Where's the Liberal Outrage Over the Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens Every Year?

Yes Tommy its a shame, shame on us, the news reporters are saying his net postings include saying he wants to kill people with an ak14, & how come no one noticed, hell we have so many posts here about killing people, shooting people hurting people who don't think like them, the police, FBI, & every agency could never find enough hours to check out every nitwit that posts on social media, to bad because he may have stuck out be for hate mania became so popular.
About 99% of shootings and other violent felonies in the US are committed by The Left and that’s a fact.
Your post is complete horseshit. The people on the front lines against MS-13 are mostly liberals.
WINNER! Biggest lie of the day!
Yeah you rubes in flyover country are doing just ever so much to fight against the MS-13 people that you’ve never ever seen or been anywhere near


Oh STFU, you leftards want to give them sanctuary.

Well it was a citizen today, and not black either. Most mass shootings are done by white citizens.

On the other hand...how many illegal aliens drive without a license? How many people do they kill every year? One estimate puts the figure as high as 3,500 every year. So, how many are you willing to see killed by illegal drivers?

"One in every five fatal car crashes in the United States each year involves a driver who does not have a valid license or whose license status is a mystery to law enforcement, according to a study released Wednesday.

The report, “Unlicensed to Kill,” sponsored by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, said that 8,400 people die on average each year in crashes with unlicensed drivers. It also found that 28 percent of the lawbreaking drivers had received three or more license suspensions or revocations in the three years before their fatal collision."

Report: Beware of Unlicensed Drivers

On the other hand...how many illegal aliens drive without a license? How many people do they kill every year? One estimate puts the figure as high as 3,500 every year. So, how many are you willing to see killed by illegal drivers?

"One in every five fatal car crashes in the United States each year involves a driver who does not have a valid license or whose license status is a mystery to law enforcement, according to a study released Wednesday.

The report, “Unlicensed to Kill,” sponsored by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, said that 8,400 people die on average each year in crashes with unlicensed drivers. It also found that 28 percent of the lawbreaking drivers had received three or more license suspensions or revocations in the three years before their fatal collision."

Report: Beware of Unlicensed Drivers

your link says nothing about illegals and has no reference to the 3500 number, which i assume you made up.

so, like you, i don't know how many illegals drive without a license nor do i know how many people are killed.

i do know that the overall crime rate, which i presume includes vehicular homicides, is lower for immigrants than for native born americans.
In the wake of another tragic, sickening school shooting, liberals of course have trotted out their predictable "outrage" over gun ownership and their usual smears against pro-gun groups. Yet, liberals are the same folks who have said *nothing* about the Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens over the past several years. Liberals are also the same folks who opposed Kate's Law. And liberals are the same folks who belittled President Trump's warning about MS-13 in his SOTU address, calling his warning "fear mongering" and "exaggeration," etc., even though MS-13 has some 10,000 members in the U.S. and kills hundreds of people per year in the U.S. (many/most of them fellow immigrants).

If MS-13 targeted only gays and lesbians, you can bet liberals would be screaming for using the National Guard against them and for deporting every last one of them.

So, liberals, why do you go into hysterics against gun ownership every time there's a school shooting but say nothing about MS-13's brutality and the Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens over the last few years? Why don't you express outrage over the sanctuary cities that are making it much harder for DHS to move against MS-13? Why did you cheer when Senate Dems blocked Kate's Law? Why weren't you outraged at the pinko San Francisco jury that let Kate Steinle's repeatedly deported killer walk away without even a manslaughter conviction?
Your post is complete horseshit. The people on the front lines against MS-13 are mostly liberals.
WINNER! Biggest lie of the day!
Yeah you rubes in flyover country are doing just ever so much to fight against the MS-13 people that you’ve never ever seen or been anywhere near


Oh STFU, you leftards want to give them sanctuary.
False flag Dale ?

It definitely has the markings of a false flag/Operation Gladio type of event. Same ol M.O, same rhetoric and before the body count is even done, the media is calling for gun control. This spew was going on before the alleged culprit was arrested. How did this kid even get into the school with a weapon? If he was walking into the school at the beginning of the day, someone would have seen him. If he got in after the school day had started, how did he just walk in? I do not know of a school that doesn't have a security system where you have to be "buzzed" in and then escorted to the office to "sign in". Something reeks here big time.

Sandy Hoax, the Pulse Nite club, Charleston, Aurora, Colorado......all were either psy-ops or Operation Gladio type events.
Where's the Liberal Outrage Over the Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens Every Year?

Duh, thanks for the deflection. What are the percentages compared to white homegrown terrorists?
And then the blame game starts, not a single thought about the poor dead kids & there parents.

Our lamestream media certainly didn't care.....they were spewing anti-gun rhetoric before the perp was even arrested and leftards here started creating threads about the 2nd amendment before the body count was even known.
Your post is complete horseshit. The people on the front lines against MS-13 are mostly liberals.
WINNER! Biggest lie of the day!
Yeah you rubes in flyover country are doing just ever so much to fight against the MS-13 people that you’ve never ever seen or been anywhere near


Oh STFU, you leftards want to give them sanctuary.
False flag Dale ?

It definitely has the markings of a false flag/Operation Gladio type of event. Same ol M.O, same rhetoric and before the body count is even done, the media is calling for gun control. This spew was going on before the alleged culprit was arrested. How did this kid even get into the school with a weapon? If he was walking into the school at the beginning of the day, someone would have seen him. If he got in after the school day had started, how did he just walk in? I do not know of a school that doesn't have a security system where you have to be "buzzed" in and then escorted to the office to "sign in". Something reeks here big time.

Sandy Hoax, the Pulse Nite club, Charleston, Aurora, Colorado......all were either psy-ops or Operation Gladio type events.

You're as predictable as a Tijuana whore with a ping pong ball.
WINNER! Biggest lie of the day!
Yeah you rubes in flyover country are doing just ever so much to fight against the MS-13 people that you’ve never ever seen or been anywhere near


Oh STFU, you leftards want to give them sanctuary.
False flag Dale ?

It definitely has the markings of a false flag/Operation Gladio type of event. Same ol M.O, same rhetoric and before the body count is even done, the media is calling for gun control. This spew was going on before the alleged culprit was arrested. How did this kid even get into the school with a weapon? If he was walking into the school at the beginning of the day, someone would have seen him. If he got in after the school day had started, how did he just walk in? I do not know of a school that doesn't have a security system where you have to be "buzzed" in and then escorted to the office to "sign in". Something reeks here big time.

Sandy Hoax, the Pulse Nite club, Charleston, Aurora, Colorado......all were either psy-ops or Operation Gladio type events.

You're as predictable as a Tijuana whore with a ping pong ball.

And dumber.
Yeah you rubes in flyover country are doing just ever so much to fight against the MS-13 people that you’ve never ever seen or been anywhere near


Oh STFU, you leftards want to give them sanctuary.
False flag Dale ?

It definitely has the markings of a false flag/Operation Gladio type of event. Same ol M.O, same rhetoric and before the body count is even done, the media is calling for gun control. This spew was going on before the alleged culprit was arrested. How did this kid even get into the school with a weapon? If he was walking into the school at the beginning of the day, someone would have seen him. If he got in after the school day had started, how did he just walk in? I do not know of a school that doesn't have a security system where you have to be "buzzed" in and then escorted to the office to "sign in". Something reeks here big time.

Sandy Hoax, the Pulse Nite club, Charleston, Aurora, Colorado......all were either psy-ops or Operation Gladio type events.

You're as predictable as a Tijuana whore with a ping pong ball.

And dumber.

Didn't you hear? He edumucated himself on how government works.
The same number of kids are killed on a weekly basis in the gun control capital of Chicago every week. The Dems don’t care about that though. It’s always the guns.
Oh STFU, you leftards want to give them sanctuary.
False flag Dale ?

It definitely has the markings of a false flag/Operation Gladio type of event. Same ol M.O, same rhetoric and before the body count is even done, the media is calling for gun control. This spew was going on before the alleged culprit was arrested. How did this kid even get into the school with a weapon? If he was walking into the school at the beginning of the day, someone would have seen him. If he got in after the school day had started, how did he just walk in? I do not know of a school that doesn't have a security system where you have to be "buzzed" in and then escorted to the office to "sign in". Something reeks here big time.

Sandy Hoax, the Pulse Nite club, Charleston, Aurora, Colorado......all were either psy-ops or Operation Gladio type events.

You're as predictable as a Tijuana whore with a ping pong ball.

And dumber.

Didn't you hear? He edumucated himself on how government works.

Both you and Lakhota are incredibly ignorant with double digit IQs.
False flag Dale ?

It definitely has the markings of a false flag/Operation Gladio type of event. Same ol M.O, same rhetoric and before the body count is even done, the media is calling for gun control. This spew was going on before the alleged culprit was arrested. How did this kid even get into the school with a weapon? If he was walking into the school at the beginning of the day, someone would have seen him. If he got in after the school day had started, how did he just walk in? I do not know of a school that doesn't have a security system where you have to be "buzzed" in and then escorted to the office to "sign in". Something reeks here big time.

Sandy Hoax, the Pulse Nite club, Charleston, Aurora, Colorado......all were either psy-ops or Operation Gladio type events.

You're as predictable as a Tijuana whore with a ping pong ball.

And dumber.

Didn't you hear? He edumucated himself on how government works.

Both you and Lakhota are incredibly ignorant with double digit IQs.
Double digit seems like a stretch.
The same number of kids are killed on a weekly basis in the gun control capital of Chicago every week. The Dems don’t care about that though. It’s always the guns.
Look... we live in a country of gun nuts that have flooded the nation with more than 400 million guns, making it easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere in the world... and that's not on Dems. They pass what laws they can, while republicans just don't give a shit and try to put more guns into circulation. What has Trump done about Chicago? Nothing. And you don't care.

And guess what, anybody that lives in Chicago is free to go buy a gun whenever they want. That's some egg on your face right there.
False flag Dale ?

It definitely has the markings of a false flag/Operation Gladio type of event. Same ol M.O, same rhetoric and before the body count is even done, the media is calling for gun control. This spew was going on before the alleged culprit was arrested. How did this kid even get into the school with a weapon? If he was walking into the school at the beginning of the day, someone would have seen him. If he got in after the school day had started, how did he just walk in? I do not know of a school that doesn't have a security system where you have to be "buzzed" in and then escorted to the office to "sign in". Something reeks here big time.

Sandy Hoax, the Pulse Nite club, Charleston, Aurora, Colorado......all were either psy-ops or Operation Gladio type events.

You're as predictable as a Tijuana whore with a ping pong ball.

And dumber.

Didn't you hear? He edumucated himself on how government works.

Both you and Lakhota are incredibly ignorant with double digit IQs.

How can you take someone who insults your intelligence seriously when they're too stupid to know what a condensation trail is?
Wonder what the stats are?
Number of guns used in non self defense killings versus number of illegals involved in killings?
In the wake of another tragic, sickening school shooting, liberals of course have trotted out their predictable "outrage" over gun ownership and their usual smears against pro-gun groups. Yet, liberals are the same folks who have said *nothing* about the Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens over the past several years. Liberals are also the same folks who opposed Kate's Law. And liberals are the same folks who belittled President Trump's warning about MS-13 in his SOTU address, calling his warning "fear mongering" and "exaggeration," etc., even though MS-13 has some 10,000 members in the U.S. and kills hundreds of people per year in the U.S. (many/most of them fellow immigrants).

If MS-13 targeted only gays and lesbians, you can bet liberals would be screaming for using the National Guard against them and for deporting every last one of them.

So, liberals, why do you go into hysterics against gun ownership every time there's a school shooting but say nothing about MS-13's brutality and the Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens over the last few years? Why don't you express outrage over the sanctuary cities that are making it much harder for DHS to move against MS-13? Why did you cheer when Senate Dems blocked Kate's Law? Why weren't you outraged at the pinko San Francisco jury that let Kate Steinle's repeatedly deported killer walk away without even a manslaughter conviction?
Because it's a drop in the bucket compared to all the murders committed by armed and crazy white wingers.
Las Vegas
Today in Florida.
It definitely has the markings of a false flag/Operation Gladio type of event. Same ol M.O, same rhetoric and before the body count is even done, the media is calling for gun control. This spew was going on before the alleged culprit was arrested. How did this kid even get into the school with a weapon? If he was walking into the school at the beginning of the day, someone would have seen him. If he got in after the school day had started, how did he just walk in? I do not know of a school that doesn't have a security system where you have to be "buzzed" in and then escorted to the office to "sign in". Something reeks here big time.

Sandy Hoax, the Pulse Nite club, Charleston, Aurora, Colorado......all were either psy-ops or Operation Gladio type events.

You're as predictable as a Tijuana whore with a ping pong ball.

And dumber.

Didn't you hear? He edumucated himself on how government works.

Both you and Lakhota are incredibly ignorant with double digit IQs.

How can you take someone who insults your intelligence seriously when they're too stupid to know what a condensation trail is?

Condensation trails do not stretch out for miles and spread out while lasting for hours. You REALLY believe that this is normal???????? Seriously? And you wonder as to why I believe that you have a double digit IQ???

In the wake of another tragic, sickening school shooting, liberals of course have trotted out their predictable "outrage" over gun ownership and their usual smears against pro-gun groups. Yet, liberals are the same folks who have said *nothing* about the Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens over the past several years. Liberals are also the same folks who opposed Kate's Law. And liberals are the same folks who belittled President Trump's warning about MS-13 in his SOTU address, calling his warning "fear mongering" and "exaggeration," etc., even though MS-13 has some 10,000 members in the U.S. and kills hundreds of people per year in the U.S. (many/most of them fellow immigrants).

If MS-13 targeted only gays and lesbians, you can bet liberals would be screaming for using the National Guard against them and for deporting every last one of them.

So, liberals, why do you go into hysterics against gun ownership every time there's a school shooting but say nothing about MS-13's brutality and the Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens over the last few years? Why don't you express outrage over the sanctuary cities that are making it much harder for DHS to move against MS-13? Why did you cheer when Senate Dems blocked Kate's Law? Why weren't you outraged at the pinko San Francisco jury that let Kate Steinle's repeatedly deported killer walk away without even a manslaughter conviction?
Because it's a drop in the bucket compared to all the murders committed by armed and crazy white wingers.
Las Vegas
Today in Florida.
No it’s not, but you’re just hypocrites we know. Talk out both sides of their mouth

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