate scientists | The Daily Caller

Who did NOT predict this cold winter:

The Official Forecast of the U.S. Government Never Saw This Winter Coming - Businessweek


The big red blotch in the top map represents parts of the country in which the Climate Prediction Center forecast above-average temperatures. The frigid-looking blue blotch in the bottom “verification” map shows areas where temperatures turned out to be below average.

“Not one of our better forecasts,” admits Mike Halpert, the Climate Prediction Center’s acting director. The center grades itself on what it calls the Heidke skill score, which ranges from 100 (perfection) to -50 (monkeys throwing darts would have done better). October’s forecast for the three-month period of November through January came in at -22. Truth be told, the September prediction for October-December was slightly worse, at -23. The main cause in both cases was the same: Underestimating the mammoth December cold wave, which brought snow to Dallas and chilled partiers in Times Square on New Year’s Eve.

Report: Farmers? Almanac more accurate than government climate scientists | The Daily Caller

This exceptionally cold and snowy winter has shown that government climate scientists were dead wrong when it came to predicting just how cold this winter would be, while the 197-year old Farmers’ Almanac predicted this winter would be “bitterly cold”.

Bloomberg Businessweek reports that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) predicted temperatures would be “above normal from November through January across much of the lower 48 states.”

This, however, was dead wrong. As Bloomberg notes, the CPC underestimated the “mammoth December cold wave, which brought snow to Dallas and chilled partiers in Times Square on New Year’s Eve.”


CPC grades its prediction accuracy on a Heidke skill score, which ranges from 100 (perfect accuracy) to -50 (no better than playing pin the tail on the donkey while blindfolded).

CPC’s score for October’s weather predictions for November through January was -22 and the September weather prediction for October through December was at -23.

“Not one of our better forecasts,” Mike Halpert, the Climate Prediction Center’s acting director, told Bloomberg Businessweek.

What actually happened this winter? A “polar vortex” swept down and caused every state except Florida to experience snowfall and brought about 4,406 record low temperatures across the U.S. in January along with 1,073 record snowfalls.

The most recent winter storm that slammed into the eastern U.S. last week knocked out power for more than 1 million people in the Southeast and caused 21 deaths along the East Coast. More than 2,500 flights were delayed last Friday and 1,500 were canceled from East Coast airports.


Who could have predicted such a harsh winter? The Farmers Almanac did, according to a CBS News report from August 2013. The nearly 200-year old publication hit newsstands last summer and predicted that “a winter storm will hit the Northeast around the time the Super Bowl is played at MetLife Stadium in the Meadowlands in New Jersey,” and also predicted “a colder-than-normal winter for two-thirds of the country and heavy snowfall in the Midwest, Great Lakes and New England.”

“We’re using a very strong four-letter word to describe this winter, which is C-O-L-D. It’s going to be very cold,” Sandi Duncan, the almanac’s managing editor, told CBS News in August....

The Farmers’ Almanac makes predictions based on planetary positions, sunspots and lunar cycles — a prediction system that has remained largely unchanged since its first publication in 1818. While modern scientists don’t put much stock in the almanac’s way of doing things, the book says it’s accurate about 80 percent of the time.

If only US climate scientists had used real science instead of AGW bullshit maybe they would have called it right like Farmers Almanac. And how does FA call the weather months in advance? Well it is complicated but among the things they look at are.....SUN SPOTS!

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