Where's The Mass Exodus of Scout Troops?

The fracture lines get a little bigger and a little deeper. Ultimately the lines will break which can't be considered a bad thing.
I'm sure with some people self-loathing of their own attractions are a reason, but by and large, that insinuation is bullshit used by leftists in an attempt to stifle dialogue. Most people oppose homosexuality primarily due to their own religious beliefs that it is sinful and thus a perversion and as such has been looked at as a culture taboo for thousands of years. It's very hard to change mainstream thought. When you've been raised your whole life to believe a certain way you aren't going to change those beliefs over night.

What exactly makes it BS? Its a study which people on the right use all the time to make their points. Whats BS is that the opposition is due to their religion. I know plenty of Christians who say "its not for me but I am not the judge of what another person does. Only God can do that". Religion is a weak ass excuse for it. its plain and simple fear and self loathing just like everything else people rabidly hate.

It is only weak to the unfaithful

tapatalk post
false! it's just weak in general....
I'm sure with some people self-loathing of their own attractions are a reason, but by and large, that insinuation is bullshit used by leftists in an attempt to stifle dialogue. Most people oppose homosexuality primarily due to their own religious beliefs that it is sinful and thus a perversion and as such has been looked at as a culture taboo for thousands of years. It's very hard to change mainstream thought. When you've been raised your whole life to believe a certain way you aren't going to change those beliefs over night.

What exactly makes it BS? Its a study which people on the right use all the time to make their points. Whats BS is that the opposition is due to their religion. I know plenty of Christians who say "its not for me but I am not the judge of what another person does. Only God can do that". Religion is a weak ass excuse for it. its plain and simple fear and self loathing just like everything else people rabidly hate.

Lol, you pervs are so funny at rationalizing why people are in opposition.

The fact is the Bible says it is a sin, and so for most of us that means; case closed.
really?you people use the bible to rationalize your fear and hate...
the bible is not the final and only wisdom in life.....
Today was the beginning of a welcomed new era for the Boy Scouts, as openly gay scouts are now allowed to participate. Despite screams of boycotts and a mass exodus from anti-gay groups, very few have left and those that have have been replaced by even more supportive groups.

A new policy allowing openly gay youth to participate in Boy Scouts of America — but continuing to prohibit LGBT adults from serving as leaders — went into effect Wednesday. But despite dire warnings from anti-LGBT activists that even this half-measure would be “catastrophic” for the organization, very few religious organizations have abandoned the organization over the policy.
The organization voted to lift its ban on gay youth last May, with 61 percent in support. At the same time, it reaffirmed its policy requiring discrimination against any openly LGBT person over the age of 18.
A few religious groups objected to even this partial change. The Assemblies of God, an anti-gay Pentecostal denomination, and the Southern Baptist Convention both promised a “mass exodus” from the organization and a small group of anti-LGBT activists have launched a Christian-only BSA alternative.
But the mass exodus has simply not materialized. A BSA spokesman noted that the vast majority of religious groups have stayed with the organization despite the policy shift. The BSA estimates that less than 2 percent of its 116,000 Scout units were abandoned by their sponsors.
And even in some very conservative places, those abandoned troops have found new backers. Joey Kiker, spokesman for the Greater Alabama Council in Birmingham, told a local newpsaper that while a few churches that sponsored Scout units have left, “every single unit that lost a charter partner, within an hour, had a new charter partner.” And Brad Haddock, a national board member from Wichita, Kansas likened the warnings to the Y2K scare. “There hasn’t been a whole lot of fallout,” he told the Associated Press, observing that “If a church said they wouldn’t work with us, we’d have a church right down the street say, ‘We’ll take the troop.’”

I'm standing on the sidelines on this issue.

But that is part of the problem.

Over the last five or more decades, good Americans ignored their own principles and traditions and beliefs in order to allow the whining, vocal majorities and minorities to achieve what they believed was progress.

But it was not progress at all.

And now that we see what has become of America by standing aside and letting the Libs have their way all the time, we see that the Libs and radicals and, whatever the hell Obama is, have now gained access to the bridge on the ship of state and we KNOW they can't drive well.

Yet, we stand aside and do nothing yet again.

So as not to stand in the way of progress and to maintain domestic tranquility.

Anyway, a great exodus wasn't to be expected by anyone knowledgeable on the subject.

Here's a thought.

Why don't you go somewhere and become so?

By the way, have any of you Libs ever stopped to realize that when we did dominate the society and culture and economy in post WWII America, we did not destroy Liberalism when we might have.

But now that you have gained power the first thing you guys would do is destroy Conservatism and the GOP and Christianity/Judaism.

You teach us that the next time we get the chance to call the shots, knowing you are at war with US and the America which gave you so much, we shouldn't be as generous and magnanimous or conciliatory with you guys.
if you're on the sidelines then stfu...
You should also have no doubt that 'National Socialist' is a libtard sock, Sherlock.

No actual neoNazi would advertise the fact so that people wouldn't reflexively dismiss him. If this loon is not a sock then he has to be the stupidest moron on the planet, and methinks him being a sock is just way more likely.

No, he's a Rightie and yer stuck with him...

Then you are too stupid to discuss the matter with.
jim bob is sceerd!
The fracture lines get a little bigger and a little deeper. Ultimately the lines will break which can't be considered a bad thing.
A little less Demerol for this patient, nurse.

Daws will be begging for Demoral once his HIV turns into full blown AIDS. God knows one of the best ways to rid the population of sexual deviants is to have a disease that kills primarily them.
The fracture lines get a little bigger and a little deeper. Ultimately the lines will break which can't be considered a bad thing.
A little less Demerol for this patient, nurse.

Daws will be begging for Demoral once his HIV turns into full blown AIDS. God knows one of the best ways to rid the population of sexual deviants is to have a disease that kills primarily them.

And the assholian of the year award, ladies and gentlemen, may just end up being awarded to a bullet this time.
The fracture lines get a little bigger and a little deeper. Ultimately the lines will break which can't be considered a bad thing.
A little less Demerol for this patient, nurse.

Daws will be begging for Demoral once his HIV turns into full blown AIDS. God knows one of the best ways to rid the population of sexual deviants is to have a disease that kills primarily them.
only in your wildest homoerotic fantasies...
but that's to be expected....
not to wreak havoc on your false witnessing ,,,I'm not gay...just an emotionally and sexually mature adult male....
it's ironic that you so called straight guys talk more about and think more about gay sex then all of my gay friends and family members put together...
time to back off on the internet porn...don't ya think...?
A little less Demerol for this patient, nurse.

Daws will be begging for Demoral once his HIV turns into full blown AIDS. God knows one of the best ways to rid the population of sexual deviants is to have a disease that kills primarily them.

And the assholian of the year award, ladies and gentlemen, may just end up being awarded to a bullet this time.
He's also in line for homophobic liar of the year!
Daws will be begging for Demoral once his HIV turns into full blown AIDS. God knows one of the best ways to rid the population of sexual deviants is to have a disease that kills primarily them.

And the assholian of the year award, ladies and gentlemen, may just end up being awarded to a bullet this time.
He's also in line for homophobic liar of the year!

You misspelled "homosexual", I think...
And the assholian of the year award, ladies and gentlemen, may just end up being awarded to a bullet this time.
He's also in line for homophobic liar of the year!

You misspelled "homosexual", I think...
ah no ...Definition of homophobic (adj)
Bing Dictionary
ho·mo·pho·bic[ hmə fṓbik ]
having irrational hatred of homosexuality: showing an irrational hatred, disapproval, or fear of homosexuality, gay and lesbian people, or their culture....:lol:
Gays will bunghole themselves to death.

CDC ? HIV in the United States ? Statistics Overview ? Statistics Center ? HIV/AIDS

Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) of all races and ethnicities remain the population most profoundly affected by HIV.
In 2010, the estimated number of new HIV infections among MSM was 29,800, a significant 12% increase from the 26,700 new infections among MSM in 2008.
Although MSM represent about 4% of the male population in the United States4, in 2010, MSM accounted for 78% of new HIV infections among males and 63% of all new infections2. MSM accounted for 52% of all people living with HIV infection in 2009, the most recent year these data are available1.
In 2010, white MSM continued to account for the largest number of new HIV infections (11,200), by transmission category, followed closely by black MSM (10,600)2.
The estimated number of new HIV infections was greatest among MSM in the youngest age group. In 2010, the greatest number of new HIV infections (4,800) among MSM occurred in young black/African American MSM aged 13–24. Young black MSM accounted for 45% of new HIV infections among black MSM and 55% of new HIV infections among young MSM overall.
Since the epidemic began, an estimated 302,148 MSM with an AIDS diagnosis have died, including an estimated 5,909 in 2013.
He's also in line for homophobic liar of the year!

You misspelled "homosexual", I think...
ah no ...Definition of homophobic (adj)
Bing Dictionary
ho·mo·pho·bic[ hmə fṓbik ]
having irrational hatred of homosexuality: showing an irrational hatred, disapproval, or fear of homosexuality, gay and lesbian people, or their culture....:lol:

Ahhhh, but the ones who scream the loudest are usually...
He's also in line for homophobic liar of the year!

You misspelled "homosexual", I think...
ah no ...Definition of homophobic (adj)
Bing Dictionary
ho·mo·pho·bic[ hmə fṓbik ]
having irrational hatred of homosexuality: showing an irrational hatred, disapproval, or fear of homosexuality, gay and lesbian people, or their culture....:lol:

What's killing the perverts is not policy or hatred but a virus that has no emotion. It won't stop till all perverts are dead and the innocents that the pervs seem to want to take with them to their perverse Hell. :cuckoo:
Gays will bunghole themselves to death.

CDC ? HIV in the United States ? Statistics Overview ? Statistics Center ? HIV/AIDS

Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) of all races and ethnicities remain the population most profoundly affected by HIV.
In 2010, the estimated number of new HIV infections among MSM was 29,800, a significant 12% increase from the 26,700 new infections among MSM in 2008.
Although MSM represent about 4% of the male population in the United States4, in 2010, MSM accounted for 78% of new HIV infections among males and 63% of all new infections2. MSM accounted for 52% of all people living with HIV infection in 2009, the most recent year these data are available1.
In 2010, white MSM continued to account for the largest number of new HIV infections (11,200), by transmission category, followed closely by black MSM (10,600)2.
The estimated number of new HIV infections was greatest among MSM in the youngest age group. In 2010, the greatest number of new HIV infections (4,800) among MSM occurred in young black/African American MSM aged 13–24. Young black MSM accounted for 45% of new HIV infections among black MSM and 55% of new HIV infections among young MSM overall.
Since the epidemic began, an estimated 302,148 MSM with an AIDS diagnosis have died, including an estimated 5,909 in 2013.
thanks for proving my point....

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